Merry Eunuch Lang

Chapter 349 Long Live Lord 1 Peach Kills 3 Soldiers

It was actually not the emperor's mistake to marry the two phases at the same time. His original intention was that the two women should belong to their respective masters, and he wanted to make a big favor in the middle.The current emperor is different from the dog-loving idiot selected by Wang Shugui in the previous election. Although the young man is only one, he has inherited many "advantages" of his grandfather: fierce attacks, hidden murderous intentions, and when the time comes, the world will return. Has.Of course, he can't be blamed for this matter. In history, whoever was a bit assertive king was not like this?The truth that the throne cannot be consolidated without killing people may be learned without being taught.He never dared to act rashly when his wings were not fully grown.Therefore, the little emperor thought about it, and he couldn't offend the two chief ministers because of the two women. If they joined forces to trouble him, he would not have a good life in this position.So he made a decisive decision immediately, and the two concubines (real names not given) were sent back to their original places and belonged to their owners.As for Lao Huazi's worry about whether his bride was unpacked, this is unnecessary.Since the emperor has decided not to accept the second daughter as a concubine, it is impossible to take advantage of that kind of petty advantage. It is not a joke when things get big.The palace has a lot of stunning women, and there is no shortage of these one and a half.At that time, it was for a fresh picture, but now I don’t.

As for the selection of the Mid-Autumn Festival on August [-]th to be held at the same time, it is not the emperor's fault at all.It was Empress Ning who reminded him.Ning Hong said: "Your Majesty, it's almost the fifteenth day of the eighth lunar month, so let the two of them reunite!" When the emperor heard this, he followed the plan and agreed to play it out. explain.

According to the suggestion of Ning Hou (generation), the emperor originally wanted to "kill three scholars with one peach", but he only had two peaches in his hands, and they were two scholars. Everything is different, so it is difficult for him to implement this plan.Back then, if Wang Situ didn't have Diao Chan in his hands, he wouldn't have been able to talk about his beauty tricks, let alone make extraordinary achievements.Moreover, after his planning, the deputy prime minister, Hua Shixiong, showed signs of moving closer to him, so he didn't have to worry for the time being. He just had plenty of time, and he wasn't afraid to waste it, such as Hu San, who was ten years older than him, and some old and young people from the previous dynasty. .

The emperor originally wanted to go to a banquet to join in the fun, but the two were overjoyed at the same time, he didn't know which one to go to for a moment, he was hesitating, and suddenly the head of the inner palace came to report:

"Long live Bing, the governor of Liangzhou, Ning Wujia, has sent a letter from his family, please read it."

Long Yan was displeased, and said coldly: "Since it's a letter from the family, it's convenient to send it to Queen Ning Dai. Such a small matter is also reported to me, and I will be exhausted to death!"

The steward said anxiously: "Your Majesty, don't be in a hurry to get angry. If it wasn't for the book saying that the emperor must read it personally, this old slave would not dare to harass the emperor with ten courage."

Seeing this, the emperor said, "That's it, let's present it!"

The manager hurriedly got up from the ground and handed the letter to the emperor with both hands.The emperor took it and glanced at it lightly. Sure enough, there were two lines of petite characters on the envelope, which read: The emperor read it personally. Anyone who dares to open it will be beheaded!The veteran said rather.

When the emperor saw it, he knew that it was his father-in-law who had something important to report, so he quickly opened the letter. It was indeed an important message, and he reported:

"Long live my emperor, long live, long live! Liangzhou governor Ning Wujia bowed his head and reported to the emperor that he had caught a vicious beast, Pan You'an. Whether or not I can make decisions privately, I will now leave it to the emperor to deal with it personally!"

Huang You was surprised and delighted after reading the letter, and he was greatly surprised and overjoyed. Finally, Tian fulfilled his wish, and this Pan You'an came to his door by himself. No wonder I will kill Zhongliang unjustly in the future.After careful consideration, he couldn't help cursing secretly:

"Lao Ning, this bastard, he killed your son, and you took his life, one life for one life, what a great opportunity, what kind of tricks are you sending here and there? This is not something that clearly puts me in a dilemma ?"

The emperor pondered for a while, holding Du Fangbu behind his back.According to his age, he is not Du Fangbu's age, but he has gone through many things, especially when encountering many difficult and difficult things, he can't help Fangbu if he doesn't cross them.After thinking about it, the emperor decided that Pan You'an must be killed. As for how to kill and who to kill, he had to think carefully.But there is one thing, before killing Pan Youan, this person has to make good use of it. He still has many buddies in the court. Killing Pan Youan will also deter these people. In the future, he should not get so close to his party members.

Pan You'an's murder was justified. As for the gold medal for avoiding death, it was not a deceitful cover. His gold medal was confiscated, and an iron one was copied as it was, with some gold powder and other ingredients randomly plated on it. The real gold medal became Fake, let the judge figure it out!

Who will be the judge?The emperor's first thought was Hu San.Hu San and Pan You'an are tight buddies, but they changed their minds again. Hu San is a big ghost, and there are too many evil ways.Who should be the judge?The emperor thought of Hua Shixiong.Although Hua Shixiong is also Pan Youan's buddy, he is not as determined as Hu San and the others.Besides, Hua Shixiong has been in the officialdom for the past few years, this Hua Shixiong is no longer the other Hua Shixiong.According to his character and personality, it is absolutely impossible for him to exchange his future for Pan You'an's life.

The idea was decided like this, but Hu San couldn't be taken advantage of, and he couldn't simply issue an imperial decree announcing Hua Shixiong as the judge.As for what to do, it is really difficult for a young emperor to make a decision on this issue.

Thinking about it, the emperor suddenly turned around and found that the manager was still in place, so he was surprised and said, "Why don't you leave?"

Probably due to the influence of the previous court, the current emperor despises and despises eunuchs, not to mention interfering in government affairs, even if he says something that should not be said, he will be punished by beheading.The general manager said:

"I still have a letter from home here, I don't know how to deal with it, it's really difficult!"

"Family letter, where did it come from?" the emperor asked.

"It was written by Inspector Ning to Empress Ning." The steward replied truthfully.

"It's Empress Ning, I can't remember that at all. If you make the same mistake next time, see if I won't take your head." The emperor changed his title again hastily.It's not that he doesn't want to remove the code for Ning Hong, but that there are many and complicated problems here, and he doesn't dare to rush into it when the time is not up.

The steward was not careless, he omitted the word "generation" on purpose to curry favor with the emperor, he found that although the emperor was angry, he was not angry at all, he heard the emperor say:

"Submit it to me, and I will pass it on to your empress later."

After the emperor sent the general manager away, he opened and read the unusual letter from the family of the chief official in Fengjiang.The primary reason why the emperor is extremely interested in the old man's side is not Pan You'an.As long as the fake eunuch from the previous dynasty lived in the world, he couldn't keep his heart in his stomach.This time it should be considered that old man Ning has set up a lot of things. After the case is over, the old man will be given a third rank, a title of marquis or something, and the word "Dai" of Queen Ning Dai can also be removed logically.

Lao Ning's family letter said:

"Hong'er, Huang Wenjia, the chief general who accompanied the army to escort the imperial convicts, is resourceful and loyal. You can speak well to the Holy Majesty, and you are worthy of great responsibility. There are two other generals who are also reluctant to part with the father, and they are recommended to the emperor together. Bar!……"

"Damn it, this old fritter, what kind of family letter is this? It's clearly a letter of recommendation for me! In the future, all the people in the co-dynasty Pan You'an will be replaced by his Ning Wujia. I'm still going to have a hard time." The emperor think.

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