Merry Eunuch Lang

Chapter 166 The 4 female generals charge to save their husbands

As soon as the three young eunuchs left, there was no news of them, and the scouts they sent out also disappeared. The generals and officers were sitting on pins and needles, and the four wives were like ants on a hot pot.

Hu San was also scratching his head in anxiety. If the commander-in-chief made a mistake, he didn't know what the consequences would be.However, as the deputy commander in the army, he must not be at a loss, but he is a civil servant, and he has nothing to do with leading troops to fight, so he called everyone to discuss and see what the next step should be.

Shangguan Xue said urgently: "Lord Hu, it's not too late, send troops to attack the city tomorrow, otherwise Pan Lang will be in danger!"

Ruan Shimei also said: "When I go to battle tomorrow and catch a bandit leader and come back, I will know Pan Lang's whereabouts as soon as I ask."

Huang Qiuchan said: "Master Hu, Pan Lang is your eldest brother, you can't stand still and refuse to save him!"

Cao Huazhi also wanted to interject, Hu San stood up and shook his hand and said:

"My sisters-in-law, the handsome is my eldest brother. Without my eldest brother, how could I be Hu San today? After my eldest brother lost the news, I was also like a random arrow, and I couldn't sleep or eat. You know that you are impatient, but you don't know I, Hu San, are more impatient than you? But the eldest brother told me to wait before we left, let us not move lightly, we must wait for him to come back before acting. The fate of the eldest brother is related to the overall situation. Now that the situation has changed, it seems that we can no longer Wait. From my point of view, Dachaigou is a small town, why don't you generals work hard tomorrow to take down Guancheng in one go, and then make a fuss about it, what will the generals think?"

Zhu Linzong yelled: "What a strange thing has happened. A small firewood ditch has caused my master to overturn the boat here? Huazhi sister-in-law asked me to go back. I will fight tomorrow and kill some soldiers." Let it out!"

Hu San discussed with Hua Shixiong, Liu Jianxun and others, and decided to send troops to attack the city the next day.To be on the safe side, double vanguards were used. Zhu Linzong led [-] soldiers in the first row, and the four wives led [-] soldiers in the second row.How could the fourth daughter be willing to be the queen? The two sides argued for a long time, but in the end the fourth daughter took the lead.Zhu Linzong was so angry that his face was red and his neck was thick. He secretly blamed his sister-in-law for being unreasonable. The battlefield is a man's business.In desperation, he comforted himself that once the two sides got angry, it would be messed up on the field, he didn't care who was the front and who was the back, and besides, he should bear the brunt of saving the master, and it would be embarrassing to fall behind the sisters-in-law.

It was a sunny day, with occasional white clouds passing by in the sky.Hexi in autumn is exceptionally cool, with a cold wind blowing in the morning, and there is a haze hidden in the silence. After a while, there will be noisy people here, and the battle for the strong is about to begin.Now that the grass is fat and the horses are strong, it is also a good time for the athletes to fight. No wonder the King of the Huns is making trouble at this time?

After three cannon shots, the deputy commander-in-chief Hu San held the command flag handed to him by the eunuch before leaving, and ordered the soldiers of the three armies to attack the city in order.

Dachaigou is the first pass of King You Shanyu, and the guard of the gate is named Huluzan.About 25 or [-] years old, with a face like the bottom of a pot, eyes like copper bells, upside-down beards, roots piercing into the flesh, a height of one foot hanging from zero, sitting on a black horse, with two maces in both hands, face Not to mention the ugliness, and its sexuality is like a fire, so people in Fanbang call it black noodle sauce (general).

When the black-faced sauce Huluzan heard that the Han army was attacking the city, he suddenly became angry for no reason.When King Youxian appointed him to guard the city, he repeatedly ordered that if the southern army came to attack, he could only stick to it and not go out of the city to meet the enemy.Among the Han soldiers, there must be those who are accustomed to fighting, and they are insidious and cunning, and they will suffer losses if they fight hard.At that time, he patted his chest and said that he would definitely keep it in his heart, but he forgot about it when it happened.Moreover, Huluzan is also a lustful person. According to Xiao Fan's report, the four fairies who look like Wang Zhaojun and Cai Wenji are calling the battle, which makes him even more itchy.Although there are countless wives and concubines in his tent, all of them are rough-handed, dark-skinned and rough-skinned. They are all straight-up women with thick throats and loud voices, without any femininity at all, which made him lose a lot of interest.Hearing that four beautiful women came to his door today, he couldn't help but feel heroic. If he catches one of them back, there will be a different style in the evening.If the four are brought together, wouldn't it be Tian's wish, and there is no reason not to refuse it?Thinking about it this way, Hu Lvzan ordered Xiao Fan to prepare his horse and carry his stick, and led eight thousand soldiers out of the city to meet the enemy.

Drums were beaten on both sides to help out, and strong bows and crossbows were used to shoot at the corners of the formation.Huluzan peeked at the opposite formation, couldn't help but gasped, and almost didn't fall off the horse: How can there be such an outstanding woman among the Han people, who doesn't paint and embroider in her boudoir, but actually does some men's work?It can be seen that the men of the Han family are all wimps who eat soft food.If we want to get such a woman, don't let her kill her with a horse, and don't let her move with a fire stick. She will be kept in a tent all day long, with large pieces of mutton, beef, milk tea, butter, Green Naked Wine, how many days does it take to become a fat Shih Tzu?Complacent in his heart, Hu Luzan urged his horse to fight, and shouted, "Who dares to come and suffer death?"

Cao Huazhi came in response to the sound, and immediately gave a bow, saying:

"The general is invited!"

When Huluzan heard it, the three souls left and the seven souls went away: This woman not only has an outstanding appearance, but also has an excellent voice, like a bird's voice, which makes people feel itchy.The black general didn't dare to be negligent, he hurriedly raised his hands to return the salute, but both hands were holding something, in a hurry, he inserted one stick into his crotch and the other into the crook of his elbow, then clasped his fists and shouted loudly:

"The female general is invited!"

"May I ask the general, how much is youth?" Cao Huazhi asked.

"The young general wasted 25 springs and autumns." Fan Jiang also learned to be polite.

"Since that's the case, it's a pity." Cao Huazhi sneered.

"What a pity?" Hu Luzan was puzzled.

"You're only 25 years old and you're about to die. Don't you feel regretful? Besides, it's not easy for your mother to raise you." Cao Huazhi explained the whole story.

Fan Jiang was teased, and suddenly he was furious. With a muffled growl, he raised his stick and hit him.

Cao Huazhi's sharp spear, like a silver dragon playing in water, like a beast trainer teasing a stupid bear, just stabbed Pan Jiang in the head, but got shot in the ass.Cao Huazhi pointed east and west, and Hu Lv praised his head but his feet.After less than ten rounds, Huluzan was washed all over, and his black shirt was stained with blood.Huluzan knew that he was no match, and if he continued to delay, his life would not be guaranteed. As expected, he fulfilled the female general's prediction that she would die at the age of 25, and she regretted it for the rest of her life.Thinking about it this way, Huluzan was eager to escape, so he yelled and asked:

"The female general hasn't announced her name yet?"

"A dying person, why ask my name?" Cao Huazhi said, slowing down his work.

"Dying is dying, and after death, I can go to Hades to have an explanation. Dare I ask what the general's name, surname, and what position he holds?" Huluzan used a strategy of slowing down the army, with his two thieves' eyes circling around, and he again How to get out.

"I am Cao Huazhi, the vanguard officer under Pan You'an, who was entrusted by the emperor to suppress the bandits. Who are you?" Cao Huazhi told the truth.

"I'm not good at anything other than telling the truth. Remember, we are You Xian Wang Da Shan Yu Zhangqian, and the official title is Hu Lvzan, General Marshal of Dachaigou. Since General Cao just mentioned you, Pan You'an Marshal Pan, why didn't you see him come to the battle today?" Hu Luzan managed to catch his breath.

"This..." Cao Huazhi lowered his head and pondered.

"Let me tell you the truth, your commander-in-chief disguised himself to try to spy on our army, and I personally sent someone to drown you in the Blackwater River yesterday!"

"Fan thief, stop talking nonsense!" Cao Huazhi couldn't help but his eyes darkened, and he almost didn't fall off the horse.

Huluzan, who dared not be negligent at the critical moment, saw the female general opposite him fall into the trap, secretly happy in his heart, "huh" swung the mace and hit Cao Huazhi in the face.

Cao Huazhi woke up suddenly, and just realized that this is a battlefield, where you die and die instantly, how dare you smuggle your gods?He hurriedly took his gun to hit Fanjiang's mace.Unexpectedly, the stick was false, Cao Huazhi missed it with one shot, and secretly screamed "No", when he looked up again, Fan Jiang had already slipped a foot away.How could Cao Huazhi let it go, shouted "Fan Jiangxiu go", and chased after him with a horse.

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