Doupa: More sons, more blessings, I build the strongest family

Chapter 160 Returning to the imperial capital, ready to marry the elegant concubine!

Chapter 160 Returning to the Imperial Capital, Ready to Marry Concubine Ya!
In the sky a few miles away from the desert city, Hai Bodong took a last look at the huge city located at the border between the desert and the land, sighed softly, and looked a little lonely.

Decades of living in seclusion also made him, who was indifferent, develop some feelings for this place.

"Oh... let's go!"

After taking a last glance, Hai Bodong let out a sigh, and then greeted Chenfeng, the white icy wings on his back vibrated violently, and flew towards the front.


Chen Feng nodded slightly, and then spread out the wings of thunder, and quickly chased after him, while Qing Lin, who was held in his arms all the time, flew in the sky likewise.

Chenfeng and Haibodong's speeds were both very fast. It only took them half a day to arrive at a city with flying beasts leading to the imperial capital.


On the huge flying monster, Chen Feng and Hai Bodong, who hadn't talked in detail before, suddenly talked more.

During the conversation, Hai Bodong also learned another identity of Chenfeng, the direct disciple of the Misty Cloud Sect Master, and now the Misty Cloud Sect's Young Master.

However, when Hai Bodong learned about Chen Feng's identity, his reaction was not very great.

For such a young Dou Wang powerhouse, even if Chen Feng has succeeded as the suzerain of the Yunlan Sect, Hai Bodong still feels normal. After all, according to his prediction, Chen Feng, with his talent, will definitely become the Dou Zong Qiang in the future. By.

"Elder Taishang, I don't know how many stars you are in Douhuang with your current cultivation?"

In the private room, Chen Feng took a sip of the fragrant tea and asked suddenly.

"Two stars..."

Hearing Chen Feng's question, Hai Bodong said without any hesitation: "Although Po'er Dan helped me break the seal of Queen Medusa, my cultivation has been sealed for too many years, and now I want to go back It may take several years before the peak state of the five-star Douhuang was reached!"

"Perhaps I have a way to make you, Taishang Elder, fully recover the power damaged by the seal within a year without any sequelae."

Chen Feng lightly tapped his finger on the teacup, and said with a serious expression.

"Oh, what's a good way for you kid?"

Hearing this, Hai Bodong's old face suddenly revealed a hint of surprise.

"Elder Supreme, I know a fifth-grade elixir called 'Fuzi Lingdan'. Its function can completely restore some strengths that have declined due to seals or injuries in the body. For the Supreme Elder, it is very suitable." Chenfeng explained with a smile: "Although the level of this pill is not very high, the ingredients it needs are quite difficult to find, but the Supreme Elder can rest assured, After returning to the family, these medicinal materials will be collected soon!"

"If there is such a pill, it would be really great...Morning Breeze boy, it is really a blessing for the Mittel family to have a young man like you in the Mittel family, and it is also a blessing for me, an old guy! "

After hearing Chen Feng's words, Hai Bo Dong's face became even more joyful, he raised his teacup and said to Chen Feng: "Come on, I'm happy today, let's do it!"

Hai Bodong's attitude towards Chenfeng was completely different from the way the Supreme Elder treated his juniors. After all, he was able to lift the seal, which was considered to have received Chenfeng's great kindness, and Chenfeng's cultivation talent was that kind. A monster-like existence, combined with all these factors, Hai Bodong did not simply treat Chen Feng as a junior at all.

"Elder Supreme, since you are happy, why don't we have a drink instead!"

Seeing Hai Bodong toast, Chen Feng said with a smile, and then took out a jar of good wine from the ring.

"Okay, drink!"

Hai Bodong smiled and nodded.

Seeing this, Qing Lin who was standing on the side hurriedly stepped forward to pour wine for Chen Feng and Hai Bodong.


Chenfeng's own flying speed is very fast, but he doesn't like to travel all the time by himself, and it will be more troublesome if he has to bring Qinglin with him, so he chooses to return to the imperial capital by flying monsters.

On the flying monster, he didn't stay in the same box as Hai Bodong, so he could enter the small world from time to time.

In the past few days, Chenfeng has been lucky enough to visit Queen Medusa several times.

After sleeping last time, Queen Medusa's mentality has completely changed. Now she has the idea of ​​trying her best to make Morrowind comfortable.

Queen Medusa was willing to try all kinds of postures, completely letting go of her previous arrogance as Her Majesty.

The performance of Queen Medusa made Chen Feng very satisfied. Every time he fought a battle, he would feel a joyful sense of conquest. I believe that Queen Medusa would be able to surrender completely like Xiao Xun'er in the near future. Under Chenfeng's crotch, all of his heart and soul are just to please Chenfeng.

Finally, after a few days of flying, the flying monster came over an extremely magnificent and huge city.

"Increase the holy city, I, Haibodong, are back!"

Looking down at the huge city below, Hai Bodong was filled with emotions, and his old eyes were full of memories.

Seeing the expression on Hai Bodong's face, Chen Feng smiled lightly and said, "Elder Supreme, many people in the holy city will be very surprised when you come back this time!"

"It should be..."

Hai Bodong nodded, and sighed: "I just don't know, after decades of living in seclusion, how many old people from back then are still alive, and how many people still recognize me as an old guy!"

Chen Feng can actually empathize with Hai Bodong's emotions. His previous life was not from the Dou Qi Continent. If he could go back one day, what would happen to those old people? Is there anyone who can remember him? .

Without waiting for the flying monster to land, Hai Bodong spread his icy fighting spirit and flew into the sky.

Seeing this, Chen Feng unleashed his Thunder Wings and followed Hai Bodong with his green scales.

Two rather powerful auras appeared over the Jiajia Empire, and some ordinary people naturally didn't feel it. However, in the depths of the Jiajia Palace, there was an old figure sitting cross-legged and immediately opened his eyes.

"This breath..."

The old man murmured with suspicion in his muddy eyes.

Immediately, a khaki-yellow ball of light suddenly flew out from the depths of the palace and rushed into the sky.

After the yellow light group appeared in the sky, it shot straight towards the place where Hai Bodong and Chen Feng were.


The movement of the yellow light group was sensed by Hai Bodong in a short while, and he quickly looked to the other side of the sky.

"It seems that Jia Xingtian has discovered Hai Bodong's aura... If Jia Xingtian has any bad intentions, then don't blame me..."

Chen Feng's gaze was also looking at that piece of sky. His soul power had broken through to the spiritual realm, and his perception ability was very strong. He had discovered the Dou Huang's aura coming towards this side earlier than Hai Bodong.

(End of this chapter)

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