When the old man heard his grandson say that there was no one in the water prison, his face immediately sank, his eyes widened, and he said angrily:

"Xiao Zushou, my little ancestor, you have caused a lot of trouble this time!"

The yamen was puzzled, so he couldn't help pursing his lips, squinting his eyes, rolling his eyes several times, muttering in his mouth, saying:

"Grandpa, a wanted criminal, he just ran away, what's the big deal? If we don't arrest him, the court will still arrest him! If he escaped the first day of the junior high school, can he escape the fifteenth day?"

The old man in front of the mansion was furious, and reprimanded him: "You know what a bird? When our family was doing things in the court, you were still twisting in your father's thigh!" Thinking about it, the old man felt that the word "our family" There seemed to be something wrong, so I corrected it, and said, "Don't say our family is not our family anymore, let's just call me by my old name. Boy, this is called a court dispute, do you understand? The emperor always likes ministers and you Fighting against each other, so that the conflict can be diverted, and his throne will be safe. The eunuch you arrested today is the eunuch you want to arrest, and you don’t know whose head the disaster will fall on tomorrow. If this eunuch becomes powerful one day, you and I still have Are you living a good life? Useless things, you are still showing your old status in front of me, you can’t eat hot shit even if you eat dog shit, you!"

If the little yamen realized something, he said: "Grandpa, I'm leaving, I must catch that kid back! Let's see if he can run to the sky?" After saying that, he ran away.

The old eunuch sighed, shook his head, and said to himself: "What kind of climate can such an unreliable thing, like this city, be in a hurry? It's not bad to be able to keep the millions of wealth! Sigh, life is hard." Wow! If I knew this now, why did I need so much money to be useful for a bird?"

Seeing that her husband was unhappy, several wives came forward, beat their backs and shoulders, beat their heads and necks, smashed their legs and rubbed their stomachs, and the ladies kept busy, at the same time chattering and persuading:

"A Xun (this is what the old eunuch asked them to call) what's the matter with you? Why are you angry with Di Chaotian? Isn't he your grandson?"

"Go, go, don't bother me here!" The old eunuch waved his hand, because of his physical defect (man-made), he didn't like women at all, and now he was unhappy, and he became even angrier when he saw a woman.

Di Shixun's ten wives, needless to say, are all juicy and beautiful in appearance, but their talents and personalities are uneven.The old man didn't like this, he thought that other men were like him, all of them were Liu Xiahui.But it's strange to say that some of his wives have been with him for more than ten years, and some of them are as short as three or two years.Although he couldn't do the same as husband and wife with them, these girls kept their integrity and kept their integrity, and they didn't spread any gossip.It can be seen that for this person, he still needs to eat enough and dress well, as for that matter, it doesn't really matter.The eunuchs in the palace have never had such a thing in their lives, and they are living happily. Have you ever seen any of them commit suicide because of this?

Generally, those who are not interested in women are generally not very attentive to official positions and official careers, but it is not the case.For more than ten years since the old man went to the wild, his heart has always been in the capital, the place where he buried his youth and exhausted his energy all his life.At the beginning, apart from the emperor, he was actually the second in charge, and even the emperor sometimes listened to him.It's a pity that he has never been able to overcome this hurdle, and once the power is in his hands, he will follow the order.In the end, he had to act according to the emperor's will.The emperor wanted to kill him, it was just a word, no matter how many heroes he was.If he wanted to kill the emperor, he would be rebellious and immoral, going against the sky, and everyone would be punished.The reason why he plundered so much silver was not only for retirement, but also for another purpose. The world is the world of the world, and only the virtuous live there.One day when the restoration is restored and the dynasty is restored, I will also be the right man for a while.

As the saying goes, where there are generals, there are soldiers. At the beginning, Zhuge Liang had a hundred thousand soldiers in his chest. If there were ten Zhuge Liang, he would be a million soldiers.Therefore, he was not idle all day, recruiting talents widely, regardless of civil or military.After his death, he still has his son (even if he is not a relative, at least he takes his surname as Di), and after his son dies, he still has his grandson.Most people don't know that he named his grandson Di Chaotian, which meant that one day he would go to the palace and sit in the palace. To put it bluntly, Di Chaotian meant that his family members were going to go to court and become emperors.

But he never got such an opportunity. He was very clear about Wang Shugui's character.After the old emperor passed away, he acted arbitrarily and chose a fool to be the king, which means that this person will rebel sooner or later.At that time, his old residence could raise troops to rebel in the south and start his own business in the name of restoring the dynasty.I don't know what went wrong, Wang Shugui, an old bastard, has remained silent, but can he hold his breath?

There was also someone in the court who brought him word that there was a fake eunuch in the palace, Wentao Wulue, so amazing!To be in charge of the army, to be a commander-in-chief, he has power both inside and outside the palace.Wang Cheng looked at him like a tiger, and the empress dowager regarded him as her own son. Who would own the world after this?

Doing the math today, I think this eunuch is that eunuch, who would have thought that the cooked duck would fly away again!If this eunuch gains power one day, how can it benefit him?One is that he exposed his target. There is an army of tens of thousands of people here. Isn't it a crime of treason to spread it to the court?If he couldn't keep his head, his millions and millions of property would go to waste. This was his whole life's painstaking effort!

After the grandson left, the old eunuch kept wondering who did the good thing?After thinking about it, there is only one, that old Nanfang Plastic.Nan's family and his family have never been at odds.He has always been in admiration of the Nan family's peerless martial arts, and has personally brought numerous gifts to visit him countless times, Liu Xuande only pays three visits!He has at least ten visits, but people don't buy his account, and they will never work with him as a partner.Thinking about it again, Nan's gang are heroes in name, but they are actually thieves.He didn't understand, why did the thief leader kidnap a eunuch?But in a radius of tens of miles, there is no second person who has the ability to enter his compound, who else is not his family?Especially his little girl named Sanxiangu, climbing high and low, climbing over walls and over ridges, just like walking on flat ground.Sun Erdi Chaotian fell in love with that woman, it must have given them a lot of face.But that dead girl didn't buy it, and said back that marrying a dog would not marry the Di's family, it's really maddening.In this world, money is not everything. Money can turn ghosts around, but it can't buy a beautiful heart. It's a hell of a day.

The old eunuch was in a fit of anger, Sun Er Di Chaotian and his group of counselors took care of general matters, and he never interfered.But today is a big deal, he can't ignore it.Immediately, someone sent an order to summon all the counselors to discuss the matter.

Among the literati, he valued Zhu Gaoliang the most. This man could observe the sky, understand geography, and was resourceful.Among the military generals, there is a Zhou Gongjin who is superior in martial arts and courageous. He was the one who came up with the idea of ​​arresting the young eunuch last time.Take it when you go out, and before he recovers, he has already invited you into the urn. This trick is called "hanging the net and waiting for the fish".It was Zhu Gaoliang's idea to starve them to death in the water prison. This strategy is also mentioned in military books. It is called "soaking fish in cold water". Although they drink water, they do not provide food.The wise man had a lot of worries, but he also made a mistake. He didn't expect Cheng Yaojin to kill him halfway and kidnap him.

Zhu Gaoliang brought a few literary ruffians, Zhou Gongjin and two martial arts students, and was ordered to meet the old eunuch.After the old eunuch explained the situation, Zhu Gaoliang shook the banana fan in his hand and said:

"My lord, it's okay. Let's drive troops to surround Dingnan's house right now. Don't talk about beating or scolding. Just name important people and see what they say?"

Zhou Gongjin also nodded and said: "Brother Zhu's plan is very good, it's called 'advancing with military etiquette', the Nan family will never take the lives of their whole family for the sake of a few irrelevant people, only a fool would do such a thing !"

The old man was silent for a while, and said: "Although the plan is good, I am afraid that the Nan family will not be easy to mess with."

Zhou Gongjin said: "My lord, don't mess with him anymore. Let's make a deal this time. If they want to join forces with us, let's do it. Otherwise, they will take over his lair. There will be no one left in the family, and they will all be slaughtered! I will also give you the old man." Be quiet, lest there be a dog next door who doesn't obey his duty and yells at your door every day."

Zhu Gaoliang gave a thumbs up and said in praise: "Brother Gong Jin is worthy of being an expert today, and everyone who does great things is like this. He is not poisonous and not a husband!"

The old man was overjoyed, and said: "Since that's the case, quickly send troops to select generals, and then go to surround the Nan family, don't teach them to escape."

"My lord, don't do it!" Zhu Gaoliang waved his fan to stop him, "Send some skilled workers to lie in ambush around Nan's house first, and first check out the movement. If they can't bear to let them go secretly, then it's just what we want. And if they were arrested, wouldn’t it mean that they would get all the stolen goods, and then let them think they were unlucky! It would be more convincing to kill his whole family that way, and let everyone in Turtle Town see that this is the end of going against you, my lord! "

Saints handle things differently than ordinary people. Once these big things were analyzed by these few people, the clouds immediately cleared up, and all the melancholy in their hearts were resolved.The eunuch of the old mansion felt that what they said was very reasonable, so he immediately ordered others to go on.After the matter was settled, the old eunuch felt that there was someone missing by his side. After thinking about it carefully, he realized why his precious grandson hadn't shown up all this time. Did he take someone to Nan's house to search for the missing prisoner?This kid is not bad, after all, he still has a sense of responsibility and a strong sense of professionalism, so he seems to be at ease in entrusting the housework to him.Having done something happy, the old eunuch was very happy, and suddenly wanted to find a woman to chat with.Among his wives and concubines, there is only one named Juicao, who looks like a juicy man, has a good literary talent, knows a few words, can write poems and prose when he speaks, and is understanding, has a sweet mouth and can speak well. The only thing the old eunuch could talk to was this peach.

The old eunuch ordered some food and wine to be prepared, and You Shi was getting late, so he wanted to knock on Juicy Tao's door himself, meaning to give her a surprise.Unexpectedly, after knocking on the door for a long time, there was no movement. The old eunuch felt that something was wrong, so he ordered someone to open the door forcibly, and opened the curtain to see that there were two naked buttocks lying on the bed.

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