Rules Strange Story: My Family Is Not Normal

Chapter 319 Don't like the snacks I prepared?

Chapter 319 Don't like the snacks I prepared?
When the little tailor heard this, his eyes lit up immediately.

"Wow, Snow White!"

Hans turned and glared at him.

But Zhou Bai whispered to him, "Don't forget the rules on the wooden sign."

Rule [-] of the devil's castle occupancy rules.

[Please make sure you firmly believe that "all fairy tales are true" before entering the devil's castle. 】

The little tailor grumbled despondently.

"I know, I know.

Do you think this so-called witch is actually a psycho? "

His voice was very low, but just after he finished speaking, Morin, who was leading the way, still stopped in his tracks.

The wrinkled face slowly turned around.

The atmosphere froze instantly.

Everyone gasped when they saw his suddenly fierce eyes.

Hans clenched his knife tightly, while Zhou Bai clenched his fists tightly all over his body.

The little tailor realized he had said the wrong thing, but it was too late.

The witch's butler had already walked towards him.

Just when Molin stretched out a hand that was tucked in his sleeve suddenly, and was about to grab the little tailor.

But suddenly I heard the beautiful voice from upstairs, and it came again.

"Maureen, have you brought my guest into the restaurant yet?

There is still a bottle of good wine hidden in my wine cellar, remember to help me get it out. "

When Morin heard the voice of the Thorn Witch, he stopped immediately.

He bowed respectfully in the direction of the voice from upstairs, and then continued to lead the six guests to the restaurant.

The little tailor heaved a sigh of relief as if he had survived a catastrophe.

Hans also breathed a sigh of relief, and then quietly put away the knife.

But after doing this action, he still didn't forget to give the little tailor another look.

Morin led the six guests through the dimly lit corridor before arriving at the destination of the trip.

It was an equally dim restaurant.

There is only a row of candles placed on the rectangular table, allowing the guests present to barely see what is on the table.

But everyone present would rather not see clearly.

"Please sit down, everyone." Morin said coldly.

Everyone shuddered, glanced at the things on the table with distorted expressions, and sat down after hesitating for a long time.

"Let's go now, is there still time?"

Adam whispered to David beside him.

And David thought for a long time before telling him solemnly: "It's too late."

The gate of the castle has been locked, and the time is getting closer and closer to ten o'clock in the evening.

Now thinking about escaping, it is better to think about how to survive and get the owner of the castle to agree to stay overnight.

Adam frowned and looked at the plate after plate of blood-red things on the table, retched, and turned his head away.

"It really looks like it."

Kelly looked at Adam with an expression of disgust that could not be concealed.

Zhou Bai observed the details of how they got along, and when he touched the plates of blood-red things on the dining table, his eyes turned away calmly.

Everyone sat at the dining table, but no one wanted to pick up the tableware and touch the things on the table.

"Oh heh heh...

Sorry, my guests, to keep you waiting. "

A gust of fragrant wind came, and everyone looked up.

I saw a woman with a very enchanting appearance, wearing a long off-the-shoulder dress, stepping on a pair of stiletto heels, and the rear skirt dragged long on the ground.

Seeing the dumbfounded guests in the restaurant, she covered her mouth and smiled coquettishly again.

"It's disgusting, don't look at me anymore."

Everyone heard her coquettishness, and thought of the strips of "bacon" hanging outside the castle, and immediately got goosebumps all over their bodies.

Zhou Bai resisted the discomfort in his heart, and handed the wild flowers he picked to her.

"A good-looking lady should match beautiful flowers."

The Thorn Witch raised her lips when she heard Zhou Bai's praise.

"I don't like it when people give me flowers.

But since you gave it to me, then I will reluctantly accept it. "

The little tailor was holding flowers and was about to hand them over, but when he heard what the witch said, he shrank back.

She said she didn't like others to send her flowers.

So in the end to send, or not to send?

The witch saw that the little tailor stood up with flowers, but did not hand them over after a long time, so she tilted her head and looked at him with some doubts.

When the little tailor received the witch's gaze, his heart skipped a beat.

Just when he was hesitating and not knowing what to do, he suddenly felt someone under the table tugging at the corner of his clothes.


Kelly sat next to him, reminding him in a low voice.

Rule [-] of the devil's castle occupancy rules.

[Moodiness and duplicity are the normal state of a witch. 】

The little tailor froze for a moment, and finally came to his senses.

He quickly handed the flowers in his hand to the witch in front of him.

"Oh, I got another bouquet of flowers.

It's really distressing. "

The corner of her mouth was still uncontrollably raised.

At this moment, the others began to figure out her way, and they took turns to step forward one by one, and handed the flowers they had prepared in advance to her.

The desk of the Witch of Thorns was soon filled with wild flowers that can be seen everywhere outside.

But she seemed in a good mood.

Sitting at the top of the dining table, propping his head on one hand, he admired the flowers in front of him with satisfaction.

Morin had just backed out, but now he came back with a wine bottle in his hand.

"Here's the wine you asked for."

The long nails of the Witch of Thorns touched the wild flowers on the table from time to time.

Hearing what Mo Lin said, he raised his eyes, checked the wine bottle he brought, and then spoke lazily to him.

"Give it to my guests."

Mo Lin responded, walked aside again, and took out a few wine glasses.

At this time, the Witch of Thorns turned her eyes away from the flowers and turned to the table in front of her.

I saw the plates of small blood-red things on the table, still neatly placed in place, without any trace of being passive at all.

When the Thorn Witch saw it, the corners of her mouth that were raised just now drooped instantly.

"What's wrong?
The snacks I prepared don't suit your appetite? "

Seeing the thorny witch's gloomy expression suddenly, Adam quickly pulled out a smiling face and waved at her repeatedly.


How could these things not meet our appetite?

Ha ha, you are really worrying too much. "

At this time, Mo Lin put wine glasses on everyone's table, then opened the wine bottle, and poured the blood-red liquid inside into the glasses in front of them.

The Thorn Witch looked at the blood-red liquid and suddenly laughed.

"Since you don't like it, why don't you eat it?"

She stood up from the chair, her long nails slowly slid across the table, following her footsteps, she came behind Adam.

"Here's a knife, and here's a fork."

Her white hand reached out to Adam, like a poisonous snake, slid to his fingertips, forcing him to pick up the cutlery on the table.

"Prove to me that you are not lying to me."

(End of this chapter)

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