Full-time master's opening dragon rises!

Chapter 376 Yitianming and Ye Xiu teamed up to make a copy

Chapter 376 Yitianming and Ye Xiu teamed up to make a copy
realm of the gods,

In an area with few people, a ghost swordsman and an elemental mage walked side by side, heading towards their destination.
The lack of people may also have something to do with the time, it will be almost 10:30, the mainstream players of Glory are still adults, and white-collar workers should lie down and sleep soundly when they go home after a day's work, even if No matter how much you like Glory, the most you can do is take a look at it. As for playing for a long time...it's not realistic, after all, you have to face life the next day.

In fact, not long ago, the two were maliciously PKed by a group of unknown "robbers" in the wild. The reason was that the dazzling top-level orange outfits on the two of them made the robbers greedy.

However, a group of six people, still in the first place, was killed by these two people, and the remaining two fled, panicking.
"Fortunately ran fast..."

"What is the origin of these two people? They actually defeated the six of us..."

"It's not a professional player, is it?"

who knows...

The two who escaped by chance chatted bitterly, unaware that their guess was correct, the two just now were the head players of Team Hundred Blossoms, Yi Tianming and Chu Yunxiu,

Yi Tianming used the Ghost Swordsman account card, while Chu Yunxiu used the Elemental Mage account card. Of course, both of them are trump cards.
"It's a pity... I haven't finished watching the TV series yet." Chu Yunxiu sighed,
"Yeah, it's a pity, I just saw the climax part." Yi Tianming also said in a sighing tone, but he was secretly enjoying himself, he was so sleepy after watching the soap opera, he wished it would end sooner,
Thanks to Ye Xiu who called him over to the Realm of God, and then brought Chu Yunxiu along the way, and then stopped the soap opera, otherwise tonight would be another boring night...

"By the way, why did Ye Xiu ask you to come to the Realm of Gods? Isn't it to grab a boss?"

"I don't know, but I've already asked, it's not about grabbing the boss." Yi Tianming answered truthfully on this point,
"All right……"

The two chatted without saying a word, and they didn't pay attention to the sneak attack of the 6-man team just now. After all, the two-on-six battle couldn't be easier for the two, even if Yi Tianming used only ghosts. A swordsman can also handle it with ease.

Chatting like this, until a stone tablet appeared in Yi Tianming's sight,
It was a dark stone tablet, engraved with three characters in bright red, Fenlongling.

"It's almost there." Yi Tianming turned his camera angle, and what he saw was a downhill road. Even if he stood at the highest point, he couldn't see the end of the road. "Hurry up, don't keep them waiting."


Then the two of them headed down this downhill road all the way down. As they got deeper and deeper, the plane they were on became lower and lower, and the mountains on both sides became higher and higher.
The wind became louder and louder, and some stones fell from the top of the mountain from time to time, and the "sun" behind was covered. The two walked on the dark road like this until they saw three figures on the screen.
Lord Grim, Steamed Bun Invasion, One Inch Ash,

"You guys are here." Lord Grim, the leader, said, and the person behind him was naturally Ye Xiu.

Chu Yunxiu looked behind Lord Grim, as if looking for someone, and then asked, "Isn't Mucheng here?"

"She's resting." Lord Grim shook his head, and began to introduce: "Baozi Invasion, a professional hooligan, Bao Rongxing. One Inch Hui, a professional ghost swordsman, Qiao Yifan, who specializes in formation ghosts, just like you."

"Hello, my name is Bao Rongxing, you can also call me Baozi!" Baozi Invasion waved his fist and smiled,
"Hello, seniors." In contrast, Qiao Yifan seemed very polite. Before that, Ye Xiu had told him their identities.
"Hello." Yi Tianming replied calmly. Although he already knew the real identities of these two people, seeing is better than hearing a hundred times. This seems to be the first contact between them.

"Let's go, let's get down to business." After the introduction, Ye Xiu greeted, and then Jun Moxiao led the way and the four followed behind.

The destination Ye Xiu spoke of was still some distance away, so they had to speed up their journey, after all, it was getting late, and if they spent too much time on the road, their evening break would be postponed.

The five went on like this,

Qiao Yifan was still introverted as always, except for Baozi, he couldn't talk to anyone else, but Baozi's conversation was too noisy, he always chatted about something, and the two of them stopped talking after a few words.

But Baozi is different, he treats everyone the same, he knows him well, especially for these two "strangers" who just joined the team,
"Handsome guy, what constellation are you?" Baozi Intrusion approached Guifeng, pretending to be mysterious and said, "I'm pretty accurate..."

Ghost Wind is Yi Tianming's account card tonight. Although he doesn't have a single piece of silver equipment in his body, they are all orange outfits of good quality. They are not as good as professional characters, but they are more than enough to make a splash in online games.
"Ahem... I don't play constellations." Yi Tianming can't do some routes, constellations?He really doesn't believe in this thing, after all, the knowledge in it is too general.

"Okay..." After hearing his answer, Baozi looked a little frustrated, but he quickly shifted his target, came to Chu Yunxiu's character, and asked, "Beauty, what is your zodiac sign?"

Chu Yunxiu froze for a moment, "We... know each other?"

Baozi Invasion scratched his head, "I don't know..."

Ye Xiu interrupted directly: "Baozi must not be rude."

"Oh, alright boss." Hearing Ye Xiu's words, Baozi calmed down, and ran to Yicun Hui by himself,

It was okay at first, but Qiao Yifan could bear him, but gradually he couldn't bear it anymore, and One Inch Ash ran over to Yi Chu and the two, apologizing, "I'm sorry, my teammate is like this. "

Yi Chu and the others naturally wouldn't care,

Of course, this is just a small episode on the road,

The five of them continued on their way until they came to a dungeon entrance.
"Sure enough." Yi Tianming said in his heart. On the way here, he guessed that it should be a dungeon or something. After all, there are exactly five people, so they can just download the copy.
But what makes Yi Tianming a little puzzled is that this number is enough to make a copy, but if there is no serious treatment and mt, will it be difficult to fight?

Of course, Yi Tianming is still very confident in his skills, even if he doesn't have treatment, he can survive, but... if the bun next to him is nervous, it will add some unnecessary troubles...?
"Go in." Jun Moxiao and Guifeng stepped into the dungeon at the same time, and the other three followed.
With a flash of white light, the team of five officially entered the dungeon,
Yi Tianming only found out now, this is a dungeon that teaches "Burning Dragon Jue", from the name, one knows that it has something to do with dragons,

"Yahoo, let's make a copy!" Once he entered the dungeon, Baozi, who had been quiet before, suddenly became a lot more active. Not only did he have weird glory operations, but his personality was also weird.

Ye Xiu also said a few simple words,
"I am an mt. Of course, I can also provide some healing, but I still have to save some blood. After all, the healing effect is still worse than that of a serious priest."

"Baozi listens to my command, Yifan plays by ear, and I will remind you when necessary."

The latter sentence is obviously for Baozi and Qiao Yifan to follow orders, while the first sentence... is actually for Yi Chu and the other two, which means that there is healing, but not much, so try to save as much blood as possible.

In this way, a group of five people officially stepped into the dungeon,

After entering the dungeon, Yi Tianming realized that it was a relatively unpopular dungeon. In his previous impression, the memory of this dungeon was 0. It may be a new one in the last small update, or it may be an older dungeon. The dungeon is only level 70,
The whole dungeon presents a slightly darker tone. The five people are in a dark and damp passage, and some transparent viscous liquid drips from the top of the passage from time to time, like water, but more viscous than water , the character's movement speed will be reduced when stepping on it,

But for Ye, Yi, and Chu, it couldn't be easier. Qiao Yifan can handle it if he is serious. Only Baozi...his movement is rough, he steps on two drops from time to time, and his movement speed is faster than normal. lower down.

Guifeng and Fengxueleng walked side by side, Fengxueleng was the account card used by Chu Yunxiu, also a trumpet in orange outfit, Guifeng was level 73, Fengxueleng was level 72, and Jun Moxiao and the other three They are all level 75.

In the process of walking, Yi Tianming kept thinking about a question, why did Ye Xiu pull himself to brush the dungeon?What is its real purpose?
And it's a level 70 dungeon. It's understandable to say level 75, but even if you don't have yourself at level 70, there are many good players on Xingxin's side who can fight, right?

Yi Tianming thought about it, but this question was still puzzling, maybe it was simply asking himself to make a dungeon...?
The five people walked in the dungeon and gradually entered the combat mode. A group of skeleton soldiers would appear from time to time in the passage. These skeleton soldiers are different from ordinary skeleton soldiers. The difference is that these skeleton soldiers are bigger. The blood volume is also thicker,

click... click...

Steamed Bun Invasion moved a brick and slapped it on top of the skeleton soldiers. The level 75 account card is basically a fish fry at level 70. This is why Ye Xiu has the confidence not to bring healing and mt.

With the bricks falling from the hand, the skeleton soldier quickly fell apart...

Of course, a silver-gray formation flashed under Baozi Invasion's feet. It was the knife formation laid down by Yi Tianming. This formation provided Baozi Invasion with bonuses in terms of attack and intelligence.

"What a ghost array!" Baozi praised loudly, but Yi Tianming was a little bit dumbfounded, somehow this tone sounded more like a senior encouraging a junior?Does this compliment come from Baozi's mouth, sounding a bit against Tiangang?

Of course, due to his understanding of Baozi's character, Yi Tianming didn't take this matter to heart, but directed: "Baozi, pay attention to your position, your position is too far to the left, and taking two steps to the right can make you two more strange."

When Baozi heard this, he followed suit, and as expected, two skeleton monsters ran towards him.
"Sure enough, thank you for reminding me!" After finishing speaking, Baozi Invasion continued to shake his fists. He seemed to be very interested in this kind of cruel fight, and he didn't feel bored at all.

Yi Tianming shook his head helplessly. The advantages and disadvantages of this steamed stuffed bun are quite obvious. The advantage is that he obeys orders, but the disadvantage is that his positioning is too rough, and he is nervous, and often makes some incomprehensible operations...

Although Baozi moved two steps to the right according to what Yi Tianming said just now, he took two more steps to the right in the subsequent battle. These two steps were completely unnecessary, but the monsters on the left did not good,
In this way, the Steamed Bun Invasion put him in a disadvantageous situation. He only cared about hitting the monsters on the right, and didn't deal with the monsters on the left at all.
Although these skeleton soldiers are only level 70 monsters, and their attacks are not strong, their quantity makes up for their quality. In just a short while, Baozi Invasion was surrounded by nearly fifty skeleton soldiers, and its blood volume was even knocked out by nearly 20%,

You must know that this is the second wave of mobs, and it is still early to clear the dungeon. Without a genuine priest, 20% of the blood has been ground here, and the road ahead will be difficult.

Thanks to Chu Yunxiu making a timely move, Feng Xueleng raised his hand seemingly casually, a fireball and lightning spells pulled the monster on the left, and only then did Baozi Invasion be rescued.
"Thank you!" Baozi tilted his head and thanked him, then continued to fight.

Chu Yunxiu took a look at this steamed stuffed bun. Although he was a bit annoying, he was quite active in playing the game. In comparison, the other one was...

"Yifan, don't be dazed." Ye Xiu shouted, and Yiinchhui, who had been dazed all this time, started to move.

"Ice formation, I should put ice formation." Qiao Yifan said in his heart, Fengxueleng has already pulled all the monsters together, he will go over and make up an ice formation to control all the monsters, and cooperate with Fengxueleng to deal with one range of damage in seconds up.

But just when he was about to take action, a figure was one step ahead of him,
ghost wind!

"Here we come." Guifeng waved the sword in his hand,

The blue formation quickly took shape, and a large group of skeleton soldiers were trapped by it, most of them were slowed down, and some were even frozen directly.
Afterwards, Fengxueleng's area of ​​damage fell, and the second wave of monsters was wiped out instantly.

Then came the third wave, the fourth wave...

"It's so fast..." Qiao Yifan stared blankly at the cooperation between the two. Although he already knew that the person in front of him was Captain Hundred Blossoms and was mentally prepared, he would still be shocked when he actually faced it.

At the beginning of the dungeon, the number of ghost formations provided by One Inch Ash for the team is only 1... The rest are all created by ghosts. It's not that Qiao Yifan is reluctant, but his reaction speed can't keep up with Yi Tianming. By that time, Yi Tianming had already finished releasing the ghost array...

I am a reserve player who will enter the professional circle next season... I was suppressed so badly...

A player who mainly plays Berserker, his ghosts are so good...?
Qiao Yifan couldn't help but feel a little depressed while fighting, and this was exactly Ye Xiu's goal tonight...

(End of this chapter)

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