Fat Tiger wants to live a leisurely life

Chapter 363: I am a big star doing this kind of thing?

Chapter 363: I am a big star doing this kind of thing?
"Then the question is, what are you doing when they call grandpa? I heard you keep shouting yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, they of them called you, do they call you?"

Cheng Hao asked. He was thinking that grandpa should be the one to go and hand over the power of the Hongta Mountain Siberian Tiger Forest Park to him. Then he would announce the closure of the Hongta Mountain Siberian Tiger Forest Park so that he could sleep peacefully.

Why is this not the case now?What the hell are those guys doing over there?

"Of course not, they are planning to change the venue of the meeting to our side." The principal knocked on Cheng Hao's big head and said: "So I hope we can free up a conference room for them to use. "

"Is this like this? Does that mean we have to build a new conference room here?" Cheng Hao said with some disappointment. Originally, today was his day to be the principal.

As a result, grandpa was not sent over there, but was he planning to change the meeting location to here?He was so disappointed.

"Of course not, but when the site is selected, it will be on our side. They are planning to mark off an area on the open space opposite the Tiger Garden. It will be used to build a temporary meeting place."

"Well, this is a world-wide conference after all. Isn't it a bit too hasty to choose the address in the open space across the street?" Cheng Hao said weakly. This kind of world-wide large-scale conference actually only has Are we going to have a simple meeting opposite?This is too outrageous.

"Of course not. You have to know that when you are better than others, whatever you say is what you say. Even if you let them sit in the pit for a meeting, they will not have any objection."

"What's more, the superiors have no intention of having a good talk with them this time. After all, our country has finally stabilized. How can we have time to care about other countries? We are neither his father nor his mother." The principal explained with a smile. .

"I see. No wonder the place chosen this time was so hasty." Cheng Hao suddenly realized that emotionally he was treating these guys as callers. No wonder they chose a temporary meeting venue.

"Yes, they called me because they hoped that we could cook some food and send it over." The director smiled.

"Do you want meals and vegetables delivered from our Tiger Park? Can these guys get used to it?" Cheng Hao asked curiously. These foreigners either eat steak or bread. Hongtashan Siberian Tiger Park doesn't seem to have such a thing. Eat it, at most someone would buy him a cake.

When the time comes, I serve these guys a big stew with some spicy vegetables. Will they really be able to eat it?
"This is not something we can consider. We can all eat it. They don't have much money, so of course they can eat it."

"Besides, these guys even drink raw water. What else are there to be afraid of?" the director said. The reason why these foreign guys are like this is thanks to their fine tradition of drinking raw water.

As a result, more than half of the people in the country have become mutants, and now they are all like this.They don't even reflect on it.

"That's true. Let's just treat them as experiencing our specialties." Cheng Hao nodded in agreement, feeling a little regretful that he couldn't hold the position of director.

"Yes, so I'm going to work on this now. Do you want to come with me, you little rascal?" the principal asked with a smile.

"Okay, it just so happens that I want to take a look too." Cheng Hao nodded and said. He was very interested in building a temporary conference venue. Since grandpa said it, he would follow over and have a look.

"Then let's go." The principal said and walked outside.

Not long after, we arrived at the entrance of Hongta Mountain Siberian Tiger Forest Park.

Cheng Hao, who had a foam box on his head and foam boxes on both sides of his back, said, "Grandpa, I am a tiger, not a horse. Can someone else do this kind of food delivery job? I am also a big star after all. , this is very cheap, okay?”

I originally thought I was following him to watch the fun, good guy, but as soon as I left the office door, I walked towards the cafeteria.

Seeing this scene, he thought he was going to eat first and then watch, but in the end, they tied him with a rope.

This plot cannot be said to be exactly the same as what he imagined. It can only be said that it has nothing to do with it, okay?
No one treats a little tiger like this, asking him to carry food on his back. How much does the food cost at the construction site?
"Big stars also have to work, big stars also have to eat, and big stars are not that powerful, so it's normal for you to carry the food on your back." The principal walking beside put his hands in his pockets and said, "Walk well , don’t wander around, you know? The vegetable water will be poured out later."

"Since grandpa, you know this is going to happen, why don't you use a sightseeing car to take you there? The car is obviously much more stable than mine, okay?" Cheng Hao said, grandpa, he also knows that he may not be stable when walking. Shake out the vegetable water?

I'd rather drive a sightseeing bus over there to see him off.

"You need to use electricity to drive there. You have to go there anyway. Can't you just carry it on your back?" The principal explained. They all have to go there anyway. You need electricity to go there by car. It only takes a few steps to get there. ah?It's just right for this little bad guy to carry on his back, since it doesn't weigh much anyway.

"But the question is how much does one kilowatt hour of electricity cost now? How much can we save by driving a sightseeing car? Grandpa, can you please stop being so picky?" Cheng Hao complained, just to save this little money?

"This is how you save money step by step, otherwise we can make you fat and strong? Have you ever fallen from the sky before?" The principal educated him with serious words, reaching out and patting Cheng Hao. Big head: "Don't raise your head so high, keep it flat. You're still carrying food on your back."

"I know, I know, I'm the worst star, and I have to work part-time as a mule." Cheng Hao said depressedly, hoping that he would still have food left for him when he arrived at the other side, otherwise it would be really hard for him to go all the way. What a loss.



Excavators and other large machinery are busy in the open space beside the road. Team members wearing safety helmets are urgently building a temporary meeting venue according to the drawings. According to the above requirements, the meeting venue must be large enough, at least as big as a lecture theater.

Then there must be public toilets with toilets, and the ground must be covered with cement and hardened.

In case it rains, everyone’s feet will be covered in mud.

This kind of project is not difficult for them, even a little simple.If I asked them why, it would be a long story. They are the repairmen responsible for the battlefield.

It’s easy to build a small one-story building and just provide water and electricity.

"Everyone, please take a break and come over to eat. You have made good progress, can you finish it tomorrow and the day after tomorrow?" Looking at the busy people, the director said.

As expected, he is specifically responsible for this area, and he is very efficient in doing things.

How much effort does this take?The foundation has already been laid.

"Well, that's about right. Mr. Consultant." After hearing this, the captain of the construction team said, looking at Cheng Hao who was carrying a foam box on his back, he said:
"Hey Daju, are you playing the role of a delivery boy today?"

"Do you think I have the free time to perform? I was caught as a coolie. Grandpa didn't pay me any wages, so he treated me like a little tiger like a donkey." Cheng Hao said angrily when he was looked at.

He also acted as a delivery boy. How could he have such skills? He originally thought that he was here to act as a leader and direct the scene, but he turned into a food delivery boy.

"It's okay, it's good to experience the work of other animals." The captain said with a smile.

"Yes, yes, the big orange that was delivered today is also great." "Yes, yes, the big orange is the cutest." The team members wearing hard hats said with a smile, and handed Cheng Hao their mobile phones. Taking photos.

You must have never seen the big orange that delivers food, right?It’s just a good time for everyone to gain knowledge and take a look at the food delivery orange on the construction site.

"Okay, stop laughing at me here and eat quickly. I have to go back after eating. By the way, how many people here need to eat how much food?" Cheng Hao looked at the team members and asked, thinking in his heart Thinking about whether there are more lunch boxes?

"I'm not sure about this. We don't know how much other people eat. We have to eat to find out."

"Yes, Daju." The team members said and touched Cheng Hao's back happily: "Daju, you grow up so fast. I remember the first time I saw you, you were not even as high as my knees. It’s almost up to my shoulders now.”

"Yes, it used to be so small, but now it looks like a big buffalo without even realizing it."

The team members surrounded Cheng Hao and said, as if they were looking at rare items.

"Okay, okay, stop looking around and eat quickly. I have important things to do, but I don't have time to play with you here." Cheng Hao, who was being watched, said, these guys, please don't keep looking at him. ah.Let's go eat. If they weren't hungry, he could actually help them eat all the food.

"Then what are you going to do? Do you need our help? After all, it is too difficult for a little tiger like you to do things."

"Yes, yes, as long as you ask. We will definitely help."

The team members asked with a smile, with no intention of leaving at all.

"I plan to make money, why don't you give me all the money, and then I don't have to make any money anymore." Cheng Hao looked at the group of people and said.

"Well, I'm afraid there's nothing we can do about it. We have to live, so we can't support you with money."

"Yes, we are powerless." After hearing this, the team members shrugged their shoulders.

"That's it, I still have to make money myself. You guys are so unreliable." Cheng Hao sighed, looking at the crowd a little tired: "I thought you were really my fans, but I didn't expect you were. Fake."

"Ahem, those who have given money are not necessarily true fans. We support you spiritually."

"Head to head."

The team members smiled back, with embarrassed looks on their faces.

"Okay, you little scoundrel, stop making fun of them here. Get aside and don't disturb them while they are eating." The principal pinched one of Cheng Hao's ears and said.

"I got it, grandpa, please let go of my ears. Don't bully me for not having hands." Cheng Hao, who turned around after his ears were pinched, urged him to speak properly.

Why are you pinching his ears when you have nothing to do?His ears have the least amount of flesh and will hurt from being pinched.

"Even if you have the skills, you still dare to resist. You little villain has been losing more and more virtue recently. It seems that you need to brush up on it." After hearing this, the principal said, and was pinched Cheng Hao immediately changed his face: "No, no, everyone knows that I have great virtues. Who doesn't say yes or praise me when they see me? Grandpa, don't think too much." "

He needs to be educated for his outings. Who can reason with him? Is there anyone more unlucky than him?

"Then you go back with me obediently and let grandpa see how good your tiger behavior is lately?" the director said, and walked towards the Hongta Mountain Siberian Tiger Forest Park.

When Cheng Hao saw it, he immediately followed.

"Daju is still the same, so afraid of Mr. Consultant's moral education." The team members who saw this scene couldn't help but said.

"Of course. I heard that the trees in front of Mr. Consultant's door were killed."

"Really? This is really terrifying." The other team members couldn't help but be surprised when they heard this.

I didn't expect that Mr. Consultant would actually develop such a terrifying thing. It's almost scary to hear that such a terrifying thing is coming.

"Yes, otherwise why would Daju be so good?" the captain said, then opened the foam box to get the food.

In the Hongta Mountain Siberian Tiger Forest Park, Cheng Hao was almost stunned sitting among a group of little guys.

He just wanted to know if Hu De education has now spread to every cub?Is Grandpa Dean really not afraid of annoying these little guys to death?
Looking at the happy faces of these little guys, I'm afraid they don't know what kind of horror they and other beasts will face, right?

"Okay, little guys, please be quiet now. Grandpa is about to start teaching you. Please listen carefully. This will affect your future situation." Looking at the noisy classroom, the principal said.

In an instant, the noisy little guys fell silent.

Likewise, Cheng Hao also completely drooped his ears.Blocking out the surrounding sounds and not letting anything enter his ears.

He didn't want to hear it, especially this thing.

Half an hour later, Cheng Hao walked out of the classroom with small steps, and behind him were the fallen little guys.

The keepers guarding the door couldn't help but be stunned after seeing this scene: "Daju, why are you the only one who walked out? Are you okay?"

"Yes, have you been immune to Mr. Principal's educational lessons?"

"Of course not, but I have my own way. You should still care about these little guys. How happy were they just now? How miserable they are now." Cheng Hao said after being asked.

Grandpa Hude's education is nothing more than that. As long as he closes his six senses and doesn't see or hear, there's nothing to fear.

Sure enough, he is the strongest, and grandpa will never be able to scare him again.

"Ah? Is this fat guy so powerful?" Everyone couldn't help but be stunned as they looked at Cheng Hao's leaving figure.

(End of this chapter)

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