Doupa: More sons, more blessings, I build the strongest family

Chapter 225 Xiao Ning: My brother-in-law is the emperor.Xiao Yan: Oops, father's position as he

Chapter 225 Xiao Ning: My brother-in-law is the emperor.Xiao Yan: Oops, father's position as head of the family is not guaranteed

"But if this drags on, our losses will be too great. The profits of the market in Wutan City account for a large part of our Xiao family's income."

Hearing Xiao Zhan's words, the third elder said extremely unwillingly.

"Damn it, stay here for half a month. If the Jialie family doesn't know how to restrain themselves, then don't blame us for fighting to the death!"

Licking his lips, Xiao Zhan held the back of the chair tightly with his palms, and a fierce light flashed in his pupils.

Outside the hall door, Xiao Yan, who heard this, shrugged his shoulders slightly, clenched his fists tightly, and his eyes were full of unwillingness and anger just like the few people in the hall.

"Jialie family, you wait for me, when I, Xiao Yan, succeed in cultivation, it will be the day when your family will be destroyed!"

Xiao Yan secretly swore in his heart that he also knew that with his current strength, he couldn't help the family at all, so now he is very eager for time.

If there is enough time for Xiao Yan to develop, he is confident that he will dominate Wutan City in the future.

When Xiao Yan secretly swore in his heart, a huge piercing sound came into his ears suddenly, and immediately after, a huge shadow appeared in Xiao's manor.

"This is……"

Sensing the movement, Xiao Yan quickly turned back to look at the sky, only to see that a huge purple monster appeared above the sky at some point. This is the largest monster that Xiao Yan has seen so far. Moreover, the monster emits Xiao Yan's coercion made Xiao Yan tremble a little.

Soon, Xiao Zhan and the three elders of the Xiao family also swept out from the hall, looking at the sky in surprise.

"How could such a powerful monster come to my Xiao family?"

"If such a powerful monster attacks our Xiao family, our Xiao family will be in danger today!"

"Could it be the work of the Jialie family!"

"You think too highly of the Jialie family, how could they drive such a powerful Warcraft king with their strength?"

The purple magic vulture, a huge sixth-order monster, hovered above the Xiao family manor. The entire Xiao family and some people near the Xiao family manor were filled with fear, and they made wild guesses in their hearts.

"This king of monsters, I don't know what orders he has come to the Xiao family..."

"Grandpa, I'm back!"

As the patriarch of the clan, Xiao Zhan forcibly calmed down, and then bowed his fists to the Purple Demon Vulture in the sky.

However, before he finished speaking, he suddenly saw a familiar slim figure appearing on the edge of the huge monster's back, and he was a little stunned.

"This is Yu'er, why is she on top of this beast?" Hearing his granddaughter's call, the elder of the Xiao family was very surprised.

"Xiao Yu, why is she on top of that monster?" Xiao Yan was also stunned.

"Sister, it's my sister who is on top!"

In Xiao's manor, a boy who looked a year or two older than Xiao Yan shouted excitedly.

"It's really Cousin Xiao Yu!"

Beside the excitedly shouting boy, a slim girl in a yellow dress with a pure face and a bit of charm also had surprise in her eyes.

At this time, the Purple Demon Vulture descended again, and finally stopped directly in the front yard of Xiao's house. Its huge size almost occupied the entire spacious space in the front yard of Xiao's house.

Immediately afterwards, on the back of the Purple Demon Vulture, more than a dozen figures flashed down.

"Grandpa, long time no see, how are you?"

As soon as Xiao Yu came down, she happily ran to the head elder of the Xiao family to greet her. Her younger brother Xiao Ning was also beside her, with a joyful smile on her face.

"This is, Young Master Chenfeng... No, it should be His Majesty Chenfeng!"

"Xiao Zhan has seen His Majesty Chen Feng!"

The moment the morning breeze came down, Xiao Zhan's pupils shrank suddenly. After realizing it, he immediately bent down and respectfully bowed in the direction of Chenfeng.

"Your Majesty Morrowind?"

Seeing Xiao Zhan's actions, everyone in the Xiao family except Xiao Yan was a little dazed, because none of them had seen Chen Feng.

However, Xiao Zhan has already said this, so naturally there is no falsehood. At that moment, all members of the Xiao family, including the three elders of the Xiao family and Xiao Yan, saluted Chen Feng respectfully just like Xiao Zhan.

"This young man is His Majesty Chenfeng, how did Yu'er come with His Majesty?" When the elder of the Xiao family lowered his head, his heart was full of doubts.

"Get up!"

Seeing this scene, Chenfeng smiled and waved his hands.

"Your Majesty Chenfeng, you have come to Xiao's house, what orders do you have?" Xiao Zhan stood up and asked respectfully.

"I'm here this time to propose marriage!" Chen Feng said bluntly.

"Propose marriage?"

As Chen Feng's words fell, many people in the Xiao family were stunned for a moment, but soon someone came to their senses and glanced at Xiao Yu who was standing beside the Great Elder.

"Come here, present the betrothal gift!"

While everyone in the Xiao family was speculating, the dozen or so people behind Chenfeng presented a gift box in front of the elder of the Xiao family.

Chen Feng also came to Xiao Yu's side, and said to the elder of the Xiao family in front of him, "Elder, these are my betrothal gifts for marrying Yu'er!"

"Your Majesty's grace, it is her greatest blessing that Yu'er can marry His Majesty!"

Hearing these words from Chenfeng's mouth, the head elder of the Xiao family burst into ecstasy, and quickly nodded his thanks to Chenfeng.

"Your Majesty Chenfeng, if you marry my sister, then you will be my brother-in-law!" Xiao Ning said excitedly with ecstasy on his face.


Hearing this, Chen Feng smiled and nodded.

"That's great, my brother-in-law is His Majesty the Emperor! From now on, in Wutan City, people from the Jialie family will have to walk around when they see me!" Xiao Ning couldn't restrain the joy on his face at all.

"Xiao Ning, what are you shouting about, can you calm down a bit!" Seeing Xiao Ning's reaction, Xiao Yu gave him an annoyed look.

"Galley's house..."

On Chenfeng's side, when they heard Xiao Ning's "rhetoric adverbs", the corners of their mouths rose slightly. For the Xiao family members living in Wutan City, controlling Wutan City may be the biggest dream they can think of .

"I didn't expect His Majesty Chenfeng to marry Xiao Yu! In this way..."

Xiao Yan's heart is extremely complicated at the moment. On the one hand, Xiao Yu's marriage to Chenfeng can obviously relieve the Xiao family's crisis and make the Xiao family develop better and better. Even if the lineage of the Great Elder is the master, his father Xiao Zhan may not be able to sit firmly as the head of the family.

"Your Majesty, stop standing here, go in and sit down!"

Soon, the elders of the Xiao family, Xiao Zhan and others welcomed Chen Feng into the hall.

During this process, the slender beauty who was only fourteen or fifteen years old was standing not far from Xiao Ning before, her gaze was fixed on Chenfeng, her eyes were full of reverence and admiration.

"I really envy Cousin Xiao Yu, who is able to marry such an outstanding man as His Majesty Chenfeng!" The girl sighed in her heart.

(End of this chapter)

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