Doupa: More sons, more blessings, I build the strongest family

Chapter 177 Vulture Protector, Only Your Soul Hall Can Lock Souls?

Chapter 177 Vulture Protector, Only Your Soul Hall Can Lock Souls?

"Looking at the situation, this is the first contact between Guardian Eagle and Yunshan!"

Outside the cave, Chen Feng, who followed the eagle guardian, leaned against the side wall outside the cave, listening to the conversation between the two inside the cave, he thought to himself, at this time, he chose not to scare the snake, and just wait and see what happens.

"What are your conditions?"

Inside the cave, Yun Shan said coldly after thinking for a while.

Although Yunshan was a little moved by what Guardian Eagle said, he didn't immediately ask how Guardian Eagle could help him break through the Dou Zong. After all, there is no free lunch in this world, and the other party came to him for no reason. , there must be conditions.

"Jie! Jie! Jie!"

"Yunshan! I need you to do something for me!" Guardian Eagle laughed and said bluntly.

"Doing something for you? What?"

Yun Shan frowned and said, he didn't like the aura of Guardian Eagle at all, it was dark and bloodthirsty, if it wasn't for Guardian Eagle's strength, Yunshan wouldn't have paid him any attention at all.

"Yunshan, you don't need to know these things for now, when the time comes, you just need to follow my arrangement!"

Hearing Yunshan's question, Guardian Eagle shook his head and said very casually.

"Your Excellency, you don't even tell me what you want me to do. Do you think I, Yunshan, will agree to cooperate with you? ...Also, Your Excellency, from the beginning to the end, you just said that you are called Guardian Eagle. Where do you come from?" Empire? Or which sect?"

Seeing Guardian Eagle's look of contempt for him, Yunshan asked coldly.

In this area, he, Yunshan, can be regarded as an expert, with many disciples under him, and he has an arrogance in his heart.

"Jie Jie Jie!"

Seeing Yunshan's reaction, Guardian Eagle sneered and said, "Yunshan, don't think too highly of yourself. With your status, you are not qualified to get in touch with the forces I belong to... Like the Jiama Empire you belong to, I can call it whatever you want. A few colleagues can turn it into a dead place in an instant!"


Hearing this, Yun Shan was extremely surprised. Judging from Guardian Eagle's tone, it didn't seem like he was exaggerating. Yun Shan felt very uncertain about dealing with such a mysterious and powerful person.

"This guardian eagle is not very capable, but his tone is not small... Since he has come to our Jia Ma Empire to show off his prestige, he must be prepared to pay the price!"

Outside the cave, Chen Feng heard the words of Guardian Eagle, and a cold light flashed in his eyes.

According to Guardian Eagle, his colleagues should also be the Guardians of the Soul Palace, and they have generally reached the level of Dou Zong.

Although these guardians of the Soul Palace are majestic and unattainable in the eyes of ordinary people, Chenfeng is very clear that the position of guardians in the Soul Palace is nothing more than a small laborer. Call it back and forth.

At this moment, Chen Feng had already determined in his heart the idea of ​​getting rid of the eagle protector.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

In the cave, Yunshan was captured by the words of Guardian Eagle. After a short silence, he suddenly laughed and questioned: "Since you are so powerful, why didn't you send your own people there, and why did you come to me?"

"If we can make a move in the open, we don't need you!"

Hearing this, Guardian Eagle's face hidden in the black smoke changed slightly, and he snorted coldly: "Yunshan, the same sentence, if you agree to cooperate with me, I can help you break through the Douzong as soon as possible!"

"Jie! Jie! Yunshan, I will come to you again in seven days. I hope you can make the right decision by then!"

After saying the last sentence, Guardian Eagle completely turned into a cloud of black smoke and rushed out of the cave.

Seeing the departing figure of Guardian Eagle, Yun Shan didn't chase him out to check, he stood quietly on the spot, his old face was full of dignity, his eyes were hesitant, and his thoughts were complicated.


On the back mountain of the Misty Cloud Sect, the black mist transformed by the guardian eagle rushed out of the cave, and then rushed straight to the sky.

However, just when he was more than ten miles away from the retreat place of Yunshan, in front of his vision, on the top of a raised and towering stone peak, a figure of a young man suddenly appeared.

Moreover, the boy's eyes were obviously watching him.

"Who is this boy?"

Realizing this situation, Guardian Eagle's figure immediately stopped on the spot.

"Guardian Eagle, visiting the Misty Cloud Sect late at night, why don't you stay a little longer!"

Looking at the strange black mist in the sky, Chen Feng smiled and greeted softly.

"This kid actually knows my identity? Could it be that the conversation I had with that Yunshan just now was overheard by this person?"

Hearing Chenfeng directly uttered his name, Guardian Eagle felt surprised, suspicious, and accompanied by a murderous intent.

"Jie Jie! Kid, are you here specially to wait for me?"

Guardian Eagle asked with a strange smile.

"The guess is really accurate! It's a pity that there is no reward!"

Hearing this, Chen Feng smiled, and then directly took the space blocking talisman that was rewarded by the system when Queen Medusa was pregnant before.

"seal up!"

With Chen Feng's thought, a strange energy ripple instantly appeared on the jade talisman in his hand.

"What the hell is this kid doing?"

Looking at the movements in Chenfeng's hands, Guardian Eagle instinctively felt a sense of danger, and just as he was about to react, he suddenly discovered that this space of about three miles was completely surrounded by thick space barriers .

"Who are you?"

Sensing the strangeness in the space, Guardian Eagle shouted sharply.

The power of space, such as the eagle protector, can only touch a little superficially. Only at the level of Dou Zun can he use such a powerful space sealing method.

Of course, Guardian Eagle can also tell that Chenfeng was able to seal this space not by relying on his own strength, but by relying on the treasure in his hand, and this kind of powerful and strange treasure must only be above the realm of Dou Zun The strong can make it.

Chen Feng was able to possess this kind of treasure, which made Protector Dejiu very afraid of his identity.

"I am the emperor of the Jia Ma Empire that you just dismissed!"

Chen Feng shouted in a low voice, and as his words fell, the eight-star Dou Wang aura hidden by the hidden spirit stone on his body was fully revealed.

"Eight Star Fighting King!"

"The emperor of a small empire actually has such a talent for cultivation!"

Seeing Chen Feng's aura of cultivation, Guardian Eagle in the black smoke was startled again. Chen Feng's age, in his opinion, was less than 20 years old. With such a speed of cultivation, even in the Zhongzhou Continent, It is also extremely rare, enough to be called a genius.

"Tell me, what's the matter with you stopping me today?"

After forcing himself to calm down, Guardian Eagle asked Chen Feng solemnly.

"No hurry, let you meet an acquaintance first!"

Chen Feng shook his head lightly, and then lifted the restrictions on the Soul Control Banner.

The next moment, an illusory old figure quickly floated out from the soul-controlling banner at Chen Feng's waist.

"Yaochen! This old guy is not dead!"

Seeing the illusory old figure appearing beside Chen Feng, Guardian Eagle's scarlet eyes hidden in the black smoke suddenly shrunk into a gap.

"The breath of the Soul Palace!"

Coming out of the soul streamer, Yao Chen also sensed the aura of Guardian Eagle in an instant. His memory has not been erased, but he has been planted with the seeds of loyalty to Chenfeng. Immediately, the fire of hatred spread.

"Yaochen, take this person down!"

Now that the matter was over, Chenfeng didn't continue to babble, and directly issued an order to Yaochen.

"Yes, Master!"

Yao Chen replied respectfully, and then looked fiercely at Guardian Eagle, revealing his huge aura.

"This person actually colluded with Yaochen, but why did Yaochen call him his master?"

"Yaochen's strength doesn't seem to be as terrifying as it was back then, and, without a physical body, it's just a soul body!"

"If I can catch Yaochen, I'm afraid it will make the Palace Master very happy. At that time, no matter what background this young man has, I'm not afraid!"

After sensing the aura emanating from the medicine dust, Guardian Eagle began to quickly calculate in his heart.

"You mouse-like monster, you helped that bastard Han Feng to attack me back then. We have to calculate the debt today!"

Yao Lao stared at Guardian Wu indifferently, and his voice was filled with anger and killing intent.

"You have a physical body, and this protector may still be afraid of you, but for the soul body, Jie Jie, my Soul Palace has plenty of ways to deal with you!"

Hearing Yaochen's angry reprimand, Guardian Eagle sneered without showing any weakness.

After finishing speaking, he moved his palm, and a pitch-black chain stretched out from his palm with a rattling sound, and finally, with a slight shock, it snaked around his side like a poisonous snake.

The black chain trembled slightly, and a moment later, Guardian Duck gave a strange laugh, and with a shake of his arm, the chain instantly cut through the sky, turned into a black line, and stabbed towards Yaochen.


The tip of the chain is extremely sharp, and the tip is also covered with some mysterious runes. Circles of spiral patterns are wrapped around the tip of the lock. Obviously, this deep-colored chain is not an ordinary iron chain.

Yao Chen didn't dare to neglect the chains that came from the blast.

The attacks of the Soul Palace are quite mysterious, and their attacks seem to be able to cause huge damage to the soul body.

However, Yao Chen is not an ordinary soul body, he has the bone spirit cold fire body protection, and he is not afraid of this method of the soul hall.


At this moment, Yao Chen gave a cold shout, and the white flame in his palm twitched up and down, then suddenly turned into a rocket and rushed out, and finally collided fiercely with the black chain.


When the two collided, a deep sound sounded, but there was no too violent energy explosion, only a circle of energy ripples mixed with dark white color, spreading out silently.

Of course, at this moment, the space within the three kilometers is all blocked by Chenfeng's space blocking talisman, and the energy breath of the two people's fight can't spread out. None will know.

"No wonder you were able to escape the pursuit of the Soul Palace back then, so it was because of the power of this strange fire!"

The chain retreated with one blow, and finally hovered beside Guardian Duck, staring at Yao Chen with red eyes, and said in a little surprise.

Ordinary soul bodies face their soul palace hunters, no matter how powerful the soul power is, the strength they can display will be greatly reduced.

Their weapons are all specially made and have the effect of restraining the soul body. However, this kind of restraint has lost most of the effect on the soul body with different fires and some other heaven and earth spirits.

And just like what he said, Yaochen was able to escape the pursuit of the Soul Palace back then, and it was indeed because of the cold fire of the bone spirit that he could escape.

Looking indifferently at the Guardian Dharma with black mist billowing on his body, Yao Chen slowly grasped the palm of his hand, and the dark white flame quickly condensed in his hand.

After a while, it condensed into a white fire ruler, and the flames rose from the ruler body, but it gave people a visual coldness.

Watching Yaochen's movements, Guardian Eagle's face was also serious. Immediately, his arms shook, and three black shadows burst out from behind with a clattering sound, and finally hovered above his head like three poisonous snakes. endlessly.

"Three stages of soul lock!"

The palm covered in black mist stretched out, and immediately the handprint changed, and the three chains hovering above the head of the guardian duck suddenly shot out with the sound of howling and breaking the wind.

The three chains turned into black lines, plundering the intersecting spaces, just blocking all of Yao Lao's escape routes as quickly as possible. Obviously, this Dharma protector has reached an extremely proficient level with such a strange weapon as a chain.

Staring coldly at the three black lines that rapidly enlarged in his pupils, Yao Lao waved his sleeves and flicked his five fingers, and immediately the five white flames quickly condensed and formed, hovering around his body like a long snake, and finally shot out suddenly Stepping out, it collided head-on with the three chains.

The chains collided with the forest white flames, but there were bursts of crisp sounds like gold and iron, and there were even bursts of sparks. However, no matter how weird and unpredictable the attack of the chains was, the five flaming snakes commanded by Yao Lao, All of them can be easily sealed.


"This old man is really powerful. No wonder so many of us chased and killed him who was already seriously injured, but he still escaped!"

As the attacks from both sides intensified, the Dharma Guardian became more and more serious. The strength of Yaochen's soul and the thorniness of the bone spirit's cold fire were far beyond his expectations. In a short period of time, his consumption was already extremely high. Big, if he continues to fight, he is very likely to lose.

"That kid has a treasure that seals the space in his hand. If you restrain him, you may be able to open the blocked space!"

Suddenly, Guardian Eagle set his eyes on Chen Feng who was watching the battle, and after a false blow towards Yao Chen, he sprinted wildly and rushed straight to Chen Feng's side.

"Hehe, do you want to pick soft persimmons?"

Looking at the guard eagle rushing to his side, Chen Feng's eyes showed a trace of teasing, he quickly poured fighting energy into the soul-controlling banner, and then, a strange black mist began to fill the soul-controlling banner.

"This is?"

Seeing the strange behavior of controlling the soul flag in Chenfeng's hand, Guardian Eagle frowned, he was very familiar with this method.

(End of this chapter)

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