Doupa: More sons, more blessings, I build the strongest family

Chapter 112 Yaochen: Chapter Master, your teacher has already entered the mountain!

Chapter 112 Yao Chen: Report back to Master, your teacher has already entered the mountain!
"what's going on?"

"Captain, these are all members of our mercenary group, they are all dead!"

"Who dares to act violently at the garrison of our wolf head mercenary group!"

A group of people strode into the yard mightily, but the first time they stepped in, they were shocked by the scene in front of them.

In the courtyard, more than a dozen mercenaries from the Langtou mercenary regiment fell to the ground in a haphazard manner, lifeless.

"What's the situation? Could it be that the young man is the young strong man mentioned by the herb collectors who came back a few days ago?" Mr. Yao, the owner of Wanyaozhai, was also very surprised at the moment, but he was just purely surprised and didn't care. Unlike other people who were so angry, after all, the death of the wolf head mercenary group has nothing to do with him.

On Mu She's side, after scanning the situation in the yard, he fixed his eyes on Chenfeng and Xiaoyixian who walked to the middle of the yard, and asked in a cold voice: "The people here are all you guys. Killed?"

"Yes, I killed these bastards! Why, do you want to avenge them?"

Hearing Mu Snake's question, Chen Feng casually asked back.

"Don't be afraid!"

After finishing speaking, Chen Feng stretched out his hand, and gently stroked the fair cheek of the little fairy doctor, signaling her not to be nervous.

"Captain, I think this kid is looking for death, how dare he make trouble like this in our wolf head mercenary group!"

"This kid really doesn't know the heights of the heavens and the earth, and dares to talk to you, the leader!"

"What a crazy boy, who killed my wolf head mercenary group, dare to talk to me Mu Snake like that..."

Hearing Chenfeng's reply, Mu She was extremely angry. However, he, Mu She, had been working in the mercenary world for decades, and he was not a fool. He's not an ordinary person, maybe he has a very big background.

"Mr. Yao, do you know this person? Looking at him like this, he is very familiar with the little doctor fairy from Wanyaozhai!"

Thinking about this, Mu She suppressed the anger in her heart, looked at Mr. Yao who was silent at the side, and asked in a low voice.

"I don't know, I've never seen it before!" Hearing this, Mr. Yao shook his head, and said, "Maybe it's the young strong man who saved Miss Doctor Fairy and her group of herbalists in the Warcraft Mountains last time!"


Hearing Mr. Yao's words, Mu She thought quickly in his heart. He had heard about that incident before, and knew that there was such a person. However, he did not fully believe the truth of the incident, because the wolf head mercenary group The people who went to the basin after the incident did not find the corpse of the mysterious crystal demon wolf, and it was impossible to confirm it.

Now, the most strange thing in Mu She's mind is why Mu Li suddenly did something to hijack the little doctor, which made him feel very puzzled.

"Mulli... why isn't Muli here?"

Mu She suddenly became irritable and shouted at Chen Feng, "What have you done to my son Mu Li?"

"That kind of bastard is naturally killed!" Chen Feng said with a smile.


Hearing the news of Mu Li's death, Mu Snake's eyes instantly turned red, his teeth creaked, and his face was ferocious.

"Kill him, chop him into a pulp!"

Pointing at Chen Feng, Mu She shouted angrily, the great pain of losing his son had already made him lose the slightest bit of reason, and Chen Feng's strength and possible background were all left behind by him.


"Kill this person and avenge the young regiment leader and the dead brothers!"

As Mu She's words fell, the surrounding mercenaries immediately clenched the weapons in their hands, shouted angrily in unison, and fiercely surrounded and killed Chen Feng and the little doctor.

Seeing this large group of mercenaries rushing up, Chen Feng pulled the little doctor behind him, and then gently brushed the palm of his hand on the ring, and a sharp spear appeared in his hand, just waved forward, the last The few mercenaries in front were struck by the sharp spear point, and an extremely scary wound appeared on their bodies, blood spattered wildly, and they fell to the ground in an instant without being swept. The most important thing is to struggle and moan in pain on the ground.

Although Chen Feng was extremely domineering and merciless in his attacks, this group of mercenaries had been licking blood all year round and were used to seeing life and death. In terms of counting, there are probably as many as 30 people.

Chenfeng has never been a soft-hearted person. If these mercenaries dare to offend him, he will never show mercy.

At the moment, a violent battle energy was transmitted from the palm of Chenfeng to the spear. Every time he swung the spear, he would sweep out a powerful spear light. In just a few seconds, he had more than half of the servants. The soldiers were swept out.

"The battle qi is condensed and released, this person is really a great fighter!"

Seeing Chen Feng's moves, Mu She's face changed drastically, but just when a little fear arose in his heart, a dazzling red glow appeared in his sight, and it grew bigger and bigger.


When Mu She was about to react, Chen Feng's sharp and dazzling blood-red spear tip had already pierced through Mu She's head. So far, the so-called strongest person in Qingshan Town was killed.


"The captain is dead!"

"Run, this man is a devil!"

The scene that happened between lightning and flint finally made the rest of the mercenaries feel terrified. Now they finally understand that the young man in front of them is a terrifying powerhouse that they will never be able to defeat. The mercenaries all fled in all directions, leaving only Mr. Yao who had already hid in a corner.

Chen Feng glanced over there, which immediately made Mr. Yao tremble, he was really afraid that Chen Feng would kill him too.

"Xian'er, let's go back!" Chenfeng ignored Mr. Yao, took the little fairy doctor's hand, and slowly left the yard.

In the scene of Chenfeng's killing just now, although the little doctor felt a little uncomfortable, he didn't feel any disgust. They deserved all of this.


Time passed quickly, and in the blink of an eye, three days had passed. During these three days, Chen Feng and Xiao Yixian were just like lovers, getting along intimately.

This kind of life made the little fairy doctor feel very happy. Every day, she would cook some delicacies in different ways for Chenfeng to taste.

Chenfeng also lived a slow-paced life for a few days. Of course, in this slow-paced life, Chenfeng would make himself busy from time to time. How could the good farmland just reclaimed by Xiaoyixian be abandoned? Watering it.

On the morning of the fourth day, Chenfeng suddenly received a sound transmission from Yaochen.

"Reporting to Master, your teacher Yun Yun has already entered the Warcraft Mountains!"

(End of this chapter)

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