Rules Strange Story: My Family Is Not Normal

Chapter 486 The Effect of Black Smoke

Chapter 486 The Effect of Black Smoke

Seeing this, Fatty Peng quickly walked a few steps over to care about him.

"Are you OK?"

Fatty Peng supported his arm, bent down to check his condition with concern.

However, the painful expression on the monkey's face quickly disappeared.

Instead, there was a cruel expression.

He stretched out his hand, quickly grabbed Fatty Peng's wrist, and pulled him desperately towards the cloud of black smoke that enveloped the supermarket.

"Eh? Brother, brother, where are you taking me?"

Fatty Peng didn't feel that the danger was approaching, he just felt a little baffled, so he just let him drag him forward.

Seeing the two of them walking away, Zhou Bai sighed, then stood there and shook his head helplessly.

This silly boy, he has to suffer a little bit so that he can grow up in the future.

So Zhou Bai stood there without stepping forward, and let Fatty Peng be dragged closer and closer to the black smoke.

"Brother, brother, you don't want to enter the supermarket, do you?
Let me tell you, in this supermarket, but..."

Before Fatty Peng could finish his sentence, he saw the little brother next to him suddenly let go of his hand, and then bent down and lay down on the ground in discomfort.

This time, the pain on his face was finally real.

From Zhou Bai's perspective, he could see that the monkey had brought Fatty Peng to the front of the black smoke.

The black smoke climbed up to them, causing the monkeys to scratch the ground with their nails in agony.

He turned to look at Fatty Peng in disbelief.

Seeing that he was still standing there safe and sound, he immediately slapped the ground in frustration.

He supported himself with difficulty with his hands, struggling to get up from the ground.

Then he turned his head and looked at Zhou Bai who was standing in the distance with a pair of red eyes.

"What's the matter with you? Are you okay?"

Fatty Peng knelt down and asked him nervously.

However, when his face approached the monkey, he suddenly saw the nails shining with metal, which suddenly reached out to the front of his neck.

Fatty Peng was so frightened that he stood there motionless.

Yuanyuan's eyes widened, and she looked at her little brother who was weak and helpless just now.

"Come here, otherwise, your friend will die immediately." The monkey turned to Zhou Bai and said.

Your friend is going to die soon?
Fatty Peng realized that the friend the monkey was talking about seemed to be him.

For a moment, he felt that his world was about to collapse.

Why does the light of justice go out when it is said to be extinguished?

With his brain, how could he imagine that a person like Monkey can survive in City A until now, how could he be a simple and pitiful little boy.

He lowered his eyes in a daze, looking at the sharp claws approaching his neck, he began to doubt his life.

Zhou Bai, who was standing in the distance, sighed helplessly seeing Fatty Peng's obviously injured appearance.

"Still coming? Don't want your friends?"

Hearing what the monkey said, Fatty Peng looked up in Zhou Bai's direction with teary eyes and the last bit of hope.

Zhou Bai leaned against the wall, smiled, stood up straight, patted the dust off his body, and walked towards them.

One step, two steps, three steps...

The calmer Zhou Bai walked, the more shocked and desperate the monkey's expression became.

Until he saw Zhou Bai walking in front of him safe and sound, the monkey's sharp nails also became trembling.

"Let him go. I can see that you don't want to kill him."

The monkey was so uncomfortable that the muscles on his face were trembling.

Hearing what Zhou Bai said, he withdrew his hand angrily, and then roared.

"You nonsense, how could I not want to kill him?!"

After yelling, he glanced at Fatty Peng angrily.

"I was just using him, who told him to be stupid.

In this hell, there are still people who give food to others.

Such a person, if I don't use him, who will use him?
Even if I don't use him, sooner or later he will be divided up by those hungry wolves here. "

Fatty Peng thought he was acting bravely, but he didn't expect that his actions would look like a fool in the eyes of others.

When he thought of this, tears kept rolling in his eyes.

I endured it for a long time, but I didn't let the tears fall from my eyes.

Enduring the pain caused by the black smoke, the monkey raised his head and stared fiercely at Zhou Bai.

"This time, I admit it.

I can see that you are not familiar with the environment here.

But after all the calculations, even if you don't count, you two are also monsters. "

Zhou Bai felt that the information content in his words was a bit too much.

So I stood there, staring at him, thinking for a while.

Then he reached out and tore off Fatty Peng's scarf.

Then, he took off the peaked cap he was wearing on his head and the mask on his face.

Seeing the unmutated faces of the two of them, the monkey took a few steps back in surprise.


You are really monsters..."

He used both hands and feet, stepping back in fear.

It's a pity that he didn't run very far, and Zhou Bai grabbed him by the collar again, pulled him, and pulled him back in front of him.

The monkey's body, being pulled by Zhou Bai and touched the black smoke, immediately fell to the ground in pain.

"Brother Bai, what's wrong with him?"

They have all been used, and Fatty Peng still has time to care about others.

Zhou Bai couldn't help but cast a sidelong glance at him.

Using force with his hands, he pulled the monkey to the side, so that his body would no longer touch the black smoke.

Then his expression slowly returned to normal.

"Tell me, what do you know about this supermarket?"

Zhou Bai stared at him intently.

His hands grabbed his two wrists again, making his most important weapon unable to function.

"It may be too difficult for you to answer this question.

Well, let me be more specific.

Why did you want to drag Fatty Peng over to touch the black smoke just now? "

After Zhou Bai finished speaking, he made a gesture to drag the monkey into the black smoke.

The monkey was so frightened that it hurriedly stopped it.

"Don't, don't, don't move.

Because... Because as long as others touch the black smoke, they will be slowly corroded. "

When Fatty Peng heard this, he jumped up from the ground in fright.

"So you really wanted me to die just now?"

The monkey turned his head away: "Otherwise? Do you really think I dare not kill you?"

When Fatty Peng heard it, tears fell down immediately.

It never occurred to him that in one day, he would break his heart twice on the same person.

Zhou Bai patted his shoulder.

"He said slowly.

So it's not enough to let you die, at most you will be injured. "

Fatty Peng felt that he was not comforted.

But he reached out and wiped away his tears.

Zhou Bai shook his head helplessly, continued to return to the topic, grasped the main point, and asked the monkey.

"You just said that others will be slowly corroded, so you can't, right?"

(End of this chapter)

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