Full-time master's opening dragon rises!

Chapter 270 The Professional League Restarts!

Chapter 270 The Professional League Restarts!

Four days later, the professional league officially got back on track,
Hundred Blossoms, Blue Rain, Samsara, Tiny Herb... and other teams are all ready to go. From the All-Star Game to the restart of the professional league, it has been less than half a month.
The professional players of each family are in a full state of mind at the moment, and have obtained sufficient rest time.

Often at this time, players can perform well.

Moreover, the professional league has reached the 17th round, halfway through,

Once the league is over half, it will be time for the major teams to exert their strength.

Often at this time, it is a "point grabbing battle". The final ranking of the regular season will most likely be determined by the efficiency of grabbing points during this period.

of course,

The most concerned is the battle for the top spot, Hundred Flowers and Reincarnation,

The champion and runner-up of this team last year are still surprisingly hot this year, and have occupied the top spot for a long time.
This season, no other team has won the first place from these two teams, which shows that Hundred Blossoms Samsara has a dominant position in the league.

And in the real-time standings,

Baihua is currently leading Samsara by 1 point. This point is really unstable, and it is very likely that they will be caught up in one game.

But... Judging from the performance of the two teams in the first game after returning to the league, it will not be easy for Samsara to catch up with this point.

As soon as the camera turns, it is already in the middle of the game,
Da da da…!Da da da……!
With the last bullet falling, and with the front shot to kill the evil, Samsara won the first victory after returning to the league,
10:0, complete victory!
Post-match mvp: Sun Xiang.

This is a bit unexpected, after all, the scenes of Sun Xiang's embarrassment at the All-Stars can be made into a collection.

Even the outside world is skeptical...Er Xiang may enter a period of depression after returning to the league,
But I didn't want to, returning to the first game, Sun Xiang played very well, won three heads in the team game, and got the highest score in the game.
During the post-match interview, Sun Xiang also showed a proud expression when he heard the reporter's praise.

But... when he heard that Baihua next door also had a big advantage, the expression on Sun Xiang's face instantly collapsed,
Thanks to Jiang Botao's quick response and timely rescue, otherwise the public opinion would probably point at Sun Xiang overwhelmingly...

At the same time, on the battlefield next door,
Falling Blossoms, Qi Chongyunshui, Fenghuaxueyue, and Tide double-teamed the three enemies,
Four Guarantees, Three Guarantees, blocked up,
The situation on the field was also very clear, Hundred Blossoms had five players left, and the opponent only had the last three players left.

Hundred Blossoms holds the absolute initiative.


Following Luohualangcha's order, the circle of Hundred Blossoms began to close rapidly, and the game quickly came to an end.
Hundred flowers win!

And the score is also 10:0!

That would be interesting,

Returning to the first game, Baihua and Samsara both beat their opponents with a score of 10:0.
In other words, Hundred Blossoms is still the champion, one point ahead of Samsara.

As for Hundred Blossoms, Yi Tianming, who had the highest score, was the best after the match.

"Hmph." Seeing this result, Sun Xiang snorted coldly, and instantly felt that his mvp was no longer good...

But having said that, the MVP award after the regular season is a bonus for the best player in the regular season at the end of the season.
The best player in the regular season is a personal honor, with a small trophy and a moderate amount of bonuses, and the gold content is quite high.

Currently at the top of the list are:
no.1 Baihua/Yi Tianming, won 17 times in 13 games, very efficient,

Second, no.2 Samsara/Zhou Zekai, won 17 times in 9 games,
Tiny Herb/Wang Jiexi ranked third with 8 times,
Tied for third place, Tyranny/Han Wenqing, also 8 times,
no.4, Void/Li Xuan, 7 times,
Tied for fourth place are: Blue Rain/Huang Shaotian, Huangfeng/Lu Liang, Thunder/Xiao Shiqin, Misty Rain/Yu Feng, Wind Howl/Tang Hao...


As for Sun Xiang... Including this one, he has won a total of 6 times, and his ranking is relatively low.
Compared with his best regular season in the seventh season, 38 games and 37 times, this is a lot of regression.

But I have to be considerate. After all, today is not what it used to be. In the past, I was in Yueyun, picking the taller among the dwarfs.

But now in the cycle of reincarnation, with Zhou Zekai standing in front of him, being able to win 6 times is already considered "grabbing from the mouth of a tiger" and deserves a reward.

However, if Sun Xiang wants to win the honor of being the best in the regular season this season, it should not be very possible.


Time flies, and soon it's game day again,
The 19th round of the Glory League has officially started!

This is also the last round of the first half of the schedule!
A total of 10 duels started at the same time,

As the game progressed, the trend of each game gradually emerged.
Hundred Blossoms and Samsara are still strong, and their opponents are the middle and lower reaches of the alliance.

Both teams scored all 5 points in the individual competition and the group arena. If this situation continues, winning 5 points in the team competition is a sure thing.

Looking at the other matchups, the performance of several teams is also remarkable,
After all, there are twenty teams in the league, so we can't just focus on Hundred Blossoms Samsara...

Under Hundred Blossoms and Samsara, Tiny Herb ranks the highest, and it is currently ranked no.3.

It has to be said that Tiny Herb was still very stable, and quietly climbed to the third position.
Wang Jiexi took two enchanting young generals, together with grinding king Xu Bin, and dual-professional player Yuan Baiqing who was slowly adjusting himself,
Tiny Herb's lineup is quite good. There are veterans and newcomers. What we need to do now is to make the teammates more compatible so that we can go further in the league.
Having said that, it is unrealistic for Tiny Herb to grab the second place. Samsara and Tiny Herb have already widened the gap, but Tiny Herb can focus on how to keep the third place.

Because behind him, Lan Yu was chasing fiercely, eyeing the third position.

Behind them are Tyranny, Royal Wind and other teams,
The league points ranking this season is also quite weird.

The fiery and sweetness of the first and second contests,

Starting from Tiny Herb at No. [-], Thunderclap, which is currently ranked No. [-], has been unable to widen the gap.

It often happens that after a game, the teams between No.3 and No.8, Tiny Herb, Blue Rain, Tyranny, Royal Wind, Thunderbolt, Misty Rain,
These six teams often undergo major reshuffles. They were ranked 8th in the last round, and they might jump to 4th after a game. The rankings are constantly changing.
Of course, this is exactly the scenario that the chairman of the alliance wants to see. Two families rule the roost, and a hundred schools of thought contend for hegemony. The more lively the fight, the greater the traffic of Glory.

Of course, there is joy and sorrow,

For example, Void, Howl, and 9 Degrees, these three teams seem to have become brothers and sisters, ranking 10th, 11th, and [-]th respectively, and there is a certain gap between the playoffs...

It stands to reason that all three of these companies have the ability to enter the playoffs, but their current rankings and performance have made their respective fans very dissatisfied.

Could it be that these three families are about to decline?

And what is outrageous is that the reasons for the decline of the three families are different.

Void because there is no master attacker,

Howling due to infighting,

As for [-] degrees, there are too many flaws in the lineup, and there are problems with the captain and command...

Soon, all 19 games in the 10th round of the league will be over.
Hundred Blossoms and Samsara are 10-0 in two more games. It is no surprise that the two of them have scored such a score in the Glory circle.

Regarding the best aspects after the game, Yi Tianming and Sun Xiang won the highest scores of their respective teams, each added once, and the number of games reached 14 and 7.

Having said that, although this guy Sun Xiang sometimes has a temper, his strength and talent are indeed there, and he still refuses to admit defeat. This is a great advantage.

It's also because Sun Xiang refused to admit defeat, otherwise when Excellent Era was relegated last season, his mentality would collapse, and the league would have missed a talented player...

In addition, Tiny Herb also scored a big score of 9:1. The best player after the game was awarded to Qiu Fei. His performance in this game was very impressive. Tiny Herb's main attacker is worth buying!
Perfectly made up for the slight lack of lineup.

These 9 points are crucial to Tiny Herb. With these 9 points, Tiny Herb and Lan Yu behind him gradually widened the gap to 6 points.


There is also a somewhat special team, Heavenly Swords,
After the two league rounds, they won 6:4 and 5:5 respectively, which is quite good for a team introduced into the league.
With these 11 points, Heavenly Swordsman also stepped out of the relegation zone with difficulty, and is currently ranked No.16 in the league, temporarily safe.


At this point, the first half of the ninth season of the professional league is over.

For the next half of the schedule, don't think too much, the big teams will fight for their heads and blood.
Some fight for the first place, some fight for the playoffs, and some fight for relegation...

Each has a goal.


As soon as the camera turns, it is already the scene of the competition.
"Okay, good evening, audience friends! I'm your friend Li Yibo, and we haven't seen each other for a while. Since the last All-Star Game, I don't know if you miss me~"

Li Yibo also laughed in front of the audience, the expression on his face was very subtle, and he felt like he was proud of the spring equinox.
And he did not appear in the commentary room for a while.

In the previous two rounds, it wasn't that he didn't want to comment, but that the league headquarters put aside the arrangement for Li Yibo in order to train new commentators.

But... the effect is not ideal,
Although Li Yibo is always slapped in the face, the quality of his commentary is quite good, and the live broadcast effect is also good,
In the first two games, the audience saw that it wasn't Li Yibo's commentator, so they definitely wouldn't buy it, and they asked the alliance headquarters one after another: exchange Li Yibo back!Otherwise, don't watch the game.

The alliance party also hastily sent Li Yibo back, and heard that they also gave a large amount of hush money, as well as a pre-arranged long-term contract, the amount is not small,
Of course, money is a small matter, but face matters a lot,
This wave of honey juice operations by the alliance can be regarded as a slap in the face, with a crackling sound,

This also reflects from the side that the current Glory commentary industry is inseparable from experienced veterans like Li Yibo,

As for training new commentators?

With this lesson learned, it is estimated that the league will not think about it again for a long time.

It's no wonder that today Li Yibo's face is covered with the four characters "happy spring breeze",
"Okay, first let me introduce the two sides of today's match."

"Hundred Blossoms VS Linhai!"

"Oh! We can see that Baihuafen is quite enthusiastic. I feel like my ears are going numb!"

"Not much nonsense, we are officially entering today's game, the first single match is about to start! Let's look forward to this exciting match together!"

The camera is shown, the players of the two teams who are about to play,

Hundred Blossoms sent veteran Zhang Wei, while Linhai... sent a sharpshooter player,

While waiting for the character to load,
The director of the broadcast had a little deep meaning, and showed the camera to the captain of the Linhai team, the operator of the number one qigong master of Glory, Boundless Sea,
Zhao Yang,

As the only All-Star player of the Linhai team, at this moment his face is full of words,

Linhai's performance this season is not ideal... the first half of the competition is over, and the gold medal is ranked No.17, which is one place lower than the newcomer Heavenly Sword.
Zhao Yang definitely didn't want to accept such a result,

But what can he do?

As a small and medium team, Linhai spent half of his life on Boundless Hai.
As a result, the level of the other players and characters of Team Linhai couldn't keep up, and was even slightly lower than the league average.

Such a team... To be honest, it is not necessarily true that they can beat Heavenly Swords in a team.


Zhao Yang sighed slightly, looking at the account card of Glory No. [-] Qigong Master in his hand, his heart was full of melancholy,
Glory number one qigong master, this is Linhai's only platoon, but now, this platoon has become a "shackle" that restricts the team...

No.17 Linhai, it's hard to say whether it will be relegated, but one thing can be concluded, that is, it will miss the playoffs of this season ahead of time...

Zhao Yang loves Linhai deeply, there is no doubt about it, but why doesn't he want to lead the team into the playoffs in a glorious way...

He laughed helplessly at himself,
My so-called "No. [-] Qigong Master" may be the most powerful one...

Maybe... time to let go?

An idea popped up in Zhao Yang's mind, perhaps, the end will allow Linhai to have a better development...

Zhao Yang really loves Linhai deeply...

At this time, a broadcast sound interrupted Zhao Yang's thoughts,

"Next up is the third single match."

"Zhao Yang of Team Linhai, please get ready!"

"Team Zhao, the broadcaster is calling you." Linhai players called out in a low voice, the expressions on their faces were not very good at the moment, because Linhai didn't score a single point in the previous two singles matches...

"Yeah." Zhao Yang nodded, then walked slowly towards the stage,

In this game, he placed himself in the singles, the third overall position.

He knew in his heart that if he fought with Baihua and wanted to win the group arena, it would be nothing short of fantasy and a dream come true.
So as the captain, he wants to help the team score points, even if it is one point, he doesn't want to give up,

However, reality is sometimes so ruthless,
When Zhao Yang saw his opponent's name, his heart turned cold for an instant.
Yi Tianming!
Zhao Yang was taken aback for a moment, then shook his head helplessly. He was caught by Baihua's tactics...

But, the game has to go on,

Blossoming Chaos VS Boundless Sea!
Glory's No. [-] Kuangjian VS Glory's No. [-] Qigong Master! !

(End of this chapter)

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