Full-time master's opening dragon rises!

Chapter 470 The showdown between two beautiful contestants

"Then let's invite the second contestant from Baihua to come on stage!"

The sound of the radio slowly came out and floated into everyone's ears.

At this moment, the Baihua fans at the scene began to cheer in advance, just like the Xingxin fans just now, with an impulsive and excited energy.

"I'm on." Chu Yunxiu stood up and walked towards the stage.

"Come on." Yi Tianming simply said,
Other team members also said: "Come on, deputy team!"

"Chu Yunxiu! Chu Yunxiu! Chu Yunxiu!!"

"Chu Yunxiu, I love you! Chu Yunxiu will win!!"

Chu Yunxiu walked in the aisle, and there were shouts and shouts in his ears. Although it was not Baihua's own territory, the number of fans was not as good as the number of fans of the home team.

But it also better reflects the love these fans have for the team who have traveled thousands of miles to come to the game.
These "die-hard fans" will come to the scene whenever the team has a game, wave flags and cheer.

Of course, if you are lucky, you may be officially selected by Baihua and given some small gifts. These are also some measures used by major teams to encourage fans. This is not only the case with Baihua, but can also be seen in other teams. Such a situation.

"These fans who rushed to the scene are really enthusiastic!" Chu Yunxiu said in her heart, but having experienced big scenes, she was naturally comfortable with this kind of situation.

"It seems that player Chu Yunxiu is also very popular." Li Yibo said with a smile.

Chu Yunxiu, Su Mucheng,

Two famous beautiful players in the league competed on the same stage today.

These two beautiful players have also crossed paths before. Last season, they both played for Baihua.

But now they are all their own masters.

While waiting for the character map to load, the audience in the auditorium began to talk and speculate on the outcome of the game.

"Who do you like?"

"Chu Yunxiu, after all, she has a 20% health advantage."

"I can't see it. This map obviously has a better advantage for the gunners. Maybe Su Mucheng can use the map advantage to smooth out the 20% health."

"It's possible...just watch the game with peace of mind."

The audience expressed their opinions. Of course, the final result of the game was not determined by their discussion, but the contestants themselves had to compete to determine the winner.

With a flash of white light, everyone's eyes were drawn to the big screen.

Mu Yuchengfeng and Fengcheng Yanyu, these two characters are refreshed on the map at the same time.
Then they each rushed out in one direction.

"Through Tian Sen's previous game, I already know something about this map." Chu Yunxiu said in his heart while operating the character,

"The tower in the middle of the map cannot be allowed to be climbed up, otherwise the gunnery division's line of fire can easily suppress me."

It can be seen on the map that Fengcheng Yanyu is sprinting from the base towards the tower in the middle of the map.

And similarly, such behavior also appeared on Mu Yu Chengfeng,

The tower, the gunner's favorite,
As long as she could successfully climb the tower, she would be able to rely on powerful firepower to suppress the enemy and knock them out of breath.

The initial spawn points of the two characters are symmetrical, which means that the distance between them and the tower in the center of the map is the same.

But the speed of the two quickly established a difference between them.

After all, the Elemental Mage is a famous short-legged person among the 24 professions. Apart from an instant movement, he has no other displacement skills.
Although the Gunner does not have any displacement skills, she can increase her own movement speed through the recoil of the gun.

boom!Boom! !
Mu Yuchengfeng's back was facing the tower, and she kept firing. Her body shape also continued to speed up while firing.

Therefore, Dancing Rain's moving speed is faster than Fengcheng Yanyu's.

On the big screen, the distance between Mu Yuchengfeng and the tower was getting closer and closer. It was obvious that she would reach this position first. Everyone present could see this, even those who did not understand Glory well. It can be easily seen. After all, it is obvious who is faster and who is slower.

Soon, the audience was buzzing with comments.

"If this continues, it won't work, right?"

"If Mu Yuchengfeng is allowed to climb the Xiangao Tower, then Fengcheng Yanyu's situation will be quite dangerous...!"

Without exception, Happy fans' faces showed smiles, while Baihuafen's faces were full of worry.
The right time and the right place, there is no need to discuss the time of the day.

As for the geographical advantage, as long as you can make good use of it, you can play easily.

But now, the "geographical advantage" is getting closer and closer to Mu Yu Chengfeng, but Chaofeng City Misty Rain is getting further and further away...

"No, if this continues, the deputy captain will definitely not be able to grab the high-rise building. The elemental mage's movement speed is too slow." Song Xiao said worriedly at the Baihua seat,

Yi Tianming was very calm, shook his head and said, "She must have considered the speed of the gunner. Just concentrate on watching the game."

Yi Tianming has confidence in Chu Yunxiu.

As time passed, Mu Yuchengfeng got closer and closer to the high platform, and finally, the high platform appeared in her sight.

However, Mu Yuchengfeng stopped shooting at this time, presumably to avoid exposing her position due to the sound of gunfire.

When approaching the high platform, you have to pass through a wide area and two corners.
Not to mention professional players, even ordinary players know to be more cautious when passing through these places.

At this time, Mu Yu Chengfeng's speed slowed down slightly.

Just when she passed the first corner, a magic circle suddenly appeared under her feet.

Su Mucheng's heart tightened, and she manipulated the character to avoid without hesitation.

She doesn't have a God's perspective, but the outside audience does,
They clearly saw that Fengcheng Yanyu changed direction when she was halfway there. She did not sprint directly towards the high platform, but took a shortcut to the right. Although this road could not lead to the high platform. , but it can lead to the only way for the opponent to reach the high platform.

Chu Yunxiu’s purpose is to lay an ambush here!After all, she knew that in terms of speed, she would definitely not be able to match the opponent, so she could only choose to ambush here in advance!

However, Su Mucheng's reaction was not slow either. She seemed to have been prepared for it.
Mu Yuchengfeng jumped back and fired two shots at the ground at the same time. Her body flew backwards and avoided the magic circle.

It was right to think about it. After all, this was Happy's map selection, so they must know every path on this map. Su Mucheng must have thought that her opponent might choose such a forward pressure and ambush, so she thought about it in advance. Be prepared.

"Mu Yuchengfeng was ambushed by Fengcheng Yanyu. We can see that Fengcheng Yanyu arrived here half a minute ago in order to stop Mu Yuchengfeng." Li Yibo explained, "Although this The magic circle failed to control the opponent, but Fengcheng Yanyu has not exposed his position so far. "Where is the opponent?

Su Mucheng didn't know this, but she didn't plan to wait for her opponent to show up. Instead, she used the cannonball in her hand to blast her opponent out...!
Mu Yu Chengfeng pushed with both hands and threw the hand cannon into the air, then blasted out a purple beam.
Laser Cannon! ! !

This purple beam caused great damage to the house, and all the walls it touched turned into dust in an instant.

However, Mu Yuchengfeng's target did not appear behind those walls that were blown into dust.

Su Mucheng was not in a hurry, but was checking the points one by one. Her point at the moment was relatively far back, so she could better observe a large field of view.

Soon, under Mu Yuchengfeng's investigation, the scene was filled with dust, and the group of houses turned into ruins.

It didn’t take long for Fengcheng Yanyu’s location to be discovered.

boom! !

Mu Yuchengfeng aimed at a right-angled wall and fired an anti-tank gun. There were not many intact walls, but there was a [-]% to [-]% chance of hiding an opponent in the area in front of her!
as predicted!

Before the anti-tank gun hit the wall,
A figure jumped out from behind a wall, it was Fengcheng Yanyu!

"Hit her with a spell!!"

The fans outside the field shouted, they were a little unhappy after being bombarded for a while, and they wanted to let Chu Yunxiu fight back.

From this we can also see the difference between ordinary players and professional players. Ordinary players mostly focus on their own emotions, while professional players must pay attention to many points. They must not only observe the situation, but also pay attention to their own offensive rhythm. Not too fast or too slow,
Although it was Mu Yuchengfeng who was attacking just now, in fact, as long as a player with a little bit of experience can judge that Mu Yuchengfeng used basically some low-level skills just now, so her high-level damage skills I haven't used this yet,
What's more, the gunner's attack range is longer than that of the elemental mage, so if he chooses to fight head-on at this time, it will obviously be detrimental to Fengcheng Yanyu.

Therefore, Chu Yunxiu chose to fight while retreating.

Fengcheng Yanyu waved his staff, and soon a wall of ice formed in front of Dancing Rain.
Although this refrigerator can't stop her too much time, for Chu Yunxiu, this is enough.

Fengcheng Yanyu took this opportunity to read the skill again, and in the next second a wall of fire formed, also stuck on the road between her and Dancing Rain.

Afterwards, Fengcheng Yanyu quickly retreated towards the location of the tower.

Seeing this, Mu Yuchengfeng raised his hand cannon and broke the ice wall in front of him. Then he chose to step forward directly by stepping on the fire wall's damage.
Su Mucheng made a visual inspection. Although he could choose to bypass the fire wall, it would waste some time.
Therefore, in order to maximize the speed, Su Mucheng chose to resist the damage of the fire wall.

Mu Yu Chengfeng's health dropped a little, but in everyone's eyes it was worth it because she gained time!

"It's so dangerous. If it's a little later, Fengcheng Yanyu will be the first to get there..." Happy fans outside the venue patted their chests. It was precisely because Mu Yuchengfeng had just suffered the damage from the wall of fire that she could successfully catch up now. Stop Fengcheng Yanyu before she climbs the tower...!
The way to the top of the tower is to climb an open-air staircase.

At this moment, Fengcheng Yanyu had climbed one-third of the way up. If it weren't for Dancing Rain Chengfeng, she would have successfully climbed to the top in a short time.

But it's a pity that Mu Yuchengfeng is here,
Fengcheng Yanyu's idea of ​​climbing was naturally impossible to achieve.

Moreover, now Fengcheng Yanyu feels like she is riding a tiger and is unable to get off. She wants to climb up, but she will definitely not be able to escape the opponent's artillery attack...

The Baihua fans outside the stadium had their hearts in their throats. After all, Su Mucheng was also a Baihua player.

After a year of getting along with each other, they naturally knew that this player's performance on the field was not as cute as he seemed on the surface. The power of Glory's first gunner could not be described with the word "cute".

boom!boom!boom! !

Mu Yuchengfeng's cannon was aimed at Fengcheng Yanyu without hesitation.

No one thought there was anything wrong with this. Instead, they all thought that Su Mucheng's reaction was very fast, and they successfully stopped the other party before they could successfully climb to the top.


At this moment, the corners of Chu Yunxiu's mouth had an extra arc.

On the Xingxin player table,

Ye Xiu suddenly frowned, "No, Mucheng was fooled."

"What's wrong?" Chen Guo just turned around and asked, when the sound of violent bombings and the sound of buildings collapsing came from the arena.

When Chen Guo turned her attention to the big screen again, her mouth opened wide.


The high platform that was still standing just now has collapsed.

"Why is this happening?" Chen Guo was puzzled.

"Chu Yunxiu deliberately created the illusion that it was too late to climb to the top, which made Mucheng fall into a loophole in her thinking, so she immediately wanted to force her opponent to stop, thereby ignoring the fragility of the high-rise building.

Just now, Mu Yuchengfeng was aiming at Fengcheng Yanyu, but the latter chose to jump down the moment before the artillery fire arrived. In this way, Mu Yuchengfeng's artillery fire hit the stairs of the high platform." Ye Xiuhuan Xu told the truth.

At this moment, everyone in the audience was stunned for a moment, and then a burst of warm cheers broke out from the Baihua fan area,

"Now that the high platform is gone, let's see how the opponent fights!"

It can be said that Chu Yunxiu's "temptation" made Su Mucheng a little unexpected, so that she made such a mistake.

But there's no point thinking too much now. All she can do is try to make up for the mistake she just made.

But...the most gentle thing about this map for the gunnery division is the high platform.

But now that the high platform has been destroyed, the advantage of the gunnery division naturally no longer exists.

In the following period, Chu Yunxiu played steadily, taking advantage of the house to deal with Su Mucheng, and finally won the game without any surprise.

After this battle, Fengcheng Yanyu’s remaining HP: 36%,

Including the 20% health advantage in the previous game, Chu Yunxiu had a 16% health advantage this time.

"Then, I'm afraid the pressure on Xingxin's third player to appear is a bit too high. Can he hold on to the two points in the group arena?" Li Yibo continued, "Let's invite Xingxin's third player, Ye Xiu! !”

Upon hearing the word "Ye Xiu", Happy's fan base burst into cheers.

"Come on Happy! Happy will win!!"


(End of this chapter)

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