Doupa: More sons, more blessings, I build the strongest family

Chapter 158 Spirit Realm!The queen takes shape and serves Morrowind!

Chapter 158 Spirit Realm!The queen takes shape and serves Morrowind! (four thousand words)
"Master's soul power is increasing so fast!"

"This light group actually made this guy's soul power so strong..."

Seeing the scene of Chen Feng refining the soul source, Xiao Xun'er and Queen Medusa in the small world had vaguely guessed something in their hearts.

Especially Xiao Xun'er, as a young lady of the ancient clan, she has extensive knowledge before, and she is also aware of some little-known secrets in the mainland, so seeing Chen Feng's soul power increase so quickly at this moment, she was very surprised. I don't know how Chenfeng obtained such a precious soul source.

This strange situation on Chen Feng's body didn't last long, and when his mind regained consciousness again, the severe pain in his head finally dissipated.

Faintly, Chen Feng could sense that his soul seemed to be several times stronger than before.

"What state is my soul in now? Has it broken through to the spiritual state?"

Looking at the completely absorbed soul light group that disappeared before his eyes, Chen Feng was a little curious. He didn't know how much the small soul origin rewarded by this system could improve his soul realm.

While thinking in Chen Feng's mind, he suddenly noticed that the energy of heaven and earth in the small world seemed to be stirred up by some strange thing at this moment, overwhelmingly rushing towards his brow.

"Is this the spiritual energy?"

When this happened, Chen Feng was very excited.

He knew in his heart that if the soul realm wants to enter the spiritual realm from the mortal realm, it is not just the growth of the pure soul power, but also a transformation, and the thing needed for transformation is the aura between the heaven and the earth.

Ordinary people can't feel such things as aura. Generally speaking, only those alchemists who have stepped into the seventh rank can vaguely feel it. Now, Chenfeng has also met that requirement. He can Clearly feel the flow of aura between heaven and earth.

At this moment, the spiritual energy in the small world poured into Chenfeng's eyebrows frantically, and finally merged with the soul entrenched there. During this fusion, Chenfeng's soul seemed to be wrapped in warm spiritual pulp, warm and warm. The spiritual energy quietly melted into every place, and the feeling of comfort made him almost unable to restrain himself from moaning.

However, the space in the small world is too limited after all, and this level of aura infusion is obviously not enough to make Chenfeng's soul enter the so-called spiritual realm.

Therefore, this violent sucking had only lasted for a short while, and Chen Feng left the small world with a thought.

Just after coming out of the small world, the strange force between Chen Feng's eyebrows suddenly became intense. Finally, an invisible wave invisible to the naked eye quietly spread out, penetrated the wall, passed out of the inn, and spread across the above the sky.


With the spread of this wave, at this moment, the world of Mocheng suddenly rioted like a boiling oil pan.

The sudden riots in the world also attracted the attention of the residents of Mocheng. However, the strange air flow of spiritual energy seemed too illusory to them. They just looked blankly at the fluctuating world and could not find such source of volatility.

"what's going on?"

In the 'Gutu' shop, Hai Bodong was also shocked, but even he only felt a slight strange sign, and didn't understand what happened in it.

This vision, in just a few dozen seconds, has spread beyond Mocheng, and has been stretching for a distance of hundreds of miles.

People and monsters within a hundred miles are shrouded in this strange aura fluctuation.

At this moment, Chenfeng completely blocked the movement of the outside world, immersed in the rich spiritual energy, the feeling of comfort deep in the soul, like drunkenness, making people unwilling to wake up.

And at the center of his eyebrows, due to the entry of the huge spiritual energy, earth-shaking changes gradually occurred.

The soul is generally a relatively ethereal and indescribable thing, it is the root of life, it is extremely mysterious, the soul between the eyebrows of ordinary people is just a kind of substance similar to nothingness, but after being controlled, these soul powers can , can play a lot of roles.

However, after the previous changes, the soul power at the center of Chenfeng's eyebrows is no longer the nothingness it used to be, but entangled together. Occasionally, it will beat slightly, just like a heart, and maybe It was because of the aura that the soul between his brows appeared to be more vigorous than before.

Because of the infusion of more and more spiritual energy, Chenfeng's soul is constantly wriggling. It looks like something is being conceived in it, but for some reason, Chenfeng always has a strange feeling. , seems to be missing something.

"By the way, I remember that if you want to fully advance to the spiritual realm, you still need the guidance of the soul cultivation technique..."

"Yaochen, come out!"

At this critical moment, Chenfeng suddenly thought of something, and quickly communicated with Yaochen in the soul streamer.

The restrictions on the soul flag were lifted, and Yao Chen immediately came out of the soul flag, and noticed the visions of the surrounding world, a flash of surprise flashed in his old eyes.

"The master is actually advancing to the spiritual realm!"

Yao Chen was very excited and said, it is really unbelievable that Chen Feng can reach this step at the age of fifteen or sixteen.

"Stop talking nonsense, hurry up and teach me the soul cultivation method!"

Seeing Yaochen in a daze, Chenfeng scolded.

"Yes, Master!"


Hearing Chen Feng's words, Yao Chen hurriedly dictated a mantra like Sanskrit.

Chenfeng also followed Yaochen in his heart, chanting these obscure formulas.

As these formulas gradually resounded in Chen Feng's heart, the wriggling soul at the center of his brow also accelerated, and faintly, something was gradually taking shape.


Not long after, an extremely strong wave came from the inn, which shattered some wooden planks and walls around.

Above the desert city, far away in the sky, an invisible ray of light floats, and the vast and majestic soul power, like a tide, quickly sweeps out in all directions with it as the center point.

At this moment, almost all the people and monsters in Mocheng, and even within a hundred miles around, felt an extremely strong soul coercion. Under this kind of soul coercion, their bodies couldn't help but trembled slightly.

"Is this... soul power?"

Feeling the coercion of that huge soul, Hai Bodong's face was stunned. Under this coercion, even he felt a sense of insignificance.


In the sky, an illusory figure appeared. The appearance of this illusory figure was exactly the same as that of Chen Feng.

Although Chen Feng's physical body is in the inn, he can perceive the scene above the sky. The illusory soul body in the sky is his eyes.

The illusory soul of Chenfeng took a few steps in the sky, glanced down, and then turned into a palm-sized invisible light group, shooting into the eyebrows of Chenfeng in the inn.

When the soul entered between Chenfeng's eyebrows again, his body also trembled slightly, and the pervading soul coercion dissipated completely at this moment.

"Congratulations, master, for successfully breaking through the spiritual realm!"

Inside the dilapidated inn, Yaochen Soul had a smile on his face, and congratulated Chenfeng excitedly.

Qing Lin stood not far away, staring blankly at Chen Feng.


Chen Feng slowly opened his eyes and took a light breath.

This time, the soul entered the spiritual realm, which can be said to give Chenfeng an unprecedented experience.

In the future, he will also be able to use his soul power to unleash powerful attacks with a single thought.

Seeing that Chenfeng was safe and sound, Qinglin breathed a sigh of relief. She came to Chenfeng's side and asked with a smile, "Master, you must have made a breakthrough just now, right?"


"Just now, my soul realm has improved a bit... You don't understand these things now, but you will understand them later."

Chen Feng smiled and nodded, he was able to achieve such a harvest this time, but it was all due to the reward brought by Qinglin's pregnancy.

Next, Chenfeng took Qinglin to another inn to stay, and then went to the small world again.


In the small world, when Chen Feng reappeared, both Xiao Xun'er and Queen Medusa felt the changes in Chen Feng.

Although this change is not obvious, the two of them always have a strange feeling, as if the morning breeze in front of them has become more dazzling than yesterday.

"What kind of monster is this guy!"

Queen Medusa sighed secretly.

When Chen Feng's eyes swept towards her, Queen Medusa lowered her head almost instinctively. This reaction may be because she felt ashamed for what she did for Chen Feng before, or it may be because of her cultivation. Being sealed made her feel less confident.

Looking at the proud Queen Medusa with her head lowered, Chenfeng had a slight smile on her face, and said softly, "Queen Medusa, after you have practiced for so long, have you never thought that one day you will be able to transform?"


Hearing this, Queen Medusa slowly raised her head, her purple eyes full of strange temptations stared at Chenfeng.

"I have a Transformation Pill here, I think you should know its function!"

Chen Feng slowly took out a jade bottle, poured the elixir inside into his palm, and in an instant, the refreshing elixir fragrance enveloped the entire small world.

Hearing this, Queen Medusa nodded silently. She looked at the pill in Chenfeng's hand, with a trace of longing in her eyes.

"Queen Medusa, since the master has already taken out this elixir, why don't you ask the master to reward you with the elixir!"

"You will not be rewarded by the master for such a performance!"

Seeing Queen Medusa's silent reaction, Xiao Xun'er came to her side and began to persuade her softly.

"Let me beg him?"

Hearing Xiao Xun'er's words, Queen Medusa was very troubled.

She really wanted to get the Transformation Pill very much, but she couldn't let go of her face when asked her to ask for Chenfeng.

However, it seemed that Queen Medusa's psychological resistance was not that great this time because she had already called Chen Feng her master once before, and also helped Chen Feng do such a shameful thing.

"Think about it, you just need to act coquettishly, and you can get the Transformation Pill, how easy it is!"

"Also, if your attitude improves, the master may let you go out to get some air later!"

Xiao Xun'er's voice continued to ring in Queen Medusa's mind, shaking her thoughts all the time.

"Just this time, get the Transformation Pill from him first!"

Finally, Queen Medusa made a decision. She raised her head, looked at Chen Feng with her beautiful purple eyes, and uttered a tingling voice that made her heart beat faster: "Master~ Please give me this Transformation Pill!"

Seeing Queen Medusa's submission, Chen Feng was very satisfied. He smiled and said, "I can give you this Transformation Pill, and you have to satisfy me in the future!"

"satisfy you……"

Hearing Chenfeng's words, Queen Medusa's pretty face gradually blushed, and she remembered the shameful thing she had done for Chenfeng before.

When Queen Medusa had complicated thoughts in her mind, Chenfeng bent her fingers and shot the transformation pill directly at Queen Medusa.


Seeing this, Queen Medusa quickly took the Transformation Pill with a pleasant smile on her face. At this moment, all her attention was on the Transformation Pill.

The energy and fragrance of the seventh-grade elixir made Queen Medusa swallow the transforming elixir without any hesitation.

As soon as the Transformation Pill entered the mouth, it turned into a stream of liquid, which entered Queen Medusa's body along her throat, and then, the liquid turned into a strange energy that flowed towards Queen Medusa's body.

"Let me restore your cultivation temporarily!"

Seeing Queen Medusa swallowing the Transformation Pill, Chenfeng was worried about what would happen if her cultivation was sealed, so she quickly made a series of handprints to restore Queen Medusa's cultivation.


As soon as her cultivation was restored, Queen Medusa let out a low, ecstatic growl.

Immediately afterwards, a dazzling purple brilliance began to emanate from her graceful body, completely covering her body.

It is necessary to go through the thunder calamity of a near death for a monster to transform into a normal form, but there is no such dangerous step in taking the Transformation Pill, which is why the Transformation Pill can have such a high status in the World of Warcraft.

Queen Medusa's whisper of ecstasy only lasted for a few minutes, and there was no movement in the purple light group.

Chen Feng's gaze was fixed on the purple light group, and he felt a little anticipation in his heart. Xiao Xun'er also looked at the purple light group curiously.

At a certain moment, the purple light cluster surrounding Queen Medusa suddenly began to dissipate rapidly, revealing a beautiful figure inside.

At this time, Queen Medusa appeared in front of Chenfeng, only wearing a lavender brocade robe on her body, her head full of black hair hanging down her fragrant shoulders, until her hips were straightened up, her protruding The seductive figure with the upturned back is like an extremely ripe peach, constantly exuding the charm that makes people's hearts boil.

Looking down, Chenfeng found that Queen Medusa's original snake tail had turned into two slender white human legs, and her snow-white feet were suspended half an inch above the ground, crystal clear and free from dust.

"Tsk tsk!"

"What a goblin, this figure, if you can carry it..."

Looking at such a delicate beauty, Chen Feng's eyes were a little straight, and he couldn't help but click his tongue.

"Heck... this king has finally transformed!"

On Queen Medusa's side, she was also immersed in the joy of successfully taking shape, showing a posture of vitality that Morrowind had never seen before.

"Queen Medusa, congratulations, you have successfully transformed... But don't forget, without the master's reward, you wouldn't have this opportunity!"

"Next, don't serve the master properly!"

Xiao Xun'er reacted quickly. She first congratulated Queen Medusa, and then reminded her clearly.

Hearing this, the smile on Queen Medusa's pretty face froze, and she looked at Chenfeng very intently.

(End of this chapter)

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