Doupa: More sons, more blessings, I build the strongest family

Chapter 21 Miss Yafei, you have worked hard!

Chapter 21 Miss Yafei, you have worked hard!
"Brother Chenfeng, is sister beautiful?"

Looking at Ya Fei who suddenly slipped into his arms, Chen Feng finally came to his senses.

The heat in his body became more and more intense, making his eyes bloodshot.

He looked at Ya Fei in his arms, only to see that her face was blushing and her red lips were slightly parted.

Wearing a red skirt covering the body, under the slender and fair neck, a piece of breast is like fat white jade, which is half covered.

Under the red dress, her slender and moist thighs were exposed, white and smooth.

Seeing such a beautiful and alluring Ya Fei, Chen Feng could no longer bear to lower his head and kiss her delicate red lips, and put his arms around her slender waist, kissing her fiercely.

Gradually, Chen Feng's breathing became more and more rapid, and the fire of desire in his heart seemed to be burning himself up.

The fiery breath from Chenfeng's nostrils hit Ya Fei's delicate and pretty face, making Ya Fei clearly feel that the man is going crazy at this moment.

But at this moment, she did not have the slightest thought of resisting. Instead, she stretched out her lotus arms and wrapped them tightly around Chen Feng's neck. Her delicate body also became hot. The strong manly aura on Chen Feng made her unable to hold back. Tighten your legs.

After a while, the lips of the two finally separated, and both of them became panting at the moment.

Yafei put her arms around Chenfeng's neck, exhaled like blue, and winked like silk: "Brother Chenfeng, take sister to bed."

How could Chenfeng refuse such a request.

At this point, he couldn't refuse.

Chen Feng picked up Ya Fei, quickly rushed to the bed, and directly threw the delicate body in his hands on the red quilt.

Feeling Chenfeng's roughness, Yafei gave him a dissatisfied look, and said softly: "Brother Chenfeng, be gentle!"

Chen Feng quickly took off his clothes, and directly pressed on it.

"Sorry, I can't be gentle today!"

This night is destined to be an extremely crazy night.


The next day.

Three poles in the sun.

Mittel Auctions.

"Master Gu Ni, why hasn't Ms. Ya Fei come here? The auction is about to start."

A steward rushed to the treasure appraisal room and said anxiously.

"Miss Yafei hasn't arrived yet? Could it be that she forgot about today's auction?"

Hearing this, Master Gu Ni was slightly taken aback, and immediately thought of Ruyi San, where Ya Fei was going to leave yesterday, the corner of his mouth couldn't help but twitch.

"These two guys are really hot firewood..."

"Looks like I'm the only old guy who has done it himself."

Master Gu Ni shook his head, then left the treasure appraisal room and walked towards the auction house.

"Everyone, Ms. Yafei is feeling unwell. Today's auction will be presided over by the old man."

Coming to the auction stage, Master Gu Ni said to the people below who came to participate in this auction.

"Ah! Is Miss Yafei sick?"

"Miss Ya Fei must have worked too hard!"

"Yes, Miss Yafei must be tired after working day and night for the auction."

Master Gu Ni's words immediately caused an uproar in the entire auction.

All the men present couldn't help but worry about their goddesses.

Many people decided to buy some nourishing medicinal materials and send them to Ya Fei's residence.

Looking at the performance of everyone in the audience, Master Gu Ni showed a trace of disdain in his eyes.

A group of licking dogs!
"Ahem, everyone, please stay calm, and the first auction item of this auction will start to be auctioned."


It was not until the afternoon that Ya Fei woke up faintly.

Just as he was about to stand up, a sharp pain hit him.

The crazy night of last night flashed through her mind, Ya Fei felt her pretty face was burning hot.

I have kept my innocence for more than ten years, and I gave it to this bad guy so cheaply.

Mei Mou looked at Chen Feng who was sleeping soundly beside him, Ya Fei couldn't help twisting on his arm: "Smelly brother, I don't know how to feel sorry for my sister."

However, she regretted it after twisting.

Chenfeng woke up suddenly, hugged Yafei, pressed her directly, and said with a smirk: "Then let me love you again..."

"do not want!"

Ya Fei's face turned pale, she felt flustered, she begged for mercy softly: "My good brother, please let me go."

"Let go of you?"

Chenfeng Junlang showed a hint of playfulness on his face, and looked at Yafei under him playfully.

He is not stupid.

After waking up, I still don't understand that there was something wrong with the food and drink yesterday.

After reacting, he was suddenly happy.

Isn't this what you want?
Before he had time to make a move, Ya Fei took the initiative to bring it to her lips.

Thinking of this, Chenfeng looked at the woman under him, feeling a little proud.

Men still have to be attractive.

"Brother Chenfeng, do you think my sister is mean?"

Seeing the playfulness on Chen Feng's face, Ya Fei's expression changed, she suddenly gave up struggling, and a trace of sadness flashed in her beautiful eyes.

She thought that Chenfeng was laughing at herself.

After all, what she did yesterday was indeed very base.

She was already a little ashamed, but seeing the teasing on Chen Feng's face at this moment, Ya Fei broke her defense immediately, and tears fell from the corners of her eyes.


Seeing that Ya Fei was fine a moment ago, but suddenly started crying, Chen Feng was stunned.

A woman's heart is really a needle in the sea!

"Sister Yafei, don't think too much, I have no other intentions."

"Okay, okay, I won't bully you anymore."

Chen Feng hurriedly got off Ya Fei, wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes with his hand, and said softly: "Sister Ya Fei, I really didn't mean to underestimate you, please trust me."

Perhaps it was Chen Feng's consolation that helped, Ya Fei stopped crying, but her eyes were a little erratic, and then she began to say to herself: "Brother Chen Feng, do you know?"

"Actually, those old guys in the family have been urging me to marry."

"I don't want to be traded out like a commodity, let alone marry other men."

"From childhood to adulthood, the only person I like is you."

"My sister is really happy that you can come to see me this time."

"I'm thinking, even if you are forced to marry someone in the future, this time I will give you the first time."

Ya Fei turned her head, her beautiful eyes looked at Chen Feng affectionately, and said softly: "Only in this way, I will not leave any regrets in my heart."

Facing Shang Yafei's autumn-like eyes, and hearing what she said just now, Chen Feng was also stunned at the moment.

He didn't expect that the woman in front of him would have such deep affection for him.


Suddenly, Chen Feng stretched out his hand, hugged Ya Fei directly in his arms, and said domineeringly.

"Now that you have become my woman, I will never let you marry again."

"From now on, you only belong to me." Chen Feng stared fiercely at Ya Fei in his arms.

Just kidding, took away my innocence.

This woman actually still wants to marry?

Just a fool's dream.

If you really think you are an honest person, you are easy to bully.

PS: The review has not been passed, and it has been revised several times and released.

(End of this chapter)

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