Doupa: More sons, more blessings, I build the strongest family

Chapter 175 Yun Yun: "Who says I won't agree to marry Feng'er?"

Chapter 175 Yun Yun: "Who says I won't agree to marry Feng'er?"

"Your Majesty, do you know what you are talking about? Sect Master Yun Yun is your teacher, how can you say such random... impolite words!"

After everyone was silent for a while, on the right hand side of the Great Elder Yun Leng, a dark-skinned old man in a white robe finally couldn't help but say:
"That's right, His Majesty the Emperor, you can't take that kind of joke just now!"

As soon as the dark old man's voice fell, another elder quickly echoed.

With these two people taking the lead, the rest of the elders in the hall also nodded in agreement.

Seeing this, Chen Feng frowned slightly, and said coldly: "Hehe, Yunlei and Yunsheng, elders, do you think I'm talking nonsense?"


Sensing the coldness in Chenfeng's words, Yunlei and Yunsheng who were named were all silent, not daring to answer casually for a while. Now that Chenfeng is so powerful in this Jiama land boundary, under normal circumstances, who would want to go? Offend him to death.

"Your Majesty, Yunlei, Yunsheng and the others have absolutely no intention of offending you... However, please take back your remarks about marrying the suzerain just now!"

At this moment, Grand Elder Yun Leng finally stood up to make things right. Although his words were respectful, his attitude towards this matter was still the same as that of Yun Lei and Yun Sheng.

"Great Elder, you said just now that no matter who I fancy, you can guarantee that you can bring it back to the palace. Are you playing tricks on me now that you have changed your mind so quickly?"

Chen Feng also didn't show any face to the Great Elder Yun Leng, and spoke harshly.

Beside Chenfeng, Jia Xingtian even exploded his aura of a nine-star Douhuang powerhouse, covering the entire hall, oppressing this group of Yunlanzong elders.

"Your Majesty, I, Yun Leng, made a slip of the tongue before! It's not to tease Your Majesty... However, the suzerain and your majesty are masters and apprentices, and it is absolutely impossible for the suzerain to agree to what your majesty said!"

Seeing the reaction of Chen Feng and Jia Xingtian, Yun Ling felt a little nervous, and explained to Chen Feng respectfully.

"Who said I wouldn't say yes?"

Just as Yun Ling's words fell, a cold shout sounded in the hall, and then, a white figure flashed in from outside the hall and landed in the center of the hall.

"I have seen the Sect Master!"

"I have seen the Sect Master!"

Seeing the person coming, Yun Ling and other Yunlan Sect elders immediately bowed to him.

Today's Yun Yun is wearing a moon-white dress, with the corners of the skirt fluttering, and her long hair is coiled into a phoenix shape, setting off her beautiful face, noble and majestic.

After entering the main hall, Yun Yun slightly nodded to Yun Leng and the others who were saluting to her, then turned her eyes to Chen Feng.

On Chenfeng's side, his eyes moved, and quickly stayed on Yun Yun's graceful and noble beauty. When his eyes intertwined, the coldness on Chenfeng's face disappeared instantly, turning into a wave of tenderness.

"Yun'er, I'm here to marry you today!" Chen Feng said softly.


Hearing this, there was a happy smile on Yun Yun's pretty face, and she nodded shyly.

Hearing Chen Feng's address to Yun Yun, and Yun Yun's little girl-like posture just now, all the elders of the Yunlan Sect in the hall were a little stunned.

In this situation, anyone with a discerning eye can see that Yun Yun and Chen Feng, the master-student pair, may have already had that transcendent relationship.

"Sovereign, do you really want to agree to marry His Majesty?"

Yun Ling asked in a heavy voice.

"Not bad!"

Upon hearing Yun Leng's question, Yun Yun replied without hesitation.

" can this be done, the suzerain and His Majesty are masters and apprentices!"

"Besides, the suzerain is married to His Majesty, how should the Misty Cloud Sect deal with itself?"

"The relationship here is intricate. What kind of relationship will the royal family have with the Misty Cloud Sect in the future?"

Knowing Yun Yun's attitude, many Yunlan Sect elders looked worried, and there were noisy discussions in the hall.


Hearing the disjointed voices of the many elders in the hall, Chen Feng frowned again, slightly raised his hand, and said in a low voice: "Elders, don't talk anymore, I will definitely marry Yun'er, if any of you dare If you obstruct it, you are making it clear that you want to fight against me!"

Hearing Chen Feng's words, Yun Leng and the other elders of the Yunlan Sect fell silent again, and the scene became silent in an instant.

"Feng'er has really changed a lot, it's different from before..."

Yun Yun looked closely at Chen Feng's face with her beautiful eyes, and there was a strange color in her eyes.

In Yun Yun's memory, it is actually more about Chen Feng's obedient and serious appearance when she followed her to practice fighting skills since she was a child, and the warm picture of her taking care of Chen Feng's trivial life as a master.

And at this moment, the strength and domineering that Chenfeng showed, perhaps, could make Yunyun more quickly change from the master-student relationship she had with Chenfeng before, and truly get along with Chenfeng as a lover.

Right here, Yun Ling suddenly bent down towards Yun Yun, and said in a very respectful manner: "Sovereign, we naturally dare not obstruct the marriage between you and His Majesty the Emperor, but the old Sect Master has cultivated you for many years. After all, let the old suzerain know and agree!"


Hearing Yun Ling's words, Yun Yun's complexion changed slightly. As the saying goes, a teacher for one day is a father for life. Yun Yun still respects her teacher who is in retreat very much.

Back then, Yunshan carefully cultivated Yunyun, taught her the best fighting skills and exercises, and finally passed on the position of suzerain to her. Yunyun will always remember this kindness as a teacher.

"Feng'er, what Yun Leng said is right...we'd better get your master's opinion before we get married!"

The next moment, Yun Yun turned around and looked at Chen Feng with some embarrassment.

"According to your!"

Looking at Yun Yun's gaze towards him, Chen Feng smiled and nodded. Although this incident was a bit unexpected, it was still reasonable.

Moreover, Chen Feng's trip to the Misty Cloud Sect originally had the idea of ​​going to Yunshan's retreat place to explore, so this is not a troublesome matter, and he is still very sure that Yunshan will agree.

"Listen to the words of the great elder and the suzerain, is the old suzerain still in the world?"

"If that's the case, that would be great!"

At this moment, in the hall, except for Yun Leng, Yun Lei, Yun Sheng and a few senior elders, the rest of the people were very surprised, followed by a kind of excitement and ecstasy.

In the eyes of many elders of the Misty Cloud Sect, Yunshan's prestige is completely higher than that of the current suzerain, Yun Yun. Originally, most of the people of the Misty Yunzong thought that the old suzerain Yunshan hadn't shown up for many years, and maybe he had already They sat in the long retreat, but now, knowing that Yunshan is still alive, they are naturally very happy.

After all, Yunshan is still alive, which means that Yunlanzong not only has Yun Yun, a Douhuang powerhouse.

(End of this chapter)

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