Chapter 105 Little Doctor Immortal!
After leaving the Amethyst Winged Lion King's cave, Chen Feng asked Yao Chen to lead him towards the outskirts of the Demonic Beast Mountain Range.

He was also not sure when Yun Yun would come to the Warcraft Mountains, so naturally he wouldn't wait here to die.

"Yaochen, you have to work harder during this time, and feel more about the situation in the Warcraft Mountains. If there is a strong battle, please notify me immediately."

Chenfeng gave instructions to Yaochen.

With the strength of Yaochen's soul power, it is still very easy to monitor the Warcraft Mountains in this area.

"By the way, help me find out, where is the herbal collection team of Wanyaozhai in the Warcraft Mountain Range now?"

Chenfeng suddenly thought of the little fairy doctor who had gone to the mountain to collect medicine, and a smile flickered on the corner of his mouth.

While there is still time, I might as well get in touch with the Little Doctor Immortal first.

"Yes, Master."

Yao Chen nodded, and a wave of soul force spread out, sweeping towards the outer edge of the Warcraft Mountain Range.

"Master, I found it!"

After a while, Yaochen slowly opened his eyes, pointed in a direction and said to Chenfeng.

"Take me there."

Chen Feng was overjoyed, and then, driven by Yao Chen's soul power, he quickly approached that position.


In the silent forest, a large group of people walked quietly, their vigilant eyes kept scanning the dark places in the surrounding trees, their palms tightly holding the weapons around their waists, and they were ready to deal with any emergencies at any time.

This is a group of mercenaries, and there are a few herb pickers in the overalls of Wanyaozhai in the middle, who are being protected by these mercenaries at the moment.

As old mercenaries who have been in the Warcraft Mountains for many years, they can basically maintain a basic tacit understanding. When their eyes intersect, they can also recognize some signals representing danger and safety from each other's eyes.

In the middle of the line, a woman in a white dress was surrounded by stars like a moon.

The woman was wearing a light white dress. Although her appearance was not stunning, she was still a rare beauty. She had a fresh and ethereal aura on her calmly smiling cheeks, which was different from others. The temperament of the woman suddenly increased the charm of the woman by a large margin.

At this time, this weak beauty just straightened up slightly, gently wiped the sweat on her forehead with the back of her hand, and her panting appearance, combined with her soft cheeks, looked quite lovable.

Seeing this appearance of the woman in the white dress, some mercenaries around immediately had the urge to recite it to the destination, but they also knew that even if they wanted to recite it, they would just decline with a smile.

When everyone's eyes were on the woman in the white skirt, a rather handsome young man walked out from the side guards with a smile on his face, bowed his head and said something to the woman in the white skirt who was panting.

The two chatted for a while, the little fairy doctor smiled and shook his head, then continued to walk forward.

Rejected by the little fairy doctor, the young man showed no anger on his face, smiled lightly, waved his palm, and shouted: "People with wolf heads, pay attention to me, this place has already penetrated into the Warcraft Mountains, don't turn around in the gutter. off the boat!"

"Yes, Young Head!"

Hearing the young man's shout, dozens of big men around immediately responded in unison, and the neat tone attracted everyone's attention. Even the woman in the white skirt who was walking forward couldn't help but glance back.

Satisfied with this reaction, the young man smiled slightly, and walked two quick steps again, walking side by side with the little fairy doctor, protecting him very earnestly.

"Damn it, isn't it just because his father is the head of the Langtou mercenary group? Does he think that he can win the little fairy doctor's heart by doing so?"

Seeing the young man who was able to chat with the little fairy doctor up close, a mercenary man behind him suddenly cursed in a low voice, with a strong sour tone in his tone.

I saw a badge on the chest of his youth, in which was engraved a one-eyed wolf head.

Most of the mercenaries in the team wear the same badge on their chests. These people are from the Langtou mercenary group, one of the three major mercenary groups in Qingshan Town.

These wolf-headed mercenary members are protecting the herbal gathering team, because they are also the guards hired by Wanyaozhai.

Moreover, it seems that Wan Yaozhai's trust in the Langtou mercenary group is much stronger than other stragglers, otherwise, they would not be allowed to serve as personal guards.

As time passed, the team finally arrived safely at the destination of the herb-collecting team, a sunken basin full of herbs.

In the basin, there are all kinds of medicinal herbs. When entering here, the fragrant medicinal fragrance floats in the air, and taking a deep breath immediately makes people feel refreshed.

"Everyone, we have arrived at the herbal collection area, please take a rest, everyone is tired after walking for so long."

After walking a certain distance again, the soft and crisp voice of the woman in the white dress suddenly sounded in the quiet line.

There was a slight pause in the forward steps, and the whole team stopped by coincidence. They turned their heads, looked at the woman in the white skirt with no impurities in her smile, and nodded her head very honestly.

After a quick discussion, more than a dozen mercenaries scattered around to guard, and the others sat in place, recovering the energy consumed by the rush.

While all the mercenaries were resting, the herb collecting team had already started collecting herbs.

"That should be the little fairy doctor."

Not far from the basin, in a dark jungle, the figure of Chen Feng slowly appeared.

The femininity in the white skirt was too outstanding, and Chenfeng's eyes locked on her at a glance that she was the little fairy doctor he was looking for.

As the crowd spread, Chen Feng quickly saw the entire face of the woman in the white skirt.

I saw the woman wearing a light white dress. Although her appearance was not stunning, she could still be said to be a rare beauty. She had a fresh and ethereal temperament on her calmly smiling cheeks. The different temperament immediately made the woman's charm greatly increased.

His eyes turned around on the woman, and finally stopped on the willow waist bound by a green belt. Looking at the willow waist that was not enough to hold tightly, Chen Feng's eyes flashed a little surprise.

Among the women Chen Feng knew, teacher Yun Yun was undoubtedly the most attractive, and also the one he longed for the most.

Nalan Yanran is the delicate temperament of the daughter of a family.

Xiao Xun'er is that impeccable beauty and elegance.

Yafei is that charming temptation that can be called a stunner.

The eldest princess, Yaoye, is a noble lady with a combination of glamor and charm.

And this white group woman in front of her probably has the most slender and weak waist among all the women, and she also looks extremely pure.

"Tsk tsk tsk, you are indeed one of the goddesses in the original novel with high popularity... If such a top product is not accepted, I will really feel sorry for myself."

Chenfeng couldn't help admiring in his heart, and became more determined in his heart to take down the little doctor.

After staring at the little fairy doctor for a while, Chenfeng looked at the busy herbal collection team, a smile slowly appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he already had an idea in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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