Rules Strange Story: My Family Is Not Normal

Chapter 488 The Candle Shop Without Lights

Chapter 488 The Candle Shop Without Lights

The monkey shrank its neck, and moved its body further to the side.

" the door and go in to get it.

Just a few days ago, I saw someone go in with my own eyes. "

How many days ago?
This time period is very close to the date when the duty team last received the distress signal.

Is there really a connection between them?

Zhou Bai hurriedly asked, "How did you open it? What happened to the person after opening it?"

The monkey shook his head in panic.

"I do not know I do not know……

I saw the black smoke dissipate and the door of the supermarket opened.

There is a lot of food in there.

The man took the food and left..."

When the monkey was talking, his eyes kept looking to his side in panic.

Zhou Bai suddenly felt something was wrong.

The real content of his words may not be very high.

This question is closely related to their mission, and they must try him again.

Thinking this way, Zhou Bai walked towards him with a gun in his hand.

As he walked, he aimed the gun at all parts of his body, frightening him and fixed him in place again.

"Do you think I'm that easy to deceive?"

After Zhou Bai finished speaking, he aimed his gun at his foot, and shot him again.

"Bang" sound.

The bullet landed at the monkey's feet.

The monkey was so frightened that he put his head in his hands and screamed in a broken voice.

"I was wrong, I was wrong, I said, I said.

The man walked to the door of the supermarket, and suddenly the door opened, and a strange force grabbed him inside.

After he went in, he never came out again.

I really didn't lie to you this time.

I followed him all the way from the movie theater. If you don’t believe me, you can go to the movie theater and ask. "

The way the monkey spoke this time was finally a little more sincere.

But Zhou Bai was still dubious about what he said.

"I can't prove what you said.

Or so be it.

I will throw you at the door of the supermarket now to see if you will be caught in, so I can know if you have lied? "

The monkey buried his head in fright, and hugged his own head with both hands.

"Don't lose me, don't lose me.

I know how to get in.

You lost me, and you'll never know how to get in. "

Zhou Bai put down his pistol.

"I won't lose you.

Tell me, how do you get in? "

The monkey took a deep breath, carefully raised his head and looked at Zhou Bai.

"If you can't get in today, you have to go in tomorrow, and you can get in tomorrow."

It's all this time, and I'm still playing smart.

Zhou Bai laughed angrily at him, put the pistol back into his pocket, rolled up his sleeves, and walked towards him.

"Then how about throwing you in today?"

The monkey immediately hugged his head again.

"I mean it, I didn't lie to you.

You can only go in at nine o'clock in the morning, and it's already past time now.

You have to go in tomorrow, tomorrow. "

I believe you ghost ah.

Zhou Bai grabbed his collar and picked him up directly from the ground.

"If you don't tell the truth, I'll throw you out."

The monkey was forced to lift its head up by Zhou Bai, and at this moment, its eyes rolled around quickly.

Although the change in his eyes disappeared very quickly, it still fell into Zhou Bai's eyes.

"Is there anything else to say?"

Zhou Bai wanted to see, what kind of tricks did he want to play.

I saw the monkey avoiding Zhou Bai's eyes in a panic, and said nervously.

"I really didn't lie to you.

As long as you wait another half a day, at nine o'clock tomorrow morning, you will definitely be able to go in. "

Zhou Bai smiled and continued to ask, "What about this half day? How do you plan to spend it?"

The monkey quickly raised his hands.

"I'm not going anywhere, I'm staying here."

He wanted to stay here all the time, but Zhou Bai and Fatty Peng couldn't stay here and watch him.

His rhetoric made Zhou Bai a little embarrassed.

Throwing him over would do no good.

If the monkey had an accident because it was too close to the black smoke, then this hard-won clue would also be cut off.

Taking him away, or taking him back to the hotel, is not a good option either.

Usually no one would come to this street, but it would be relatively safer to leave him here.

However, thinking of the change in his eyes just now, Zhou Bai always felt that he was playing with some crooked idea.

You have to defend him again.

Zhou Bai turned his head to look at the surrounding environment, and then took out a rope from Fatty Peng's backpack.

Then he walked up to the monkey, grabbed him, and came to a pillar.

"You can stay here.

But I'm not too sure.

Otherwise, I'll tie you here first, right? "

The monkey widened his eyes in surprise, turned his head, and looked at Fatty Peng for help.

Of course, Fatty Peng would not stop what Zhou Bai was going to do.

Turning his back and ignoring him, he let Zhou Bai grab him and tie him to the pillar.

The monkey had no choice but to give up struggling and looked at his hands and feet, which had been tightly tied several times, but there was nothing he could do.

"You rest here and we will come to see you tomorrow."

After Zhou Bai confirmed that his nails couldn't work, he took Fatty Peng and left the street.

Almost no one would come to this street, so leaving the monkeys there was a relatively good choice.

But judging by the way he was just now, it was obvious that he still wanted to play some tricks.

When you come over tomorrow, you still have to be careful.

Zhou Bai summed it up in his mind, then took out his pocket watch, and confirmed the current time again.

After a short episode just now, it is now 12:30 noon.

This time was obviously a bit embarrassing for Zhou Bai.

If he went to the cemetery according to the original route now, then he would definitely not be able to reach the gate of the abandoned elementary school at four o'clock in the afternoon.

But I have to wait until four o'clock to go to the abandoned elementary school, and I don't know how to spend the three hours in between.

Thinking of this, Zhou Bai turned his head to look at Fatty Peng who was following him, then turned around and led him towards the opposite direction of the cemetery.

Zhou Bai's actions were purely to waste time.

But Fatty Peng, who had been following him all this time, didn't think there was any problem at all.

Anyway, Zhou Bai followed wherever he went.

Judging by his appearance, maybe Zhou Bai is going to take him into the pit, and he will also jump into it by himself.

Zhou Bai just led him forward.

After walking like this for some time, the two of them turned into a street they had never been on before.

As soon as I walked into this street, I saw those people in black clothes from a distance.

Zhou Bai thought of these people, and just now looked like he was about to interrogate himself.

In order not to cause more trouble, Zhou Bai quickly stopped, and took Fatty Peng into a nearby alley.

It wasn't until their group walked by the alley that Zhou Bai led Fatty Peng and came out again.

"Let's go."

Zhou Bai watched their backs as they walked away, said something to Fatty Peng, and continued walking forward.

I saw a strange shop near the place where the men in black appeared just now.

It was a candle shop that was open.

When Zhou Bai brought Fatty Peng to the door of this candle shop, he stopped involuntarily.

Candle shops with doors open and lights off...

Isn't this the shop mentioned in the rules given by the Whitebeard organization?

Tips for traveling to City A, Article [-].

[If you see a candle shop in city A that is open but never turns on the lights, please don't go in. 】

(End of this chapter)

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