Rules Strange Story: My Family Is Not Normal

Chapter 303 Killing 1 with 7 Hit

Chapter 303

When the church deacon heard what Hans said, he immediately cursed.

"I'm going to tell your father.

He raised a stupid son.

He has to pay my medical bills..."

Hans refused to give in and turned back.

"I worked here for free for three months and got nothing.

I've had enough, go ahead and talk.

My father would be proud of me, too, if only I could learn to be afraid. "

After Hans finished speaking, he turned around and ran to his room to pack his things, completely ignoring all kinds of scolding from the church deacon behind him.

Zhou Bai stood on the bell tower and watched the whole process of their quarrel.

After the wife helped the deacon away, she walked down from the bell tower.

Hans had already packed his things at this time, and walked out of his room with a small package on his back.

Seeing his figure about to walk out of the church, Zhou Bai quickly followed him.

"Hey, are you going to the Black Forest too?
Otherwise, let's go together together. "

Hans stopped when he heard the voice, and turned to look at Zhou Bai.

"It's you?
Standing on the stairs just now, that strange person? "

Zhou Bai felt that something was wrong with his question.

If Hans saw Zhou Bai just now and didn't know him, why did he just ignore him?

Since there are two strange people, why only ask one of them? not in line with common sense.

Is the white figure just now looking even weirder?
Or did he just want to target the church deacon at all?

When Zhou Bai thought that Hans's behavior of throwing the church deacon down the stairs just now might be intentional, he regretted the invitation he had extended to him.

But it's too late to regret it now.

Hans was only puzzled for a while, then continued.

"Forget it, even if you are going to steal something in the church, it has nothing to do with me.

I'm about to leave the church, and I can't control so much.

Let's go, let's go to the Black Forest together. "

Zhou Bai proposed the invitation himself, and now that others have agreed to it, of course he can't say anything more.

Only in this way, I got my first companion.

The time now is ten o'clock in the morning.

They didn't mean to find a place to rest.

Or it should be said that they have no suitable place to rest at this time.

The church they were in was located in the suburbs, and there were no other buildings nearby.

The surroundings are full of weeds, and there is only one path leading to the distance.

So Zhou Bai and Hans continued walking along the small path like this. After walking for about half an hour, they saw a main road appearing in front of them.

"Walk another hour, and you will reach the entrance of the Black Forest.

I heard that the reward order issued by the king this time has attracted many people.

Among them, some robbers are included.

Haha, fun to think about.

I will definitely be able to learn what it is to be afraid in the Black Forest. "

The first time Zhou Bai heard someone describe a robber was the word "interesting".

Sure enough, it was Hans who was not afraid.

But what he said reminded Zhou Bai.

The reward offered by the king is so generous, the people who must be attracted will be mixed.

Then the source of the crisis they will face at that time may not only come from the Black Forest, but also those who were originally planning to slay the dragon.

I just don't know what his other four friends will look like?
Zhou Bai and Hans didn't chat any more, they both walked forward quietly.

After walking like this for about an hour, they heard the sound of talking in front of them.

"Hehe, don't you know who I am?
Did you see these words?

Kill seven at once!
How about it?Are you afraid? "

Zhou Bai and Hans approached, and saw that the person speaking was a short young man.

At this moment, he was pulling off his clothes and showing his belt to the person standing in front of him.


Kill seven at once?
Do not joke. "

Surrounded in front of him were six burly men with similar outfits.

They all laughed when they heard the young man's words.

At this time, Hans moved closer to Zhou Bai's side and whispered.

"see it?
Those six people are robbers. "

Zhou Bai turned his head to look at Hans with some doubts, and then looked at the six people again.

I saw that they all had short knives around their waists, and they looked a little fierce indeed.

"Don't laugh.

I literally killed seven of them in one shot. "

The young man was still emphasizing the words on his belt.

Opposite him, a ferocious person stood up because he couldn't stand it any longer.

"Don't kill seven of them. Come and fight me. If you can beat me, I will trust you."

The man walked up to the young man.

So Zhou Bai saw that that person was a lot taller than this young man.

But the young man showed no fear.

Instead, after listening to his provocation, he put his hands on his hips, raised his head, and looked ready to face the battle.

Zhou Bai and Hans glanced at each other, then moved forward at the same time.

At this time, at the entrance of the Black Forest, a guard saw the movement on their side and hurried over.

"What are you doing?
Adventurers are not allowed to fight before entering the black forest, don't you know?

Failure to do so will disqualify you from receiving rewards. "

At this time, Zhou Bai and Hans had already reached the entrance of the Black Forest.

Hearing what the guard said, Zhou Bai frowned.

"Adventurers are not allowed to fight before entering the black forest?

In other words, after entering the Black Forest, you can fight? "

The guard was stopped by Zhou Bai's question.

After hesitating for a while, he replied.

" seems...that's the truth..."

That vicious man heard Zhou Bai's conversation, pointed at the young man, and made another gauntlet.

"If you have the guts, we will fight again in the Black Forest."

The young man didn't answer him, but just faced him and raised his head not to be outdone.

Zhou Bai didn't go to see them, but continued to chew on the information he had just obtained.

The king issued a reward order, and with generous rewards, attracted a large number of people to come and destroy the non-existent dragon.

And by default they can fight among themselves.

Zhou Bai thought about the information, and always felt that there was a strong taste of conspiracy in it.

I just don't know the real purpose of the king's doing this, what could it be?
Zhou Bai stood there thinking about the problem.

After the guard finished warning, he stood back to his position.

At this time, Zhou Bai saw that behind where he was standing just now, there was a wooden sign erected.

And the wooden sign said.

[Precautions for entering the Black Forest]

(End of this chapter)

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