Chapter 216 Fighting
Soksar: "Shou!"

When this command appeared on Blue Rain's team channel, the team's attack rhythm suddenly dropped, leaving only a hail of bullets to fire a few shots from time to time.

Lan Yu, who occupied the replacement point, obviously wanted to slow down the tempo, and was not planning to launch a substantive aggression against Tyranny and the others, but made a symbolic attack twice,

At this time, the situation on the court has initially become clear.
Blue Rain, don't be in a hurry, they have the capital to procrastinate,
See you in the picture!

The balloon was kicked to Tyranny's feet again.

Is it offensive or defensive?
Tyranny has already occupied a favorable position on the slope, which is easy to defend but difficult to attack.

But the opponent, Lan Yu, didn't like this at all, so he simply stopped attacking.
No matter how you look at it, it seems like a trick for Tyranny. If Tyranny wants to save Han Wenqing's energy and quickly resolve the battle, he must attack.

Otherwise, just defending will only waste Han Wenqing's physical strength.
Because even with the widest attack range of minus nine degrees, it can't attack the Blue Rain members at the substitution point.
How will Zhang Xinjie respond?
Time passed by every minute and every second. When several shots were fired at minus nine degrees without success,
Tyranny began to change his formation,

Tyranny team channel,

Stone does not turn: "Left and right, 13. Attack!"

Command is very concise, but also very efficient,
It means left and right flanking, 1 on the left and 3 on the right.

Tyranny's players quickly adjusted to an attacking formation, but the specific positioning was surprising...!
The 3 on the right are: Leng Anlei, Desert Dust, Mountain Cracks,
And the 1 on the left turned out to be minus nine degrees!Sharpshooter!

Let remote careers go alone? ?

Isn't this looking for death? !
The authenticity of this wave of operations confused the entire audience, and even the commentator Li Yibo expressed doubts: "If I'm not mistaken, Minus Nine Degrees has left the main force and attacked from the left alone. This... Tyranny's The formation of troops is a bit novel."

However, Li Yibo was probably afraid of being slapped in the face, and he added a sentence later: "Hiss... I feel... This will be Tyranny's new tactic! Let's wait and see!"

Soon, Li Yibo was thankful for the sentence he added later.

Looking back on the field,

The lonely smoke in the desert, the dark thunder, and the mountain and ground cracked together, swooping down!

But what was a little surprising was that Lan Yu, who was only thinking about wasting time, didn't run away. Instead, he stayed at the replacement point, as if he was waiting for something.
Very unreasonable situation!
Of course, all this fell into Zhang Xinjie's eyes,

"Aren't you going to run away...?" Zhang Xinjie's spiritual eyes moved slightly, and he said confidently, "We're changing people."


On the other side, Minus Nine Degrees also swooped down from the slope, and at the same time kept shooting with two guns in hand,
Qin Muyun is also counting down in his heart,


It was within his range with only two figures left! !
At this time, the long-range attackers in Team Blue Rain,

The hail of bullets also began to shoot.

Bang bang bang!Bang bang bang!
Several bullets criss-crossed in the air, but in the end it was the hail of bullets that lost blood first,

After all, sharpshooters still have a longer range than ammunition experts.

Although the hail of bullets lost blood first, he quickly returned the color with several grenades,
boom! !boom! !
The sound of the grenade exploding quickly resounded.

The two gun professions collided like this,
Soon, the health of the two of them dropped significantly, but their teammates didn't take into account the situation here,


The first head-to-head match between Zhang Xinjie and Yu Wenzhou appeared in this game!
A balance quietly appeared,

The two sides of the balance are Tyranny and Blue Rain, while the operators are Zhang Xinjie and Yu Wenzhou, and the weights are the members of the two teams.
And this time,
The two tactical masters coincidentally placed the two gun professions at both ends of the balance,

This is a very convenient choice for both parties.

The two professions of guns and guns, sharpshooter and ammunition expert have their own characteristics, and it is hard to say that no one can win.
Although Qin Muyun's experience is not as good as Zheng Xuan's, the former is more familiar with the terrain, and the sharpshooter's attack range is wider than that of the ammunition expert.
With these advantages, Qin Muyun's aggressiveness was barely equal to Zheng Xuan's,

Moreover, with a wider range of minus nine degrees, it is easy to kite bullets, so once the two start exchanging fire, it will be difficult for the bullets to break free.

Yu Wenzhou had already thought of this, so the task he assigned to Zheng Xuan was to separate Qin Muyun from Tyranny's system in 1v1.
Yu Wenzhou knew that Zhang Xinjie wanted to exchange his son, so he decided to exchange it!

The loss of a sharpshooter's threat is not a bad thing for Lan Yu.

bang bang bang!Boom boom boom!
For a while, the speed of the rain of bullets and the blood bar of minus nine degrees were almost equal,
As for who will win in the end, we will only know after getting the red blood...



Under the leadership of Da Mo Guyan, Tyranny's trio were like tigers descending the mountain, and killed them in front of the Blue Rain army.

And the four beasts summoned by the summoner's eight notes were directly smashed by the three of Tyranny.

Zhang Xinjie's reaction was quick!

The reason why Lan Yu occupied the substitution point was because he wanted to use substitutions to consume Han Wenqing's physical strength.
Substitution play, if used for grinding, the effect is absolutely good,
And this is what Zhang Xinjie absolutely does not want to see,
Never let the other party occupy the substitution point!
Moreover, the Blue Rain at this meeting has a fatal flaw,
That is: no one protects their captain Yu Wenzhou...!
Troubled by the night rain, wandering around in a hail of guns and bullets, the summoner's melee combat ability is almost 0...

Therefore, the only one who can protect Soksar is the Guardian Angel Soul Whisperer!

However, it is still too difficult to keep Soksar with just a guardian angel, and it is very likely that it is difficult to protect oneself, let alone protect others.

In this way, substitutions became the only option,

Use a summoner to replace the great swordsman Lu Hanwen, so that there will be two people protecting Soksar, which is undoubtedly more secure!

Zhang Xinjie was sure that Lan Yu would make a substitution!

Therefore, the best way to break the situation is for Tyranny to come out with all his strength and launch a fierce attack before the opponent has a firm foothold!
And, under the strict time calculation of "time management master" Zhang Xinjie,
From the time when the three of Tyranny rushed down, there was absolutely no time for Lan Yu to change! 100% will be interrupted by Da Mo Gu Yan and others!

Things went as Zhang Xinjie expected,
Lan Yuguo is really changing people!
But Zhang Xinjie miscalculated a bit, the one who was replaced was not the Summoner Eight Notes, but Troublesome Night Rain...!
Juggernaut was replaced!

Seeing this scene, the audience was in an uproar, and disbelief was written on everyone's faces.
For Lan Yu, the most offensive threat was Troubled by the Rain, and replacing him now, wouldn't it mean cutting off an arm?

The commentator Li Yibo was confused again, he hesitated slightly:

"This...Troublesome Night Rain was actually replaced? This is really surprising, but...I believe Yu Wenzhou must have his own ideas and arrangements, so let's wait and see!"

Li Yibo, who has been slapped a lot, doesn't dare to say anything too sure when commenting. He is very cautious, for fear that he will be slapped in the face if he is not careful.

What's more, his old partner Pan Lin is still not around. If he made a mistake, there is no one to share the firepower.


Back on the field, Zhang Xinjie's heart skipped a beat when he saw Troubled Night Rain standing at the substitution point!
Not good!

Zhang Xinjie quickly realized that his time calculation was bound to make a mistake!Before Da Mo Gu Yan arrived, Lan Yufang could complete the replacement!
Because Troublesome Rain has been in a wandering state since very early on,

Therefore, Zhang Xinjie did not have his vision,
In this way, Lan Yu's replacement speed will naturally deviate from Zhang Xinjie's calculation, and it will be a big deviation...!

Zhang Xinjie never expected that Yu Wenzhou would replace the most threatening Huang Shaotian.

How bold is this! !

Zhang Xinjie had to admit that there was a flaw in his tactics,

However, this does not mean that he will admit defeat...!
Before Damo Guyan arrived, Troubled Night Rain's figure turned into specks of starlight and disappeared from sight, while another swordsman, Liu Yun, with a big sword in his hand, appeared on the stage.
Blue Rain made a successful substitution!

As soon as Liu Yun came up, he switched to dual sword mode and stood in front of Suokesar!

The swordsman in dual-sword mode has strong offensive and defensive abilities, and there is a guardian angel and Soksar with buggy field control ability by his side.
Therefore, it was still a bit difficult for the three of Tyranny to break through Blue Rain's defenses.

At the same time, Octave summoned a death knight, its tall body stood in front of Soksar, blocking the three of Tyranny like a mountain,
The characteristics of the summoned beast of the death knight are: high defense, thick blood,
With its addition, Blue Rain's overall defense is bound to be more stable.

Such a situation is not good for Tyranny who wants to attack by force.

In the Blue Rain combat room,

Yu Wenzhou stared at the screen, his face was full of confidence, and his lips moved slightly: "Let's withdraw the troops."

That's right, for Tyranny, the attack was too hasty.
The best option at the moment is to retreat and attack when the time is right.

And Yu Wenzhou has already made plans for the future, as soon as Tyranny withdraws, he will replace him with Troubling Rain again,
During the whole process, Lan Yu and the others hardly moved much, but Tyranny had to run around, so as to consume Han Wenqing's physical strength to the greatest extent.

However, the expression on Yu Wenzhou's face changed, becoming astonished,


From the very beginning to the present, Yu Wenzhou maintained absolute confidence in this match. He believed that every move he made was firmly suppressing the opponent, and the rhythm was always in his hands.

But now, the situation on the field seems to be suddenly out of control...!
Yu Wenzhou instantly felt that the advantage in his hand was being taken away a little bit.

And the person who took away the advantage was none other than Zhang Xinjie!
Because, instead of retreating, Tyranny and the others attacked even more forcefully!
If it was someone else, they might have withdrawn in the face of unfavorable circumstances.
But Zhang Xinjie didn't!

He rejected the idea of ​​retreating from the very beginning!
Because he understands that as long as he withdraws, Lan Yu, who occupies the replacement point, will definitely become even more "crazy"!
However, being reckless is not Zhang Xinjie's style. He is always cautious and has a clear mind.
So in just a split second, an order appeared on Tyranny's team channel,
"Fire Eight Notes!"

In an instant, the attacks of the three of Tyranny aimed at the Eight Notes in unison.

Of course, it is also strategic,

Da Mo Gu Yan was the first to bear the brunt, a mighty Ba Huang Fist hit the Death Knight in place,
Then jumped into the air, with both legs together, kicked towards Liu Yun violently,
Level 60 skill of Boxing Scholar——Fuhu Tengxiang!
The impact of this skill is very strong, even Liu Yun in the state of dual swords was shaken back again and again,

Han Wenqing's personal ability!The importance of star players!
For this point, even Yu Wenzhou, the master tactician, could not have predicted it.
Because the performance of a star player is a big unknown, let alone a "super giant" like Han Wenqing, once it breaks out, it will be difficult for ordinary players to resist his offensive...

back to the game,

After Han Wenqing's torment, Lan Yu's defense line was instantly torn a small hole,

Liu Yun hurriedly adjusted his state, filling up the small hole with his body,
But still a step too late,
A figure has already slipped in through this small opening!high speed!

Cold and dark thunder!
Lin Jingyan's experience is still rich, and whenever he has an opportunity on the battlefield, he will immediately catch him.

Liuyun and Eight Notes wanted to chase after Leng Anlei who sneaked past, but were stopped by a pair of iron fists.
The master of this pair of iron fists——

Desert Dust!

Zhang Xinjie, make a move!
He knew very well that Lan Yu just wanted to consume Han Wenqing's physical strength,
In this case, then simply lose your energy!
Go straight!While Han Wenqing was still physically strong, relying on his personal ability, he made a strong one-for-two!

To some extent, this is also Dui Zi,

However, for Han Wenqing's "jang" chess piece, Blue Rain needs to use two stones to successfully exchange it!
One for two!Tyranny has the upper hand!
Zhang Xinjie's move was very bold, using reverse thinking and blind spots in human thinking,

When Lan Yu was thinking hard about exhausting Han Wenqing's physical strength,
Zhang Xinjie was heartbroken, and directly pushed Han Wenqing out,
Don't you want to use up your energy?I take the initiative to let you consume energy,
But the premise is that you yourself will lose a lot...!
The problem was thrown at Lan Yu, and now it was Yu Wenzhou's turn to have a headache.

the other side,
Leng Anlei successfully broke through Blue Rain's defense line, and his target was Suokesar,
But this time, the Blue Rain fans outside are not too worried, because Suokesar has always been protected by the Soul Whisperer,

If Leng Anlei wants to hurt Soksar, he has to pass the level of the soul whisperer.
And Lin Jingyan is old after all, if he was young, playing with the famous No. [-] gangster Tang San might still make Lan Yu fans worry,

But now, in the eyes of Lan Yufen, Leng Anlei alone is not enough to threaten Soksar,
Don't worry!

Even, with the help of Soul Whisperer, Soksar can counter-suppress Cold Dark Thunder!
However, at this moment, Yu Wenzhou's brows suddenly frowned slightly, he sensed something was wrong,

Unknowingly, Tyranny lost one person,
The figure that cracked the mountain and the ground disappeared...!
In the next second, a call for help came from the Blue Rain channel...

Bullets rain: "Danger!"

 Internship return,
  Starting tomorrow, the daily update will be 8k,

  By the way, ask for a monthly pass~

(End of this chapter)

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