Doupa: More sons, more blessings, I build the strongest family

Chapter 103 Looting the Amethyst Winged Lion King's Cave!

Chapter 103 Looting the Amethyst Winged Lion King's Cave!
Chen Feng took Zidian Mink to search in the cave, and finally came to the most central place inside the cave.

Then, his eyes locked on a certain place.

There, amethyst stones more than one meter high accumulated into a square platform.

On the amethyst stone platform, a purple spherical thing the size of Chenfeng's head was quietly placed there.

Staring closely at the purple ball, Chen Feng suddenly discovered that this thing was emitting a lot of heat, making the temperature inside the cave much higher than outside.

Looking at the purple ball in front of him, Chen Feng had a flash of surprise in his eyes: "This thing should be the associated amethyst source, I didn't expect it to contain such a huge amount of energy!"

Having read the original book, Chenfeng naturally knows the mystery and preciousness of the accompanying amethyst source.

When the Amethyst Winged Lion King is giving birth, there is a very small chance that when giving birth to a baby beast, it will also produce this accompanying amethyst source.

This associated amethyst source, because it stayed in the belly of the lion king for a very long time, so the pure energy it contains is quite spectacular.

This kind of accompanying amethyst source, when the little beast grows to a fourth-order monster, as long as it swallows it, it can directly become a fifth-order monster.

Moreover, the purple fire in its body will also be stronger than other amethyst winged lions that have not devoured the associated amethyst source.

It can be said that this accompanying amethyst source is extremely important for the cub of the amethyst winged lion king.

"Good thing, if I absorb all of this stuff, my cultivation will definitely increase greatly."

There was a gleam of joy on Chen Feng's face. The Yuan Swallowing Jue he practiced, swallowing a pure energy body such as the associated amethyst source, can be said to be twice the result with half the effort.

Afterwards, with a thought in his mind, Chen Feng directly took the huge associated amethyst source in front of him into the small world.

This accompanying amethyst source cannot be opened by brute force, you must find the amethyst to break it open.

Chen Feng remembered that there were a lot of Purple Spirit Crystals hidden in the cave of the Purple Crystal Winged Lion King.

Soon, Chen Feng went directly to another fork in the road.

After a while, Chen Feng followed another fork in the road and arrived at the other side of the cave.

Following Chen Feng's gaze, a small amethyst winged lion king appeared in his sight immediately.

This small amethyst-winged lion king is lying on the ground at this moment, sleeping peacefully.

Looking at the small Amethyst Winged Lion King who was falling into a deep sleep, a gleam of light appeared in Chenfeng's eyes.

"Are you afraid that the old one will be disobedient if you catch the young one?" A sneer appeared on the corner of Chenfeng's mouth.

"Xiao Zi, I will wake this guy up, so be gentle, don't kill him."

Chenfeng said to Zidian who was beside him.

Hearing this, the Zidian Mink didn't even think about it, but spit out a purple lightning bolt and shot it at the cub of the Zijing Winged Lion King.

The next moment, a shrill scream sounded.

"Damn human, you dare to hurt my son!"

He heard the screams of the Amethyst Winged Lion Cub.

Over the Warcraft Mountains, being ravaged by the drug dust, the Amethyst Winged Lion King couldn't help but his expression changed drastically, and he let out a violent roar.

The next moment, the Amethyst Winged Lion King directly gave up resistance, and then sped up and headed directly towards the cave.

"I want to run, have you asked the old man?"

Naturally, Yaochen would not just sit back and watch the Amethyst Winged Lion King leave.
With a flash of his figure, he stood directly in front of the Amethyst Winged Lion King, and a huge palm print blasted towards the Amethyst Winged Lion King.

"Human, you are so deceitful, I will fight you."

The Amethyst Winged Lion King had already had a lot of troubles. Hearing the child's screams, he was already very anxious. Looking at the medicine dust standing in front of him, his huge eyes almost burst into flames.

A faintly angry lion's roar roared from the giant mouth, and the purple light on the body of the Amethyst Winged Lion King became more and more intense. After a while, the strong light had the tendency to faintly overwhelm the setting sun in the sky.

Purple brilliance shrouded the world. After a long time of brewing, the light suddenly shrank. In the blink of an eye, the purple brilliance in the sky was compressed into a deep purple beam of light only about half a foot.

"Amethyst Seal!"

When the purple light flickered, the low roar of the Amethyst Winged Lion King continued to reverberate in the mountains.

"It's actually the innate ability of the Amethyst Winged Lion Clan!"

The moment the deep purple beam of light appeared, Yao Chen's expression changed slightly, and immediately a huge burst of soul power exploded, and a huge palm print blasted down towards the purple beam of light.


Where the purple beam of light and the huge palm print passed, the space was slightly distorted, and in an instant, they collided heavily with the terrifying force of meteorites colliding.

And when the purple beam of light clashed with the palm print, the purple beam of light was obviously at a disadvantage. In just a moment, the purple beam of light exploded, while the huge palm print was only slightly dimmed.

The momentum of the palm print remained undiminished, and the Amethyst Winged Lion King was knocked down from the air. It let out a scream and fell directly into the Warcraft Mountains below.

Obviously, in this battle, the Amethyst Winged Lion King was completely at a disadvantage. Facing the terrifying Yaochen, he had no power to parry.


In the cave, the Amethyst Winged Lion King glared at the humans who broke into his cave after being awakened by the electric sable.

And on its back, there was a huge gash, already scorched black.

Obviously, although the purple electric sable just spewed out a bolt of lightning randomly, it still severely injured the cub of the Amethyst Winged Lion. After all, the difference in strength between the two was too great.

Beast pupils glared at Chenfeng Little Amethyst Winged Lion King's pupils gradually turned lavender, and a layer of amethyst gradually appeared on his body.

"Little guy, don't be stubborn, you will only suffer more."

Looking at the angry little Amethyst Winged Lion King in front of him, Chen Feng felt relaxed.

How could the Amethyst Winged Lion King cub understand his words, it roared and rushed towards Chenfeng directly.

As a purple shadow flashed past, the next moment, the huge body of the Little Amethyst Winged Lion King was directly blasted ten meters away by the purple electric sable, and ruthlessly bombarded on the mountain wall.

The little Amethyst Winged Lion King, who was already seriously injured, suffered such a heavy blow again, and passed out directly.


Chenfeng slowly came to the side of the little Amethyst Winged Lion King who had passed out.

With a thought, the huge body of the Little Amethyst Winged Lion King disappeared into the cave, and he put it into the small world. Afterwards, Chenfeng continued to search in the cave.

The Amethyst Winged Lion clan lived so luxuriously that they should have their own hidden treasures. Since they had already arrived, Chenfeng would naturally loot them all.

After searching the cave for a while, Chen Feng finally found a bunch of treasures.

Among them are purple spirit crystals, many magic cores of fourth- and fifth-order monsters, and a large number of precious medicinal materials.

As the king of the Warcraft Mountains, the Amethyst Winged Lion King naturally has no shortage of these medicinal materials and magic cores.

"Hey, I didn't expect this Amethyst Winged Lion King to be quite fat."

Chen Feng was not polite at all, and took all the treasures inside into his receiving ring.

He happened to be refining a lot of elixirs, and with these medicinal materials, it saved him from searching everywhere.

After doing all this, Chen Feng left the cave with satisfaction.

(End of this chapter)

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