Doupa: More sons, more blessings, I build the strongest family

Chapter 216 Lost the wife and lost the army!

Chapter 216 Lost the wife and lost the army!
Today's small world has a range of ten miles, and Chen Feng asked Yao Chen to stay in a corner of the small world to refine the elixir.

And he himself, after staying for a while, left the small world, and then used the space conversion flag to return to the vast forest behind the inner courtyard of Canaan College.

"Liu Fei, when will big brother come back!"

"I don't know either. Brother Feng just said he was leaving for a few days, but he didn't say when he would come back!"

"Wait another 10 minutes. If Big Brother doesn't come back after 10 minutes, I'll go to the back mountain to find him!"

As soon as he arrived at the gate of the courtyard, Chenfeng heard the sound of conversation coming from the courtyard.

"Big brother, you are finally back!"

Zi Yan turned her head, just in time to see Chen Feng coming back, and ran over excitedly.

"Brother Feng!"

Liu Fei was also smiling, with the look on her face like a wife finally looking forward to her husband's return home.

"It's only been a few days since you left, why are you in such a hurry!" Chen Feng greeted the two with a smile.

"I'm worried that you're leaving, big brother!"

"I'm worried that Brother Feng, you won't come back after going to the back mountain for training!"

Zi Yan and Liu Fei replied at the same time, their answers were very straightforward, and they did not hide anything. After all, they both knew that Chen Feng was the emperor of the Jia Ma Empire, and they always wanted to go back. Moreover, looking at Chen Feng In this situation, they also guessed that Chen Feng would not choose to become a student of the inner courtyard.

"When I come back this time, I really intend to leave!" Chen Feng smiled and nodded.

"Ah, big brother, where are you going, can I follow?"

Hearing that Chen Feng was leaving, Zi Yan became a little anxious. Of course, what she was most worried about was that she would not be able to eat the Dou Ling Pill in the future.

Although Liu Fei didn't speak, her beautiful eyes were fixed on Chen Feng, and a pair of jade hands were gently stirring in her sleeves.

Seeing Liu Fei's expression, Chen Feng couldn't help laughing and said, "Fei'er, you go back with me first, and when I'm ready, I'll go to your family to propose marriage and marry you back to the Jia Ma Empire!"

Liu Fei's family is located in Tianhuang City in the Central Region of Zhongzhou, which is very far away. Even with Chenfeng's current strength, it would take a long time to get there, so it can only be put on hold temporarily.


Hearing Chen Feng's words, Liu Fei's beating heart finally calmed down, with joy on her face, she immediately opened her arms and hugged Chen Feng's neck.

Seeing Chen Feng and Liu Fei embracing each other, Zi Yan pulled the corner of Chen Feng's clothes, pouted her small mouth, and said aggrievedly: "I don't care, I will follow!"

"You come with me, can Elder Su Qian agree?" Chen Feng asked back.

"I don't care about these, I'm going anyway!" Zi Yan reacted fiercely.

"Okay, as long as the Great Elders let you go, I will take you back to the Jia Ma Empire tomorrow!" Seeing Zi Yan's insistence, Chen Feng agreed.

"Okay, I'll go to the Great Elder and talk about it!"

After receiving Chen Feng's affirmative reply, Zi Yan ran out of the yard excitedly.


"Chenfeng is leaving, and you want to go to the Jia Ma Empire with him?"

Deep in the inner courtyard, in a study room at the attic, an old man in a black robe looked at the little girl in white in surprise.

"Yes, Great Elder, I want to go there to play!" Zi Yan nodded heavily to the black-robed old man in front of her. From what she called the old man, this old man is the Great Elder of the inner courtyard, Su Qian.

"In these years, you have never left the inner court. This time, have you really made a decision?" Su Qian thought for a while, and then asked Zi Yan very seriously.

"I'm sure, it's because I've been in the inner courtyard for too long that I want to go out and have a look. I'll come back to see if you're okay after I've had enough fun!" Zi Yan opened her mouth and uttered an immature voice. In front of Su Qian, she Behaves very well-behaved, speaks very quietly.

Su Qian sighed, and said with a helpless smile: "Well, since you have already made up your mind, I will naturally not stop you!"

To be honest, his feelings for Zi Yan are like that of a father and daughter, and he has also noticed the changes in Zi Yan's strength during this period.

In a few days, she broke through two stars in a row and reached the level of the Nine Star Fighting King. Perhaps, following Chen Feng, she could grow up quickly.

"Okay, thank you Great Elder!"

Seeing that Su Qian also agreed to let her go to the Jia Ma Empire, Zi Yan's cute expression changed, and she quickly left the study.

Looking at the back of Zi Yan leaving, Su Qian murmured in his heart: "If you can give out two sixth-grade pills without hesitation, is there a certain sixth-grade pharmacist standing behind that kid, or maybe a seventh-grade elixir?" A refining pharmacist?"


At night, Han Yue came out of the Tianfen Qi Refining Tower and found Chenfeng.

When she knew that Chenfeng would leave the inner courtyard tomorrow, she couldn't help but feel a little bit reluctant, but there was no such feeling of reluctance on her cold face.

"Sister Yue, do you want to visit my empire?" Chenfeng sent an invitation to Han Yue in a trance in Han Yue's mind.

Hearing Chen Feng's words, Han Yue's heart was shaken immediately, but she paused reservedly, then nodded lightly and said, "Okay, let's see what it's like to be an emperor, brother Chen Feng." Prestige!"

"Then it's settled!"

Chen Feng smiled and patted Han Yue's shoulder.

Han Yue has always been disgusted with physical contact with men, but Chenfeng had physical contact with her again and again, and she subconsciously did not object, which made her feel a strange feeling in her heart.


Early the next morning, Chenfeng bid farewell to some elders in the inner courtyard, and Han Yue, Liu Fei, and Zi Yan were by his side.

Soon, under the escort of Hai Bodong and several other inner court elders, Chenfeng brought Han Yue and the three to the exit of the inner court's junction.

When he came here, an inner dean quickly formed a seal in his hands, and then, in the empty area in front of him, the space suddenly fluctuated violently, and immediately the space seemed to be forcibly torn open by an invisible big hand. A bright silver door appeared in the sight of everyone.

"Your Majesty Chenfeng, I have already sent a signal outside, so there are griffins on standby. In the mountains outside the inner courtyard, there are many monsters. If it is not for the griffins, it will take at least a lot of effort to reach the inner courtyard." A week."

After the silver gate appeared, the inner dean elder explained to Chenfeng with a slightly weird expression.

This time, the inner court treated Chen Feng so politely, but he did not expect him to be recruited in the end, but he took away the three of them instead.

"Many thanks to the elders, Chenfeng bids farewell!"

Facing the several elders, Chen Feng didn't stay long, and walked directly to the silver gate. Han Yue and the others followed closely behind. The four figures quickly disappeared in the blink of an eye.

(End of this chapter)

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