Full-time master's opening dragon rises!

Chapter 455 Gao Yingjie asks for leave

Chapter 455 Gao Yingjie asks for leave

"25 consecutive wins, who else can stop Baihua?" 》

"Looking at this situation, Baihua's dream of four consecutive championships is not unattainable"

"Is the first four consecutive championships in history about to be born? 》

On the second day after Baihua defeated Thunder, there were many posts on the Honor Forum. The titles of these posts were all praising Baihua.

But if we say it's flattering, it's not really true. After all, Baihua's winning streak and strength this season are facts that are right in front of us. It's not flattering, it should be said to be the truth.

Once these posts were posted, they naturally caused quite a stir on the Internet.In the past, if you heard about four consecutive championships, fans of each team would definitely be unconvinced. After all, who do you think you are?Can you say four consecutive championships?
But now the situation is different. Fans of other teams have a neutral attitude towards these posts. No one takes the initiative to stand up and refute. After all, no one has been beaten by Baihua, and you can't win against them. How can you beat them? Why don't you have the nerve to stand up and speak?

The Baihua fan group was "cheering and shouting" below the post. It was so cool, and the popularity of these posts also skyrocketed.

Of course, Baihua Public Relations also made a certain contribution. When they discovered that there were more posts in this regard on the Honor Forum, they naturally promoted a certain amount of traffic afterwards. After all, this is also a way to promote the club.

Everyone from Baihua watched the new issue of the Glory Forum and chatted. Of course, they did not take the initiative to mention the fourth consecutive championship. After all, it is still the regular season and there is still some time before the playoffs, let alone When it comes to how far we can go in the playoffs, as qualified professional players, we naturally won’t say any big words about winning the championship for sure.
Confidence is a good thing, but if you have too much confidence, it becomes arrogance. Arrogant people will not end well.


Thunder Club,
Yu Feng looked at the emails sent by Thunder official fans and couldn't help but smile bitterly in his heart.
Sure enough, what he expected happened.

After losing to Baihua, the opinions on the Internet changed to a certain extent. During the previous four-game winning streak, Thunder fans gave rave reviews. Well, just after talking about this game, the trend of Thunder fans turned to blame. Even cursing,
It was as if they were waiting for this opportunity and wanted to ridicule Yu Feng.
Some of the people's words are really ugly.

For example: If you can't beat Yi Tianming, you will be the second best in the world.

You can only win against small teams, right?Once you encounter a stronger opponent, you lose.So what's the point of the team buying you here?Coming and not coming are the same results and nothing can be changed at all!
Get out of Thunder! !We don't need you! !

There are many more words like this,
Yu Feng even felt that some of them were the "Navy Army" invited by Yanyu to retaliate against him.
Based on Mianyu's reputation in the circle and Yu Feng's understanding of Mianyu, maybe those guys in the top management of Mianyu would actually do such a thing.

After browsing the Internet for a while, Yu Feng clicked on the video of the match against Baihua.
Although Xiao Shiqin is the team's commander-in-chief, he is also fully responsible for post-match reviews and other matters.But after all, Yu Feng is the captain, so it's impossible not to say a word. He still has to express his opinions when appropriate.

Kaka Kaka…

In the quiet room, the mouse kept dragging the video screen, sometimes moving forward, sometimes slowing down to focus on a detail...


On the other side, Tiny Herb and Blue Rain met in this round. This was their second official battle this season.
Everyone had been watching Tiny Herb before the game. After all, this round was in Tiny Herb, and Tiny Herb's performance this season was better than Blue Rain's.It can also be seen from the rankings that Tiny Herb ranks second all year round, while Blue Rain ranks fourth.

However, the result of the game was indeed a bit surprising. Blue Rain defeated Tiny Herb 7:3 in the away game!With these 7 points, they successfully chased the third position in the league.

Blue Rain's victory was indeed a bit surprising. Tiny Herb actually overturned on its home court?
Yu Wenzhou said calmly in the post-match interview: "Our opponents performed better in the singles competition, but we, Blue Rain, overtook us in the team competition."

In the team competition, Huang Shaotian seized the opportunity to kill Yuan Boqing!Helped Blue Rain gain a huge advantage!

Yuan Baiqing... Tiny Herb Fan sighed deeply at this own treatment. This guy still hasn't grown to the height of his predecessor Fang Shiqian...

"If it were Fang Shiqian, there would be no way he would lose this team match." Most Tiny Herb fans thought so.

Of course, this cannot be entirely blamed on Yuan Boqing. After all, he is facing the first opportunist of Glory.

However, this match between Tiny Herb and Blue Rain also showed an important point: at the critical moment, you still have to look at the key players.

In some games, a key player can really change the situation.

Glory has always been a team game, but the team is also composed of heroes. In many cases, whoever can save the team from fire and water is the hero.

After Tiny Herb lost this game, it was obvious that they were not very happy. During the post-game interview, Wang Jiexi and all the Tiny Herb players didn't look very good. They said a few words and ended the interview.

After all, he lost the game at his own doorstep... and he still lost to a feud like Lan Yu. No one would feel good about it.

Tiny Herb fans at the scene also booed at the end of the game. Of course, the false noise was not very malicious. Its main purpose was to remind the Tiny Herb players not to relax so that they could win in the next league. Mistakes like today will happen.

Sometimes, booing does not mean malice, it can be used to wake up players.Of course, sometimes booing is just plain malicious.

So after losing this game, the point difference between Tiny Herb and Blue Rain is only 11 points. There are still 13 rounds before the end of the regular season, and it is entirely possible to catch up to 13 points in 11 rounds.

"Next, don't let up, understand?" Wang Jiexi said to the team members in the Tiny Herb Club with a serious look on his face.

"Understood...!" "Yes! Captain!"

Although Tiny Herb is still ranked second, Blue Rain behind them is already showing signs of catching up. Tiny Herb has been in second place for most of the season. If someone else overtakes them at the last moment, what will happen to them? The team members were not only hit physically, but also mentally.

More importantly, the bonus for second place in the league is gone.

As for Baihua in front... Tiny Herb is in the first position and has no ideas, or in other words, has no chance to come up with ideas.

Because Baihua leads Tiny Herb by 22 points!It is twice as long as Tiny Herb leads Blue Rain!Such a point difference is rare in the entire history of Glory, so it is basically impossible to catch up.

Of course, Tiny Herb King Jiexi would not openly say that he would not pursue the pursuit. That would undoubtedly damage morale.
Being difficult to do and not doing it are two different things.
There are some things that you know are difficult to accomplish but still do it. That is a brave person.
But to stop moving forward because of difficulties is a coward.

"What we have to do is keep moving forward until we win!"

Wang Jiexi's words echoed in the ears of all Tiny Herb team members.


The camera turned and it was home field at [-],
"So... today's game is over. Thank you everyone for watching and the wonderful performance of the players from both teams. Let's see you in the next round!"

Here, [-]'s opponent is Tiny Herb.
Originally, the Tiny Herb team members were planning to win this victory with overwhelming force, in order to consolidate their second position.Therefore, the Tiny Herb team members were all feeling suffocated. After all, they lost to Blue Rain in the last round. This round of competition had to be a close game, and the victory would wash away the dust.

Unexpectedly, the dark cloud of defeat seemed to have pinpointed them and stopped above Tiny Herb.

4:6, although I got one more point than the previous round, I still lost. "Three hundred and one! Three and one! Three and one!!!"

In 6's home court, the voices of 11 fans were louder than ever, not only because they defeated the second team in the league, but more importantly, with these [-] points, [-] successfully reached the [-]th place.In this way, they saw the hope of entering the playoffs!

"Three zero one! Three zero one! Three zero one!!"

Amid cheers all over the sky, the Tiny Herb team members went to the press conference with gloomy faces.

What happened to Tiny Herb? !

After this round, the Honor Forum immediately exploded. Countless posts appeared like a wave. I lost to Blue Rain in the last round. The response from Tiny Herb fans was not great. After all, Blue Rain’s strength It is recognized by Tiny Herb fans, so there is no shame in losing to such a well-established giant.

But this round, lost to [-] again? ?

After two consecutive defeats, Tiny Herb ushered in its second consecutive defeat this season. Tiny Herb fans on the Internet collectively erupted and pointed their fingers at Yuan Boqing, because judging from the post-game video, it was Yuan Boqing again in the team competition. was caught by the opponent and completed a substantial breakthrough,
Yuan Boqing seemed to be an obvious breakthrough point at this moment. Blue Rain took advantage of him in the last round, and it was also from him that he succeeded in breaking through at [-] today.
"Strongly recommend Tiny Herb to introduce excellent healing players!" On the online forum, Micro Herb fans' evaluation of Yuan Boqing dropped again and again. Originally, he was not well received by Tin Herb fans, but now he lost two games because of him. , those extreme fans on the Internet will naturally not show mercy.

"We will adjust our condition." In the post-match interview, Wang Jiexi calmly said this when faced with questions from many reporters.

After losing the game, Wang Jiexi felt more miserable than any other player because he was the captain and had a heavier responsibility than anyone else.

Tiny Herb lost this game, and the other families were just watching the show. The main "benefits" were Blue Rain and [-].

[-] scored six points, so needless to say,

More importantly, Blue Rain is pursuing victory in this round. It seems that their victory over Tiny Herb in the previous round gave them a huge morale boost. The score of 10:0 in this round completely wiped out Yi Zhan.

As a result, the point difference between Tiny Herb and Blue Rain was shortened to 7 points.
7 points!Wei Cao Fen felt deeply threatened.


Tiny Herb Club,
In the training room, the players stared at the computer screen seriously. Although they were a little tired, they didn't say much.

practice more,

This was the punishment Wang Jiexi gave his players after losing to [-].
If you lose, you have to admit it, and extra practice is the most common punishment method.

Kaka... Kaka... Kaka...

Until a clear mechanical sound sounded, Wang Jiexi slowly took off his headphones, finally stood up and said to the team members: "Okay, you can take a rest, we will continue later."

After saying this, Wang Jiexi moved his wrist and walked out of the training room.

"Phew..." "I can finally rest."

Seeing the captain leaving, the Tiny Herb team members showed relaxed expressions. They had practiced a lot in the past two days, and to be honest, they were all a little tired.
However, I didn’t dare to say it out loud because I was tired. After all, the game was like that and I had no shame to say it. Moreover, the captain himself was training with me too. What could they say as team members?

Among the many players, Gao Yingjie seemed a little preoccupied. He did not speak to his teammates next to him, but lowered his head as if thinking about something.

"What's wrong, Yingjie, are you feeling unwell?" Liu Fei asked,
As the only woman in the Tiny Herb team, she still took good care of Gao Yingjie. Of course, she was like a sister to a younger brother, with no other intentions.

"Huh? No... nothing." Gao Yingjie shook his head, then stood up and walked in the direction Wang Jiexi left.

"What is this little guy thinking about... He is very preoccupied." Liu Fei thought to himself.


On the rooftop, Wang Jiexi was blowing the cool breeze.

It's spring now, whether it's cold or hot.However, the temperature difference between day and night is still relatively large.

It's noon now, so the temperature is just right,

Wang Jiexi was basking in the warm sunshine, thinking about something in his heart, when a childish voice interrupted his thoughts,

"Captain, I..."

Wang Jiexi turned around and found that it was his beloved disciple Gao Yingjie.

"What's wrong?" Wang Jiexi looked at him calmly,
Gao Yingjie lowered his head, having a strong mental struggle, and finally gritted his teeth and said: "Captain, I would like to take tonight off."

Tonight was originally the extra training time for Wang Jiexi to punish the team members, but Gao Yingjie asked for leave at this time.

"Why?" Wang Jiexi did not agree immediately. Although it was his beloved disciple who asked for leave, the punishment for the team's loss of the game had already been agreed upon. Even if his beloved disciple did not have a legitimate reason, he would not agree.

Only a strict teacher can produce a good disciple. Although Wang Jiexi liked Gao Yingjie, he was not to the point of pampering him. He knew that was not feasible.

"I want to go to H city." Gao Yingjie said.

"H City? What are you doing?"

"I want to go and cheer for Qiu Fei. His team, Excellent Era, will enter the knockout stage of the challenge tonight."

Wang Jiexi was silent for a moment, then nodded in agreement in the blink of an eye.
"Okay, pay attention to safety on the road."

"Thank...thank you, captain!" Gao Yingjie was overjoyed. He originally thought that asking for leave this time would be very difficult, but he didn't expect that the captain agreed without saying a word.

Gao Yingjie returned to the war room happily.

On the rooftop, Wang Jiexi looked at his leaving figure and smiled.


(End of this chapter)

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