Chapter 148 Training Queen Medusa!
"you dare!"

As the threatening words of Chenfeng fell, the purple giant snake that Queen Medusa transformed into became extremely irritable. The huge mouth opened, revealing long sharp fangs, and the thick purple tail , bringing a violent wind towards Chenfeng's body.


In the air, there were bursts of sonic booms, and a large space was turned into a vacuum by the thick giant tail.

Faced with such a huge physical attack from the purple giant snake, Chen Feng's first reaction was to vibrate the wings of thunder to dodge, because even Yaochen might not be sure to completely intercept it under such circumstances.

When the purple giant snake's tail twitched, Yaochen, the purple magic vulture, and the ghost Yanmao all attacked at the same time.

A series of terrifying attacks bombarded the huge body of the purple giant snake, making loud bangs.

Sure enough, the final facts were as Chenfeng expected. The crazy purple giant snake forcibly received an attack from Yaochen, the purple magic vulture, and the ghost Yanmao. Down.

It's a pity that Chenfeng had expected it and avoided it in time. Otherwise, if he was drawn by this giant tail, even if Chenfeng had the body of a dragon elephant, he would not be able to bear it.

At this moment, on the giant purple snake's giant tail, many snake scales were blasted and fell from the air, and dark red blood flowed out from the wound.

Obviously, even in the form of a magical beast, Queen Medusa is completely defeated by the combination of Yaochen, Purple Demon Vulture, and Phantom Yanmao.

"Queen Medusa, if you are still stubborn, I promise to wash your snake-human race with blood tomorrow!"

Seeing the purple giant snake that was mad at the moment, Chen Feng threatened again.

"Damn human, die for me!"

Hearing again that Chenfeng said that he was going to attack the snake-human race, the purple giant snake's eyes became fiercer, wishing to bite Chenfeng into pieces, she twisted her body and rushed towards Chenfeng.

"Quick, stop her!"

Seeing this, Chenfeng hurriedly greeted Yaochen, Purple Demon Vulture, and Phantom Yanmao, and quickly backed away. He didn't want to get hurt because of this giant purple snake.

At this moment, the huge size of the Purple Demon Vulture immediately stood in front of Chenfeng, and a pair of thick and sharp claws grabbed at the giant purple snake.

Above the sky, two behemoths staged a fierce hand-to-hand fight. They were completely competing for physical strength.

The strength of the purple magic vulture and the purple giant snake is not much different, but the purple giant snake has been injured long ago, and its state has declined. Therefore, the purple magic eagle's sharp claws can always avoid the bite of the purple giant snake, and then Claw marks were left everywhere on the giant purple snake.

Coupled with the assistance of Yaochen and Phantom Yanmao, the purple giant snake was almost completely at a disadvantage.

However, after the giant purple snake was seriously injured, the attacks of Yaochen, Purple Demon Vulture, and Phantom Yanmao gradually slowed down, because Chen Feng had promised to capture Queen Medusa alive.

"Queen Medusa, you have to think clearly, with my strength, I definitely have the strength to wash your snake-human race with blood... However, as long as you can catch your snake-human race without a fight today, I can guarantee that you will never take the initiative to attack the snake-human race in the future! But if you If you don't agree, you will die today, and your people will not live!"

"The life and death of your clansman is between your thoughts!"

When the purple giant snake was bleeding continuously, Chen Feng's words rang in her ears again.

Hearing Chen Feng's words, the furious purple giant snake stopped and froze in place, its huge purple pupils seemed to be filled with hesitation.

"Are you thinking, can those four old and frail old guys living in seclusion of the snake people be able to resist my people?"

Seeing Queen Medusa's reaction, Chenfeng continued to speak in a calm manner.

"What, how could he know this!"

Hearing Chen Feng's words, the purple giant snake's hesitant eyes suddenly showed disbelief. The four elders of the snake-human clan are extremely secretive things of the snake-human clan. Only she, the queen, and a very small number of snakes The core personnel of the human race knew it, but she didn't expect Chenfeng to know this.

"You know these secrets so well. It seems that you have investigated our family for a long time, and maybe you have planned to plot against our family for a long time... Do you think I will believe what you just said?"

After thinking about it for a while, the giant purple snake shouted angrily. At this moment, she would never believe what Chen Feng said. She felt that even if she was caught without a fight, Chen Feng would still attack the snake-human race. Moreover, in her heart, she felt that With the strength of the four elders of the Snake People Clan, coupled with the combination of the Eight Commanders and a large number of clan members, they can still deal with Chen Feng and his group.

Hearing this, Chen Feng also frowned slightly, he still underestimated the arrogance in Queen Medusa's heart, it was a bit difficult to make her submit with just a few words.

"It seems that today can only be violent to the end!"

Chenfeng murmured in his heart.

The next moment, the aura on his body rose sharply, reaching the level of Dou Zong almost instantly.

"how can that be!"

Sensing the powerful aura suddenly erupting from Chenfeng, Queen Medusa's eyes were filled with horror. The aura erupting from Chenfeng at this moment seemed to be stronger than Yaochen. She couldn't understand it. Just now, it was obvious that only Dou Wang had the cultivation base. Chen Feng, why is he able to erupt an aura that surpasses Dou Huang at this moment.

"It's no wonder that this person is able to persuade the three of them. It turns out that he has been hiding his strength... two Douzong experts, plus two Douhuang peak experts whose strength is not inferior to mine, joined forces. It seems that today I, It is certain death!"

At this moment, after seeing the "hidden strength" of Morrowind, Queen Medusa was filled with despair.

This force is definitely capable of sweeping away the current Snake Race.

"Queen Medusa, I will give you one last chance to choose!"

In the sky, Chen Feng, who had used the Dou Zong experience card, shouted at the purple giant snake, his patience was almost exhausted.

Under Chen Feng's impatient eyes, Queen Medusa suddenly asked in a low voice: "You said just now that as long as I get caught without a fight, I can guarantee that I will not attack my snake-human race. Is it true?"

"Sure enough, only with absolute strength can we defeat the fluke in her heart!"

Hearing Queen Medusa's tone, Chen Feng knew that she was a little shaken.

"That's right, as long as you are obedient, I can guarantee the stable development of the Snake People! Maybe there will be a chance for them to change to a more comfortable environment in the future, but it depends on your choice!" Chen Feng nodded and said, The tone was a little calmer.

"I hope you mean what you say!"

Queen Medusa sighed softly, and immediately, the huge purple snake's huge body burst into intense light again, and when the light dissipated, Queen Medusa reverted to the previous appearance of a snake with a human body and a tail.

Because of her serious injuries, the pretty face of Queen Medusa, who had turned into her original form at this moment, looked very pale, and her breath was weak. The purple robe wrapped around her body was already stained red by a large amount of blood, and the originally sexy purple snake tail was also missing. There are many scales, showing hideous scars.

"If you can make a choice earlier, why should you suffer so much!"

Glancing at Queen Medusa's miserable state, Chenfeng said calmly, although he felt pity for her, he didn't feel any regrets for hurting Queen Medusa. He hesitated to attack him. If he wasn't strong enough, he might be the one suffering all the torture now. Moreover, because of this matter, he wasted another Dou Zong experience card.

"Yao Chen, go and seal her cultivation!"

Staring at Queen Medusa, Chen Feng gave instructions to Yao Chen beside her.

"Yes, Master!"

Hearing this, Yao Chen immediately responded respectfully, and then walked in front of Queen Medusa.

Seeing Yaochen approaching, Queen Medusa didn't overreact, but her beautiful eyes were a little gloomy.

On Yaochen's side, he stretched out his palm, and the handprint changed rapidly, and finally turned into a strange beam of light and shot into Queen Medusa's head. Immediately, a strange rune appeared on Queen Medusa's forehead.

This kind of sealing technique can only be successful if the opponent has no resistance or no resistance at all.

Now that the rune on Queen Medusa's forehead appeared, it meant that Yaochen's seal had been successful.

With her cultivation base sealed, the fighting spirit wings on Queen Medusa's back lost their energy support and quickly dissipated. However, supported by Yaochen's fighting spirit energy, she did not fall to the ground.

"Master, I have temporarily sealed her cultivation!"

After successfully casting the seal, Yaochen turned around and quickly reported to Chenfeng.

"very good!"

Seeing this, Chen Feng smiled and nodded, and then quickly came to Queen Medusa in a flash.

Seeing Chen Feng approaching, Queen Medusa's beautiful eyes once again flashed a chill, but it dissipated in an instant. She understood that at this moment, her cultivation base was sealed, and it was absolutely impossible for her to pose any threat to Chen Feng. .

"Queen Medusa is really stunning, even if she is injured, she still has a special charm!" Chen Feng's eyes swept across Queen Medusa's slightly pale and charming face at close range, and he sighed inwardly.

"Now, can you tell me who you are? Why did you come to the desert, and why do you know the secret that my snake-human race has four elders?"

After being watched by Chen Feng for a while, Queen Medusa frowned slightly, her red lips moved slightly, and asked out some confusion in her heart.

"Haha, these, I will naturally tell you later, now, I will take you to a place first!"

Hearing Queen Medusa's words, Chenfeng chuckled lightly, without explaining anything, and then, with a thought, he brought Queen Medusa, Yaochen, Purple Vulture, and Phantom Yanmao into the small world together .


"Where is this place, where did you take me?"

In the small world, Queen Medusa scanned the surrounding scene with her beautiful eyes, and asked Chenfeng in surprise.

"Here is a small space under my control!" Chenfeng explained with a smile: "Here, anyone who wants to go out must ask my permission!"

"A small space, how is this possible!"

Hearing Chen Feng's explanation, Medusa's instinctive reaction was not to believe it, because it was completely beyond her understanding.

"Could it be that you created some illusion to confuse me!" Queen Medusa questioned.

"Hehe, it's up to you, it doesn't matter if you want to treat this place as an illusion!" Hearing Queen Medusa's guess, Chen Feng smiled and didn't explain too much.

"Master, you are back!"

In the small world, the conversation between Chen Feng and Queen Medusa was quickly noticed by Xiao Xun'er. When she saw Queen Medusa standing beside Chen Feng, there was some surprise in her eyes. Soon she was showing a charming smile, walking lightly towards Chenfeng.

Looking at the charm revealed by Xiao Xun'er at this moment, Chen Feng was very satisfied in his heart. At the same time, he was thinking in his heart, how to make Queen Medusa, a charming woman, submit to her.

"Maybe, Xiao Xun'er can be of some help!"

A thought suddenly popped up in Chen Feng's mind. He could see Xiao Xun'er's changes during this time. If Xiao Xun'er gets along with Queen Medusa, maybe she can subtly change her mind.

"Master, why did the Violet Vulture and Lingyou suddenly go out just now?" Xiao Xun'er walked to Chenfeng, glanced at Queen Medusa, then put her little hand on Chenfeng's chest, and asked softly .

"Just now, I took the two of them out just to catch Queen Medusa!" Chen Feng pointed at Queen Medusa and said bluntly.

"Is this female snake person Queen Medusa?"

Hearing Chen Feng's words, Xiao Xun'er's eyes flashed with surprise again, but when she thought of Chen Feng's strength, she felt very normal again.

"I can't imagine that Queen Medusa, who is so famous in the rumors, is actually so beautiful!"

The next moment, Xiao Xun'er looked seriously at Queen Medusa. Even she was amazed by Queen Medusa's face.

"Xiao Xun'er, from now on, Queen Medusa will stay here with you temporarily!" Chen Feng suddenly said to Xiao Xun'er.

"Ah, she wants to stay here with me!"

Hearing this, Xiao Xun'er's expression was very surprised. She had heard about Queen Medusa's cultivation level, but she was the best among the Douhuang powerhouses. She is now pregnant. If Queen Medusa had evil thoughts, I'm afraid she would would be dangerous.

"Don't worry, her cultivation has been sealed, and there is no threat for now!" Chen Feng explained with a smile as if seeing Xiao Xun'er's worries.

"It turns out that the cultivation base has been sealed, that's good!" Xiao Xun'er was relieved when she heard Chen Feng's explanation. The next moment, she had a smile on her face and greeted Queen Medusa proactively. "Queen Medusa, hello! My name is Xiao Xun'er!"


Faced with Xiao Xun'er's greetings, Queen Medusa's face was always slightly cold, and she didn't respond at all. As a snake-human race, she was born to hate humans. what will change.

Moreover, Xiao Xun'er's posture at this moment is no different from that of a maid. As a proud Queen, how could she want to know a humble maid.

 Ten thousand years later, Bibi Dong came back to life, and in this brand new era, all the old people were buried by history... Let's see how Bibi Dong avenges the God King Tang San!

(End of this chapter)

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