Chapter 218 Wonderful Night!
The first time, Chenfeng carried Liu Fei and Xiao Yu up, and the second time, Chenfeng carried Tutor Ruolin and Xue Ni to board the Purple Demon Vulture.

When Chenfeng's bracelet was around Teacher Ruolin's waist, he could clearly feel that Teacher Ruolin's soft and delicate body trembled suddenly. Still a little flustered.

Although Ruolin has been a tutor for several years and has seen many tutors and students fall in love, after all, she has never experienced it personally, she is still a mature (chu) woman, and she is extremely sensitive to this kind of contact between men and women.

On the other side, Xue Ni was smiling, whether it was intentional or not, when Chen Feng hugged her, her... always rubbed against Chen Feng's body from time to time.

Soon, Chenfeng put everyone on the back of the Purple Demon Vulture.

When they came here, they felt the huge and hundreds of feet of the Purple Demon Vulture more closely, making them feel as if they were in a small square.

Next, the huge wings of the Purple Demon Vulture vibrated, leading Chen Feng and his party to fly to a very high sky, heading towards the direction of the Jia Ma Empire.


The Purple Demon Eagle is a flying monster, and it has the strength of the sixth-order peak. Therefore, in terms of flying speed, it is basically not inferior to some ordinary fighting sect powerhouses.

In less than four days, the Purple Demon Vulture brought Chen Feng and his party to the border of the Jia Ma Empire.

"The Jia Ma Empire! I haven't been back for a long time!"

Standing on the back of the Purple Demon Vulture, Xiao Yu looked down at the land below, with a look of emotion in her beautiful eyes, this is the feeling that everyone who returns home after leaving home for a few years will have.

"Yu'er, let's go back to the palace first. In a few days, I will give an order to hold a wedding for us!" Seeing Xiao Yu's reaction, Chen Feng put his arms around her waist and smiled lightly.


For Chenfeng's arrangement, Xiao Yu would basically support it unconditionally, and now that they have returned to the Jia Ma Empire, it is not too late to return to Xiao's house every few days.

Another day later, the Purple Demon Vulture finally flew over the palace with Chen Feng and others.

"Wow, the palace is so big and magnificent!"

At this moment, Xue Ni suddenly became a little excited. Her family is an ordinary small family, similar to the Xiao family, and it is because of this that they became friends with Xiao Yu and became good girlfriends. Now seeing such a magnificent palace group , such a reaction is quite normal.

Xiao Yu also felt a little shocked in his heart. People from small families would feel a little excited when they entered the palace all at once.

Liu Fei and Han Yue came from big families in Zhongzhou, and the family manors occupied an area no smaller than that of the imperial palace, so the reaction was quite calm. Zi Yan's side was even worse. I thought about when I would be able to eat the elixir that would make me grow up.


After the Purple Demon Vulture landed, Chen Feng directly led Han Yue and the others into the harem.

When Ya Fei saw the six people beside Chen Feng, she said with a trace of resentment in her eyes: "Husband, you really know how to play, it's only been a while since you left this time, and you actually brought back five! There is also a cute one." little sister!"

"Feng'er, your speed is too fast, you brought so much at once!" Yun Yun also covered her ruddy mouth with her hands, expressing her surprise.

"It's just right, Teacher and Sister Yafei, you all have big bellies. I can't handle my husband alone. I won't be afraid if I have these sisters to help share it!" Morrowind was not happy because he brought so many women back.

"Brother Feng's wives are all so beautiful... However, it's normal for a man like Brother Feng to have so many beautiful wives!"

"Brother Feng is so powerful, it's really good to have so many sisters sharing worries together in the future..."

After seeing Ya Fei, Yun Yun, Nalan Yanran, and Qing Lin, Liu Fei and Xiao Yu also blushed slightly, but they were not timid.

Chenfeng introduced them one by one, and arranged accommodation for the six of them.

The news here soon reached Princess Yaoye.

After getting along for such a long time, the relationship between Princess Yaoye and Yafei, Yunyun, and Qinglin is not as stiff as it was at the beginning, and they would occasionally go to the garden together, but when Chenfeng was around, she immediately hid into his palace.

This time, when Yaoye learned that Chen Feng had brought a few more women back, she felt inexplicably uneasy.

"This guy, why is he so lustful, how many women does he want to accompany him..." Sitting on the head of the bed, Yao Ye tightly grasped the quilt with her palms, her face looked sullen.


That night, Chenfeng went directly to Nalan Yanran's boudoir, saying goodbye to the newlyweds.

However, Nalan Yanran obviously couldn't resist Chen Feng's fierce attack, and she was defeated in just half an hour.

"Husband, go find other sisters, I can't hold on anymore!"

"Okay, then you have a good rest!"

Chen Feng nodded, walked out of Nalan Yanran's room, and then looked around.

Now Yafei, Qinglin, Yunyun, and Yaoye's stomachs are all obvious, especially Yafei, who may give birth in a few days, so naturally they can't mess around at this time.

Chen Feng thought for a while, and then went straight to Xiao Yu's place with a hot heart.

Entering the room, Chenfeng directly lifted the curtain of the bed, but Xiao Yu was not the only one who came into view, her best friend, Xue Ni, actually moved here to sleep.

"Brother Feng, Xueni is in a new environment and she is not used to it well... It just so happens that I am not used to it either, so..."

Xiao Yu explained with a slightly red face.

Chen Feng's gaze is now concentrated on Xue Ni's strong capital. Xue Ni's evening dress is very charming... Moreover, Xiao Yu's provocative long legs are like white jade under the moonlight...

"Then let's come together!"

Chenfeng interrupted Xiao Yu's words, and started to struggle directly.

"Okay, Xue Ni, don't hide, you told me that you are looking forward to it!"

Xiao Yu took the initiative to step forward and assist Chenfeng...


"This voice...that girl Xue Ni..."

At this moment, in the room adjacent to Xiao Yu's room, Tutor Ruolin changed into cool clothes, lying sideways on the bed, and when she heard the strange noise from the next door, her face flushed involuntarily.

Although she was the mentor of Xiao Yu and Xue Ni, when she heard such a voice, she was curious.

The next moment, Tutor Ruolin quietly got out of bed without making any footsteps. She came to the wall, wanting to hear the voice from the next door more clearly.

(End of this chapter)

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