Full-time master's opening dragon rises!

Chapter 107 Excellent Era Infighting!Sun Xiang and Su Mucheng had a conflict!

Chapter 107 Excellent Era Infighting!Sun Xiang and Su Mucheng had a conflict!

team game,
One Autumn Leaf: "Fire!"

In the Excellent Era team channel, One Autumn Leaf is directing,
But this time, the operator of One Autumn Leaf has changed from Ye Qiu to Sun Xiang,
Obviously, the target of his command is Su Mucheng, and in the entire Excellent Era, there is only Mu Yuchengfeng as a gun class.

If Ye Qiu said this, Su Mucheng would have done it without even thinking about it.

But now, she didn't follow suit, as if she was silently protesting Ye Qiu's forced retirement,
"Huh?" One Autumn Leaf turned around, looked at Mu Yuchengfeng in astonishment,

"Why didn't you fire!?" Liu Hao asked in the channel.

"It's not necessary." After saying that, Dancing Rain began to move at high speed,
"You!" Liu Hao looked at Mu Yuchengfeng's back and gritted his teeth.

But Su Mucheng doesn't care about this, she's going to change her style of play,

When Ye Qiu was around, her role was to provide assistance.Now that Ye Qiu is gone, she wants to be alone.

boom!boom! ! !
Mu Yuchengfeng turned the muzzle of the cannon and launched a fierce attack on the opponent on the other side, and quickly suppressed the opponent.

However, while admiring Su Mucheng's powerful operation, there were also many voices in the audience talking,

"Am I not mistaken, Excellent Era has internal strife?"

"It seems that...Su Mucheng didn't follow Sun Xiang and Liu Hao's instructions, but she later suppressed the other contestant. Does this mean that the merits and demerits are equal?"

"I don't know, anyway, Liu Hao and Su Mucheng almost got into a fight..."


at the same time,

Excellent Era's behind-the-scenes boss, Tao Xuan was also watching the match, but the expression on his face was not very good-looking. He obviously felt that Su Mucheng was too capricious just now.

Although from the results point of view, there is nothing wrong with her approach, but many things should not only look at the results, but also need to look at the process,

And the process just now was that she and Liu Hao had a dispute, to put it more seriously, internal strife.

Like her, publically yelling at her vice-captain, in the eyes of the audience, would definitely have a bad influence on Excellent Era.
You know, Su Mucheng is the former Excellent Era vice team, and Liu Hao is the new Excellent Era vice team.

If she insulted Liu Hao with words in private, Tao Xuan would definitely turn a blind eye and turn a blind eye, and would even help "Little Mucheng". After all, Su Mucheng's commercial value is higher than that of Liu Hao There are too many, and Tao Xuan has known her for a long time,
But now that Su Mucheng is outrageous in public like this, Tao Xuan will never admit it.
He frowned slightly, turned his head and ordered to the person beside him: "Contact the Glory official, and cut off this paragraph."

The person next to Tao Xuan was Manager Cui, he nodded: "Yes, boss."

There was a time difference of 30 seconds to 1 minute between the live broadcast of the Glory game and the scene, and taking advantage of this time difference, Manager Cui also got in touch with the Glory broadcaster to cut out the scene of the team disagreement just now.
So those who watched the live broadcast only saw the scene of Mu Yuchengfeng suppressing the opponent alone, and there was no scene of Liu Hao and Su Mucheng arguing in the team channel.
As for the audience, there is nothing to do. No matter how powerful Tao Xuan is, it is impossible for the audience to forget that scene just now.
Fortunately, Excellent Era's game was an away game, so there were not many Excellent Era fans who witnessed the process.

back to the game,

Mu Yuchengfeng dragged down the opponent's core abruptly by himself, which bought time for One Autumn Leaf to gain an advantage in the frontal battlefield.
But Sun Xiang didn't buy it, he was still unhappy with Su Mucheng's previous disobedience,
"This Su Mucheng dared not obey my uncle's order, how unreasonable!" Sun Xiang complained from the bottom of his heart.
Liu Hao next to him saw all of this. Sun Xiang and Su Mucheng didn't even need to think that he would definitely be on Sun Xiang's side. After all, Sun Xiang is now the captain, and Su Mucheng is not even the vice-captain.

Ever since, Liu Hao began to think about how to please Sun Xiang through this matter in his mind.

But having said that, there is indeed a big problem with Liu Hao's professional attitude, and Sun Xiang is not happy about it, but at least his eyes are already on the computer screen,
This fellow Liu Hao is fine, forget about being distracted, and glance at Sun Xiang's face from time to time,

Now in his heart, Excellent Era is no longer the number one, how to please Sun Xiang is the number one to him...


In the end, the team match ended with Excellent Era winning,
10:0, Excellent Era wins!
Although the opponent this time was a mid-lower team in the league, the score of 10:0 made the Excellent Era fans watching the game very excited.
In any case, this game scored 10 points, which has not happened for a long time!

With these 10 points, plus the big victory in the last round, Excellent Era has successfully climbed out of the relegation zone and ranked 17th.


Excellent Era Base,

Snapped! !

"Why didn't you obey the command?!" Liu Hao slapped the table and asked Su Mucheng.

"I've already explained it once during the game, and I don't want to say it again." Su Mucheng said flatly, "I also successfully suppressed my opponent later on. Is there any problem?"

Before letting go, she would definitely retaliate against Liu Hao, but now she won't, because Ye Qiu's last warning to her before leaving was: "After I leave, I must control my emotions."

"You!" Liu Hao's face turned red, "You have to know, I'm the vice-captain of Excellent Era now. As for you and Ye Qiu, it's already past tense!!"

"Don't say Ye Qiu, you don't deserve it." Su Mucheng slammed the door and left after saying this with an expression on her face.

With a muffled sound, the door was tightly shut.

"Hmph!" Liu Hao snorted coldly in the direction Su Mucheng was leaving, and then bent down with a flattering look, "Brother Xiang, look at her, she dares to disobey orders right now, and she might just have to..."

"No." Sun Xiang waved his hand, interrupted him, and said seriously:

"I think she did the right thing. Although I could have won the game by relying on strength, if she hadn't held back the opponent's core, we wouldn't have won so fast, so she helped and saved a lot. time."

Sun Xiang spoke from his heart. Although he was particularly upset during the match, after thinking about it carefully, Su Mucheng's actions were not wrong.

"Huh...huh?!" Liu Hao opened his eyes wide, unable to believe what he heard.

What the hell?Where is this?

Didn't you two have a conflict first, and then I got involved?Now you actually say such a thing?

Are you committing two crimes and your nerves are out of order? !It made me offend Su Mucheng!
Liu Hao had already scolded Sun Xiang ten thousand times in his heart, but on the surface he still pretended to be respectful,
"Yes, Brother Xiang has a lot of adults, so don't care about her." Liu Hao laughed.

"That's right, a good captain like me is really rare hahaha!" Sun Xiang praised himself, with a proud face, pointing to the sky with one hand,

"Starting from this big victory, I will lead Excellent Era to the playoffs!"

(End of this chapter)

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