Chapter 146 Queen Medusa Chases Morrowind! (four thousand words)

"The young master just went in now, let's scrub him first!"

After struggling for a while, Qinglin's white and tender hands picked up the handkerchief at the side, and then gently helped Chenfeng wipe his arms, chest...

Being served by Qinglin's little hands so gently, Chenfeng felt very comfortable. When he opened his eyes, he found that Qinglin's little face was already flushed.

Obviously, this was not caused by the hot steam coming out of the bathtub, because Qinglin's strange physique would emit a cold breath from time to time, making her hands still a little cold even if they were soaked in hot water .

"Master... Is my strength okay?"

Sensing that Chen Feng had opened his eyes, Qinglin's face became redder, and the movement of scrubbing his hands became a little unnatural.

"This strength is very good!"

Chenfeng nodded lightly, Qinglin's service just now was very considerate.

Under close observation, Chenfeng discovered that Qinglin's petite body possesses a different kind of allure. The place that should be plump is plump, and the place that should be slender is slender. When she leans over to wipe it carefully... looming, At this moment, there was a faint flame in Chen Feng's heart.

"Master, I'm going to help you wipe your legs now!"

Qinglin said something in a low voice, then bent down and dipped her little hand into the water.

Because the color of the tub was dark, the vision in the water was hazy, and Qinglin's little hands slowly groped inside.

The next moment, Qinglin's body froze for some unknown reason, and then quickly withdrew her little hand, not daring to look directly into Chenfeng's eyes.

At this time, on Qinglin's body, a large piece of clothing was already wet with water, and it was tightly attached to the skin, and those attractive outlines and curves were almost completely displayed.

"Qinglin, come in and help me wash!"

On Chenfeng's side, because of the touch of Qinglin's little hand just now, he couldn't restrain the evil fire in his heart, and pulled Qinglin into the bathtub.


Being dragged into the water by Chenfeng, Qinglin screamed instinctively, but when she met Chenfeng's eyes, she became quiet again, her little heart beating faster...

"Master, then I'll wash it for you..."

A shy voice came from Qinglin's mouth, and then, a strange cold feeling spread across Chenfeng's...

After a long time, Chen Feng came out of the bathtub, picked up Qing Lin and came to the bed...


Amidst this charming melody, the night finally receded, and Stone Desert City ushered in that round of scorching sun again.

"Master, you are awake!"

As soon as Chenfeng opened his eyes, he saw Qinglin's pretty figure standing beside the bed holding a small water basin, with a bright smile on his face, but in this bright smile, there was a remnant With a delicate flush.

Seeing such a well-behaved Qing Lin in front of him, Chen Feng's eyes were very gentle, and he felt a little distressed.

The next moment, Chenfeng sat up from the bed, stroked Qinglin's face, and said softly: "Qinglin, why don't you rest for a while!"

In Chenfeng's eyes, Qinglin is now his woman, no longer an ordinary maid, and she has never practiced, didn't sleep much last night, and experienced the intense... A little tired.

"Master, I'm not tired, let me help you wash up!"

As Qinglin spoke, she put the water basin on the wooden stand aside, wrung out the towel and gently wiped her face for Chenfeng.


Qinglin's movements were very careful, after being served by her like this, Chenfeng felt a burst of relief, and took a breath of fresh air.

"Qinglin, do you want to practice?"

Chenfeng turned his head to look at Qinglin, and said softly.

"Master, I want to!"

Hearing Chenfeng's words, Qinglin nodded without hesitation. After what happened last night, her relationship with Chenfeng is more than just a relationship between a master and a servant... Chenfeng's cultivation base is high, her status is Noble, she doesn't want to be too different from Chenfeng, she very much hopes that one day she can keep up with Chenfeng's footsteps.

"Okay, then I will teach you some methods of breathing..."

Chenfeng nodded with a smile. Next, he began to guide Qinglin to practice, but now Qinglin has not yet reached the level of Dou Zhe, and cannot look inside, nor can he practice exercises. Chenfeng can only use Some better pills to lay the foundation for it and speed up the practice.

The green lotus brought out from the magma fully demonstrated its effect at this moment, and the speed of Qinglin's cultivation on it was far faster than that of ordinary people.

After Qinglin stepped into the path of cultivation, Chenfeng also cultivated a little bit. After coming to the desert, his cultivation has reached the level of eight-star Dou Ling, which is very close to Dou Wang.

This speed of cultivation is undoubtedly terrifying, but Chenfeng is not satisfied. Now, the crisis brought about by the imprisonment of Xiao Xun'er has not been resolved, and the powerful masters of the ancient clan may come in more than half a year Wu Tan City is gone, with Chen Feng's current strength, he can't deal with the strong Dou Zun at all, let alone the entire ancient clan.

Even if the speed of cultivation is two or three times faster, it won't help, but Chenfeng can't sit still. When Nalan Yanran is the first to give birth to his child, he must have the strength to digest the rewards brought by the system.

The next moment, Chen Feng directly took out a jade bottle, and took out a ground fire lotus seed from it.

Chenfeng couldn't absorb things full of tyrannical fire attributes like Qinglian Earth Heart Fire, but ninety percent of the lotus seeds of Earth Fire were filled with pure energy, so it would be much easier for Chenfeng to absorb.

As soon as the ground fire lotus seed entered the mouth, it quickly turned into a burst of fiery energy, and then slammed down Chen Feng's throat fiercely with a domineering attitude.

Fiery energy entered the meridians and began to violently collide.

Chen Feng's mind quickly entered his body, and he found that although the fiery energy transformed by the ground fire lotus seed was terrifyingly domineering, his meridians did not suffer too much damage along the way.

Obviously, Chen Feng's own high-level Dou Ling cultivation and his dragon-elephant body are enough for him to withstand the impact of this tyrannical energy.

I saw that in the meridians, where the fiery energy passed, there were drops of tiny liquid like emeralds and less than the size of a thumb. These liquids adhered to the walls of the meridians, wriggling slightly like living things , and then melted into it at a speed visible to the naked eye, and finally produced a layer of inexplicable light blue liquid.

Chenfeng knew that these seemingly simple emerald liquids contained all the essence of the earth fire lotus seeds. Immediately, he quickly activated Yuan Tun Jue, and the Yuan Tun Jue Dou Qi in his meridians extracted the energy from the emerald liquid. Come out, madly transported into the cyclone.

This kind of devouring speed is very fast, like a whale swallowing, the pure energy transformed from the ground fire lotus seeds is improving Chen Feng's cultivation at a terrifying speed.

Inadvertently, a strange sound came from Chen Feng's body, and immediately, his cultivation surpassed the eight-star Dou Ling and was promoted to the level of the Nine-Star Dou Ling.

"What happened, why did the momentum inside suddenly become so strong!"

"It must be that adult who is practicing, remember, absolutely don't go in and disturb!"

The change in Chenfeng's aura shocked some of the City Lord's servants who were waiting outside this room.

Not long after, the city lord Xu Guang was also notified by his servants, and came to watch the room a hundred meters away from Chenfeng's room.

"This lord's aura is much stronger than before. It seems that he has broken through again!" Xu Guang said in a low voice with envy in his eyes. How many people would envy Chen Feng's cultivation speed.

Before long, Chen Feng, who was sitting cross-legged in the room, had reached the bottleneck of the Spirit Fighting realm.

However, the remaining energy of this earth fire lotus seed is obviously not enough for him to break through the fighting spirit and reach the realm of fighting king.

"Take the next one, maybe I can directly break through the Douwang!"

Chen Feng thought about it, and then took out a jade bottle again, and swallowed the lotus seeds of Earth Fire in it.

Immediately, the emerald-colored liquid in Chenfeng's body was replenished again, and Yuan Tunyuan Duel Qi circulated frantically to absorb it.

This situation lasted for two days and two nights. When the morning of the third day came, the momentum in the room where Chenfeng was located reached an unprecedented peak.

That aura made Xu Guang, the owner of Stone Desert City, who was a hundred meters away from there, feel a little depressed.

"With such a terrifying aura, could it be that the lord has already broken through to the Douwang?"

Sensing the huge aura emanating from the room over there, Xu Guang said with a face full of shock: "Such a young Dou Wang strongman, I really don't know what kind of evildoer is it, and there is such a person in the overweight empire..."

At this moment, above the sky dozens of miles away from Shimo City, a purple figure's gaze also looked in the direction of Shimo City, frowning slightly.

"This is...someone is breaking through the Douwang?"

The next moment, the purple figure in the sky flew towards the direction of Stone Desert City.


In the room, Chen Feng finally stopped after two days and two nights of cultivation.


He let out a breath of turbid air, feeling the change in his cultivation, and felt a burst of satisfaction in his heart.

The morning breeze at this moment is several times stronger than it was two days ago.

In these two days, in order to break through the Dou Wang, he swallowed two Earth Fire Lotus Seeds again, plus the first two, a total of four Earth Fire Lotus Seeds.

Relying on the domineering devouring ability of Tunyuanjue, Chenfeng overcame most of the resistance of his body to absorb the ground fire lotus seeds, and forcibly broke through to the Douwang level.

When he reached the Dou Wang level, the fighting energy in Chenfeng's body was no longer gathered in the cyclone, but was stored in all parts of his body. With just a thought, there would be streams of water gushing out from all parts of his body like a flood. His vigor and vindictiveness.

The next moment, Chen Feng's shoulders trembled slightly, and immediately, the battle energy in his body suddenly surged out, and finally along a strange meridian route, finally surged out from his back.


The silver dou qi wings shot out from behind fiercely, with a width of more than one foot and a long arc, the brilliance flowed, and it was extremely gorgeous.

"Fighting Qi Transforming into Wings."

Tilting his head slightly, Chenfeng looked at the silver wings behind him. He didn't use the wings of thunder, nor did he use other powers. Instead, he completely relied on himself to display the wings of fighting spirit. This is the fighting spirit. One of the most prominent signs of Wang Qiang.

"Master Chenfeng, congratulations, your cultivation has taken a big step forward!"

When Chen Feng showed his wings of dou qi, Qinglin walked over to congratulate her with a smile. She has been waiting in this spacious room for more than two days.

"Qinglin, you're not bad either. In two or three days, your fighting power has increased!"

Chen Feng stood up, touched Qing Lin's cheek, and said softly, he was in a good mood when he reached Dou Wang.

Just as Chenfeng stroked Qinglin's cheek, there was a strange look on her lovely face.

"What's wrong?" Chen Feng asked with a smile.

"Young Master, I feel that there is a powerful aura approaching Shimo City quickly, this aura is very similar to the blood in my body... Moreover, its strength seems to be only slightly weaker than Lingyou! "Qing Lin said in a soft voice.

"It's very similar to your bloodline, only slightly weaker than Lingyou..."

"Could it be Queen Medusa!"

Chanting Qinglin's words in his heart, Chenfeng immediately thought of a possibility.

"If it's really Queen Medusa, then it will save me from going to the depths of the desert to find her!"

After confirming in his heart that it was Queen Medusa who was rushing over here, Chen Feng was not only not at all flustered, but rather excited. He had been looking forward to the name of Queen Medusa for a long time.

"Qinglin, you will stay here later, don't go anywhere!"

Chen Feng immediately instructed Qinglin, according to his guess, Queen Medusa probably came here because she sensed a little breath of strange fire when she was digging the tunnel before, and her breakthrough just now also brought some strange fluctuations , was sensed by Queen Medusa, so she was attracted here.

"Okay! I'll listen to the young master!"

Regarding Chen Feng's instructions, Qinglin nodded without hesitation.

On Chenfeng's side, he quickly walked out of the room, and opened the restriction of the medicine dust in the soul streamer.


In the desert, the purple figure who had sensed the breath of Chenfeng's breakthrough before had arrived in the sky one mile away from the east gate of Stone Desert City.

Just when she was about to go directly into the city to search, she suddenly found a silver figure flying out from a certain direction in the city.

"I was able to discover my arrival in advance. It seems that this human being is not simple. The breath of the strange fire that I sensed before may be related to him..."

After seeing the silver figure flying out of the city, the purple figure had a strange smile on its pretty face, and quickly chased after it.

"Yaochen, has she followed?"

The silver figure that flew out of Stone Desert City in advance was naturally Chenfeng.

The reason why he did this was to lure Queen Medusa to a secluded and uninhabited place, because a conflict in Stone Desert City would not only be too ostentatious, but also likely to hurt innocent people.

"Master, that person has already followed. According to the current speed, she should be able to catch up in less than 10 minutes!" Hearing Chen Feng's words, Yao Chen responded respectfully.

(End of this chapter)

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