Merry Eunuch Lang

Chapter 116 2 Young Heroes 2 Enter Fan Wangfu

People in the palace got up early in the morning and saw that all the dogs had blood in their mouths, some had dried up, and some were still oozing blood.The night before, they heard the dogs barking wildly, and sent people out to check, but they didn't find anything unusual. Is this really weird?It is possible for a dog to gnaw on a bone, break a tooth, or puncture a lip. The problem is that all dogs suffer from the same problem.Everyone was puzzled, but they couldn't find the real reason. They said that the food poisoning was too forced. In the end, it could only be attributed to the fact that the dog's throat was inflamed. It might be better to feed more water that clears the fire.

These dogs are not ordinary dogs, they are all the dog breeds carefully selected from his own mansion when the new Shanyu was not a Shanyu. The price of a dog is worth ten horses, and the dog is not determined Is the owner still not changing?The dog feeders and dog trainers secretly concealed this matter and did not dare to report it to the prince, fearing that if the prince loses his temper, it will be fine. This is a capital offense.Fortunately, the dogs can still eat, but their spirits are slightly affected, and their barking is not as loud as before, but there is no danger of their lives, this is for sure, and they will never delay the task of patrolling at night .In this regard, none of the people who deal with dogs suspect that someone from the outside came in to do it, because it is unimaginable, who can deal with fifteen dogs and make them suffer from the same disease at the same time?Unless it's a wizard, or someone who is good at bewitching and enchanting the dog.However, people with this kind of expertise seem to have only been heard in ancient legends, and no one seems to have witnessed it in reality.

Zhang Facun said that most of his skills are self-taught, which is true.A child from a poor family is forced to steal by hunger. Where can he learn from a teacher?At most, it is just learning while fighting, learning while fighting, and learning to steal while stealing.Huang Ren also, in order to make a living, he turned to the five brothers of the Huang family against his will, but he sometimes disdained the actions of the Huang brothers, which was the main reason why Huang Qiuchan took a fancy to him and recommended him to the little eunuch reason.Since the two of them attached themselves to the little eunuch, they couldn't help giving thumbs up to Mr. Pan's conduct.Pan You'an's sense of righteousness and righteousness, not sticking to trivial matters, hating evil like revenge and knowingly repaying kindness is what ancient and modern chivalrous men admired.So the two of them had already made up their minds to stay with the eunuch Ding for the rest of their lives, even if they went in the frying pan and came out of the ice cave.This time, a big man surnamed Pan took two of them, a diner and a thief, as sworn brothers. What kind of heart is this?

After Huang and Zhang cleaned up neatly, they decided to visit Fan Wangfu again.Huang Ren paid attention to it all afternoon and didn't see Zhang Facun picking up any fish hooks or other belongings. He was puzzled, and he hesitated to speak a few times, fearing that people would say that he was meddling.Before leaving, I couldn't help blurting out:

"Second brother, did you forget something?"

Zhang Facun knew what he was asking, so he didn't say anything, and said with a smile: "Don't worry about this, you will understand when the time comes."

The two followed the map to find out what to do, and the situation came again. This time they re-selected the location to climb the wall according to the direction indicated by the blueprint.As soon as he climbed over the wall and landed, he suddenly saw a group of dogs rushing towards him. Huang Ren drew out his dagger to kill the dogs.Zhang Fa was next to him and stopped him in a low voice:

"Brother, slow down!"

It's so fucking weird, these bastards, instead of barking and barking when they saw them, were as docile as if they saw their masters, all of them bowed their heads to their ears, wagging their tails.Zhang Facun made a slight movement, and all these fierce dogs lay down on the ground, not daring to move.

He also said that thieves are afraid of moon mice and light, and impotence is most afraid of Sao Po Niang. It seems that this statement is wrong.Huang Ren thought to himself, keeping a dog was originally for guarding the house, but unexpectedly it backfired, and ended up sharing a pair of trousers with the thieves.

The dog doesn't bark, the dog doesn't bark, the inspectors of the palace just pretend that nothing is wrong, and naturally they don't wander around blindly.

The annoying question right now is where are those two items?How to ask the way by throwing stones?According to the division of labor, Zhang Facun stole the sword and Huang Ren stole the medicine.These two things may be placed together, or in two places. How to find out their exact location is the first problem they have to solve.

The two hid in a lighted window, took out the blueprint and compared it carefully, and then looked around.They exchanged winks, the two understood, and quietly touched the most gorgeous palace curtain.

There were also lights on inside, and the extraordinary thing was that the big room was not only brightly lit, but also very lively.Open the window paper and look inside, there are some naked women inside, but there is only one man.The game they played was a water battle. The only man who was about 27 or [-] years old and had a strong and fat body was sitting in a huge bath tub, surrounded by a dozen slim girls in a circle, and there were a few beside the tub. Naked women are constantly adjusting the water temperature.The fat man counts with his eyes closed, and these women start to circle around. No matter how many times he counts, once he stops, the woman in front of him will be the jackpot. Her priority is to hug the man and give him a kiss. Accompanied by Wang.

Both Zhang and Huang are young and full of energy and blood, so they don't want to watch it, but their legs don't listen to their movements, and because they need to work, they have to bite the bullet and watch the play.The two of them didn't understand a single word of Fan Ren Fan Yu, and they just judged it based on the scene. In the end, the woman who had kissed the man three times entered the dormitory with the man happily.This good show came to an abrupt end, leaving helplessness for the women behind, who made them unlucky?There are also sighs and complaints.

Zhang Facun patted Huang Ren on the back, then turned his head and pointed out. Huang Ren understood, and the two started to separate.

Huang Ren followed to the room where the men and women went. He repeated the same old tune and did another peeping activity to see how the Fan Wang family behaved.

As soon as the man and woman entered the room, the man immediately jumped on the woman like a hungry tiger, and the woman said softly:

"Why is the prince so impatient? This is not the first time?"

Strange, this woman speaks Chinese, she is probably a Han woman.

"I've been thinking about you for a long time, my beloved concubine! You don't know, I purposely counted in front of you to shut up." The prince naturally also spoke Chinese.

"How can you see with your eyes closed?" the woman said from below.

"How can I close it completely, leaving a gap!"

"My lord is playing tricks!"

"Can you cheat a beauty without playing tricks?"

The two of them were crawling and rolling on the bed, but they couldn't cover anything ([-] words are deleted below).Huang Ren looked at other people's mouthfuls on an empty stomach, and felt very uncomfortable. He tried hard not to let himself be distracted, but something still bulged out of his stomach.Suddenly there was a sound of dog barking in the courtyard at the right time. Huang Ren knew that this was Zhang Facun's masterpiece. He could not only stop the dog from barking, but also make it go hysterical.

"The dog barks so fiercely, there must be no thief?" The woman asked the prince carefully and in a low voice.

"Who has the guts to break ground on Tai Sui's head?" The prince said out of breath just after he finished his work.

"Be careful when sailing for ten thousand years. You should pay attention to it. You put away all the important things? There are many people in the palace, so don't let anyone take the opportunity to kidnap you." The dog barked louder and louder, and the woman asked worriedly.

"The two things have been kept by my side all the time! That girl is well locked up in the prison, and I have killed few of her people, so why worry? Aifei don't need to worry too much, go to sleep, and I will tired."

Then came the snoring sound like killing a pig.

Huang Ren poked the hole in the window wider, but he never saw the place where the prince put his clothes.The prince himself took off like a fish, and said that he kept his things by his side, where is the place by his side?Huang Ren had no choice but to wait for Zhang Facun to come and think of a solution.

Zhang Facun hid in the dark and commanded the three-way dog ​​to bark. Although there were guards in the palace who came out to check, they found nothing abnormal. He cursed a few times at the top of his voice, and then closed the door and went into the house to drink.They thought that one dog barking shadow, a hundred dogs barking is also a thing, so there is no need to make such a fuss.

Huang Ren wanted to go to Zhang Facun, but he was afraid that the dogs would not recognize him, so he kept leaning on the corner and waiting for Zhang Facun to come to him.Zhang Facun waited for a long time, but there was no movement, so he came over quietly, leaned over Huang Ren's ear and whispered if there was any news.Huang Renxue talked about the conversation between the prince and the woman. After all, Zhang Facun was born as a thief, so he had an idea and said:

"Have it!"

"What's the matter?" Huang Ren whispered.

"He said he was by his side, so I won't lie. Apart from under the bed, where else can we put things?"

Huang Ren thought about it too, and asked again, "It seems that Xin Shanyu's clothes are not in this room?"

"Why do you care about his clothes? Since the clothes are not around, it means that there is nothing important in them. You don't understand this?" Zhang Facun complained in a low voice.

"Brother, we are not as good as you for this." Huang Ren turned up his old ways.

Zhang Facun didn't mind either, and asked again, "Are you going in to pick up the goods or should I go in to find the treasure?"

"Of course it's you, brother." Huang Ren did his part.

"That's something I have to trouble you with." Zhang Facun smiled wickedly.

"What's the matter?" Huang Ren opened his eyes wide in the darkness.

"Go get a piece of shit in the kennel."

"Brother, you know that I'm afraid of dogs, so what's the point of stealing something and asking for shit dumpling?"

"It's definitely useful. Forget it, I'll go. But when the time comes, don't compete with me in front of Big Brother."

"Don't fight, don't fight, you make the first effort and I do the second, right?"

Zhang Facun took a piece of shit dumpling and put it in his "Hundred Treasure Bag", and then went to the prince's bedroom, took out a small hook from the Hundred Treasure Bag, facing the door, dug three times and buckled twice, the door Do not push yourself.Huang Ren squatted outside the house to observe, while Zhang Facun sneaked in.After less than half an hour, Zhang Facun came out.Huang Ren asked in a low voice:

"Have you got it?"

Zhang Facun shook his head and said, "I only took one."

"What about the other one?" Huang Ren asked urgently, "One is indispensable!"

"I can't tell you clearly, let's go back first!"

Huang Ren didn't know what kind of medicine Zhang Facun was selling in the gourd, so he had to follow his buttocks, turn around and leave.

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