Rules Strange Story: My Family Is Not Normal

Chapter 327 Someone Always Wants to Leave Me

Chapter 327 Someone Always Wants to Leave Me

Zhou Bai stood at the door and waited for a while before he heard a somewhat lazy voice from inside the room.

"What's wrong? I'm inside."

It turned out that he hadn't woken up yet.

Zhou Bai was slightly relieved, but he was not in a hurry to leave his room.

"We are in a hurry to set off, so come out quickly."

"Well, this damn weather really makes people not want to get up."

Adam's voice came from the room.

And the little tailor standing aside couldn't help laughing when he heard his complaint.

"He probably didn't sleep well last night."

Zhou Bai looked at the dark circles under the eyes of the little tailor, and was noncommittal about his guess.

After the simple conversation, there was no sound in Adam's room again.

Zhou Bai and the little tailor waited outside his door, checking the time from time to time while waiting.

About 10 minutes later, when the doors of other rooms opened one after another, other friends came out of the room one after another, but there was no movement in Adam's room.

"It's eight o'clock, we're almost ready to go."

Hans walked to Zhou Bai's side and urged him expressionlessly.

Zhou Bai frowned and checked the time again. Just as he was about to reach out and knock on the door of Adam's room, he saw Mo Lin walking in front of them from downstairs.

"Guests, good morning.

Miss Thorn has prepared breakfast for you, and she is waiting for you in the restaurant now.

Please come with me. "

Standing in front of them, Morin made a gesture of "please" neither humble nor overbearing.

Faced with Molin's attitude, Zhou Bai knew that it might be difficult for them to refuse his invitation.

However, he still pointed to Adam's room and said to Morin.

"Thank you very much, but we still have a friend who has not come out, and we may have to wait a little longer."

Morin smiled: "It's okay, when he comes out, I will naturally take him there."

With Mo Lin's words, Zhou Bai couldn't say anything more, so he could only follow Mo Lin with the other team members and walked towards the restaurant.

At this time, a new batch of blood-red small cakes were placed on the rectangular table in the restaurant.

The Thorn Witch was still sitting at the top, resting her chin on one hand in a somewhat bored manner, quietly waiting for her guests.

She changed into a new dress today, her blond hair was coiled high into a hairpin, and she still looked radiant.

And when Mo Lin brought her guests to the living room, a smile appeared on her face immediately.

"Good morning, my guests.

Did you sleep well last night? "

"Excellent." With two dark circles under his eyes, the little tailor answered the Thorn Witch's question first.

The Thorn Witch covered her mouth and let out a chuckle before calling them to sit down.

There were still five wounds on David's neck where he was pinched by the Witch of Thorns last night.

Seeing the Witch of Thorns at this moment, subconsciously, he wanted to pick a place far away from her.

"You don't like seeing me?"

The Witch of Thorns looked at David sadly.

David paused, and quickly sat next to her.

"Ah That's good.

Go ahead, these are my favorite little treats. "

Everyone was anxious to go on their way, and this time there was no hesitation. After hearing what she said, they quickly picked up the small cakes on the table, trying to finish eating as soon as possible so that they could continue on their way.

When Zhou Bai passed by the castle hall, he saw that the gate of the castle was still locked.

At that time, it was already past eight o'clock in the morning.

Such a situation made Zhou Bai feel a little worried.

It may take some effort to get out of this castle.

And just as he had this premonition, he heard the Thorns Witch say.

"It's been a long time since so many people eat cakes with me.

Why don't you go and stay with me? "

All the people at the dining table who were devoting themselves to eating the small cakes were all overwhelmed when they heard her words.

With a mouthful of blood-red cake still stuffed in his mouth, he raised his head to look at her in a daze.

isn't it?
Could it be that once the castle is entered, it cannot be exited?

There is no such rule written on the wooden sign at the door!

After being dazed at the beginning, everyone gradually realized that the situation might be tricky.

Zhou Bai was also distressed thinking about how to deal with it.

At this time, a violent collision sound was suddenly heard from upstairs.


Zhou Bai thought of him immediately, and immediately stood up from his chair.

The Witch of Thorns gave Molin a cold look, and Molin immediately understood what she meant.

Immediately left the restaurant and walked towards the place where the sound came from.

"Sorry, ma'am, I have a friend who is still in the room, and I'm a little worried about him, can I follow along to see?"

The Witch of Thorns lazily touched the withered flowers on the table with her nails, and then slowly stood up.

"For the sake of these flowers, I'll take you there."

After the Witch of Thorns finished speaking, she walked ahead, while Zhou Bai hurriedly followed.

"There are always people who want to leave me.

Alas, why are there always so few people who are willing to stay with me?
I've been losing a lot of hair recently.

I guess wait a minute, it should drop some more.

Alas, my poor hair. "

The Thorn Witch walked in front of Zhou Bai, saying something that he didn't know how to answer.

Fortunately, the distance from the restaurant to the stairs was not too far, and they soon reached the second floor.

In the guest room on the second floor, the door to Adam's room has been fully opened at this time.

When Zhou Bai and the Thorn Witch walked into the room, they saw Mo Lin standing by the window, and a window in front of him had already been opened.

When they approached the window and looked down, they saw Adam holding a lot of things in his arms and limping towards the distance.

"Look, someone wants to leave me again."

When the Thorn Witch said this, Zhou Bai suddenly felt the temperature around him start to turn cold.

He turned his head to look at the Thorn Witch in astonishment.

I saw her long hair, which was coiled up high, seemed to have a life of its own at this moment, and was slowly climbing down.

"Though I don't like him very much.

But he wanted to leave me and it still made me feel bad. "

Zhou Bai looked at the hair of the Thorn Witch, and the "bacon" hanging in the woods appeared in his mind.

Immediately felt a little bad.

Although Adam committed suicide by himself, one of Zhou Bai's requirements for clearing the level this time was to lead five friends through the Black Forest.

Adam is now one of his five little friends.

If he died at this time, wouldn't Zhou Bai lose a little friend?

Missing one of the customs clearance conditions also means that the customs clearance failed.

Thinking of this, Zhou Bai's palms began to sweat a little.

You have to find a way to save Adam first.

(End of this chapter)

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