Doupa: More sons, more blessings, I build the strongest family

Chapter 235 Xiao Mei is Pregnant, Chenfeng Marries Another Wife!

Chapter 235 Xiao Mei is Pregnant, Chenfeng Marries Another Wife!
"The poisonous body?"

After listening to Chen Feng's story about his own physique, the little fairy doctor had doubts on his face, but he had a look of expectation.

"According to what Brother Feng said, as long as I take the poison, I can transform the poisonous power contained in the poison into a very special poison fighting spirit in a strange way! You don't need to practice hard, and your cultivation level can also increase sharply." !"

The little fairy doctor thought quickly in her heart, she was not afraid of taking poison, she was only thinking about the benefits that the Enan poison body could bring her.

"Brother Feng, if this is the case, can I really become a strong man in the future!" The little doctor asked with some expectation in his words.

"This is for sure. Every Enandu body has a very fast progress in cultivation! Maybe it will take a few years to reach Douzong!"

Chen Feng nodded with a smile, and then took out the Yunling Poison Pill that he had obtained last time.

"What is this?" Looking at the green pill in Chenfeng's hand, the little doctor asked.

"Xian'er, although the Enandu body has hidden dangers that accumulate toxins in the body, but with this Yunling Poison Pill, all hidden dangers will be eliminated..." Chenfeng explained.

"It seems that Brother Feng has known about my physique for a long time. He didn't tell me because he was worried that something would happen to me. Now that he has this Yunling Poison Pill, he chooses to speak out!"

Hearing Chenfeng's explanation, the little doctor was thoughtful.

At this moment, knowing that he has the Enandu Physique, which can quickly improve his cultivation level, the feeling of inferiority that Xiaoxian Yixian had before finally subsided a lot.

After all, in Dou Qi Continent, strength is the real symbol of noble status.

"Brother Feng, then take me to meet other sisters now!"

The slight worry on the little fairy doctor's face dissipated, revealing a row of white teeth, and said with a smile.

"it is good!"

Seeing the little fairy doctor in such a state, Chenfeng was also very happy, and took her little hand and walked towards the harem.

Next, everything went as Chen Feng said, the little fairy doctor entered the harem, Nalan Yanran, Ya Fei, Yun Yun and others all expressed their welcome without any dissatisfaction.

Some of the things that the little doctor was worried about before did not happen at all, which also made the little doctor feel more at ease.

And in this harem, there are maids taking care of the daily life, and so many sisters relaxing and chatting together, the little fairy doctor quickly integrated into such an environment, becoming one with Nalan Yanran, Yun Yun and others.

Seeing this scene, Chen Feng was also very happy in his heart. With so many wives able to get along harmoniously, he could be said to be enjoying the blessing of being equal.

At present, only Princess Yaoye seems to have a grudge. Whenever Chenfeng comes to the harem, she will go back to her own palace to hide. She has something to do with it.

"According to the time, Yaoye will give birth in two months. When the time comes, for the sake of the child, we can treat her a little better!" Chen Feng mused in his heart.

"Ding! It is detected that Xiao Mei is pregnant, reward the host with a big gift bag!"

"May I ask the host to open the gift bag!"

At this moment, a system notification suddenly sounded in Chenfeng's mind.

"Xiao Mei is also pregnant, let's see what rewards will be given this time!"

Hearing the prompt from the system, a smile appeared on the corner of Chenfeng's mouth, and he said silently in his heart: "System, open the gift bag!"

Ding!Congratulations to the host for obtaining the Nine Star Fighting Sect Experience Card! "

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining a primary experience pill!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining the primary puppet pill!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining the Heavenly Soul Melting Blood Pill!"

"Ding! All the above items have been distributed to the system space, please pay attention to check the host!"

As the words in Chenfeng's heart fell, a series of system prompts sounded in his mind immediately.

"Heavenly Soul Melting Blood Pill?"

Hearing the fourth reward prompted by the system, Chenfeng suddenly became interested, and quickly sank his mind into the system space.

Heavenly Soul Melting Blood Pill, a seventh-grade elixir, has the amazing effect of improving physical fitness and improving cultivation talent...

"That's it!"

Seeing the introduction of the Heavenly Soul Melting Blood Pill, Chen Feng felt thoughtful. In the Snake Race, there are secret methods to nourish unborn babies, and the Tianhun Melting Blood Pill is one of them.

If the nourishing effect is good, then the child's strength after birth and future cultivation potential will be greatly improved.

Although there are still some pills with better effects than the Heavenly Soul Melting Blood Pill, Chen Feng has not yet obtained them. Therefore, he plans to give Queen Medusa this Heavenly Soul Melting Blood Pill first.

As for the child's potential, Chenfeng was not in a hurry.

He is absolutely sure that he will be promoted to Emperor Dou in the future. When he is promoted to Emperor Dou, the child inherits his blood, and his potential will naturally increase, which cannot be replaced by any pill.

"Give this elixir to Queen Medusa first!"

Thinking of this, Chenfeng quickly entered the small world, and gave the Heavenly Soul Melting Blood Pill to Queen Medusa.

"Thank you master!"

After getting the Heavenly Soul Melting Blood Pill, Queen Medusa looked at Chenfeng more softly than before. Now she puts all her heart on Chenfeng, and never mentions going back to the snake-human race.

"When the child is born, I will take you back to the Snake People, and find a suitable habitat for the Snake People by the way!" Looking at Queen Medusa's alluring face, Chen Feng promised.


Hearing Chenfeng talk about finding a new habitat for the snake people, Queen Medusa's eyes became more joyful, and she snuggled into Chenfeng's arms: "It's great to meet the master!"

Now, although Chenfeng has worn away her arrogance as a queen, she has not lost her coquettish temperament at all. If it is not for the obvious pregnancy, Chenfeng really wants to kill her on the spot

And after that, Chenfeng saw the charming Lingyou in the small world, and the elegant Xun'er,

It has to be said that Lingyou has really made rapid progress, and is very good at catering to Chenfeng's preferences, allowing Chenfeng to experience the happiness of black silk for the first time in a different world.

The white thighs wrapped in black silk deeply attracted Chen Feng's attention.


Time flies, and seven days pass quickly.

On this day, it was the day that Chen Feng had decided before to marry Xiao Yu and sister Xiao Mei.

However, this time, the brides were not only Xiao Yu and Xiao Mei, but also Xue Ni, Mentor Ruolin, Little Doctor, and Zi Yan.

(End of this chapter)

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