Rules Strange Story: My Family Is Not Normal

Chapter 366 He Doesn't Have Such Clothes

Chapter 366 He Doesn't Have Such Clothes
Facing Father Lin who was obviously vigilant, Zhou Bai could only find a way to calm down the atmosphere first.


Could it be that in this corridor, it is stipulated that only one person can walk at a time? "

Zhou Bai made a not-so-funny joke.

On the other hand, Papa Lin showed a somewhat suspicious expression as he sized Zhou Bai up and down.

Zhou Bai felt a little nervous when he saw him, and said to himself:

Unexpectedly, the one on this floor that looks the weakest is actually the scariest.

Papa Lin looked away from Zhou Bai's body, turned around and walked down the stairs.

But Zhou Bai looked at his figure that kept going down, and didn't dare to move forward.

Papa Lin can go downstairs, and the whole process is no different from what he did yesterday.

So what is the problem?
Zhou Bai felt that he might need to think about this issue from another angle.

Zhou Bai watched Papa Lin walk downstairs, then walked to the railing beside him, watching his figure gradually move away.

Rules of survival on the top floor of the Happiness Building, Article [-].

[Papa Lin sometimes likes to take off his arms.If you see it, please laugh at him to your heart's content, or he will be unhappy. 】

From Zhou Bai's contact with him today, it can be seen that Papa Lin's left hand may be somewhat different from normal people.

Suppose Papa Lin's left hand is a prosthetic.

So when a disabled person shows his pain in front of others, would he expect others to laugh at him?

This doesn't seem very reasonable.

So what is the reason for this rule?
Could this rule be wrong?

Fortunately, Papa Lin didn't take off his arm today, otherwise, it would be really difficult to deal with.

Zhou Bai held on to the railing until Papa Lin's figure disappeared at the end of the gray street before turning around and walking back.

From a distance, I saw Ah Zhen standing in front of her door.

"I knocked on the door for a long time, but you didn't answer. I thought you didn't want to talk to me anymore."

Ah Zhen is wearing a light-colored camisole today, and a thin knitted jacket outside.

The jacket hung down obliquely, exposing half of the shoulders.

Seeing Zhou Bai approaching, leaning against the door frame, coquettishly flirting with him.

And this scene happened to be seen by Lin's mother who came out with the trash can.

"Dog men and women."

Mother Lin scolded, holding a trash can in her hand, slippers on her feet, and stepped on the ground vigorously.

Accompanied by the sound of "pa, pa, pa", it seemed to express her dissatisfaction with this "dog man and woman".

Seeing Zhou Bai approaching, Ah Zhen covered her mouth and laughed lightly.

"She's praising us."

Without making a sound, Zhou Bai opened the door in front of him and walked in.

"It's okay, as long as Aaron dies, we will leave here together.

Do you think it's okay? "

Zhou Bai didn't answer her question, he went straight to the refrigerator and poured her another glass of ice water.

The green T-shirt Ah Zhen wore yesterday is now hanging on her balcony.

If Zhou Bai looked to the side from his balcony, he could easily see that dress.

Zhou Bai took the ice water back to the living room, it was still the same, and sat opposite Ah Zhen.

Ah Zhen, on the other hand, leaned on the sofa, looking at Zhou Bai with some dissatisfaction.

"Why are you sitting so far away from me?"

Zhou Bai froze a bit: "Maybe...the weather is hotter today..."

Ah Zhen nodded: "It's really hot."

After speaking, he took off his coat.

As a result, the temperature in the entire living room became even hotter.

Zhou Bai's gaze fell on the glass of ice water, thinking that he should change the subject now.

"How were you yesterday?"

Zhou Bai's question refers to the incident that Aaron beat her yesterday.

I saw Ah Zhen leaning on the sofa, propping her head with her hands, her eyes were full of numbness.

"What else? I'm used to it."

Zhou Bai looked up at her.

The slap that Aaron slapped her yesterday did not leave marks on her face.

And there doesn't seem to be any scars on the body.

Maybe it was something that fell yesterday, but it didn't hit her.

Zhou Bai's first reaction was to think this way in his heart.

"You're looking at me like that again.

In the past, you were rarely like this. "

When Zhou Bai heard this, he froze again.

Has it been discovered?
Fortunately, Ah Zhen blushed slightly, and turned her head immediately.

Zhou Bai heaved a sigh of relief.

Jane has a green T-shirt with bears on it.

The man who died six days later was wearing such a dress.

Looking at the dressing styles of the three members of the Lin family next door, the chance of colliding with her is actually not high.

Suppose there is only one such dress in total on this floor.

Then the size of this dress, except for Ah Zhen, only Xiong Xiong can wear it.

But is there really only one such dress?
Ah Zhen also bought a couple shirt for Aaron, it is not impossible.

If this is the case, the scope of the dead's lock will be expanded a lot.

Zhou Bai thought about it, and decided to ask Ah Zhen.

"The dress you wore yesterday, shouldn't Aaron also have one?"

Ah Zhen rested her chin in one hand and looked at Zhou Bai with a smile.

"Why do you ask?"

Zhou Bai could only find a random reason.

"Maybe...that dress looks like a couple shirt."

As soon as Ah Zhen heard it, she immediately laughed lightly.

"Are you jealous?"

Zhou Bai: "If you understand it this way... it's actually okay."

A-Zhen smiled even more happily: "Don't worry, A-Long doesn't have a dress like this."

Zhou Bai's heart immediately relaxed.

Aaron didn't have a piece of clothing like this, so the possible scope of the deceased was immediately narrowed to only Azhen and Xiongxiong.

Even so, Zhou Bai still felt that he couldn't take it lightly.

Who knows what will happen in the next few days.

Ah Zhen sat on Zhou Bai's sofa, took out her mobile phone, and flipped through the contents.

But when she saw a text message, she frowned.

"Hey, why did I have another chainsaw knife sent downstairs?

Didn't the chainsaw arrive yesterday? "

Zhou Bai told her what happened yesterday.

After hearing Zhou Bai's description, she immediately smiled.

"The couple, plus a little devil, will have an accident sooner or later.

Hehe, Xingfu Building, Xingfu Building, but none of the people who live here are happy. "

The smile on her face didn't reach her eyes, her gaze swept across Zhou Bai's body, and then she stood up from the sofa.

"The courier left the chainsaw downstairs at the concierge.

I have to go down and get it.

Otherwise, if Aaron finds out, I will die a miserable death..."

After she finished speaking, she put her coat back on, opened the door and walked out.

(End of this chapter)

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