Doupa: More sons, more blessings, I build the strongest family

Chapter 210 Hai Bodong: Don't let the fat and water flow to outsiders!

Chapter 210 Hai Bodong: Don't let the fat and water flow to outsiders!
"No need, these training rooms are useless to me! Let's go out!"

Hearing Han Yue's words, Chenfeng shook his head and said, originally, he planned to visit the magma world at the bottom of the tower, but when he thought of the flame lizard man in the magma world, he immediately gave up that idea.

Although Chenfeng's current strength is much stronger than in the original book when Xiao Yan entered the magma world at the bottom of the tower for the first time, and he also has the help of Yaochen soul who has recovered the strength of a one-star Dou Zun, but Chenfeng doesn't like to gamble. Luck, among the flame lizardmen below, the strongest ones have semi-holy powers, there is no absolute certainty, and Chenfeng doesn't want to take risks.

"How can it be useless? Practicing here, the heart fire can temper the fighting spirit in the body, unless the cultivation level reaches the fighting king, otherwise it will be effective?" Seeing that Chen Feng didn't plan to experience the experience of the Heavenly Burning Qi Training Pagoda. In the training room, Han Yue hurriedly explained that he also saw the intentions of Hu Qian and the others, and wanted to attract Chen Feng through the powerful effect of the Tianfen Qi Refining Tower, and recruit this rare cultivation genius.

"Moreover, even if one's cultivation level reaches Douwang, one can still enter the ninth and tenth levels of cultivation. It is said that even the Douhuang powerhouse can get a lot of benefits there!" Han Yue continued to explain.

"Sister Yue, this place is really useless to me, let's go up!"

No matter what Han Yue said, Chen Feng still couldn't be moved.

"All right!"

Seeing this, Han Yue nodded helplessly, and then walked up together with Chen Feng.


"It's coming up so soon!"

"Your Majesty Chenfeng, is it faster than usual to cultivate in the Heavenly Burning Qi Refining Pagoda in our inner courtyard?"

Seeing Chen Feng and Han Yue coming out, Hu Gan outside the tower and some elders inside the tower immediately asked.

"This place is indeed very helpful for cultivation!" Chen Feng smiled and nodded.

"His Majesty Chenfeng thinks it is helpful, so he can stay in the inner courtyard for a longer period of time. In terms of accommodation, the inner courtyard will arrange it properly!"

Hu Gan said with a smile on his face, full of confidence in his heart. He felt that after Chenfeng tasted the sweetness in the Tianfen Qi Refining Tower, he would take the initiative to apply to join Canaan Academy.

The rest of the elders also agreed with Hu Qian's proposal very much and nodded with smiles.

Han Yue originally wanted to say that Chen Feng had never entered the training room to practice, but seeing the reactions of these inner elders, she held back her words.

Afterwards, after Chen Feng walked around the inner courtyard with Hu Gan, Hai Bodong and other elders for a period of time, he and Hai Bodong came to a luxurious attic with a courtyard arranged for him by the inner courtyard.

In a loft with a courtyard like this, basically only some elders with relatively high status in the inner courtyard are eligible to live there. Very well organized.

"Mororwind boy, I really didn't expect that I would run into you here just a few months after I left Jia Ma Empire!"

"It's impossible for you kid to come here just to visit, there must be other things?"

When there were only Chenfeng and Haibodong in the courtyard, Haibodong put his hand on Chenfeng's shoulder and spoke very casually.

"Elder Supreme, you guessed wrong this time, I really came to Canaan Academy this time for the purpose of visiting!" Hearing Hai Bodong's question, Chen Feng smiled and shook his head.

"Is that really the case?" Hai Bodong once again looked at Chen Feng suspiciously.

"It's absolutely true, otherwise the Supreme Elder would tell me, what purpose do I have in this Canaan Academy?" Seeing Hai Bodong's reaction, Chen Feng asked back.

"Hehe, let's forget about it, you kid has always been mysterious anyway!"

Hai Bodong laughed dryly. He knew in his heart that Chen Feng's cultivation had already reached the realm of Dou Wang, and the ordinary training room of the Fen Qi Refining Pagoda had no effect on Chen Feng. Moreover, he also knew that Chen Feng was behind him , with a senior seventh-rank pharmacist providing training resources, with such confidence, there is no need to covet the supplies of Canaan College.

"By the way, boy Chenfeng, what do you think of my new apprentice Han Yue?" Hai Bodong suddenly changed the subject, with a strange smile on his face.

Hearing Hai Bodong's question, Chenfeng was stunned for a moment, and then said solemnly: "Sister Yue, it's very good, you have cultivated to the [-]-Star Fighting Spirit at a young age, this is the first time for you to accept disciples, Supreme Elder, you have a very good vision. good!"

"Okay, stop pretending, others don't know about your kid's thoughts, but I don't know?"

Hearing Chen Feng's answer, Hai Bodong couldn't help showing contempt in his eyes.

"Elder Supreme, you have wronged me, I am the kind..."

"Wrong fart, look at the way you look at Yue girl is not right!"

Chen Feng spread his hands to explain, but was ruthlessly interrupted by Hai Bodong.

"This girl is the only apprentice I have ever taken in in my life. You can have your thoughts on her, but don't do anything crooked! You have to marry her in a dignified way!" Hai Bodong warned seriously.

"Okay, since you've said that, the Supreme Elder, I'll admit it... I do have thoughts about Elder Sister Yue!"

Hearing this, Chen Feng smiled wryly and nodded, he didn't expect Hai Bodong to say it so bluntly.

"Sure enough! I guessed it right!"

Seeing Chenfeng's admission, Haibodong had a weird smile on his face again, and then continued: "Morningfeng boy, Yue girl is not from the Northwest Continent, she was born in Zhongzhou, which is rich in resources, and there are no less than ten Douhuang strongmen in her family. It is said that there is an ancestor of Dou Zong who is much stronger than our Jia Ma Empire. However, although her family conditions are good, you are not bad. Tian Tian's cultivation talent, if you go to propose a marriage, maybe the Douzong patriarch of Yueyatou's family will eagerly agree to you!"

The meaning of Hai Bodong's words was obvious, he wanted Chen Feng to propose marriage to his apprentice.

"Elder Supreme, you are really kind!" After listening to Hai Bodong's words, Chen Feng couldn't help showing a smile on his face, and gave a thumbs up.

"Haha, it's a pity that such an excellent apprentice doesn't stay in our Mittel family!" Hai Bodong patted Chen Feng's shoulder and laughed.


After Hai Bodong left, the sky had already started to darken, and Chenfeng didn't choose to enter the small world or use the space conversion flag to leave.

Because, he can feel that although some elders in this inner courtyard are very enthusiastic towards him, but, perhaps because he came here on the first day, around his courtyard, there are some hidden auras watching here from time to time. It also includes the Great Elder of the Inner Court who has not yet shown up.

Chenfeng had discovered these people a long time ago, once his aura suddenly disappeared, they would definitely arouse their suspicion.

(End of this chapter)

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