Chapter 378

As a result, a total of six teams have advanced to the quarterfinals, namely Excellent Era, Hundred Blossoms, Blue Rain, Tyranny, [-] Degrees and Samsara.

There are still two vacancies left in the quarterfinals, and the audience's attention is also on the teams participating in the last two games.
If nothing else happens, Linhai and Tiny Herb will fill these two vacancies,

Needless to say about Tiny Herb, the lineup of Wang Jiexi, Fang Shiqian, Deng Fusheng, Gao Yingjie, Liu Fei, and Zhou Yebai is a solid lineup for the championship, and it is sure to advance to the top eight.

As for Linhai...Although the overall strength is not strong, there is a single point of fire, and that is Zhao Yang, who has just retired not long ago. As a retired player, he has received an invitation from the Linhai team to lead the team to participate in this legendary cup.


In the cheers of the audience, the two team games came to an end.

Not surprisingly, Linhai and Tiny Herb won the last two places in the quarterfinals, and the draw ceremony for the eight to the four will also be publicly displayed in 5 minutes.

In the war room, Zhao Yang stretched his waist, and heard the voices of his teammates coming from the door,
"Captain Zhao, it's time to come out."

"Well, let's go." Zhao Yang calmed down, and then walked at the forefront of the team.

The Legendary Cup gave Zhao Yang the feeling of being promoted to the knockout round. This feeling has never been experienced in the previous nine years of professional competition. Although he knew in his heart that this was an illusion, this illusion lasted at least for a moment. Provide him with a short-term spiritual refreshment,

The top eight, a step that has not been taken in the nine-year career, has been achieved today,

"Although it's a friendly match, it's at least the top eight, isn't it?" Zhao Yang said to himself in his heart, and then brought the players back to the Linhai team area.

As the players of the Linhai Veteran Team returned to their positions, the lights on the scene dimmed suddenly, and then the white light beams at the four corners suddenly lit up. place - the door of the studio,
A moment later, the studio door was slowly opened,

Pan Lin stood at the door, but he didn't step forward directly, but bent slightly, looked behind him, his right hand was L-shaped, and made a very gentlemanly gesture,

Then, Su Mucheng with a sweet smile stepped out in two steps,

The camera teacher is probably going to add chicken legs tonight. The moment Su Mucheng appeared, the camera lens focused on her face, and then the full-body scene. Both the angle and the light were well grasped, attracting the attention of the audience. burst into cheers,
"Su Mucheng! Mucheng! Mucheng!!"

"Su Mucheng! Su Mucheng! Su Mucheng!!"

Amidst the cheers all over the sky, Su Mucheng slowly walked to the center of the stage, followed by Pan Lin, and the two moved forward in parallel. Pan Lin was also very measured and did not have intimate contact with her, and the two always kept in a very close relationship. Appropriate distance.

Afterwards, a line of words slowly appeared on the big screen behind the two: Draw lots for the top eight! ! !
Eight to four, a random draw will be made among the teams that advance to the quarterfinals, all adhering to fair and open selection, and the whole process will be broadcast live.

Having said that, although the draw of the original knockout system was not done secretly, at least it would not be drawn directly at the competition site. The grand arrangement like today's Glory official should be to follow Su Mucheng's popularity and increase the popularity of the scene.

The cheers from the audience intensified.
At this time, Pan Lin answered the microphone and covered one ear: "It seems that today's audience is very enthusiastic, so I won't keep you waiting, Mucheng, let's start!"

"En!" Su Mucheng nodded, and then two circular platforms rose slowly from the ground in front of them.
The top eight teams were randomly divided into four teams, and then the names of the teams were put into opaque black balls, placed on the two circular platforms, and then the two hosts drew lots one by one.

"Now, let Mucheng draw a black ball first." Pan Lin showed a gentlemanly demeanor.

Su Mucheng turned around in the circular platform, touched all four black balls with her fingers, and finally chose the one she thought was the most comfortable, took it out, and held it in her hand.

"Please Mucheng open the black ball, read the contents of the note inside, and then show the note under the camera?"

Su Mucheng did so, glanced at the team name on the note, couldn't help but smile, two nice dimples appeared at the corners of her mouth.

"Oh?" Pan Lin couldn't help looking over curiously, "Which team can capture Mu Orange's heart?"

Hearing this, the group of professional players in the audience already had an answer in their hearts.

"Don't look, it must be Excellent Era, otherwise, who else can win Miss Su's smile." Huang Shaotian crossed his hands in front of his chest, pouted his mouth,


"Strictly speaking, Xingxin can do it too." At this moment, a calm voice parted ways.

Huang Shaotian glanced at the person who made the sound, and said angrily, "Zhang Xinjie, don't tear down my Terra!"

The Blue Rain player area and the Tyranny player area are separated, so the voices from both sides can be heard clearly.

Zhang Xinjie just smiled faintly and pushed the glasses frame on the bridge of his nose without any response.


The camera is given to the center of the stage,

"It's the Excellent Era veteran team." Su Mucheng's sweet voice came, and it was exactly as Huang Shaotian guessed.
Afterwards, Su Mucheng released the note to the public. Through the camera, all the audience could clearly see that there was no fraud.

To say that Su Mucheng's luck is quite "mysterious", as soon as she came up, she won the Excellent Era where Ye Xiu was.

"Aha, then let me reveal to you the opponents of Team Excellent Era in the eighth-fourth round!" Pan Lin took the microphone, put his other hand on the circular platform, and took it out five seconds later. A black ball, open it,
"It's the Linhai team!"

As soon as the answer was announced, the audience immediately went into an uproar, because Team Linhai was recognized as the weakest team in the quarterfinals. In the eyes of the audience, Excellent Era had drawn a good lottery.

But in the eyes of professional players, the situation is different. If you analyze it carefully, it seems that the overall strength of the six members of Excellent Era is not that strong. Except for Ye Xiu, the other five players have retired for six years. If you compare them like this, Excellent Era and Linhai seem to be about equal in overall strength, and Linhai is even slightly stronger, because they have a total of 3 active players on that side.

Of course, the command of the two teams is not at the same level, there is no doubt about it, after all Ye Xiu is the head of the four great tactical masters.

"This is interesting." In the Samsara player area, Sun Xiang came to the nature. From his point of view, Excellent Era and Linhai are at most a June [-]th situation. It is not certain who will be able to advance in this group.

Back to center stage,

Su Mucheng reached into the circular platform again to draw lots for the second group. She first grabbed the black ball containing the Blue Rain Veteran Team.
Then Pan Lin drew [-] degrees,
Blue Rain fought at [-] degrees. The most impressive thing about Blue Rain's last match was Huang Shaotian's seduction, and at [-] degrees, it was captain Yang Cong's death blow.

This group made people start to wonder whether Yang Cong would use his life-threatening strike again and succeed?Will you replace Troublesome Night Rain, or Soksar?All of this is entirely possible, after all, Yang Cong's strength lies there.

In the subsequent third group draw, Su Mucheng got the Hundred Blossoms Veteran Team. Seeing the remaining teams, the fans instantly became nervous. Everyone wanted to watch it, but none of them wanted to meet this Hundred Blossoms team. The name of Blossoms and Blood Scenes is enough to make people feel scared. Everyone still wants to go further in the Legend Cup. As for Blossoms and Blood Scenes, which is difficult to deal with, let other teams deal with them first. Bar…

At present, there are still three teams that have not drawn lots, namely Tiny Herb Samsara Tyranny,

"Don't draw us..." In the auditorium, a Samsara fan murmured in his heart. Samsara fans don't really want to draw Baihua. After all, their vice-captain is not around, and no one can read Zhouyu... Even if there is a voice system , Zhou Zekai, a "talkative", can hardly squeeze out a word or two, and he cherishes words like gold in his mouth...

On the contrary, the two Tiny Herb fans next to him yelled unabashedly: "Come on! Smoke us!!"

It seems that Tiny Herb fans still have a feeling of anger in their hearts. After all, they missed the championship in the finals not long ago. It was because they stumbled here at Baihua. Now that the two vice-captains are back, Tiny Herb fans feel In an instant, she gained confidence and vowed to regain face.

On the other hand, the fans of the other Tyranny team, they are as stable as Mount Tai, and they are not in a hurry. For them, if they are drawn, they will do it, and if they don't get it, they will do it. It's just that the targets are different.

As for the other spectators who had already finished their battles, they just had the mentality of watching a drama. Whoever got drawn was pretty much the same. Tiny Herb lost to Hundred Blossoms in the finals of the ninth and seventh seasons, and lost to Hundred Blossoms in the finals of the eighth season of Samsara. No matter who gets the two of these two, it can be said that it is a battle of revenge.

And after Pan Lin announced the results, all the Samsara fans breathed a sigh of relief that they were not drawn.The same is true for Micro Herb Powder, but they are "discouraged" because they have not been drawn.

Only Tyranny fans clenched their fists, there was a tough battle to be fought! ! !

"Tyranny Veteran Team!" Pan Lin announced the final result. This group of Hundred Blossoms played against Tyranny Veteran Team.

Finally, will Desert Guyan's iron fist force the Hundred Flowers Veterans to unleash their strongest move, "Blooming Flowers and Blood Scene"! ?
One shot but evil double flower, this is a good story by Ye Xiu,
Then will there be a good story about a pair of iron fists breaking double flowers?Although Han Wenqing did not do this before, don't forget that the current scene of flowers and blood has been weakened compared to the peak period, so Han Wenqing really has a chance.

The results of the first three groups have been announced, namely:
Excellent Era hit Linhai,
Blue Rain hits [-] degrees,
Hundred Flowers Fight Tyranny,
Then this last group does not need to draw, the audience can know the result,

Samsara beats Tiny Herb!
This group can also be called a revenge battle. After all, Samsara was eliminated by Tiny Herb last season. Can they succeed in revenge? !
After the lottery draw, Pan Lin and Su Mucheng interacted with the audience for a few more words on stage, and then entered the rest period. The audience left the stage in an orderly manner, and the contestants also went back to rest.

However, the rest time is not long. The eight-to-four competition will start on the second day, and because there are only team competitions, the schedule seems to be relatively tight. Two games in the morning and two games in the afternoon will be played in one day.


The next day,

Excellent Era's team members are ready to go, maple leaf red, with a touch of white matching coat, although it can be seen at a glance that it is a style from several years ago, but there is no sense of disobedience.

"Is everything ready?" Ye Xiu asked as he stood at the front of the line.

"Leave team is ready!" "Ready!" "Of course!!"

Ye Xiu waved his hand, "Then... let's go!"

When we came to the arena, the attendance rate was still frighteningly high, 98.3%. Currently, the Excellent Era Veteran Team has the highest attendance rate.

Of course, this is inseparable from the support of Excellent Era fans and the presence of Tyranny fans. There is a saying that sometimes your opponent's fans may care more about you than your own fans. Let Tyranny fans see Excellent Era fans competed for no other reason than to wait for the Excellent Era players to boo after they got embarrassed, and they rushed to the competition site just for the sound of Tyranny fans.

Team members from both sides enter the war room, insert cards, put on earphones, and get ready.
"I'll emphasize the tactics again. I'll be in charge of dealing with Zhao Yang and another swordsman. The rest of you are four or three, understand?" Ye Xiu repeated at the end. Excellent Era's style of play is still simple and rough. Ye Xiu relies on his own ability to fight. Second, then the teammate will play more and less numbers,
Ye Xiu still attaches great importance to Zhao Yang. After all, he is at the All-Star level. Entering the All-Star level for seven consecutive years is a proof of his highest strength.

"Understood!" "It's Team Ye!"

Amidst the firm voices of Excellent Era players, the game officially started,
The players on both sides played proactively, leaning towards the center of the map from the very beginning. Zhao Yang didn't seem to want to fight a war of attrition from the very beginning. He was already satisfied with being able to advance to the quarterfinals, and the hurdle in his heart had already been passed. As for the subsequent games, it's all up to God!He just needs to show his best side!
With the sound of dragon chant, the duel between the two teams officially kicked off.

One Autumn Leaf just fought together, it was the very domineering angry dragon piercing the heart · breaking, and Zhao Yang's Boundless Sea was not polite, first he used the defensive skill Nian Qi Mask to block the damage, and after the Nian Qi mask was broken, he directly resisted For the remaining damage, I forcibly cut off One Autumn Leaf's four-dimensional with Meridian Cutting,

Zhao Yang's vision is still very "vicious", knowing that Ye Xiu wants to fight two, and to resist damage, he has to use cut off veins to weaken One Autumn Leaf's attributes, which makes his one-on-two a lot more difficult.
Afterwards, the swordsmen of the Linhai team rushed up from behind One Autumn Leaf, and a swift white light galloped towards him.

Slash in the wind! !

Originally, he wanted to "take advantage of the fire to rob", but he didn't expect that One Autumn Leaf had no vision to pick and roll with his back. Not only did he successfully parry the blow, but he also knocked himself to the ground with a falling flower palm backhand,
"What a quick reaction!" The audience was all surprised. This is a veteran at the end of his career. If there are not many current players who can do it, right?

Only Tyranny's fans are as stable as old dogs, what's so surprising, when we faced One Autumn Leaf, he was even more exaggerated than this...!
(End of this chapter)

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