Chapter 148 The Candle in Hand
After Zhou Bai finished his lunch, he chatted with the owner of the restaurant about the dishes for Christmas Eve dinner.

It wasn't until 2 o'clock in the afternoon that he settled the bill and walked out of the restaurant.

Now that the records are in hand, there are still candles and candies left.

So, Zhou Bai walked towards the candle shop.

The previous experiments were unsuccessful, so he had to check again to see if he had missed any information.

Zhou Bai came to the candle shop.

The shop owner naturally recognized Zhou Bai as a big client.

As soon as they met, they greeted him warmly.

Zhou Bai asked him again to introduce all the items sold in the store.

However, after Zhou Bai looked at everything in the shop again, he still didn't see anything useful.

Zhou Bai then asked the owner of the candle shop some tips on how to prevent candles from going out outdoors.

The boss explained enthusiastically, but what he said was not the information Zhou Bai wanted to know.

In the end, Zhou Bai had no choice but to buy another largest and thickest candle, and then walked out of the shop.

The owner of the candle shop introduced it for a long time, but only got one copper coin paid by Zhou Bai.

He could only look at the back of him leaving, showing a resentful expression.

Holding a candle in one hand and a record in the other, Zhou Bai walked down the streets of the quiet town with his head downcast.

In the candle shop, Zhou Bai didn't get the information he wanted.

There is only one day left to prepare for tomorrow.

Could it be that on the night of the 24th, Zhou Bai really could only look at that candle outdoors?

Zhou Bai shrank his neck involuntarily when he thought that he might need to blow the cold wind all night.

In the winter afternoon, although the sun shines on the road, it is still very cold.

Zhou Bai picked a sunny place so that he could feel a little warmth.

At this moment, he saw a passerby coming towards him, and he happened to be holding a cake in his hand.

Zhou Bai didn't think too much at first, he just glanced at the cake, and then looked away.

However, when he walked a dozen more steps forward, he suddenly stopped.

In his mind, an idea flashed by.

As a result, the expression on his face changed from astonishment to excitement.

Not only candle shops have candles.

When you buy a birthday cake, you will also get candles!
Gotta find Austin!

So, Zhou Bai hurriedly quickened his pace and walked towards the bakery.

As Zhou Bai quickened his pace, his mind was spinning rapidly.

During the previous experiment, the candle obviously did not go out naturally.

The extinguishing of the candle is related to "it".

Then, what Zhou Bai needed to find was a candle that even "it" couldn't blow out.

Therefore, what Zhou Bai may need to find is not an ordinary candle at all.

Remember the never-extinguishing candle in the Tavern of Terror?
Perhaps what Zhou Bai was looking for was such a candle!
Not long after, Zhou Bai saw the bakery and appeared in his field of vision.

At this time, Austin was laying out the bread.

Through the glass window of the bakery, his every move fell into Zhou Bai's eyes.

His hands were still wearing gloves.

Zhou Bai stared at the glove in his hand, but in his mind, he recalled the first rule of that stop organized by White Beard in the copy of "Circular Train".

【No matter how different you are, we can accept you. 】

In other words, regardless of whether they are mutated or not, they can accept them.

Therefore, even if there is a mutation in Austin's hand, it is very likely that it is a member of the Whitebeard organization.

Zhou Bai stood in front of the baking room door, and opened the shop door with a snap.

Austin was still holding the bread in his hand, and when he heard the sudden sound, he looked towards the door in surprise.

Zhou Bai took a deep breath, and then asked him directly.

"Austin, are you from the Whitebeard organization?"

Zhou Bai stared at Austin, and reached into his pocket.

In the next second, he was about to pull out the white beard badge.

At this time, I saw Austin put the bread heavily on the shelf.

Then he said angrily, "You are the white beard, and your whole family is white beard."

Zhou Bai looked at Austin blankly.

What?guessed wrong?
Austin walked to the front of the counter and took off his gloves angrily.

Only now did Zhou Bai realize that these were clearly a pair of normal hands.

He is not mutated.

He doesn't like people with white beards.

He usually supervises Kevin on the opposite side.

Then, his identity should be a member of the Blackbeard organization.

In this case, it shouldn't be considered an enemy.

Thinking of this, Zhou Bai walked in front of Austin.

I saw Austin took a tissue, wiped his hands meticulously, and then put the gloves on again.

He was still angry, seeing Zhou Bai staring at his hand, he said angrily.

"What are you looking at? Have you never seen such a beautiful hand?"

Zhou Bai didn't care about him, but looked away, and said directly to him with a smile.

"Hello, Mr. Austin of the Blackbeard Organization."

Only then did Austin stop the movements in his hands.

He changed his serious expression and looked at Zhou Bai.

"You have eyes.

Tell me, come today, what's the matter? "

Zhou Bai didn't know whether Austin would really have the candle he wanted.

But I can only try to ask.

"I'm looking for a candle that won't blow out.

Do you have it here? "

Austin looked at Zhou Bai seriously, and after a while, he took out a candle from the drawer and photographed it in front of Zhou Bai.

"Of course there is.

And our candles are much better than Whitebeard's. "

Zhou Bai looked at the candle in front of him.

I saw that the candle grew thin and short.

Just looking at the appearance, it's almost exactly the same as the candle that Zhou Bai bought that went out in 15 minutes.

So, he picked up the candle on the table suspiciously and asked.

"Are you sure it won't go out?"

As soon as Austin heard this, he reached out and wanted to grab the candle back from Zhou Bai's hand.

"Give me back the candle if you doubt it."

Zhou Bai quickly dodged his snatch.

"No doubt, no doubt.

Tell me, how much does this cost? "

Originally, Zhou Bai had already made preparations for being brutally slaughtered once.

Unexpectedly, Austin waved his hand at him.

"Forget it, take it away.

Birthday candles are meant to be giveaways.

Also, I want to live myself. "

Zhou Bai looked at him.

It turned out that he also knew that there would be danger on the night of the 24th.

Austin shrugged his shoulders at Zhou Bai, showing a nonchalant look.

Immediately, Zhou Bai felt that the burden on his shoulders seemed to be heavier.

He silently held the candle in his hand.

"Thank you, I hope we can see together, the sunshine on the 25th."

After finishing speaking, he didn't look at Austin's expression.

Instead, he took a candle, opened the store door, and walked out directly.

(End of this chapter)

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