Chapter 380 You are fooled
Zhou Bai's hand was pinching Xiong Xiong.

And he found that every time he moved his hands harder, the weird feeling on Xiong Xiong's face would become lighter.

Seeing this small detail, Zhou Bai's heart lightened up, and he grabbed Xiong Xiong's body and turned him around, making him prostrate on the ground.

Xiong Xiong is like a large toy, whose body movements are changed by Zhou Bai at will.

Immediately gritted his teeth angrily.

"Let me tell you, if it weren't for this broken body, you would have died a thousand times, ten thousand times."

Of course Zhou Bai would not give him the chance to continue talking.

He stretched out his hand directly, and slapped Xiong Xiong's ass with a slap.

Xiong Xiong's voice that was still talking just now stopped abruptly.

But Zhou Bai didn't stop, and another slap continued to land on Xiong Xiong's buttocks.

Under Zhou Bai's successive slaps, Xiong Xiong had no way to struggle anymore.

As Zhou Bai's last slap fell, his body was like a toy whose switch had been turned off, and fell sideways on the ground as if it had lost its energy.

"Although you're not completely fooled.

But you are still fooled. "

The weird smile on Xiong Xiong's face completely disappeared after he finished the last two sentences in a weak voice.

There was only one large toy that could not move, lying beside Zhou Bai.

The house was quiet again.

Outside the house, the sound of approaching footsteps finally reached Zhou Bai's door.

Fortunately, the people outside the house didn't seem to hear any abnormal sounds in Zhou Bai's room.

The sound of footsteps only passed by Zhou Bai's door, and they continued walking forward without stopping.

Zhou Bai stood inside the room, listening carefully to the sound of footsteps outside.

It wasn't until the sound of footsteps disappeared along with the sound of closing the door that he sat down next to the large toy as if he collapsed.

Are you still fooled?

What exactly does Xiong Xiong mean by what he said just now?
Zhou Bai looked at the body lying next to him, carefully recalling what Xiong Xiong had said.

It wasn't until the room became quiet again that he finally caught the source of the familiarity in his voice to Xiong Xiong.

That voice from the ceiling!
Every time he showed a weird smile, his voice was very similar to the voice on the ceiling.

After Zhou Bai realized this, his scalp tingled again.

If this is the case, he will have to start thinking again, the malice he is facing now may have other sources.

He sat on the ground, took out the four red threads he had prepared in advance, and repeatedly weighed them in his heart.

At this time, in the next room, Aaron's voice came again.

"Ah...Ah Zhen?"

"Great! You're finally home!"

"When did you go home?"

"Where did you go? Do you know how hard it was for me to find you?"

"I know I was wrong, I will never quarrel with you again!"

Hearing Aaron's voice next door, Zhou Bai stuffed the red thread back into his pocket again.

He stood up from the ground, walked to the balcony, and looked downstairs.

I saw that Lin's mother seemed to have met an acquaintance upstairs, still holding the trash can in her hand, and was chatting with the person standing opposite her.

Zhou Bai only glanced at her, and after confirming her location, he walked back into the room again.

On the floor of Zhou Bai's room, there was still a raging body lying on it.

If others on this floor had seen it, they might have preferred to call him "The Corpse."

Zhou Bai calmed down and recalled the things he usually experienced.

Gradually, he began to want to understand the intention of Xiong Xiong's behavior.

Xiong Xiong just said that he came to get evidence.

However, if he really just wanted to uncover the secrets of Zhou Bai and A Zhen, did he really need to come in to get the evidence?

He just needs to tell Aaron, presumably Aaron will not believe it at first, but he will definitely break in to see what happened.

Why should he take the risk by himself?

Therefore, his purpose was not only to stir up conflicts between Aaron and Zhou Bai.

Believe it, Xiong Xiong is like a corpse now, lying in Zhou Bai's room.

So if Father Lin and Mother Lin saw it, what would they do?
So Xiongxiong, or rather, what the "it" on the ceiling really wants is for more people to come and put Zhou Bai to death together.

He said that Zhou Bai was still fooled, and he was indeed right.

This wave of his actions directly filled Zhou Bai's hatred on this floor.

It seems that the remaining day and a half of the countdown to death will not be so easy.

Zhou Bai stood in the room, glanced at Xiong Xiong lying on the floor, thought for a while, picked him up, put him on the bed, and covered him with a quilt.

After finishing this matter, Zhou Bai walked back to the living room, sat on the sofa, and quietly waited for the next storms to come.

It was about four o'clock in the afternoon when Mother Lin finished chatting with her friends and walked home with the trash can.

But not long after, she hurried out of her home again.

"Xiong Xiong, Xiong Xiong, where did you go to play?"

Her anxious footsteps sounded in the corridor, and she kept calling Xiong Xiong's name as she walked.

Zhou Bai sat calmly on the sofa, listening to Mama Lin's shout outside the corridor, took out his phone and stared at the time on it.

At about 35:[-], Mother Lin searched her home, upstairs and downstairs, and finally came and knocked on Zhou Bai's door.

"Knock, knock, knock..."

Zhou Bai heard a knock on the door, stood up from the sofa unhurriedly, put his phone away, and then walked to the door.

The door opened, and Zhou Bai saw Mama Lin with messy hair standing anxiously in front of Zhou Bai's door.

"Excuse me, have you seen my son?"

"I met you in the morning. He was with you at that time."

Mama Lin immediately showed a disappointed expression.

Turning around and knocking on Aaron's door, he asked the same question again to Aaron who opened the door and came out.

After getting Aaron's negative answer, Mother Lin stood in the corridor in a daze.

Zhou Bai glanced at her figure, then lowered his head and closed the door in front of him.

Sitting back on the sofa, he took out his phone again and continued to watch the passing time on it.

It was probably close to six o'clock.

The voice of Papa Lin hurriedly returning early echoed in the corridor.

Outside the window, it turned into a dark red sunset again.

Zhou Bai put the phone back into his pocket, got up and stretched, and stretched his muscles in advance.

After Papa Lin returned home, he briefly exchanged a few words with Mama Lin, and then immediately walked over and knocked on Zhou Bai's door.

(End of this chapter)

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