Chapter 202 Are Mature Women So Sensitive?
Chen Feng glanced at the woman in green. Although she was a little worse than Xiao Xun'er or Xiao Yu simply because of her looks, Chen Feng felt that kind of unadulterated gentleness. It is full of surprise.

This woman almost completely interpreted the commendatory concept that women are like water.

Although Chen Feng is not a mature woman, but at the moment he is also attracted by the aura of the woman in green.

"Teacher Ruolin!"

"Teacher Ruolin, you came here specifically to find us!"

Looking at the gentle woman in front of her, Xue Ni greeted her timidly, with a guilty conscience, as if she had made a big mistake herself.

On the other hand, Xiao Yu was very magnanimous. He let out a cry of surprise, then took a step forward and rushed forward, smiling and hugging the woman in green clothes' seemingly plump but not fat waist.

"That's right, I heard that you found a boyfriend and went to the hotel together, you are quite brave!"

Holding Xiao Yu in her arms, the gentle woman known as Ruolin's mentor said with a smile.

"Ah, Teacher, so you know everything!"

Hearing Ruolin's teacher's words, Xiao Yu's ears turned red, she was startled and ashamed.

"It seems that what they said is true!" Seeing Xiao Yu's reaction, Instructor Ruolin shook her head helplessly, patted Xiao Yu's head fondly, and immediately raised her chin to Chen Feng who was beside her. Said softly: "This is your little boyfriend!"


Xiao Yu nodded and admitted without hesitation.

"Good vision! She looks really good with you!"

Instructor Ruolin subconsciously said.

"Hehe, of course!"

Seeing that Tutor Ruolin didn't say anything else, but praised her vision, Xiao Yu immediately puffed out her chest proudly.

"Teacher, his name is Morrowind!"

"Brother Feng, this is my mentor, Ruolin!"

In the next moment, Xiao Yu quickly introduced the two to each other.


Hearing Xiao Yu's words, Ruolin's gentle face froze for a moment, as if she thought she had heard this name before.

"Could it be that Teacher Ruolin knows my identity?"

Seeing such a subtle reaction from mentor Ruolin, Chenfeng made a guess in his heart, then he stretched out his palm and said with a smile: "Ruolin, hello!"

"Hello there!"

Hearing Chenfeng's greeting, Tutor Ruolin also came back to her senses. When she looked at Chenfeng's outstretched palm, she stretched out her palm without any hesitation, and shook hands with Chenfeng.

"The mentor actually shook hands with Brother Feng!"

Seeing this scene, Xiao Yu was suddenly a little surprised, because although Tutor Ruolin was usually very close to them, it was because they were women. In Xiao Yu's impression, Tutor Ruolin had never shaken hands with a man, and Xue Ni on the side was also surprised by the other physical contact.

On Chenfeng's side, holding Tutor Ruolin's palm feels really slippery and soft. Moreover, Tutor Ruolin seems to be very sensitive, even more sensitive than Xiao Yu, but during the short time of shaking hands, there is actually a fragrance in the palm of his hand. Sweating.

"Are all mature (chu) women this sensitive?"

Chen Feng smiled, and when he withdrew his palm, he bent his fingers, intentionally caressing Ruo Lin's Tutor Huanen's palm gently.


The strange feeling coming from the palm of her hand made Teacher Ruolin feel as if she was being shocked by an electric shock, and her whole body felt a little numb.

Slightly frowning her eyebrows, Instructor Ruolin thought to herself: "This guy, did he do it on purpose or not!"

However, it seems that Xiao Yu and Xue Ni didn't seem to notice Chen Feng's flirtatious little gesture just now. Therefore, Tutor Ruolin didn't reveal what happened just now, but asked Chen Feng softly: "I don't know who your mentor is?"

"I don't have a mentor!" Chen Feng shook his head.

"No mentor?"

Hearing Chen Feng's answer, Xiao Yu and Xue Ni were a little puzzled. In the outer courtyard of Jia Nan Academy, almost every student should have a mentor to guide their cultivation.

"It seems that you are not a student of Canaan Academy!"

Instructor Ruolin said thoughtfully.


Regarding this, Chen Feng did not hide anything, and nodded with a smile, "Today is my first time in Canaan City!"

Hearing Chen Feng's answer, Xiao Yu's face showed surprise, and she looked at Chen Feng with her beautiful eyes. She had always thought that Chen Feng was her junior.

"Brother Feng, are you planning to join our academy this time?" Xiao Yu asked with some expectation in his tone.

"This... I just traveled here this time, not to join Canaan Academy!"

Hearing Xiao Yu's words, Chen Feng hesitated for a moment, shook his head and said, his current cultivation base has already entered the Dou Zong, and in terms of strength, even Su Qian, the great elder of the inner court, is no match for him, and in terms of identity, he He is still the emperor of the Jia Ma Empire, if he still joins the outer courtyard of the Canaan Academy as a junior student, it would be a bit too out of place.

"Brother Feng just came here to travel..." Hearing Chen Feng's answer, Xiao Yu couldn't help but feel a little disappointed. She was afraid that Chen Feng would leave here after traveling for a while.

At this moment, Tutor Ruolin suddenly asked Chenfeng: "Elder Bing in the inner courtyard, do you know him?"

"Elder Ice?"

Hearing Teacher Ruolin's words, Chenfeng couldn't help being stunned for a moment, Xiao Yu and Xue Ni were also surprised, they didn't understand why Teacher Ruolin would ask such a question.

"Elder Bing comes from the Jia Ma Empire, and is the Supreme Elder of the royal family of the Jia Ma Empire!" Ruolin explained: "Yu'er, you are from the Jia Ma Empire, you should have heard of Senior Ice Emperor Haibodong."

"Hai Bodong, the Ice Emperor, is one of the top ten experts in the Jia Ma Empire. However, that senior seems to have disappeared for many years!" Xiao Yu nodded, and said in surprise, "Could it be that the senior Ice Emperor has been disappearing all these years?" Elders in our academy?"

"No, Senior Ice Emperor only joined the academy as an elder more than a month ago!" Instructor Ruolin shook her head.

"So it is!"

"Mentor, you said just now that Senior Ice Emperor is the royal family of the Jia Ma Empire? Is it wrong, isn't the Jia Ma Empire royal family the Jia clan?" Xiao Yu asked again in doubt.

"A few months ago, the Jia family had already handed over the imperial power of the Jia Ma Empire to the Mittel family!" Instructor Ruolin continued to explain.


"Unexpectedly, such a big change has taken place in the Jia Ma Empire during this period!" Xiao Yu opened his mouth wide, his face full of surprise.

"Mentor, you asked like that just now. Could it be that Yu'er's boyfriend has something to do with that senior Ice Emperor?" At this time, Xue Ni, who had not spoken much, couldn't help but ask.

"Well, it was just a guess before, but now, I should be able to confirm it!"

Instructor Ruolin nodded with a smile, she looked at Chen Feng with something intriguing, Chen Feng's temperament and the reaction on her face when she heard this matter, she had already seen some clues.

(End of this chapter)

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