Doupa: More sons, more blessings, I build the strongest family

Chapter 125 Rich Rewards!Cultivation has improved again!

Chapter 125 Rich Rewards!Cultivation has improved again!

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining the heaven-ranked fighting skill, the Vajra Glass Body!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting the two-star Douzong experience card!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining the Heavenly Poison Sutra!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining the seventh-grade elixir, Transformation Pill!"

"The above items have all been distributed to the system space, please pay attention to the host to check!"

Hearing this series of prompts, Chenfeng felt very excited.

He didn't expect that the little fairy doctor would get pregnant so soon, and he gave him such a surprise. This time, he must reward her well when he returns.

The next moment, Chenfeng's mind sank into the system space without hesitation.

The first thing that caught the eye was a golden scroll.

Vajra glass body: Heaven-level primary fighting skill, using the body to transform into diamond glass, which can be broken without any front and invincible. This skill is perfected to become a vajra glass body. The nine-foot-nine-foot body is the ultimate. The golden light shines on the world, and the fist can collapse God, feet can crack the ground.

"Sure enough, this scroll is about fighting skills about the physical body!"

After reading the introduction of the golden scroll, Chen Feng's eyes suddenly revealed a look of surprise. He had already guessed when he heard the name before.

Chenfeng is no stranger to the fighting skill of the Vajra Glass Body. This fighting skill has been practiced to a great extent, and the effect is not inferior to that of the mid-level heavenly fighting skill. However, to practice this physical fighting skill requires a very strong physical body, and Chen Feng is not aware of the current situation. Do you have the qualifications to practice this fighting skill?

However, there is no need for Chen Feng to be anxious for the time being. For this kind of sky-level combat skill, the simplest and least powerful one among the sky-thunder marksmanship he used before was directly drained of the fighting spirit in his body. Even if he meets the training requirements, it is difficult to perform it.

Moreover, now that Chenfeng has integrated Thunder Wings, it is enough to release Thunder Half Moon Slash with relatively low consumption.

Putting the golden scroll aside, Morrowind turned his attention to the second item.

This is a two-star Dou Zong experience card. Xiao Xun'er also got a Dou Zong experience card when he was pregnant before. With this card, he doesn't have to be too stingy with himself when using the experience card.

The third item is a green quaint book.

Heavenly Remnant Poison Sutra: left by the Heavenly Remnant Poison Sanctuary more than a thousand years ago.

"Poison scriptures left in the poison sanctuary?"

Seeing this green book, Chen Feng frowned slightly.

The Poison Sutra is neither a skill nor a fighting skill. It records some methods of mixing poisons between heaven and earth. After learning, one can make powerful poisons. The Poison Sutra left by the Poison Sanctuary, I am afraid that the prepared poison can threaten Dou Zun and even Dou Sheng.

"If Xian'er activates the Enan Poison Body, the Poison Sutra is something that can strengthen her strength. However, Xian'er is pregnant now, and repairing the poison will not only affect the fetal process but also be very painful. It is better not to let her touch it!"

Chen Feng shook his head, and dismissed the idea of ​​giving this poison scripture to the little fairy doctor.

Immediately afterwards, Chen Feng looked at the last item.

Transformation Pill: Seventh grade elixir.

Transformation Pill is useless to human beings, but in the World of Warcraft, its status is equivalent to that of a ninth-grade elixir. Countless powerful Warcraft families spend their energy trying to find one for their younger generations, because it It can make the monster completely break away from the animal body and turn into a human form. From then on, it can not only have the long life of the monster, but also have the talent of human cultivation.

"Queen Medusa should really want to get this elixir, when the time comes..."

Looking at this Transformation Pill, Chenfeng couldn't help but think of Queen Medusa in the desert.

Queen Medusa is famous, and Chenfeng thinks she covets her endlessly. If there is a chance, he must take her down, but Chenfeng has no habit of directly taking snakes.

Originally, with Yao Chen, the loyal servant of the eighth-rank pharmacist, Chen Feng only needed to find the materials needed to refine the Transformation Pill to obtain the Transformation Pill. Now the system directly rewarded him with a Transformation Pill. told him something.

After reading the things rewarded by the system, Chenfeng withdrew his mind from the system space very satisfied.

"Xian'er is pregnant now, I don't know if the teacher will also have it!"

Standing in the cave, Chen Feng looked at the stone bed where Yun Yun had been sleeping before, and murmured in his heart, the time difference between Chen Feng and the little doctor and Yun Yun was only four or five days apart, if Chen Feng had sex several times in a row that day, If the life essence poured into Yun Yun is successful, within the next ten days, you should be able to receive the news that Yun Yun is pregnant. If there is no reminder, it means that you will not be pregnant this time.

"Forget it, don't think about it for now!"

"I found some associated amethyst sources in the Amethyst Winged Lion King's Cave, so hurry up and absorb them now!"

Chen Feng shook his head lightly, and quickly took a small jade bottle in his hand.

What is contained in this jade bottle is the associated amethyst source, like this small jade bottle, Chen Feng has a total of six bottles in it.

It is said that a complete accompanying amethyst source can make the little amethyst winged lion king who has reached the fourth level directly break through to the fifth level, which is enough to show how huge the energy in it is. If it can be absorbed, the strength of Chenfeng will be even greater. can be greatly improved.

Looking at the jade bottle in his hand, Chen Feng poured all the purple liquid into his mouth without any hesitation.

"So hot!"

As soon as the purple liquid entered the body, Chenfeng felt a wave of heat, seeping out from all the meridians, and then gradually merging into the bones and flesh and blood. Seeing this situation, Chenfeng did not hesitate. Run the Tun Yuan Jue.

The energy contained in the associated amethyst source is huge, and it is filled with a kind of tyranny. However, no matter how tyrannical the energy is, after Chenfeng operates the Yuan Swallowing Art, it will be transformed into the purest energy and absorbed by his body.

Chen Feng's physical body originally possessed the body of a dragon and elephant, but it was fused with the wings of thunder before, tempered by the power of thunder, and now it has become extremely tyrannical. A bottle of accompanying amethyst source is obviously not his limit. When the accompanying amethyst source energy in his body was raging, he opened another bottle and poured it into his stomach.

Immediately, Chenfeng's body became hotter and hotter. Under the operation of Tunyuanjue, those domineering purple energies not only frantically merged into Chenfeng's flesh and bones, but also quickly entered Chenfeng's body along the meridians. Within the bucket crystal of the shape.

With the continuous influx of these pure energies, Chen Feng's cultivation level enhanced by fusing the Thunder Wings began to loosen again.

In an hour's time, Chenfeng's aura climbed to the peak of a four-star fighting spirit, and then quickly broke through to reach a five-star fighting spirit.

A complete copy of the accompanying amethyst source can make the amethyst winged lion king beast rise from the fourth level to the fifth level by a whole big stage. It is obviously not for Chenfeng to take this third of the amount and only increase it by one star. The limit, after breaking through to five-star Dou Ling, the upward trend still hasn't stopped.

(End of this chapter)

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