Rules Strange Story: My Family Is Not Normal

Chapter 325 Molin's Reminder

Chapter 325 Molin's Reminder

[The devil's castle after ten o'clock in the evening is more terrifying than the wild. 】

Is this what the rule says?
In the hall of the castle, a woman in a long skirt is dancing.

Her long hair, tied high into a bun, began to become a little messy as she danced.

David stood up from the ground.

Fortunately, the Thorn Witch's nails only caused him a little skin trauma, and there was nothing serious about it.

Zhou Bai looked at the Thorn Witch, left the corner he was in silently, and walked back to the other teammates.

So everyone gathered together again.

However, facing the Witch of Thorns dancing in the center of the castle hall and a group of bats, they all didn't know what they should do next.

"The ocean and the starry sky are not connected to each other.

We are facing each other day and night, touching each other..."

The Thorn Witch in the middle of the hall also sang.

The lyrics hit the little tailor's heart again, and he couldn't help but move closer to Kelly and whispered.

"I know this song, Beauty and the Beast."

When he finished speaking, Morin happened to look towards them, so Kelly quickly glared at the little tailor, and he quickly shut up again.

Morin didn't shut up because of the little tailor, so he stopped looking at them, but walked towards them slowly.

Seeing Molin approaching, the little tailor broke into a cold sweat.

"Didn't I tell you to stop talking all the time?"

Kelly complained to the little tailor, and looked up at Morin who was walking over.

The little tailor didn't dare to speak back, so he could only wipe off his cold sweat, shut his mouth and stand where he was.

Mo Lin approached them silently, but when he was about to reach their side, he turned around and came to Zhou Bai's side.

The little tailor and Kelly breathed a sigh of relief at the same time.

"Fortunately, he didn't hear it."

The little tailor stuck out his tongue, and was glared at by Kelly again, before he quickly shut up and stood up.

And Mo Lin really didn't come for them, he stood beside Zhou Bai, and like Zhou Bai, he looked at the Thorn Witch who was dancing at this moment.

"I'm sorry, my guests, but it shouldn't scare you?"

Mo Lin and Zhou Bai stood side by side. Although they said sorry, their attitudes were neither humble nor overbearing.

Zhou Bai turned his head and glanced at him, only to see the signs of aging on his mottled face.

"As long as everyone is okay, it's fine."

Mo Lin smiled and turned his head to look at the other people present, and finally set his eyes on Zhou Bai.

"It's not a big problem.

But the ball in the castle will not end so early. "

With Mo Lin's words, Zhou Bai knew that there was no danger for the time being, but their state of standing and admiring the dance of the Thorn Witch might need to be maintained for a while.

The music in the castle sounded one after another.

The Thorn Witch and her bats danced cheerfully one after another.

The people standing aside and watching yawned several times.

And this situation was maintained until the wall clock on the wall rang twelve times before it changed.

"Oh my God, it's time, I have to go back."

The Thorn Witch's hair was already in a mess at this time, and it had long lost its original brilliance.

She waved goodbye to the empty center of the hall, then lifted the hem of her skirt and ran up the stairs in a panic.

And halfway up the stairs, she accidentally left behind a pair of "crystal shoes".

The little tailor wanted to say the words "Cinderella".

But Morin, who was standing near him with a glance, decided to keep his mouth shut.

The bats that were originally surrounding the Thorn Witch quickly dispersed after she left.

They didn't seem to like the few guests standing in the hall, so they all hid very quickly.

Morin hunched over, walked slowly to the side of the crystal slipper and bent down to pick it up, then turned around and said to the guests present.

"thanks everyone.

There is a guest room upstairs, I will take you there to rest. "

After finally surviving the horrifying dance just now, everyone was greatly relieved.

Hearing what Mo Lin said, he followed him up the stairs to the second floor.

"There are six guest rooms in the corridor on this side, just go in and rest.

But before you go in to rest, I have a few words to remind you. "

Molin's words instantly heightened everyone's vigilance.

"Number one, don't try to open the windows.

Second, if you hear strange noises at night, please do not open the door.

Finally, I wish you all a sweet dream. "

After Mo Lin finished speaking, he glanced at Zhou Bai, and then stood still.

Zhou Bai immediately understood what he meant, picked a room closest to him, and walked in.

The others also understood one after another, each picked a room and walked in.

It wasn't until everyone walked into the room and closed the door that Molin left his current position and walked upstairs to the castle.

The room Zhou Bai chose was close to the stairs, so after he walked into that room and looked around, he heard Mo Lin's footsteps climbing up the stairs clearly.

It seems that the sound insulation of this castle is not very good.

The room Zhou Bai was in was equipped with a toilet.

Since entering this dungeon, Zhou Bai hasn't taken a good shower yet, so when he saw a toilet, his first reaction was to go in and take a good shower.

He thought so and did so.

Locked the door, walked into the toilet, changed clothes, and turned on the faucet.

The sound of splashing water immediately sounded in the toilet.

Zhou Bai closed his eyes, poured a handful of water on his face with his hands, his vision immediately became blurred, but at this moment, he suddenly heard footsteps and sounded.

He quickly wiped away the water droplets around his eyes with his hands, and then confidently identified the source of the voice.

"Clap, clap, clap..."

The voice didn't seem to come from inside his house, but it seemed to come from above his head.

Zhou Bai looked up at the old ceiling and said with emotion, "The sound insulation is really bad."

Then continue to take a bath.

The sound of footsteps overhead did not last long, and then fell silent.

In this castle, apart from a few of their guests, there were at least Morin and the Witch of Thorns living there. It was not surprising that footsteps could be heard upstairs.

So Zhou Bai didn't take this matter too seriously. After taking a shower, he walked out of the toilet and lay comfortably on the bed.

After a day of rushing, drowsiness soon hit him.

He covered himself with the blanket and closed his eyes.

And just when he was about to fall asleep, a voice came from next door.

(End of this chapter)

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