Chapter 197 Sudden Beautiful White Legs!
After crossing the mountain towns patrolled by law enforcement teams, Morrowind quietly descended on a city with an extremely large area.

This city is called Canaan City, and the famous Canaan College in the mainland is located in the center of this city.

"This Canaan city is indeed the birthplace of the oldest academy in the mainland. Just this name alone has attracted countless people to come here."

Walking on the spacious streets paved with bluestones, the turbulent flow of people on the streets made Chen Feng secretly speechless. This kind of popularity, even the imperial capital of the Jia Ma Empire could not match it.

On the streets of the city, vendors setting up stalls can be seen everywhere. However, on a street near the center of Canaan City, the vendors setting up stalls are obviously different from other streets.

Perhaps because of the proximity to the Canaan Academy, most of the stalls on this street are filled with fighting skills, exercises, elixir and other items.

"How dare you ask for [-] gold coins for just such a fragmented picture? Do you think I've been taken advantage of?"

Suddenly, a sharp voice from the crowd attracted Chenfeng's attention.

Looking in the direction where the sound came from, Chen Feng saw a young man in his twenties in a Chinese dress more than ten meters away, holding a broken picture in his hand, negotiating the price with the stall owner.

"This is... the remnant image of the demon fire?"

After looking at the fragmented picture in the young man's hand for a while, Chen Feng finally made up his mind and was quite surprised.

In the original book, when Xiao Yan entered the Black Horn Domain for the first time, he discovered the third residual map of the Demon Fire from an auction in Black Seal City.

Unexpectedly, at this point in time, this residual image would actually appear in Canaan City, and it happened to be touched by Chenfeng!

"Is this my luck?"

Such a strange idea suddenly popped up in Chenfeng's mind, because at first he was not interested in the residual map of the demon fire because he felt that the hope of finding the third and fourth copies of the residual map of the demon fire was too much. It was vague, but now, the third remnant map of the demon fire appeared in front of him in such a way, which made him change some thoughts in his heart.


"Three hundred gold coins, if you sell them, I will buy them!"

"No, at least three thousand gold coins!"

Next to the booth, the young man in Chinese clothes was still negotiating with the boss. Although he couldn't see anything famous about the fragmented picture, the simple and simple feeling on the fragmented picture made him feel that it might be a treasure.

However, the young man obviously didn't want to spend a lot of money to gamble, so he continued to grind his tongue with the boss, trying to lower the price a bit.

At this moment, Chen Feng walked slowly to the side of the booth, and directly said to the boss: "I want this remnant picture! Three thousand gold coins, count them!"

After finishing speaking, Chenfeng directly took out a large bag of gold coins from the ring and put them on the booth.


Seeing that Chenfeng was willing to spend three thousand gold coins to buy this remnant picture, the stall owner's face suddenly showed surprise. After quickly counting the number of gold coins, he said directly to the young man, "The remnant picture has been taken by this A little brother bought it with money, please hand over the residual map to him!"

"I said, Boss, this is not a trick you asked for. This kind of trick is useless to me, Rob!"

Seeing this scene, the young man glanced at Chen Feng, and said in a strange way.

"How is this possible? I have never met this little brother. How could he be my trustee?" Hearing this, the boss shook his head abruptly and denied it.

"I've already bought this thing, bring it here!"

Chenfeng naturally wouldn't explain anything to this person, he stretched out his right palm and spoke calmly.

"Could it be that this kid recognizes this residual image and knows what secrets it holds?"

Seeing that Chenfeng didn't seem to be acting, Rob's eyes suddenly flashed a strange color. The next moment, he changed his mind directly, took out a bag of gold coins, and said with a smile: "Sorry, this residual picture is I bought it first, and if I also offer [-] gold coins, then the remnant map should belong to me!"

"Senior Rob is right. We came first, so we have the priority!" A young man next to Rob echoed. Judging from their tone, it seemed that they were all students from Canaan Academy.


Seeing this, the vendor owner suddenly felt a little embarrassed.

At this moment, the bids of Chenfeng and Rob attracted many people around to watch. After all, three thousand gold coins is not a small amount for ordinary people.

"It's not easy, the one with the highest price gets it!" Someone booed.

"Okay, the one with the highest price wins. If the two of you sincerely want it, whoever is willing to pay the highest price will get the remnant picture!" Hearing the suggestions from the people around him, the boss made a decision in an instant.

"In this case, I will add another thousand gold coins!"

Hearing the boss's decision, Rob looked a little hesitant, and finally took out a bag of gold coins in pain. Then, he looked at Chenfeng again, wondering if Chenfeng would increase the price.

"There are [-] gold coins in this card!"

Chen Feng frowned slightly, and directly handed the boss a purple gold card, he didn't want to waste his tongue for such a few gold coins.

"One hundred thousand gold coins?"

After Chen Feng's voice fell, the eyes of the people around him immediately widened. Some couldn't believe it. Someone was willing to spend [-] gold coins to buy such a useless and useless picture. This must be a waste of money.

"It's actually a five-pattern purple gold card!"

At this moment, the expression on Rob's face was even more surprised, because he saw that there were actually five ripples of different colors drawn on the card that Chen Feng took out.

"Five-pattern Zijin Card, this is in the Dou Qi Continent. Generally speaking, only those who are strong in fighting spirits or those from big families are eligible to apply for it. This kid is actually able to carry the Five-pattern Zijin Card. It seems that he has a deep background!"

Rob thought quickly in his heart, and the next moment, a little nervous, he took the initiative to hand over the residual map in his hand to Chenfeng.

"Yu'er, look, there are many people around that booth?"

"Maybe there are some treasures for sale, let's go, let's go and have a look!"

"Wait for me, you're walking too fast!"

At the corner of the street, two beautiful figures appeared. When they saw a large group of people surrounded by the center of the street, they ran over curiously.

On Chenfeng's side, after getting the residual map, they turned around and prepared to leave.

Seeing this, some people who were originally surrounded by him voluntarily moved out of the way for him.

Chen Feng walked slowly along a passage that the crowd voluntarily gave way to. Suddenly, his gaze froze.

At the end of the passageway for the crowd, stood a beautiful woman dressed in academy costumes.

There is a long sword at the waist of the beautiful woman. She is quite tall. The most eye-catching thing is her round and slender long legs. Even the enchanting and charming Ya Fei has never possessed these sexy long legs.

The warm sunlight shone on it, as if it was shining on white jade or ice and snow, the white was a bit dazzling.

 Chapter 2 may be late today, or it may be updated after midnight, sorry!

(End of this chapter)

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