Chapter 143 Four Avatars

The giant mouth closed, and the terrifying bite force annihilated the void, and everything returned to calm.

"Evolution point + 200 million, cumulative 1250 million/2000 billion"

Zhang Ji listened to the reminder of the metallic sound in his mind, and his scarlet vertical pupils showed a look of satisfaction. This hunting trip finally yielded something.


The huge ferocious snake's mouth flitted across the ground, emitting a terrible suction force. The ground flew sand and rocks, and everything entered Zhang Ji's mouth.

After the wind dissipated, the warm sunshine fell again, and the Baima safe zone was gone. There was only a huge canyon left in place, and the atmosphere of destruction remained everywhere.

All animals are extinct.


The rocks on one side of the valley rolled down, a small arm stretched out, and then the whole body emerged from the rocks.

He was still holding the white feathered bird in his arms, looking at the empty valley, but he couldn't see a familiar figure, the knight captain's father was gone, the beautiful Alisa was gone, and everyone had disappeared.

Only the breath of death enveloped the entire canyon and col.

The little boy stood in a daze among the dirt and rocks, as if he had lost his mind. After a while, he burst into tears and slammed his head against a huge boulder next to him.

The white-feathered bird in his arms had deep blue eyes and said for the first time: "James, do you want revenge? Do you want to kill that evil snake? Do you want to become stronger? Then, Be one with me~"

It was an old voice.

James nodded, and the white-feathered bird's eyes lit up with joy.

Its background is not small, it is an ancestor of the White Feather Angel Clan with a dry life, and when he was dying, it was inferred that a human with a peculiar bloodline appeared here to extend his life, so he came from the lower realm.

No one knows about it.

Even the clansman who called himself the Incandescent God didn't know its existence. It stayed by James's side all year round. The other party was the human with a unique bloodline it was looking for, but it needed a suitable time to devour its bloodline.

After waiting for many years, today is finally the time.

James was hit by the destruction of his family and witnessed the death of his father, friends, Alisa and others. Under the great grief, his blood began to recover, which was a good time to devour.

"James, merge with me, let's take revenge together, we——, what are you doing?!"

It was about to say something more, but suddenly its body turned cold, and it lowered its head to find that a cold bloody dagger had pierced its heart, and its snow-white feathers were dyed red.


It screamed, how could it be killed by a mortal because it was the ancestor of the white-feathered angel clan, but when it saw this dagger suddenly, it was terrified and desperate.

"Dark blood dagger. Why do you have this dagger, God will kill me!"

Letting out the last scream of unwillingness, his head was bitten off by the little boy. While chewing on the hairy flesh, he roared angrily: "Things with wings are not good things, you should all be damned, I want revenge ,revenge--!"

Crying and roaring, he swallowed the white-feathered little bird mouth by mouth. He drank the blood like a real feather, and the aura on his body began to become evil. , a pair of black wings grew out.

He activated the bloodline and mutated.


Spreading his wings and flying high, he looked very much like the previous incandescent god, but he was evil, with a dark breath, and his wings were as black as ink, completely different from the image of the white-feathered angel family.

If the ancestor of the white feather angel clan is still alive, he will be horrified and excited to find out that this is clearly the most noble bloodline fallen angel that has long been extinct among the angel clan, and also the only emperor!

Disappeared for endless years, and now it appears again
Zhang Ji swallowed a so-called God and got the sweetness. He flew all over the western continent, and the perception of the tiger phase Lingtai was released, looking for and hunting such creatures.

In the end, he discovered several safe areas for human beings in the West, and there are also so-called gods enshrined in them.

He swallowed it directly, speeding up.

If so, the God in the last safe zone may have gotten the news. When Zhang Ji arrived, there was only an empty church left, and the God had already fled.

Zhang Ji left in anger, burned a large area of ​​mountains, and returned to the land of China in the east.

When passing by a small island country, I found that someone here actually enshrined a Yamata no Orochi.

With eight heads, it looks extremely ferocious.

Zhang Ji didn't dare to be careless, and swallowed the five giant mouths at the same time, the island was completely destroyed and disappeared in the tsunami, and the Yamata no Orochi was also swallowed into the mouth.

"Evolution point + 300 billion, accumulatively 2050 billion/2000 billion, the evolution condition has been reached, do you want to evolve immediately?"

A familiar voice sounded in his mind, and Zhang Jixi burst into tears. After several months, he could finally evolve again.

He crossed eastward and left, the huge snake shadow soared in the void without any disguise, passing through the safe areas in the Huaxia region, and was shocked and stunned by all the surviving humans who saw it.

Some people think it is a mythical dragon, and they knelt down excitedly to pray for blessings.

Some people think it is a fire unicorn, because one of its heads is the head of a unicorn, and its breath is full of golden flames.

Some people also think that it is an ancient and terrifying monster with an evil and gloomy aura, and it returns with a killing aura. It is not a good person no matter how you look at it.

Others think it is a descendant of Xiangliu or Jiuying because it has five heads and maybe more heads in the future
Some New Age experts and professors who have studied paleontology held an emergency meeting, and the guardians of the masters and the great masters also attended the meeting.

A group of dignitaries are analyzing what kind of creature this is, how dangerous it is, and whether the spirit-killing bullet can destroy it.
But in a few days.

There was news from the Western Continent, which was the sound transmission of the talisman, saying that a five-headed monster attacked the entire Western Continent, bloodbathed the safe zone, and devoured their gods.

When the news came back, there was an uproar in many safety zones in Huaxia. Everyone was shocked and stunned, and immediately realized how childish and ridiculous it is to attack the opponent with an exterminator.

The other party can even swallow the so-called powerful gods in the West, so will they still be afraid of extermination bullets?
Everyone is happy and worried. The western continent has developed rapidly with the power of God, and its ambitions have expanded. It has long coveted China, and now it is destroyed. They are all happy.

But this evil snake came to the east and disappeared after entering the Huaxia region. This was another huge hidden danger. They were all worried that the other party would come out to harm the Huaxia safe zone.

But a few days passed, and everything was calm.

There are also abnormalities, lightning flashes and thunder in the depths of the 50 mountains, the sky is terrifying, and there is a huge monster rolling in the sea of ​​​​thunder, with a figure exceeding [-] meters, like a god in mythology. Safe place.


Zhang Ji roared and swam in the sea of ​​thunder.

In my head, there is a metallic sound
Chapter 2

"You have completed this evolution, from a primary virtual beast to an intermediate virtual beast."

"The Void Beast, the Void Beast, can blend into the void space to get out of danger when encountering danger. It has powerful hiding, lurking and surviving abilities."

"Body length: 50 million meters"

"You have a new name: Hell Qilin Sky Snake"

"New Talent: Clone Technique"

"You have five heads and five lives, and you can clone four of them. The clones will have their own innate supernatural powers. The harvested evolution points will be shared with the deity, and the supernatural powers and spells you practice will also be shared with the deity."

Zhang Ji was very excited.

This time, the evolutionary mid-level Void Beast finally came with a very practical innate supernatural power. From now on, the task of eating meat and drinking blood will be handed over to the avatar brother.

Let's just enjoy the good life happily.

A warm reminder in my mind: "After the death of the avatar, the strength of the deity will be affected to a certain extent, but the impact is not significant. Re-condensing the head can revive the avatar again."

Zhang Ji nodded, he could understand this.

After a cup of tea, the sea of ​​thunder in the void receded, and the catastrophe ended. Zhang Ji landed in the mountains. His huge body reached 50 meters, which was as shocking as a majestic blood-colored mountain.

Five ferocious heads were raised high, vicious and terrifying.

"Clone technique, white-eyed wolf clone, show!"

With Zhang Ji's thought, in an instant, the head of his white-eyed wolf king was the first to split from the neck, and the huge head fell to the ground like a ripe fruit.

The wolf's head is hairless, covered with silver-white snake scales, exuding the metallic aura of silver, jade, and divine gold. Flesh and flesh grow out of the neck, visible to the naked eye, and quickly grow chest, front paws, back, back paws, and tail.
between breaths.

There is an extra white-eyed wolf king in the mountains.

The white-eyed wolf king, born with cataracts, was born to either die or become the most ferocious wolf king. In the ancient times, the white-eyed wolf king was the most terrifying existence of the wolf clan.

Now that the white-eyed wolf king has long been extinct, Zhang Ji's avatar technique has brought it back to life and reappeared on the earth, representing the birth of a prehistoric and heterogeneous white-eyed wolf king.

Its stature has reached one hundred thousand meters, it is as huge as a sacred mountain, it is hairless, covered with silver snake scales, exuding a metallic luster in the sun, filled with the aura of the prehistoric, raised its head and let out a long howl, the howling of wolves shook the deep mountains and great lakes, and all spirits Trembling.

Zhang Ji glanced at it with mental power, his aura was not as strong as his own, and he felt that he had only one-tenth of his own strength, and his realm was only a low-level virtual beast, but it was strong enough.

"Go, the southern continent and the South China Sea will be handed over to you," Zhang Ji ordered.

The white-eyed wolf king clone nodded. It was very proud and cold. It did what Zhang Ji said it would do. It jumped up, and its huge mountain-like figure disappeared in the void. It had already melted into nothingness and went south.

Zhang Ji withdrew his gaze and looked at his strangely shaped head.

"Avatar technique, clone of a strange monster, show!"

With the thought falling, the strangely shaped and vicious head fell off the ground from the neck, and began to grow the rest of the body. While breathing, the strangely shaped creature in the movie reappeared in front of Zhang Ji, but it was even more ferocious.

It is covered in silver snake scales, its fangs and teeth are terrifying, and its sharp claws are shining with cold light. Its body has reached a height of [-] meters, and high-radiation saliva flows from its giant mouth, causing the mountains to evaporate into abysses and white smoke.

Zhang Ji glared at the scarlet vertical pupils, and reprimanded: "I know you have a big mouth, but you have to learn to control your mouth, don't drooling all the time, it will affect your temperament too much! Understand?!"

"Understood!" The strange-shaped monster nodded and replied, and when he spoke, his mouth dripped again. Zhang Ji stared, and it sucked back hastily, and Zhang Ji smiled with satisfaction.

"Go, the northern continent will be handed over to you, and the North Sea is your hunting ground." Zhang Ji assigned the task, his eyes full of anticipation, "You have a big mouth and the most gluttonous food. Don't let me down."

"I will never let my elder brother down! Ooooh!" It patted its chest to promise, and was about to turn around and leave, but suddenly turned its head and licked Zhang Ji's snake body, and said affectionately with its big scarlet eyes: "Big brother, I will miss you The ~ Whoosh!"

After saying this sentence, he escaped into nothingness and disappeared.

Zhang Ji shook his head and laughed. The character of this monster clone was obviously different from that of the White-eyed Wolf King clone. It was skinny and lively, not as arrogant and cold as the White-eyed Wolf King clone.

"Clone body technique, gluttonous clone, show!"

Zhang Ji looked at his fourth head, which is the head of the gluttonous beast, one of the four ancient beasts, possessed the supernatural power of the gluttonous cage, and helped Zhang Ji devour a group of giants reincarnated from the fairy world. .


The head of the glutton fell to the ground, and the rest of the body quickly grew from the neck. In the blink of an eye, the gluttonous monster, one of the four ancient beasts that had disappeared for countless epochs, was resurrected, covered with snake scales, with an evil and gloomy breath, and The ancient prehistoric atmosphere, the scarlet eyes are greedy and cruel.

Without Zhang Ji's instructions, it took the initiative to say: "My lord, leave the western continent and the west sea to me!"

"Okay, let's go!" Zhang Ji nodded, and it roared westward.

The last head is the head of the unicorn.

"Kirin clone, show!"

When the thought fell, the unicorn's head fell to the ground, and in the blink of an eye, it grew its own unicorn body. The pores of its body were filled with flames, and it instantly turned into a fire unicorn. Like a flame monster revived, the surrounding mountains and rivers melted into a sea of ​​flames.

Although its aura is still evil, it has a sense of nobility and holiness. Perhaps a creature like Qilin has the image of an auspicious beast, so it looks quite majestic and righteous.

Zhang Ji smiled and said: "The territory of the Eastern Continent and the Eastern Sea Region is yours, so do it well!"

"Yes, this deity!"

It nodded and left, jumped up, turned into a ball of flame and disappeared without a trace.

Zhang Ji shook his head with only a king cobra head left, a little unaccustomed to it, but now he looks more like a snake, although he still has wings, snake claws and bone spurs, his image is much more normal than before .

He closed his eyes to feel the changes in his own strength. Four heads were missing, and his strength dropped by four-tenths. However, when he encountered a life-or-death crisis, he could instantly recall his clone.


The body trembled, and the huge snake skin fell off, with a length of [-] meters. This is Zhang Ji's old skin, with his snake scales on it. These are all good things. If you bring them back to the Snake King City, you can lay snake scale floor tiles and lay them on the ground. Snake scale wall, can also cast snake scale weapons.
Rolling up the snake skin, Zhang Ji spread his wings and flew away in an instant, leaving behind devastated mountains.

(End of this chapter)

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