Full-time master's opening dragon rises!

Chapter 426 Flower VS Wheel Chapter!

Chapter 426 Hundred Flowers VS Samsara!

What a dog!

One person in the square thought to himself, are you using beauty to seduce us to watch the All-Star game?Am I the kind of person who will be seduced by beauty?

It's so accurate!

The man looked at the calendar, set an alarm for the time to grab tickets, and then took another look at Xiao Yuer's sweet figure on the big screen, and then left with satisfaction.

It is quite difficult to buy tickets for the All-Star event. After all, the supply exceeds the demand and too many people want to watch it live, including those who are not Honor fans.
After all, most people have a crowd mentality. When they see something lively, they like to go there and join in the fun. When the aborigines of Q City know that there is such an event in their own territory, they will also come to grab tickets. This makes other people It’s even harder for Honor fans to get tickets.
In the past, it often happened that those glory fans who came all the way to the All-Star City, without buying tickets, chose to listen to the cheers outside the court and feel the atmosphere, or after the opening ceremony Find scalpers who haven't sold their tickets, hoping to enter the venue in this way.
Of course, no matter what, Niu Zi should be reduced to ashes! ! !
The hosting of the All-Stars is a very big economic benefit for a city. Think about it, in addition to the aborigines of Q City, at least 4 to [-] people came to this city from other cities. The Stars will last about three days. Spending time on hotels, entertainment, dining, etc. all costs money. With such a large base of people, the city’s GDP can be greatly developed during these three days.


at the same time,

Xiao Yu'er walked out of the recording studio with a hint of tiredness on her face, but this tiredness was something that other commentators could only dream of.
Because these days, Xiao Yuer’s commercial endorsements are almost getting soft...

A large number of advertisers came to Xiao Yu'er and prayed for business cooperation. Some of them were filming advertisements, some were endorsing products, and some were even endorsing clothes. This made Xiao Yu'er a little flattered.
I am just a new commentator, how can He De accept so many advertisements?
Of course, if money hits her in the face, Xiao Yuer will not let it go.

She picked a few advertisements that she liked and had seen before, and then signed the contract.

That's right, the principle of girls' things is very simple, that is, they should look good, and they should be pleasing to the eye at first glance.

The rest of the commercial value and so on were all forgotten by Xiao Yuer.
After all, her family conditions are pretty good. She is a commentator purely because of her personal hobbies. He also likes to play Honor and other games, but it is only limited to the level of online games...

"Hello, Xiao Yu'er, here are your tickets, please keep them." Suddenly, a staff member walked up to him and handed over three tickets with both hands.

"Oh?" Xiao Yu'er was a little surprised. She took it and took a look and found that the ticket had three big characters written on it: All-Star.
Aren’t these the All-Star Weekend tickets that are very popular recently? ?I heard that people on the Internet were so busy snatching them that they were about to start a fight. I got three of them at once? ?And it’s also a VIP area! !
This has never happened before. After all, I was just an unknown commentator before, and the official did not issue so many tickets.

Xiao Yuer's heart instantly stirred up waves,

But soon, she changed her mind and thought, the official issued her a ticket. Does this mean that she will not be able to be on the All-Star commentary stage?
Sure enough... still can't explain the All-Stars...

Although Xiao Yuer's popularity has remained high during this period, and she has also gained a lot of attention and fan groups, but... there is no way to get in touch with the All-Star Arena, which is indeed a bit uncomfortable for a girl who is motivated. It feels so good,

The All-Star is a stage that professional players aspire to, and it is also a stage that the commentators aspire to. Generally, those who can be invited to the All-Star as commentators are all influential figures in the commentator world.
"You still need to work hard..." Xiao Yu'er encouraged herself in her heart, and finally collected the tickets and went home.

After checking the time, Xiao Yuer sat down on the sofa before it was time to eat.

She rented out alone. To be precise, before Xiao Yuer became popular, she rented out alone with her mediocre income. Her living standard was not too high, but she could still support herself. of,
an independent woman,
In fact, according to Xiao Yu'er's family's financial capacity, it is completely unnecessary. In this way, she can be self-sufficient, and the living expenses from her parents are enough, and she can still live a good life.
Maybe... Xiao Yu'er didn't want to say to her parents on Green Bubble as soon as she ran out of money: Lao Deng, make some gold coins... right?

Of course, as an adult, it is not shameful to support oneself. On the contrary, it is very shameful to say it. After all, if two people are compared together, one is living very well with his parents' money; One is to rely on one's own hands to provide for food and clothing, so I guess everyone still thinks that the latter one is more naughty,

Of course, if you have a mine at home, the former will be calculated separately. That is fate.

But no matter what, being able to support oneself at this age is already a very admirable thing.

Of course, supporting yourself is limited to Xiao Yuer's past life.From the moment she became popular, the living conditions she created on her own will inevitably rise to several heights in the future. After all, she signed so many big contracts, they were not signed in vain.

Or why is there a popular saying that traffic is money in today's era?
After sitting on the sofa for a while, Xiao Yu'er took off the phone from me and put her hands on the back of her head, looking at the ceiling.
She is not the kind of person who can't stop once she gets a mobile phone. On the contrary, Xiao Yu'er is relatively self-disciplined. It is because of this quality that she successfully seized the opportunity...

"By the way, I haven't played Glory for a few days. Let's check it out online."

I stood up and came to the pink computer. This color scheme is quite girly.
Xiao Yuer is also a fan of Honor, and she also likes to play games when she has nothing to do. However, because she had so many partners looking for her in the past two days, she was so busy that she forgot to play Honor.

Now that I have some free time, Xiao Yuer decided to check out the account.

After all, as a commentator, if you are not familiar with Glory itself, you will definitely not be able to tell anything good.
"Area 1...Login..."


The account card in Zone [-] does not mean that Xiao Yuer's gaming age is longer. After all, account cards can be bought and sold. Xiao Yuer bought this card. After she obtained the ownership of the card, she changed her ID...

Xiao Yu'er looked at the mad swordsman with the ID "Rainbow Candy" on the computer screen, then moved her wrists and walked to a dungeon to start "rehabilitation training".

Hmm...this ID is quite girly and fits Xiao Yu'er.

But...this character?Crazy swordsman? ?

If there are any Honor fans here, they will definitely feel happy when they see Xiao Yuer’s professional career.

No, the flowers exploded.

No...are you playing with contrast?With your appearance, you play the role of a mad swordsman?
Why, is it because you don’t have a place among the other 23 professions in Glory? ? ?

Kaka... Kaka... Kaka...

The sound of typing on the keyboard and playing games came from the room. Xiao Yuer looked calm and performed every operation seriously.
If you look at her appearance, you would never have thought that such a girl likes to play mad swordsmanship, and that she has such a profession.

Among the entire Honor 24 professions, the one with the highest number of girls should be the Gunner, followed by the Elemental Mage. After all, these two professions are led by two beautiful players.
As for the one with the lowest number of girls, it should be the mad swordsman. After all, the professional model of the mad swordsman is not good-looking.

Of course, the bad-looking here refers to women. After all, which woman wants her game model to look like a muscular female man?
Although Honor supports AI face-changing, which means that the face of the card holder is completely implanted into the game character, but think about it, the feeling of putting a female face on a muscular body model...

So sour and refreshing. "Beautiful!" Looking at the word "Glory" that appeared on the screen, Xiao Yu'er felt a surge of joy in her heart. The dopamine secretion brought about by winning the game made her feel happy.
However, it must be a bit boring to play games alone. Next, Xiao Yuer found a few wild teams and played games with her teammates.
It’s more fun when there are more people. After all, Glory is a team battle game.
Of course, it’s understandable that someone like Mo Fan, who is a maverick, doesn’t like team fighting.

"Shemale number, right?"

"Why does she have the face of a girl? This modeling is a bit eye-catching...this profession...this ID..."

"It's more than just an eyesore... I'm just... so nervous!"

Listening to the conversation of her teammates, Xiao Yuer was not angry, and followed the team silently.

Actually... To others, choosing the profession of mad swordsman is indeed a bit difficult to understand, but for Xiao Yu'er, the reason why she chose mad swordsman is very simple, that is, it was love at first sight, and Xiao Yu'er fell into the trap. That period of time was when Yi Tianming was at his most prosperous, so Xiao Yuer chose the profession of mad swordsman along with Dajun. After playing a few games, he found that he quite liked this profession, so he decided to Then I continued playing, and then bought an account card...

back to reality,

Xiao Yu'er typed and asked: "Can you write a book with the team?"

"Hey... just follow." The team leader touched his chin and then asked her to follow.

The general quality of Honor players is quite high, unlike the environment of a certain farmer.

Although the members of this team have criticized the appearance of Xiao Yu'er's character, they are just talking about it, and there is no actual discrimination.
They are all playing games, so who looks down on the other?

After playing several dungeons with this team, Xiao Yuer felt a little tired. After saying goodbye, she left the team and prepared to find a safe place to get off the plane.

If the Glory character returns to the main city, he will not be harmed by other characters. However, if he stays in the wild, he will be maliciously PKed by some players, and then his equipment will be exploded, or the character will be downgraded. If you are unlucky, this will happen. Both scenarios will happen.

"Go back to the main city." Rainbow Tangtang is not far from the main city, so Xiao Yu'er chose to go back to the main city, parked the character in the main city and then logged off.
The moment Rainbow Tangtang stepped into the main city, a large number of people suddenly poured out in front of her. Among them, the two major professions were mad swordsman and ammunition expert.

The leader is a mad swordsman,

"Crazy Swordsman? Rainbow Candy...uh..."

"Whoever it is, follow them quickly! The guild is having a firefight with someone over there and they are in desperate need of manpower!"

"Ah? I..." Xiao Yu'er was about to explain, but the crowd quickly ran to the east of the map. At a rough glance, there were at least 100 people.

The movement here attracted many people in the main city to stop and watch.
"Are you from Baihua Valley?"

"I heard that Baihua Valley and Baqi Xiongtu were fighting for the boss, and the fight was fierce..."

"Two major guilds! How can that not be fierce?"

"Eh..." Looking at the crowd who had walked away, Xiao Yu'er was stunned.

From what the people next to me said, it seemed like a guild war? ?
And it is very likely that the people in Baihua Valley, combined with the group of [-] people I just saw, are almost all mad swordsmen and ammunition experts, this lineup should be Baihua Valley.

"How about... go over and see the excitement?"

"You still don't know how much you weigh?"

Two voices were arguing in Xiao Yu'er's mind. One was wearing white clothes and the other was wearing black clothes. They couldn't argue. The two voices almost made Xiao Yu'er's head explode.
"Go and have a look!" In order to prevent the two voices from arguing again, Xiao Yu'er ended the dispute with action.
Of course, the reason was that she wanted to watch the excitement. After all, she had never experienced such a battle between big guilds in person...

When I chased "Rainbow Candy" in the direction where the group of people just went, I found that all the equipment dropped along the way. Orange equipment and purple equipment were everywhere, and even inferior equipment was rare.

"A lot of equipment..." Just when Xiao Yuer focused her attention on the equipment all over the floor, a shout interrupted her thoughts,

"There is a guy from Baihua Valley here, let's rush him!" A group of players with domineering ambitions suddenly appeared on the side, and then they all rushed towards the location of Rainbow Candy.

Then... there were two more "little pearls" on Xiao Yu'er's face.

There was one more piece of equipment on the ground, but the orange epee she finally got...


"Epee..." Xiao Yu'er murmured these two words, and her thoughts drifted to the far side.

"Huh?" Li Yibo looked at her with some confusion. Why did his partner feel a little absent-minded today?There have been several obvious mistakes made during the commentary...

Fortunately, Li Yibo had rich experience, and he quickly took over the conversation, "Luo Hua Lang Xi used his epee to compete with his opponent's weapon, knocking it down, and then struck again with a heavy slash, beautiful!!"

"Congratulations to Baihua for winning the group competition! Let's wait a moment, the team competition is about to begin!"

After saying all this, Li Yibo asked to the side,

"Xiao Yu'er, what's wrong?"

"Ah... no." Xiao Yu'er shook her head quickly and said in her heart: You have to concentrate... This is a competition. If you don't explain it well, you will lose your job...

Then, Xiao Yuer turned her attention to the big screen.

Reincarnation: Hundred Flowers,
(End of this chapter)

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