Merry Eunuch Lang

Chapter 99 Eight Kings Soldier Sends Qilin Pass

The little eunuch and Hu San had just returned to the small shop when they saw Huang Ren and Zhang Facun coming back with his big white horse. The little eunuch was overjoyed and asked how they got the horse back.Zhang Facun said happily:

"My lord, when we went, your horse didn't know what to do. It was not taken away by the prince's people. It was still tied in the stable in the backyard of Sun Ziwang's hotel. It was much easier. It's a pity that Gou Ri's grandson Wang was not in the shop, but his wife saw us leading the horses and came to stop him, but brother Huang cut him down with a knife."

"Half Street was killed by you?"

The little eunuch killed countless people, but he never killed a female ghost under his knife. This romantic woman died at the hands of his subordinates, and he had something to do with it, so I felt sad.Seeing that the little eunuch was unhappy, Huang and Zhang hurriedly asked:

"My lord, shouldn't that woman be killed?"

"It should be killed, it should be killed! It's just that the bastard Sun Ziwang will have to live a few more days." The little eunuch came back to his senses, stroked the backs of the two of them, and said, "You two have a meritorious service, and you have the right to record it on the account."

The little eunuch introduced the situation of the past few days to Hu San again.

"Where's Master Hua?" Hu San asked Hua Shixiong after not seeing him for a long time.

"I sent him a job, maybe it's time to arrive." The little eunuch saw that there were many people here, so he didn't give any further details.

Seeing that the two adults had something to say, Huang and Zhang found a chance to go out.Hu Sanshen walked up to the little eunuch mysteriously, and said with a smile:

"Brother, are you happy?"

"Why do you like it?" The little eunuch was taken aback.

"I think the girl from that family fell in love with you. You didn't see the way she looked at you."

The little eunuch said: "Brother, state affairs are more important than private affairs. Put this aside for now. After the anti-kings are put down, I will treat you to a wedding banquet before it is too late."

"Can you fight?" Hu San asked in surprise.

"I have made a plan. Within three days, there will be movement against the king." The little eunuch said confidently.

"Then what should we do?" Hu San said helplessly.

"Don't be afraid, it's none of your business to fight, you can prepare food and grass for us in the rear! I will command this war, you wait and see the show, I will definitely tie up these rebellious kings who don't know how high or low, one by one Take him back to the capital for questioning."

Hu San said enviously: "Brother, you are capable. You can do both literature and martial arts. You can gallop on the battlefield and strategize. Killing a barbarian is like pinching a chicken to death. Who can live a lifetime like you, it's worth it."

The little eunuch smiled and said, "I like to join in the fun, but I didn't expect to come up with something earth-shattering."

Hu San and the little eunuch were close friends, and there was nothing they would not talk about, so he blurted out: "If the empress dowager hadn't shown mercy, would my brother still join in the fun?"

The little eunuch nodded and said: "Brother is so right, the whole world was brought down by complete men, have you never heard of eunuchs or men who are neither men nor women doing great things?"

Hu San still wanted to talk, but the little eunuch stopped him and said, "Brother, stop talking, the military situation is urgent, let's meet Liu Jianxun immediately and prepare to meet the Eighth Prince."

In the morning, as soon as the little eunuch's sedan chair set off, the lady couldn't help but burst into tears.The old man asked in surprise:

"What's the matter with my daughter, is she still weeping in panic over what happened last night?"

"That dog thief didn't take advantage of me at all, what do I want to do?" The lady shook her head and said.

"Why is that?" The old man was puzzled.

"To save me, my son put his own life at risk, so why did you come here? You haven't even asked for his name, how can you repay your benefactor in the future?" the young lady wiped her tears and said.

The old man nodded and said: "That's true, I had some thoughts in the middle, but I just felt that the matter was abrupt, and my mind flashed, and I didn't dare to say it in the end."

"What are you thinking, Dad?" the young lady urged.

"The son said that he is still single now, I want to bring you two together..."

"Daddy, you..." The young lady interrupted the old man.

"Could it be that my daughter refuses?" The old man deliberately teased the young lady.

"Daddy, you..." Miss suddenly blushed.

"It's a good thing if it's a good thing. Young master seems to be an upright gentleman who hates evil like an enemy, but..." the old man hesitated to speak.

"Just what?" the lady asked hurriedly.

"An official as big as his son will not be without a wife. If you are afraid, you will become a child." The old man expressed his thoughts.

"If you are young, be small, as long as you are with the young master every day." The young lady has made up her mind.

"I'll go to that magistrate tomorrow and let him fight against it." The old man thought for a while and said.

"Prepare more gifts. In name, it is said that they are going to repay the life-saving grace. Let's find out what they say first. If the young master has no intentions, we can't lose our status." The young lady arranged.

The old man nodded his head.

The lady's surname is Hu, which is the same surname as Hu San, and her fang's name is Hu Fenxian.The old man Hu Yuanwai is a well-known rich man, although he dare not say that he is rich as an enemy, but he is one of the best in the southern Guangdong area, so I won't mention it here.

The eight princes gather together, and the plan has been decided, and choose a day to send troops to crusade against the faint king and evil, and take back the old emperor's country.The soldiers and horses of each family gathered together, counting a total of 16 million.There are fewer troops, but they can still win battles in the future and recruit recruits at any time. Maybe there will be many royal troops who surrendered!When the foolish brother emperor finds out and mobilizes the army again, they may have gathered tens of millions of troops.For the convenience of command, in principle, it is decided which family's soldiers and horses will still be transferred to whose family. When going into battle, they will use their strength together, and after the battle, they will camp separately.The cost of food and grass, food and drink, etc. are also driven by their own sheep, and managed by their own dolls.

Wang Xiaowu has been placed in the safest place somewhere in the harem of Prince Fu's Mansion. There are more than a dozen maids in the house taking turns to wait on him, and eunuchs outside the house are guarding the gate.He can do anything he wants except not to leave the house.What can he do?All the lords are well aware of this point, everyone has touched his lower body and knows his ability.The purpose of keeping Wang Xiaowu was also discussed by everyone. In the future, he will be appointed as an official if he conquers the world.Although this person is an eunuch, he still has the ability to govern the country. We can't be short of talents, but hire them according to their ability!

When the army was about to leave, suddenly a man shouted in front of the mansion to come and surrender, saying that he was familiar with Sun Tzu's art of war, had the talent to know the world, and was willing to join the princes in a great cause that had never been done before.King Fu didn't care at all, but the brothers said that this person has both the heart of a bear and the courage of a leopard, and he also has the ambition to help the country and the people, so there must be the way of the phoenix and the crouching dragon.He said that if he has Ritian's ability, he must also have Ritian's possessions.It's better to recruit, just ask.King Fu thought about it, and ordered him to enter the palace to speak.

The people who came in were wearing Taoist crowns, Taoist uniforms, hemp shoes, and a fan in their hands.Neither tall nor short, neither fat nor thin, with a donkey face, yellow or white, with a few pockmarks on it.With a hooked nose, a broad-leaf mouth, a few goatee beards under the chin, and two cat eyes wandering around, it can be seen that he is a master who is restless, or an underappreciated horn.The visitors didn't kowtow or bow down, they just bowed to the kings sitting above them with fans in their hands, and laughed dryly.

"What advice do you have, sir?" King Fu is a virtuous and corporal prince, and besides, he is currently employing people.

"I would like to help you princes fight for the world, seize the land, and build a new world." The visitor said boldly.

"What's your name, sir?" The second child, King Ning, interjected.

"Hua Shixiong, a mountain man, has been working under Zou Xigui, the prefect of Huayang, for a long time. Later, I found out that Jun Nai is a frog at the bottom of a well and has no great ambitions. A friend introduced that the princes are recruiting talents and want to achieve a career, so they come here I don’t want to be crowned king or minister, but I just want to show off my talent and earn a few taels of silver to go home and support my parents, wives and children.”

"Well said!" The kings praised, "Birds climb high branches, and people go up to the water!"

"What military books have you read, sir?" someone asked.

"Grandson's, Old Man Huangshi's, Zhuge Liang's Eight Arrays, etc., have dabbled in one or two. I read too much, and I won't be able to remember so many in a while." Hua Shixiong thought, anyway, bragging is not taxable .

"Good job, you said that those strange books that are the same can be safe in the world!" You Wang shouted.

"Mr. Hua, if you want to come to the tent, how about entrusting you as a deputy military adviser first? Later, you will be rewarded for your merits, and it won't be too late to reappoint you." King Fu inquired without losing the opportunity.

"The deputy military division is the deputy military division. Anyway, we rely on our ability to eat. Whether it's a mule or a horse, the princes will know after a few laps." Hua Shixiong patted his chest and said.

The kings were overjoyed, and asked Hua Shixiong what strategy he had for attacking the city and plundering the land.Hua Shixiong said calmly:

"Take the Qilin pass first."

"Mister, why do you give up the near and seek far, instead of attacking Huayang near and far away Qilinguan?" You Wang asked, puzzled.

Hua Shixiong shook his fan and said, "Do you think so? Although Huayang is close at hand, because it is near the mouths of the princes, it is always on guard. It is a hard nut to crack. It is better to send out surprise soldiers and take down Qilin in one go." Pass. Qilin Pass is a strategically important place, you can attack when you advance, and you can defend when you retreat. Besides, winning the first battle can strengthen my reputation and boost my morale. After gaining a firm foothold in Qilin Pass, it will not be too late to take Huayang next.”

Hua Shixiong understands that if the anti-kings attack Huayang immediately, although the little eunuch is prepared, he has not yet gained a firm footing. How can it be handled by the little manpower?If the little eunuch had three months, even if he could not meet the requirements for soldiers and food, at least he would have room for maneuver.Hua Shixiong did bad things thoroughly, and he did good things thoroughly.

All the kings are flamboyant lords, so no one could have guessed that this was Hua Shixiong's plan to delay the attack.Thinking that his idea was brilliant, they all raised their thumbs up and praised him for his plan.

The plan has been decided, King Fu ordered to go down, bypass Huayang Fucheng, and the army went straight to Qilin Pass.

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