Rules Strange Story: My Family Is Not Normal

Chapter 424 The ability to influence is increasing

Chapter 424 The ability to influence is increasing

Zhou Bai walked back along the corridor.

Along the way, I saw large bloodstains on the ground from time to time, and it was too late to clean up.

Some patients squatted on the ground tremblingly, and most of them were surrounded by several doctors who were smiling very happily.

"Fun, fun, really fun."

Zhou Bai glanced at the doctors who were all smiling. He didn't seem to be making eye contact with them, so he looked away and continued walking forward.

At this time, he saw the female doctor with two braids appearing in front of her again.

Beside her, a patient was squatting on the ground, covering his head with his hands in horror.

"This patient, I just want to ask you, why are you so afraid of any animal that can survive with its head removed?"

The patient who was squatting on the ground was forced to listen to her question again, and immediately hugged his head with his hands even more frightened.

"No, don't pick off my head. Without my head, I can't live."

The female doctor with braids covered her mouth with a smile.

"Didn't you just say that you are a dragonfly?

Give it a try.

Give it a try, it doesn't mean you will definitely die..."

The patient yelled in horror: "Ah! Don't pick off my head, don't, don't touch my head."

The female doctor with braids smiled and squatted down, and opened her mouth wide in front of the patient, allowing the hair in her mouth to appear in front of him.

Immediately, the patient was so frightened that his feet went limp.

Even trying to escape while crawling, he fell several times.

A few more doctors came over, sighed, took out a rope, and tied up the patient and pulled him into the ward.

Zhou Bai passed by them, trying not to attract any doctor's attention.

But after walking a few steps, he still saw the female doctor with braids walking towards him.

"This patient, he can't answer my question, or you can answer it.

What animal has its head removed and is still alive? "

After the female doctor with braids finished asking the question, she also opened her mouth to Zhou Bai, revealing the strands of hair inside.

Zhou Bai felt that the picture was too harsh, so he couldn't help frowning, showing a disgusted expression.

Seeing Zhou Bai's disgusted expression, the female doctor became a little angry.

But as if he remembered something, he worked hard to put back the angry expression on his face.

"This patient, you need to answer the doctor's questions well, so that you can get closer and closer to the death package.

So please answer my question now. "

When the female doctor was talking, it was inevitable that a few hairs would come out of her mouth.

So the disgusted expression on Zhou Bai's face became more obvious.

When the female doctor saw it, she opened her mouth wider and wider in anger.

Just when he was about to ask Zhou Bai to answer the question, he saw Zhou Bai put his hand on his nose and fanned him.

"The next time you finish eating, can you rinse your mouth?"

The female doctor suddenly collapsed.


She was so angry that she hesitated for a long time, but she couldn't say a word.

Finally, he stomped his feet towards Zhou Bai, covered his mouth, and ran out of the corridor.

After going to the second floor, the difficulty of dealing with these doctors in the world of red rules has been greatly reduced.

It's just that every time you go to the second floor, it means going through a danger.

Of these two dangers, which one is more terrifying, Zhou Bai still has no idea in his mind.

Seeing the back of the female doctor leaving, Zhou Bai shook his head helplessly.

And during the few minutes they were talking, another patient was encouraged to bite another patient.

As a result, a pool of blood was immediately added to the white corridor floor.

The doctors in the blue rule world on the fifth floor were obviously overwhelmed.

The two patients were allowed to bite together, but no one came to pull them away.

Zhou Bai walked towards them, planning to knock the two patients unconscious.

But when Zhou Bai approached them, he suddenly saw the patient wearing the red bow tie appearing directly in front of him.

He stretched out his hand again, wanting to touch the doorknob in front of him.

And when a patient at Zhou Bai's feet bit another patient.

The patient with the red bow tie just happened to put his hand on the doorknob.

He looked at the two patients who were biting together, with a smile on his face.

But this time, his hand didn't pass through the doorknob, but held it firmly.

When Zhou Bai saw it, he was shocked.

It's over, his ability to influence the world of blue rules is slowly increasing.

Zhou Bai realized that danger was approaching.

And the patient wearing the red bow tie, with a smile on his face at this moment, turned his head slowly and looked at Zhou Bai with a smile.

Cold sweat broke out on Zhou Bai's back.

He also hesitated for a moment when he originally wanted to do something with his hand.

It was during this brief moment of Zhou Bai's hesitation, in the world of blue rules, that the doctors who had just tied up a patient finally noticed the situation here.

And seeing Zhou Bai standing next to the two patients who were biting each other, he quickly shouted at him.

"Hey, what about you, go away.

If you don't go away, I'll tie you up too. "

Hearing the warning sound behind him, Zhou Bai didn't turn his head, and turned his footsteps in one direction, avoiding them, and continued walking forward.

The patient in the red tie was still smiling and looking at Zhou Bai.

When Zhou Bai passed by him, he still didn't let go of the door handle.

It wasn't until Zhou Bai turned his back to him that he slowly withdrew his hand. He didn't continue to take the next step, but continued to watch the chaos in the corridor.

Zhou Bai returned to his ward exhaustedly with a chaotic head filled with all kinds of information.

When I opened the door, I saw that No. 1 boss wearing a fisherman hat had returned to the ward.

Sitting on the hospital bed, he got a piece of paper and a pen from somewhere in his hand, lowered his head, and wrote something seriously.

The sound of Zhou Bai opening the door seemed to startle him.

Before he could see who the person walked in, he frantically put away the note in his hand.

"You... came back quite early..."
In order to ease the embarrassment, No. 1 boss went out of his way and greeted Zhou Bai very politely.

Zhou Bai didn't intend to hide his curiosity, his eyes fell on the folded note, and he asked with a smile.

"What were you writing just now?"

"Write whatever you want, it's nothing to look at." The No. 1 boss said, and put the folded note into his drawer with a guilty conscience.

(End of this chapter)

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