The story of the two prime ministers, Hu and Hua, setting up a banquet to interrogate the criminals soon spread to the emperor. Longyan was very displeased when he heard that, and cursed in his heart: These two guys are quite brave!I entrusted these two old boys with such an important task of reconciliation, but I didn't expect them to be cunning and engage in activities of forming cliques for personal gain.If things go on like this, if they collude, maybe there is still a possibility to drive me down from the dragon position?No, this momentum must be reversed, and they should turn the world upside down?I never thought whose world this is!

When the little emperor thought about it and was at a loss for ideas, he suddenly remembered that the family letter sent by his father-in-law mentioned that there was a person named Huang Wenjia.In the entire dynasty, they were all subordinates of his old generals surnamed Pan. Some were concerned about old feelings, while others were afraid of offending the former general.It's like those two lords who actually set up a hot pot in the trial hall, set up a banquet, exchanged glasses, called each other brothers, and had a good time with each other. This is unheard of in ancient and modern China and abroad. What kind of dignity is this?There is simply no kingly law. If a new supervisor is not brought up, how can the trial of this case go on?Based on this alone, the two prime ministers can be dismissed from their posts and brought to Dali Temple for strict interrogation and punishment as felonies.Of course, the main problem now is to deal with Pan You'an, the big beetle in the court. Let's talk about the other things later. Anyway, the guys who ate official meals and released camels for private use, and those who pretended to be public for their own interests must not be let go.

When Huang Wenjia first heard the news that the emperor was going to summon him in person, his first action was to fall into a coma for half an hour, and then he entered the intense rescue work period.Since no one was a professional at the scene, most of them were substitutes or temporary errands, so the rescue work took a lot of detours and made a lot of jokes, such as pinching people to the belly button, pinching the temple to the point of death. Go up to the Baihui acupoint on the top of the head.There are also some sour soups that should be poured to clear the fire, someone simply poured more than half a catty of old mature vinegar into Lao Huang's mouth, etc., and so on.Fortunately, Lao Huang is not very old, even if he is out of his proper age, he is at least still in his prime, right?This age group is generally not within the special attention range of Lord Yan, so after a little rectification, Lao Huang will be brought back to life.After Huang Wenjia was rescued by everyone, his first sentence was: "Is it true?"

Everyone dared not tell the truth, nor did they dare to tell lies.It is true that he is afraid that Lao Huang will pass out again, and it is okay to say it is false. This is tampering with the holy order. Not to mention beheading, even the nine clans are playing the game of moving heads.He only mumbled something like um, which made Lao Huang puzzled for a long time, and kept muttering in his mouth: "I obviously heard Huang..."

The scene of the conversation was still the same, always kowtowing on the ground, and the emperor shouted several times to flatten himself.In order to show his respect to the emperor, Lao Huang insisted on lying down on the ground and refused, saying:

"Wei Chen dare not."

The emperor said again: "Ai Qing is flat."

Huang Wenjia insisted on refusing, saying: "I really dare not."

The emperor was furious, and wondered how the old man got such a person who didn't eat oil and salt and couldn't understand human speech.Inadvertently revealed a sentence: "Fuck me!" After he finished speaking, he regretted, whether it was the real fuck or my fucking, he didn't explain clearly about this word, because the pronunciation of the two words is the same, It's just that one is one sound and the other is two sounds.He couldn't explain further, lest the bumpkin laugh at him.The emperor comforted himself, and managed to suppress his anger, pouted, and two eunuchs next to him came over and dragged Huang Wenjia who was lying on the ground forcefully.A eunuch whispered:

"Brother, if the emperor asks you to sit, you can sit, and if he tells you to lie down, you can crawl, otherwise it will be disrespectful, you know that with a click?"

Huang Wenjia stood up in shock. Out of the corner of his eye, he glanced sideways at the seat where the emperor had signaled him to sit, and managed to get his butt on it.He didn't dare to sit too tight, the way he enjoyed it made the emperor see it as indecent, is there still a bit of courtesy for a monarch and his ministers?

After that, he didn't listen to a word of what the emperor said. On the one hand, he was emotional, and on the other hand, there was something wrong with his ears. When the two combined, he became temporarily deaf.

As for how he became the Minister of Dali Temple, that was only known after arriving at him according to the imperial decree issued by the emperor.He behaved extremely abnormally in front of the emperor that day, but luckily the emperor didn't mean to blame him.It is said that the prime minister can hold a boat in his belly, but the emperor can't hold two boats in his belly?Can a sage compare with ordinary people?In the eyes of the emperor, he is just a bug, but in his eyes, the emperor is like a mountain, an ocean, and a sky!

The emperor finally figured it out, you can't want a capable person if you want a fool.Like Prime Minister Hu and Deputy Prime Minister Hua, capable is capable, but it's hard to say who will work for whom.The queen decided to act according to her father-in-law's opinion and boldly use her own family.

According to the holy order, Huang Wenjia was promoted to Zhengqing of Dali Temple. It turned out that the old Wu Shiduo was a little older (48 years old) and advised him to return to his hometown with pay to support him.

Let's talk according to the step a person has reached. Now that Lao Huang has reached this position, his tone of speaking, demeanor of seeing people, posture of walking and running, etc. are all very different.The emperor's kindness is great, and Lao Huang naturally knows the purpose of the emperor's appointment of him to be in charge of Dali Temple. The emperor didn't say it clearly, but the meaning couldn't be more clear. The biggest and most important first priority right now is to bring Pan to death again!What kind of free king is not free king, shit, if he is free, the emperor will not be free.One mountain cannot contain two tigers, how can a country have two masters?There is only one king, which is today, and there can be no other kings, even the free and unfettered kings!

When Huang Wenjia took office, he tidied up hastily, immediately cleared out the Eight Immortals table, fire boiler, pots, bowls and other household items, and announced that the court would be held on the same day.

Under the careful care of the two prime minister brothers, Pan You'an gained no less than seven catties (conservative estimates), his face was red and white, and he regained his youthful atmosphere.The treatment in the prison cell is naturally not comparable to the banquet in the main hall of Dali Temple. Pan You'an is wondering these few days why the two brothers have not seen the trial of the case, and those who have been waiting so hard want to take this opportunity to improve their lives!Whatever came to mind, Pan You'an didn't even have a thought, and shouted, "Bring the prisoner Pan You'an to court!" Pan You'an was happy: he finally had a full stomach.I don't know which brother is the presiding judge on duty today, whoever he is, let's eat him up first.Now it's not like in the past, I don't know what to eat after eating this meal.In addition, the two brothers eat delicacies from mountains and seas, but in the prison house they eat pig food and dog food. One is in the sky and the other is in the ground. Although the beggar and the emperor are both real people, can this be the same?

Strange, why is it different from usual?Many spectators gathered in front of the gate of Dali Temple.As soon as they saw the prison cart approaching, people moved aside, and then there was a chattering voice:

"This is the head eunuch who lost his hair back then! Look at that majestic look at that time, and look at this disheveled bear now, isn't his majesty shaking?"

"How many people were killed by him in the past, and there is still merit without fault. This time, he only killed one and became a criminal. Things are very different from time!"

"You don't understand, this time killing the emperor's brother-in-law, of course it violates the rules of heaven!"

"What about the emperor's brother-in-law? At that time, even the emperor didn't think much of this Pan!"

There are also children throwing stones, bricks and other sundries on the prison car, and women spitting at him and rolling their eyes.

Pan You'an listened and thought about it, he couldn't help feeling chills in his heart, he shuddered, and couldn't help thinking to himself: This moment, that moment, the phoenix is ​​really not as good as the chicken!

There are also different voices:

"Brother, you can't talk like that, Marshal Pan did a lot of good deeds back then!"

"What's a good thing? Why don't I know."

"Opening up borders and cutting land, rehabilitating the king, sweeping up Japanese pirates, clearing up civil strife, and eradicating corrupt officials, how many good things has he done?"

"That's true! It is said that General Pan is also an authentic person. He does not seek fame or profit. After he became famous, he took his wife and children to the wild to find a place to rest."

"At this stage, I should say that he is an expert. He somehow killed the emperor's brother-in-law again. This time, he caused a lot of trouble. Can the emperor spare him?"

"The emperor hasn't had a chance to find fault with him. How can he let him go if he is caught this time? Didn't you hear that the enemy's country was destroyed and his officials were killed? The emperor is stupid, let this big tiger go back to the mountain?"

"Can the emperor kill Marshal Pan? I heard that he has a gold medal from the previous emperor to avoid death!"

"Marshal Pan may have killed others, but he killed the emperor's brother-in-law! The emperor's wife whispered a few words beside the pillow, this Marshal Pan can only admit his guilt."

Hearing this, Pan You'an felt relieved, after all, there are still people who uphold justice.Years later, people would be thankful that Pan Youan didn't grit his teeth and call him a traitor and eunuch when they remembered him.Then thinking about Xiao Pan, he couldn't help muttering in his heart: What happened to the two prime minister brothers today, they left a broken prison cart at the gate of Dali Temple, and attracted so many people to point and comment.Pan You'an has never been afraid of the sky or the earth, but he is afraid of other people's gossip.Especially him, even though he survived due to many reasons, but after all, he has a eunuch hat on his head, and the common people know that he is a eunuch, so he can't explain it all!Therefore, he thought that even if the emperor issued a decree to take him to the Wuchao gate immediately, at [-]:[-] noon, he would just be executed.Don't let him embarrass himself in front of so many people, this is what he fears most in his life!

In addition, there is another thing that is unusual. According to the usual rules, before entering the main hall, the shackles, shackles and other bits and pieces of his body must be removed first, but today he violated the routine, and he went directly into the main hall without taking off the same things. There was someone who yelled at the throat before:

"The prisoner Pan is in court again!"

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