Chapter 354 The Third Way
"Beautiful make-up!"

Li Yibo exclaimed, pushing the atmosphere of the audience to its climax,

After Wang Buliuxing teamed up with flying swords to send Luohuachao out of the game, before he had a chance to breathe, he was successfully supplemented by Fenghua Xueyue who came quietly behind him.

Wang Buliuxing was also sent out!

As a result, Tiny Herb Fen lost two generals in a short period of time, and the two heads were counted in Baihua's account. The score between the two sides was tied again.

6: 6!

The anxious scenes of Tiny Herb and Hundred Blossoms' battle really continued from the group arena, and now the situation in the team competition is still the same, it has been hovering between a tie and a one-point lead, and there is no situation where they can lead by two points...

However, after Wang Buliuxing was eliminated, the team competition became more subtle.

First of all, in the auditorium, the fans on both sides shouted at each other and refused to give in to each other.
"Hundreds of flowers! Hundreds of flowers!!!"

"Tiny Herb will win! Tiny Herb, Come on!!"


Baihuafen was a little discouraged by the original defeat of Blossoming Chaos. After all, it is hard not to be discouraged when the captain is eliminated.
But then Tiny Herb's captain, Wang Jiexi, was eliminated, and the opposing captain was also eliminated. This made Baihuafen's mood instantly better, and Tiny Herb eliminated two players at once, which was equivalent to having one more player on their side. , Thinking about it this way, this wave is really bloody.

As a result, Baihuafen in the stadium began to shout, and suppressed the momentum of Weicaofen for a while,

However, Tiny Herb Powder also fought back not to be outdone, and shouted back one by one, and with the advantage of the number of people at home, they quickly took the initiative.
Now the score is still a tie, even if we lose one player, we Tiny Herb haven't conceded yet!
However, can actual combat on the field be as optimistic as Tiny Herb Powder?
With the loss of a solo player, Tiny Herb's current defensive ability will definitely be greatly reduced, because Tiny Herb's lineup relies on the mt of the Cavaliers to play the defensive role.
And this time Yuan Boqing used the priest Cordyceps sinensis instead of the guardian angel Fangfeng. If it was a guardian angel, he could play a secondary T, but unfortunately he used a priest, and the priest does not have such functions and styles.
Of course, Qiu Fei's combat style can also resist pressure, but the price of making him resistant to pressure is to sacrifice part of the attack,

In other words, if Qiu Fei is assigned to defend, his role on the offensive end will be reduced.

It's natural to have something to give up,

But if Qiu Fei, a talented attacker, just defends blindly, the subtlety is a bit too extravagant. It is equivalent to sealing a sword and then using this sword to slash people. Naturally, the damage is not as good as before...!
Moreover, in addition to the serious injury on the defensive end, Tiny Herb King's relentless exit is another big blow to the entire team. First of all, the first commander is gone, and the change of command will naturally weaken the tactical level.

There is no doubt that Tiny Herb's first commander is Wang Jiexi, but who will be the second commander?In the past, when Fang Shiqian and Deng Fusheng were here, these two experienced and tactical veterans could stand up and carry the banner, but now that these two veterans have left Tiny Herb, who else is in the team?
The answer is Gao Yingjie...!
Wang Jiexi boldly handed over the second command to his beloved disciple,

Gao Yingjie is courageous and has prestige in the team, which can overwhelm Tiny Herb's others. This is the reason why Wang Jiexi entrusted the command to him instead of Xu Bin or Qiu Fei.

In terms of actual combat experience, Xu Bin made his debut in the sixth season, and Qiu Fei made his debut in the seventh season. Both of them have richer actual combat experience than Gao Yingjie who debuted in the eighth season. Even Liu Xiaobie made his debut in the seventh season, and his qualifications are higher. Yingjie is deeper,

Xu Bin, Qiu Fei, and Liu Xiaobie, in terms of qualifications, Yingjie is no higher than these three,
However, Gao Yingjie had one thing that none of the three of them had, and that was prestige within the team. Where did the word prestige come from?

——In the eighth season All-Star Weekend, as a rookie, when he was so nervous on stage that he couldn't even hold the microphone steadily, he defeated Wang Jiexi,

This is obvious to all in glory,
Not to mention the Tiny Herb team, many people in other teams were optimistic about Gao Yingjie at that time. In the first year, he overthrew his own captain who was known as a magician. He was simply a genius among geniuses!

If it wasn't for Xiao Gao who wanted to stay in Tiny Herb to succeed Wang Dayan, and Tiny Herb defined Gao Yingjie as not for sale, otherwise Gao Yingjie would have been poached by other teams long ago.

Of course, Gao Yingjie's victory over Wang Jiexi was due to his skill points, so I won't discuss it too much here...

And Wang Jiexi handed over the second command to Gao Yingjie, precisely because the latter could overwhelm the others in Tiny Herb, and was full of energy, daring to fight,
But having said that, boldness belongs to courage, prestige belongs to prestige, Gao Yingjie's command quality is still a lot worse than that of Wang Dayan, this is a big impact on Tiny Herb after Wang Jiexi's exit,
There is another big impact, that is, Tiny Herb's offensive ability has weakened, and the combination of dual magic ways has also been broken up. Naturally, there is no such thing as dual magic ways just relying on Mu En alone.

As a result, the situation became really unfavorable for Tiny Herb,
The only good news is that Hundred Blossoms' Blossoming Chaos is also out, and the time bomb with residual blood is out, which made all Tiny Herb's team members heave a sigh of relief.

However, it is time for them to think about how to deal with the situation on the field.
Is it an attack?Still keep?

"How should I fight?" Qiu Fei asked on Tiny Herb's internal channel.
This time, the four of Tiny Herb successfully assembled. The fighting pattern and flying swords protected the Cordyceps sinensis from left to right. Mu En was flying in mid-air, but the next move of the four of them was not clear. To be precise, the commander hadn't done it yet. Give the corresponding command,
Now Baihua has five people left, and Tiny Herb has only four people left. Baihua has the advantage in numbers. For Tiny Herb, what to do next is a problem.
Offensive and defensive, only in one thought, but it is likely to cause completely different results,

Gao Yingjie considered for a moment, and finally ordered: "Catch Ji Leng on the opposite side."

Four catch one!

Blossoming Chaos was eliminated a little behind the solitary life, that is to say, the sixth talent of Hundred Blossoms had just entered the arena not long ago, and hadn't been able to gather with his teammates yet, so he happened to be in the single state! !

Prepare to fight a wave of time difference!

The four characters of Tiny Herb surrounded the floating stairs from three directions, which is where Ji Leng is.

The operator behind Ji Leng is Zhou Guangyi, a former Tyranny player who won the seventh and eighth season championships with Hundred Blossoms.
At this moment, Zhou Guangyi has just entered the field, and he is still in the adaptation stage. To put it bluntly, his brain and hands have not yet warmed up. This sudden siege made him startled.
But there is one thing Zhou Guangyi still understands very well. If he doesn't run away, he will be caught by four people and he will never be able to run away again...

But...where are you going?

Zhou Guangyi looked at the terrain, there were four roads in total, Tiny Herb and the others rushed up from three positions, anyone with a discerning eye could see it at a glance, the only empty road left was obviously the first choice to escape,

Zhou Guangyi immediately manipulated the character to go there, but soon he realized that something was wrong,

Is it really that simple?Would Tiny Herb be so foolish as to put such a big gap and let herself go?
Something is wrong, twelve percent is wrong,
To say it's neutral, it's better to say it's a trap deliberately left by Tiny Herb, just waiting for him to slip into this trap,
Because once you set foot on that empty road, you will be farther and farther away from the Hundred Blossoms army. If Ji Leng is an assassin, if he is forced to stay away from the army by Tiny Herb, it will definitely be bad luck.

Although assassins usually walk alone, they also sneak within a controllable range, looking for opportunities to kill with one blow. If they are forced to walk alone like this, it is impossible to kill with one blow, but they themselves are in a desperate situation.

As for Tiny Herb, what they most want to see is that Ji Leng embarks on this road, this "road of no return",
And this is exactly the "concealment" that Gao Yingjie gave Zhou Guangyi,
As long as he walks this way, Gao Yingjie will be [-]% sure to send him out. What's more, Tiny Herb can keep away from the Hundred Blossoms' army in the process of chasing and killing Ji Leng. One guarantee.

If Ji Leng is sent out, the number of both sides will become 4 people.
Tiny Herb was able to regain control of the rhythm of the game and was able to lead the opponent 7:6.

However, these are just plans and have not been realized.
Because Song Xiao observed this, he reminded him on the team channel in advance,

Seeing the reminder from his teammates, Zhou Guangyi finally reacted,
But if he doesn't go this way, the other three roads are opponents, so where else can he go?
There are wolves in front and tigers in back,
Zhou Guangyi fell into a dilemma, and in the end he chose another road, and the price of this road...

It looks a bit big...

 Checked it out, the knee is worn out, thank you guys for your concern~
  And then, that's all for today,

(End of this chapter)

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