Rules Strange Story: My Family Is Not Normal

Chapter 359 The Black Forest Dungeon Ends

Chapter 359 The Black Forest Dungeon Ends

Zhou Bai also picked up the letter that was pierced by the sharp arrow, and then tore it into pieces in front of David.

David stared blankly at the piece of paper, and didn't make a sound to stop Zhou Bai's actions.

"I'll write you a new one, anyway, the envelope has the king's handwriting on it, and the queen won't doubt it.

Whatever the king promised you, I will write it down for you. "

David stared blankly at Zhou Bai for a while, his eyes suddenly dimmed, and then he shook his head.

"I don't want to do this. Things won't last long by cheating."

Zhou Bai smiled and handed the envelope back to him.

But after he took the envelope, he tore it up as well.

"Let's go."

Zhou Bai went over to help him up, and led him out of the "casserole".

The little bat went back with the Thorn Witch, but now in the sky, there were only seven crows hovering beside Zhou Bai.

Some people's dreams are shattered, some people's hopes are dashed, and some people are seriously injured...

But no matter what, now is the time to leave this black forest.

The sun in the sky has slowly set.

Zhou Bai walked in front of the team, and the seven crows slowly flew in front of him.

In this way they walked out towards the outside of the canyon.

They also rested at the supply station for one night, and the next day, they continued to leave for the cabin.

When they were about to reach the cabin, they saw Kelly and Ah Huang standing at the door waiting from a distance.

The explosions heard in the canyon yesterday caused many trees near the cabin to collapse.

Fortunately, Kelly and Ah Huang were not hurt.

They saw Zhou Bai and the others from a distance, and ran over happily.

In order to complete the task, Zhou Bai invited them to leave together again.

But what I didn't expect was that this time, Kelly and her brothers readily agreed.

Therefore, Kelly, a big yellow dog, and seven crows were added to the team leaving the Black Forest.

However, when they looked at the map and studied the departure route together, they encountered difficulties.

Because the crows told Zhou Bai through the big yellow dog that almost every road leading to the exit on the map was wrong.

And since the black forest was controlled by those wizards, they never walked out of the black forest.

So they didn't know where the exit of the Black Forest was.

Hearing what the big yellow dog said, everyone else showed disappointed expressions.

"Are we all going to be trapped in this forest?"

While looking at the map, Zhou Bai suddenly remembered the road that was deliberately erased from the map at the fork before.

In the previous maps, there was never a wrong place on the road to the canyon.

But there the road was deliberately erased there, very abruptly.

It's hard not to be suspicious.

Zhou Bai told the others about this idea, and after hearing that, the seven crows seemed to have remembered something, and all shouted in unison.

"The masters said that you can try that road."

Ah Huang translated what the crows said in a short sentence.

Everyone hit it off and decided to give it a try.

So the crows led the way again, and others followed behind.

When he reached the forked intersection, he walked towards the road that did not appear on the map.

And the result was much smoother than they imagined.

They walked very smoothly on this road, and they came to the exit of the Black Forest before dark.

Zhou Bai's condition for this mission was to lead his teammates out of the Black Forest, find one of them who hadn't lied, and take him to the king.

Now that they have walked out of the Black Forest, the first requirement can be regarded as fulfilled.

Then the next thing to do is to find the person who has not lied, and take him to the king.

Thinking of this, Zhou Bai slowly glanced over the other people.

Finally, it fell on David.

The little tailor and Hans escorted the bound Adam, ready to go to receive the reward.

And Kelly took Ah Huang and the seven crows, planning to go back to the place where she used to live.

Only David stood at the gate of the Black Forest, his eyes full of confusion.

After saying goodbye to the others, Zhou Bai said to David.

"I'll take you to the king."

David stared blankly at Zhou Bai: "Meet the king?"

But Zhou Bai didn't wait for him to agree, he pulled him and climbed up a nearby high mountain.

"Isn't the king supposed to be in the palace?
Why did you take me to climb the mountain. "

Zhou Bai smiled, but did not answer his question.

The king wanted David to take a letter to the queen and tell the queen in the letter that he would kill him.

Then why didn't he kill him himself, or tell the queen himself?

Then there is only one possibility, that is, when he saw David, he had no way to kill him, and he didn't want to go back to the palace recently.

As for where would he be now?
Thinking of this, Zhou Bai looked towards the top of the mountain road and smiled.

This mountain is the only place in the vicinity where you can see the whole Black Forest.

Zhou Bai guessed that when the game he laid out was about to be closed, he would definitely want to see it with his own eyes.

And when they came to the top of the mountain, they saw a small house appearing there alone.

And the figure of an old man also appeared in the house.

Zhou Bai pointed to the small house and said to David, "Go in and meet him."

David saw the figure and clenched his hands.

And when he walked past Zhou Bai and walked towards the small house, Zhou Bai saw the knife in his pocket.

Zhou Bai sighed softly, turned around, and looked down at the black forest below, not intending to care about what would happen in the next small room.

Just when David's footsteps stepped into the small house, that mechanical voice sounded again in Zhou Bai's mind.

【Congratulations to Zhou Bai, the Chosen One of the Great Xia Kingdom, who led five friends through the Black Forest, and brought David, who has never lied, to the king. 】

[Clearance level: SSS level. 】

[The rewards will be distributed now. 】

[The people of Daxia Kingdom, the ability to resist pollution, increased by 5%]

[You can continue to rest for another night in this copy. 】

[The next copy, "Seven Days of Death Notice". 】

[Please get ready, enter the copy on time at 7:[-] tomorrow morning. 】

This is the fourth time I have heard of this award.

Although Zhou Bai still couldn't understand the meaning of this reward, he always felt that when these values ​​accumulated to a certain level, bad things might happen again.

The expected screams did not come from the small room behind Zhou Bai.

Zhou Bai turned his head to take a look inside, then walked down the mountain road slowly.

At seven o'clock tomorrow morning, the next dungeon will start, and he needs to find a place to rest.

(End of this chapter)

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