Doupa: More sons, more blessings, I build the strongest family

Chapter 199 Xiao Yu: "Do you really want to open a house?"

Chapter 199 Xiao Yu: "Do you really want to open a house?"

"Another five-pattern purple gold card!"

"Even if he can take out the five-pattern purple gold card, it is absolutely impossible for Kari to really have 1000 million gold coins!"

At this moment, although Rob and his followers were surprised that Chenfeng took out the five-pattern purple gold card again, they all denied in their hearts that there were 1000 million gold coins in that card.

What is the concept of 1000 million gold coins? Like Rob's own family, the revenue may only be 100 million gold coins in one or two years. With Rob's status, he has no right to let the family mobilize so many gold coins to please him. Just now, if you said you want to collect 100 million gold coins, you are just supporting the scene, and the huge amount of 1000 million gold coins will take a long time to accumulate even for those big forces in the Noire Region.

"1000 million!"

On Xiao Yu's side, seeing the Zijin Card handed over by Chen Feng, she couldn't help being stunned for a moment. According to her knowledge, even if all the assets of the three major families in Wutan City were added together, they wouldn't be able to get half of it. .

However, perhaps it was the unique temperament displayed by Chen Feng that made her subconsciously feel that Chen Feng did not seem to be talking big.

"Student, you are so impatient, don't mind if I count for Yu'er!"

When Xiao Yu was in a daze, Xue Ni smiled and said something to Chen Feng, and then directly stretched out her delicate little hand to pick up the purple gold card that Chen Feng handed over. Chen Feng did not stop her from taking it away .

After Xue Ni took the Zijin Card, she checked it quickly.


The next moment, a scream came from Xue Ni's mouth, and her little hand holding the Zijin Card trembled a little.

"What's the matter, you little girl, you were taken aback!" Seeing Xue Ni's reaction, Xiao Yu said angrily.

"Yu'er... there are, really, really 1000 million in this card!"

Xue Ni's breathing speeded up, and she spoke excitedly. When she spoke, the plump place trembled up and down, which was suddenly spectacular.


Hearing Xue Ni's words, Xiao Yu was also very surprised, and then took the Zijin Card to check.

"Don't act here and let us down, how could someone really take out 1000 million!"

"Xue Ni, your acting skills are a little exaggerated!"

Listening to Xue Ni's words, Rob and the young man next to him scoffed and didn't believe it was true at all.

"Really, 1000 million gold coins!"

On Xiao Yu's side, after checking the Zijin Card, he was equally astonished and his breathing quickened.

Immediately afterwards, Xiao Yu raised her head slowly, her beautiful eyes looked at Chen Feng with some complicated eyes, she never thought that Chen Feng would actually be willing to spend 1000 million gold coins to "buy" herself.

"Ha ha!"

Chen Feng's gaze was also looking at Xiao Yu, and when his four eyes intertwined, a bright smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he said softly: "Now, you are mine, come with me!"

After saying this, Chen Feng reached out and grabbed Xiao Yu's soft little hand, ready to leave.

It has to be said that Xiao Yu's skin is really good, white and smooth, and has a cool softness to the touch.

Being held by Chen Feng, Xiao Yu felt as if an electric current was flowing through her whole body, and her whole body felt crisp. She didn't resist, but followed Chen Feng with her long snow-white sexy legs.

" is this possible!"

Seeing his former crush being taken away by Chen Feng without any resistance, Rob's eyes widened suddenly, both surprised and angry.

"Young Master Luo, looking at the situation, does that kid really have 1000 million gold coins?" Mu Li was also very surprised.

Hearing this, Rob's complexion darkened in an instant, and there was still a fear spreading in his heart. He is not stupid. If someone can really come up with 1000 million gold coins, that kind of power background is definitely not something he can provoke.

The next moment, Rob gritted his teeth and whispered to Mu Li: "Never provoke this person, and absolutely don't spread the word about today's matter!"


On Xue Ni's side, watching the backs of Chen Feng and Xiao Yu walking away slowly, her mouth was always slightly open, and the expression on her hippie smiling face before was already covered by shock, she didn't expect it at all, she looked quite delicate The handsome "junior" actually possessed such terrifying financial resources.

"What a rich junior, if you can buy me too, I don't want more, 500 million is enough... Yu'er, wait for me!"

Just as the figures of Chen Feng and Xiao Yu disappeared at the corner of the street, Xue Ni finally came to her senses and ran after them in the direction they left.


"Finally stopped!"

After some chasing, when Xue Ni was about to catch up with Chen Feng and Xiao Yu, she found that they had finally stopped.

However, the place they arrived at seemed to be the entrance of a hotel.

"Hotel? This is too fast, isn't my Yu'er going to change from a girl to a woman today?"

As soon as she took a few breaths, Xue Ni saw Chen Feng leading Xiao Yu into the hotel. This time, she did not continue to follow, because she felt that Xiao Yu was obviously voluntary, and she was not forced. It's not good to meddle in this kind of thing.

Besides, in Canaan Academy, it has long been common for some male and female students who are in love to open a room outside the academy to taste the forbidden fruit.

In this area, there are quite a lot of Canaan Academy students active, and Xiao Yu is somewhat well-known, so many people saw the scene of Xiao Yu entering the hotel with Chen Feng.

"Xue Ni, I just saw Xiao Yu follow a handsome guy into the hotel, do you know him?"

Soon, two young female students ran to Xue Ni to inquire.

"do not know?"

Xue Ni shook her head, not wanting to talk to them too much.

"Xue Ni, Xiao Yu is already dating her junior, you have to hold on tight!"

"Yeah, didn't you always say that Xiao Yu was your little lover? Now that she has the nourishment of her junior, she won't want you anymore!"

Obviously, the two of them didn't believe that Xue Ni didn't know Chen Feng, and said some teasing words.


"Do you really want to open the room?"

In the hotel, Xiao Yu was brought to the counter in the lobby by Chenfeng, her heartbeat accelerated again, and a blush appeared on her fair cheeks, which was very charming.

"Of course!"

Chen Feng nodded his head in affirmation.

"But, I'm not ready yet, isn't this too fast..." Gritting her silver teeth, Xiao Yu whispered, afraid of being heard by the staff at the counter.

"Sir, your room is on the third floor!"

But obviously, the service personnel of this hotel are used to this kind of thing, so they directly handed the room card to Chen Feng, and also interrupted what Xiao Yu was about to say.

"Let's go!"

Chen Feng took the room card and directly pulled Xiao Yu to the third floor.

At this time, Xiao Yu still did not resist, and followed Chen Feng silently.

At the age of seventeen or eighteen, it was the time when love first started. Not only did Chen Feng's appearance and temperament fit Xiao Yu's aesthetics, but he was also able to throw tens of millions of gold coins to save Xiao Yu from the siege. impression.

Moreover, the hand-in-hand contact between the two also gave Xiao Yu a strange feeling towards Chen Feng.

(End of this chapter)

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