Rules Strange Story: My Family Is Not Normal

Chapter 341 Adam found a new teammate?

Chapter 341 Adam found a new teammate?

After hearing Zhou Bai's question, the big yellow dog and the seven crows fell silent.

Kelly didn't notice their abnormality, but thought that Zhou Bai was only inviting her from within.

"My brothers are used to living in the Black Forest, so they might not want to go out.

I have been wandering outside, I can go anywhere.

Where my brothers are, I will be there. "

Zhou Bai looked at the reactions of the big yellow dog and the crows, and felt that Kelly might not know enough about her brothers.

But it was enough for Kelly to have such an answer.

At least it didn't block the way.

Zhou Bai didn't completely lose a friend.

After a simple breakfast, Zhou Bai and his party took the crow that was willing to lead the way, bid farewell to Kelly, Ah Huang and the crows, and left the cabin.

The little bat that was "driven out" by the Witch of Thorns still followed behind them.

But this little guy seemed a little afraid of the crows standing on Zhou Bai's shoulders, since they came out, he only dared to follow them from a distance.

Zhou Bai and his group, following the route on the map, quickly arrived at the fork in the road they had seen before.

And just like the crow said, this intersection is indeed different from the one drawn on the map.

The difference is that there are only two forked roads on the map, but there are three forked roads that appear in front of them now.

Zhou Bai looked at the three forked roads in front of him. For some reason, he vaguely felt that the road that was deliberately erased from the map was probably the exit leading to the Black Forest.

He didn't tell others about his sudden sixth sense, because they probably don't care about this issue at all now.

So he temporarily put aside this guess, stood at the intersection, looked at the three forked roads in front of him, and thought about the direction of the next step.

At this moment, the crow standing on Zhou Bai's shoulder let out a "dumb" cry, and then flew to one of the intersections, flapping its wings non-stop.

"Go this way."

Zhou Bai pointed to the intersection where the crow was, and then followed.

Although the following route was no different from what was drawn on the map, the crow still flew ahead very dedicatedly, trying to guide the way for Zhou Bai and the others.

With the crow leading the way, the progress of Zhou Bai's journey this time was much smoother than before.

Before twelve o'clock at noon, they were less than half of the distance to the next supply point.

Just when they wanted to stop and find a shade to rest, they suddenly saw a figure under a big tree in the distance.

Zhou Bai and his party immediately raised their vigilance, lowered their voices, and slowly approached the big tree.

The figure lowered its head, sitting under the tree, motionless, as if sleeping.

When Zhou Bai and the others approached him, they realized that he was actually tied up.

So they all walked towards the man, wanting to see what happened to him.

"Hey, hey, brother, wake up."

The little tailor walked in front and patted his shoulder lightly, trying to wake him up first.

But Zhou Bai walked a few steps slower, and when he came in front of him, he saw the little tailor lowered his head, approaching the man's face, wanting to confirm his condition.


A deep voice came from the man's body.

When Zhou Bai heard this, he immediately felt that the situation was not good.


The person tied to the tree was still making this piercing sound.

"what happened?"

The little tailor was not afraid of death, and patted him on the shoulder again.

Seeing his movements, Zhou Bai felt his entire scalp go numb.

At this moment, the man suddenly raised his head.

A pair of white eyes immediately appeared in front of Zhou Bai.

Then he turned his head quickly, and opened his mouth, about to bite the little tailor's hand on his shoulder.

The little tailor was a little stunned, not knowing how to react for a while.

At this moment, he suddenly felt a pair of hands behind him grabbing his collar and pulling him to the ground.

His head hit the ground, he let out a cry of pain, he looked up and saw Zhou Bai let go of his collar, and clapped his hands, looking at him with disgust.

He stretched out his hands to cover his head in pain, and then saw the man tied to the tree trunk, struggling and about to break free from the rope.

He was so frightened that he put his hands on the ground, lowered his head and wanted to stand up from the ground quickly.

But suddenly he heard a "呲" sound, and then a large amount of blood sprayed onto the ground in front of his feet.

He raised his head hastily, and what he saw was that Hans had just pulled the knife out of the man's head.

"I'm bored."

He gave the little tailor a displeased look.

He took out a cloth from his pocket, trying to wipe off the blood on the knife.

But after seeing the repaired marks on the cloth, he silently stuffed it back into his pocket.

"It's so annoying, you caused the trouble, help me clean the knife."

Hans threw the knife in front of the little tailor.

The little tailor didn't bring any cloth or paper towels, so he could only pick up the knife, wipe it on his clothes twice, and then gave it back to Hans.

Hans took the knife with disgust on his face, looked at it for a long time in discomfort, and then reluctantly put it back into his pocket.

Zhou Bai walked up to the "person" who had lost the ability to move, looked at the ropes tied to his body, and frowned.

Who bound him?

Adventurers who accidentally meet him?
Or the person who is secretly controlling the Black Forest.

Zhou Bai looked at his neck, and as expected, he saw another iron plate on his neck.


It seems that these numbers are likely to be arranged in the order of pollution.

Zhou Bai walked around the big tree behind that person again, wanting to see if there was any useful information.

But when Zhou Bai walked behind the big tree, he suddenly saw a hat appearing in the grass.

It was a felt hat.

This is the hat that Adam wore before!

Zhou Bai picked up the hat and walked in front of the others.

And the few of them quickly recognized the hat.

"Adam's hat?"

"So this man was tied by Adam?"

Zhou Bai felt that this possibility was not impossible.

But it might not be so easy to bind this polluted person with Adam alone.

And he doesn't have a map himself, so the possibility of being able to get here by himself is very low.

Therefore, it is very likely that he has found his teammates again.

(End of this chapter)

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