Doupa: More sons, more blessings, I build the strongest family

Chapter 137 The Shock of the Xiao Family Brothers!

Chapter 137 The Shock of the Xiao Family Brothers!
"Haha, just such a little boy wants so many people from our Sand Mercenary Group to make way for him, it makes me laugh so hard!"

"Captain Li, I'd better trouble you to get out of the way, otherwise it won't do you any good if the two sides fight too hard!"

"And that little boy, stay where it's cooler, or you'll be hit to death by a horse later, don't blame us!"

Behind Mo Xing, a group of mercenaries didn't give the guard captain any face at all, and they all said mocking words.

"This time, the people of the Sand Mercenary Group are going to be in bad luck. This young man is a strong man who can fly in the sky, so they can provoke him?"

"Dare to provoke the Douwang powerhouse, Mo Xing really hates his life."

"With the strength of this young man, even if Rob came here, he would have to be respectful!"

"There's a good show to watch next!"

As the members of the Sand Mercenary Corps taunted Captain Li and Chenfeng, some guards and passers-by who had seen Chenfeng displaying Thunder Wings before were all waiting to watch the game with playful eyes. Good show.

"Damn the Mercenary Group of the Sand, it's fine to be arrogant and domineering in the past, but today you don't see who you are facing! If you really anger this lord, the Mercenary Group of the Sand is waiting to disintegrate Bar!"

Seeing the reaction of the Sand Mercenary Group, Captain Li's expression also became extremely ugly.


On Mo Xing's side, he faintly sensed something was wrong from the expressions of the others.


At this moment, next to Mo Xing, a shirtless mercenary was obviously a little impatient, he drove his horse to two meters in front of Chen Feng, and scolded: "Boy, are you deaf, why don't you give me... "


Just as the mercenary opened his mouth to scold Chen Feng, a silver lightning arc shot out from the palm of Chen Feng, and struck the shirtless mercenary's chest in an instant.

The powerful impact knocked the mercenary off his horse and hit the ground heavily. There was a horrible blood hole on his chest, and his whole body was scorched black.


Seeing the scene of Chenfeng making a move, Mo Xing and the others' hearts beat violently, and their eyes were full of horror.

"Outward fighting spirit, this person is at least a great Doushi expert! And he is much stronger than the regiment leader!"

At this moment, Mo Xing finally understood that he had kicked the iron plate today.

"Forgive me, my lord. The little one was blind just now. I hope my lord will forgive me!"

The next moment, Mo Xing hurriedly dismounted and saluted Chen Feng.

The same was true for the mercenaries behind him. In the face of absolute strength, they didn't care about the fact that Chen Feng had just killed one of their life and death brothers. They got off their horses and knelt on the ground one by one, begging for mercy.

Seeing this scene, these guards and passers-by did not dare to say anything, but just watched quietly from the side.

On Chenfeng's side, he didn't continue to kill people. Dealing with a group of people who were generally at the Fighter level really hurt his identity.

Taking a casual glance at those mercenaries kneeling on the ground, Chen Feng said directly: "Tomorrow, I don't want to see the Sand Mercenary Group in Stone Desert City!"


Hearing Chen Feng's words, Mo Xing, who was kneeling on the ground, turned pale for a while. The seriousness of the matter had far exceeded his expectations.

The meaning of Chen Feng's words is very obvious, it is to disband their Sand Mercenary Group.

After causing such a big disaster, the few people who offended him just now will be taken care of by someone.

After going through such a small episode, Chen Feng didn't have the patience to ask any more questions, so he immediately showed his wings of thunder, flew over the city gate under the surprised eyes of everyone, and then flew straight towards the City Lord's Mansion.

"Dou Qi transforms into wings, this person is a Dou Wang powerhouse!"

Watching the scene of Chenfeng flying over the city wall, Mo Xing only felt his legs go weak for a while, and he lost the strength to stand up.


A silver light group appeared over the city, immediately attracting more people's attention.

In Stone Desert City, south of the city, in a large manor, two young men were lecturing to a dozen mercenaries in front of them.

One of the young men, wearing a set of mercenary uniforms, has a tall and straight body, straight and powerful, and there is a sternness in his dark eyes. Although there is a smile on his face, but under this smile, But it hides a bit of ferocity like a wolf.

Obviously, although the young man seems kind, he is obviously the kind of fierce type who will bite back if someone does not offend me.

The other person was a little older, dressed in a white robe, and his eyes were a little brighter than ordinary people, revealing a bit of wisdom and imperceptible wit and cunning.

These two people are the two heads of the Motie mercenary regiment who are quite famous in Stone Mocheng, Xiao Ding and Xiao Li, and they are also Xiao Yan's elder brother and second elder brother.

"Everyone, recently, the Sand Mercenary Group has frequently robbed us of our missions..."

"This is……"

Xiao Li was talking, but suddenly stopped, his eyes fixed on the silver light group that appeared in his sight.

Noticing Xiao Li's movement, Xiao Ding and the others also hurriedly looked at the sky, and immediately discovered the silver light cluster formed by Chen Feng, but soon, the silver light cluster disappeared at the end of their field of vision.

"Brother, could it be that the legendary Dou Wang powerhouse was in the sky just now?" Xiao Liwang asked Xiao Ding in surprise.

"It should be... But, why did the Dou Wang powerhouse appear in a remote place like Stone Desert City? Could it be that the snake people in the desert have changed recently, and this Dou Wang powerhouse was sent by the empire?" Xiao Ding nodded. , Then frowned and analyzed.

Hearing Xiao Ding's analysis, Xiao Li said in a deep voice: "If this is the case, it seems that Shimo City will be a bit uneasy in the near future!"

After seeing the silver light group just now, Xiao Ding and Xiao Li had no intention of lecturing, and immediately arranged a few mercenaries to go out to inquire about the news.

Soon, the few people who inquired about the news came back.

"Report to the two regiment leaders, we just found out that the strong man above the sky just now went to the City Lord's Mansion!"

"And not long ago, Mo Xing of the Sand Mercenary Group provoked that strong man recklessly. That strong man put down his words and wanted the Sand Mercenary Group to disband within today!"

The two mercenaries quickly reported the news they found.

"Haha, if there is such a thing!"

"Tasha's mercenary group also has today!"

Hearing the spy's report, Xiao Li's face suddenly showed surprise.

The Sand Mercenary Group has always been the deadly enemy of their Desert Iron Mercenary Group. Hearing the news that the Sand Mercenary Group has offended such a strong man, how can it make him unhappy.

"Second brother, let's not get too excited... This strange and strong man has come to Stone Desert City for some unknown reason! We also need to be careful!"

While Xiao Li was laughing, Xiao Ding was still frowning, and then he spoke very sternly to the mercenaries under him.

"Remember not to cause trouble during this time..."

(End of this chapter)

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