Doupa: More sons, more blessings, I build the strongest family

Chapter 127 The little fairy doctor sneaks away!

Chapter 127 The little fairy doctor sneaks away!
"It turns out that Brother Chenfeng was married to another woman before he met me! Then what am I like..."

Hearing Chen Feng's words, the little doctor's delicate body trembled suddenly, as if struck by lightning, the bright smile on her pretty face quickly dissipated, and her beautiful eyes were full of complex flavors.

Seeing the grievance of the little fairy doctor, Chenfeng's heart tightened suddenly, and he asked with some distress: "Xian'er, are you blaming me?"

"No, brother Chenfeng, I don't blame you!"

After a while, the little fairy doctor forced a smile on his side, and replied softly to Chen Feng.

"Xian'er, do you really not blame me?"

Hearing the answer from the little fairy doctor, Chen Feng asked again, with anticipation in his words.

"I really don't blame you! Besides, Brother Chenfeng, I don't mind your marriage before!"

The little fairy doctor shook his head lightly, and replied with a smile.

"Xian'er, you are the best! Then let's prepare and set off tomorrow!"

After receiving the affirmative answer from the little doctor, Chenfeng felt a burst of surprise in his heart, and hurriedly embraced the little doctor's cheeks, and excitedly kissed him a few times...

That night, Chen Feng and Xiao Yixian hugged each other and fell asleep together.


In the early morning of the next day, when Chen Feng opened his sleepy eyes, he suddenly found that the person who was with him last night was no longer in the room.


Chen Feng called softly, but did not receive a response.

"Where did Xian'er go early in the morning?"

Chen Feng glanced around the room, found nothing, then got up and walked into the room.

"This is?"

At this moment, a note on the table caught Chenfeng's attention.

Picking up the note, a piece of text immediately came into Chenfeng's eyes.

"Brother Chenfeng, I added a little sleeping pill to the tea you drank last night... When you woke up and saw the note I left, I have already gone to a place where you can't find it... "

"So Xian'er took sleeping pills in the tea last night, no wonder I didn't even know when she left!" Seeing this, Chen Feng paused in his heart, and then continued to look down.

"Brother Chenfeng, during this time with you, Xian'er feels very happy and happy, and often looks forward to our future, but since you are married, then go back and love you well." Wife, don't let her down... the two of us, treat it as a love affair, after it's over, you'll forget it... don't come to me again—Little Doctor Xianliu."


After reading what the little fairy doctor left on the note, Chen Feng let out a long sigh.

"Xian'er... My heart was really big yesterday. I actually thought that you would not care about my marriage at all!"

At this moment, Chen Feng couldn't help but feel a little annoyed and distressed. Looking back now, the little doctor must have felt very wronged at that time, but he showed an extremely strong and optimistic look in front of him.

After feeling annoyed for a while, Chenfeng planned to find the location of the little fairy doctor first.

Before, Chenfeng arranged Zidian Sable's sixth-level high-level monster to secretly guard the little doctor. Therefore, even if the little doctor left, Zidian would follow.

And there is a kind of induction between Chenfeng and Zidian. With this induction, Chenfeng was able to find the location of Zidian very quickly.

The next moment, a dazzling silver light group suddenly appeared above the sky of the manor where Wanyaozhai was located, and then flew straight towards the Warcraft Mountain Range.

"Look, what is that in the sky? How could there be such a silver ball of light?"

This phenomenon immediately attracted the attention of many Qingshan Town residents.


Not long after, based on the induction with Zidian, Chenfeng came to the basin full of medicinal herbs and full of energy where he met the little doctor for the first time.

Coming to this basin, Chenfeng could clearly sense that the sable is deep in this basin.

"It seems that Xian'er should have let that first-order flying monster take her to the hidden valley deep in the basin!"

Above the sky, Chen Feng looked into the depths of the basin, and had some guesses in his mind.

Continuing to fly forward, Chenfeng finally met the little guy Zidian.

And near the purple sable, there is a strange place, Chenfeng can feel that there seems to be another world under the thick fog.

"Master, master, master..."

On Zidian's side, after seeing Chenfeng approaching, he quickly jumped into Chenfeng's hands and rolled from side to side happily.

Caressing the soft purple hair on Zidian's body, Chenfeng said softly: "Xiaozi, your sister, little doctor fairy, is she down there!"

"Yes, there is a first-order flying monster down there. Last night, it brought the little fairy doctor sister here. At that time, master, you were sleeping, so I didn't bother you, but master, don't worry. Now, little sister Fairy Doctor will never be in any danger!"

Hearing this, Xiao Zi's big shining eyes glanced at the dense fog below, and her immature voice was full of confidence. In this area, its sixth-level advanced strength is indeed rare. adversary.

"Well, you're doing great!"

Hearing Zidian's words, Chenfeng praised it, and then flapped its wings behind, and went straight through the thick fog.


This is a valley that is almost isolated from the world. Above the valley, it is covered by thick fog, and in the valley, there are all kinds of precious medicinal herbs, and the smell of medicinal herbs is mixed in the mist. It's refreshing.

At the corner of this valley, there is a simple thatched hut.

At this moment, a huge flying monster was parked not far from the grass shed. Next to the flying monster stood a woman in a pale white dress. , can make a large group of men bow down.

"Xiao Lan, the two of us will spend some time here in the future!"

This charming woman is the little Immortal Doctor. After leaving Chenfeng and Qingshan Town overnight and coming to this valley, her eyes were a little more melancholy, but even if she was melancholy in her heart, When she spoke to the huge flying beast, she still had a slight smile on her face.


Just as the little fairy doctor's voice fell, the flying monster beside the little doctor suddenly let out a sharp cry, and looked at the sky with its slender head.

"Xiao Lan, what's wrong?"

Seeing Xiaolan's strange behavior, the little fairy doctor couldn't help but also look towards the sky.

In the sight of the little fairy doctor, a human figure with silver wings on his back suddenly appeared in the thick fog of the sky.

"It's Brother did he find this place so quickly!" Seeing a figure appearing in the sky, the little fairy doctor was overjoyed at first, and then his eyes gradually dimmed.

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(End of this chapter)

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